Book Read Free

Checking In

Page 6

by Stylo Fantome

  “For someone who's been through a lot of shit, you're awfully optimistic.”

  “I know, right?”

  “It's kinda annoying.”

  “Not as annoying as your amnesia.”

  He laughed out loud and swatted her on her hip.


  They were quiet for a while. When her fingers stopped moving, though, he got nervous. No matter what she said, he couldn't turn off his fear. It would always be there.

  “Hey,” he said in a soft voice, shaking her gently.

  “Hmmm?” she grumbled, obviously already half asleep.

  “Did I ever tell you the first thought I had? When you came into my hospital room and sat down?” he whispered. She was silent for a long time, then he felt her smile again.

  “No, what?”

  “I thought you were a ghost,” he kept his voice low. “A ghost, haunting me from my past life.”

  “I was,” she whispered back. “I'll always haunt you, Jayson Fairbanks.”

  He squeezed her even tighter.



  Twin Estates

  “How are you feeling, Mr. Stone?”

  “Almost happy, Mrs. Stone.”

  “Almost?” Katya asked, smiling up at her husband. “What can we do to turn that into completely happy?”

  “Hmmm,” Wulf pretended to think about it while he narrowed his gaze on his wife. “I have a few ideas.”

  Abruptly, Katya was pushed against the wall of the elevator. She wasn't given a chance to guess at his ideas – his tongue was in her mouth before she could speak. She moaned as his hands pressed down against her waist, then slid up her body to her breasts.

  “Wedding dresses were invented by sadists,” Wulf growled.

  “Why would you say that?” she breathed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Because they're like fortresses. You're behind multiple layers of boning and satin and lace and buttons and how the fuck am I supposed to get inside it?” he demanded, and she felt his hands slide around to her back, fiddling with the buttons back there.

  “With a lot of luck and skill,” she teased, then gasped when she felt a button get ripped off. “Wulf! Do you have any idea how much this dress cost?”

  “I don't care. It needs to be off your body.”

  Katya glanced up at the numbers on the elevator door.

  “Just wait a couple more floors, then you can get me as naked as you want. But no ripping,” she told him.

  “I knew this place was a bad idea,” he sighed, but before she could argue, he was kissing her again.

  They'd gotten married at a swanky resort in Mexico, on the beach. Wulf had wanted a small, private affair – he'd been ready to rent out some compound. Katya had wanted something fun, at a place where all their guests could really enjoy themselves. So they'd compromised and gone to one of the nicer resorts in the country. They'd blocked out an entire section of the hotel for their guests, reserving the presidential suite for themselves.

  “It was really beautiful,” she whispered when he moved to kiss along her neck.

  “It was,” he agreed, his fingers back at her buttons.

  All their closest friends and family had been flown down for the event. Employees from Wulf's company, and the staff of Katya's bakery had also come down. She didn't make her wedding cake herself, but she did design it, and her crew made it, so it still felt extra special to her.

  Her father had walked her down the aisle – a special boardwalk had been built so he could get his wheelchair across the sand. Her friend Tori had been her Maid of Honor, and Wulf's sister, Vieve, had been the only bridesmaid. Much to her shock, Wulf had picked Liam and Landon to be his groomsmen, with Liam as the Best Man.

  “Who else was I going to pick? He's been my biggest rival, but he's also been my closest friend. We don't have to like each other to be friends. And I couldn't have one twin without the other, I'd never hear the end of it.”

  Only Wulf would say something so practical about his choice of Best Man. Liam had stood quietly and nodded while listening to the speech alongside Katya, then he'd grabbed Wulf and pulled him into a bear hug, actually lifting him off the ground.

  “I always knew you loved me, Wulfy.”

  “Call me that again, and we'll be attending your funeral instead of my wedding.”

  “Do you think it was okay to sneak out of the reception?” Katya asked.

  “The better question is why do you give a fuck?” he asked back. “They're all drinking and having a good time, it's better we're not there distracting everyone.”

  “Yeah, but I -”

  “And speaking of being distracted, you need to start paying attention to me,” he said, cupping his hand around her chin and staring down at her.

  “So greedy,” she sighed, smoothing her hands down his chest.

  “Is that a joke? I've barely seen you this whole week. I got fifteen minutes next to you at an altar, then we're pulled in different directions for hours at some stupid party. So yeah, I'm greedy. I've earned this,” he informed her, then he held her head in place and kissed her soundly.

  At the same time, the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened with a ding. Before they could pull apart, they were met with a barrage of whistles and cat calls.

  “How on earth did you beat us up here!?” Katya laughed, turning to face the hallway. Liam and his girlfriend Ayumi were standing there, with his twin brother Landon hovering in the background.

  “Freight elevator,” Tori's voice called from somewhere behind the group. “Liam bribed a water.”

  “Of course he did,” Wulf groaned.

  “You thought you could sneak away from us?” Liam laughed, then he grabbed Katya's arm and yanked her into the hall. “Please. You're talking to a group of pros.”

  He wrapped her up in a hug and she closed her eyes, pressing her face into his chest. It was strange, they'd started their relationship as lovers. Entirely physical. But now ... now, he was just her friend. Her best friend.

  “Thank you for being here today,” she whispered.

  “I wouldn't be answer else, angel cake,” he whispered back.

  “Okay, okay, enough mush! My turn.”

  Katya was jerked out of Liam's arms, only to immediately be squeezed into Tori's.

  “You were awesome out there,” Katya laughed in her ear. Tori had given an amazing toast at the reception, one that had left everyone with tears in their eyes.

  “Did you expect anything less?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Congrats, Kitty Kat,” Tori sighed, holding her friend at arm's length. “I always knew things would work out for us.”

  “Jesus,” Wulf grumbled, and he finally stepped off the elevator. “How long are we going to have to put up with this? I'd like to take my wife to our room now, thank you.”

  “He's just jealous because no one wants to hug him,” Landon pointed out, and everyone laughed.

  “Well, since you're bringing it up, I did pay for everything. I think I earned a hug or two,” Wulf pointed out. There was a long silence, then Ayumi leaned forward, practically falling into him. He looked shocked as she wrapped her arms around his middle in a stiff hug.

  “I think I'm gonna be sick,” Liam said, and Katya smacked him across the back of his head.

  “I love you, boss man, and I'm happy for you,” Ayumi assured Wulf. He chuckled and finally hugged her back.

  “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

  After a few more hugs and jokes, everyone piled onto the elevator while Katya and Wulf headed to their suite. Katya walked backwards, waving as the doors slid shut and their friends disappeared from view.

  “That was nice of them,” she sighed. Her husband snorted.

  “Is that a joke? You know they weren't up here just to congratulate us,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I've known Eden longer than you – he did something.” />
  “C'mon, Wulf, you don't ...”

  Katya's voice trailed off as their room came into view. The door was open, which was odd enough, but it wasn't what caught her attention. No, it was the assortment of different colored condoms that been blown up into balloons and taped all over their door frame.

  “Sometimes,” Wulf sighed. “It gets very tiring being right all the time.”

  They stood at the entrance to their room, taking in the mess. Condoms, everywhere, in every color. Probably every flavor, knowing Liam. They lined the walls and the floors, even the ceiling. The open door was coated in them, just a sea of condom balloons.

  “How did they ... where did they even get so many?” Katya asked.

  Wulf didn't answer. Instead, he leaned over and swept her off her feet. While cradling her in his arms, he walked across the threshold, then he kicked the door shut behind them. Half a dozen condoms were popped with the act, sounding like fireworks in the small hallway.

  “I'm just going to ignore it. Pretend like they're not here. Tomorrow I'll make Eden clean everything up.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  Thankfully, the rest of the suite was left untouched. An industrial sized box of condoms had been left in the middle of the king sized bed, but Wulf threw it over his shoulder before he started taking off his suit.

  Katya walked up to their windows. More like a wall made out of glass, they stretched from floor to ceiling without anything to obstruct her view. A small town twinkled to the left of the resort, and black ocean stretched out in front of her. She pressed her hands to the glass and strained her eyes, concentrating on a soft light just at the horizon.

  “What are you looking at?” Wulf whispered as he came up behind her. She felt his fingers at her back, finally finding the hidden zipper.

  “Nothing,” she replied, lowering her hands so he could push the material down her arms. “Just thinking.”

  “About what?” he asked, gently adjusting the dress over her hips. The heavy garment fell and pooled at her feet.

  “About us, about life, everything,” she answered as she turned to face him. He sucked air through his teeth as he took in the ivory lace bustier she was wearing, as well as the matching satin panties.

  “All good things, I hope,” he murmured, his hands smoothing over her hips.

  “All great things,” she told him with a smile. “I just ... who would've thought? That awful first date in that fancy restaurant.”

  “Awful? Pffft, I practically had you begging for it by the end.”

  “Maybe, but it was still an awful date. Yet look where we are.”

  “Look where we are,” he agreed, pulling her into a hug. “That bet with Eden was one of the worst things I've ever done, and I'm so glad I did it.”

  “Me, too,” she chuckled, holding him tightly.

  “Good. Now, if we can dispense with the love bullshit and get down to the sex, I would be super -”

  The door to their suite burst open, causing them both to jump. Wulf turned around, keeping Katya's semi-nude form hidden behind him. They both groaned when they saw Liam striding into the room.

  “C'mon, you didn't think I could let it end like that, did you?” he asked. “We're the original trio – you two wouldn't be here if it weren't for me!”

  “Eden, if you don't get the fuck out of here, I'm going -” Wulf started to bark, but Liam simply ignored him and reached around to grab Katya by the arm. She let out a shout as he yanked her out of her hiding spot.

  “Liam, I'm -”

  Before she could finish, Liam bent her into a deep dip and planted his mouth over hers. She squeaked in shock as his tongue invaded, giving her one of the sloppiest kisses she'd ever experienced. She heard Wulf groan from behind them, but he didn't stop it. They both knew it wouldn't do any good. When she thought she was gonna choke on the kiss, Liam finally put her upright.

  “There!” he said with a big grin. “Had to get that last one in – I don't mess with married women, you know.”

  “She is a married woman,” Wulf pointed out.

  “Only for like a minute, doesn't count till we're back in the U.S.,” Liam assured him.

  “And how does Ayumi feel about all this?” Katya asked as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Her idea. She said I should just get it over with since I wouldn't get the opportunity again. Looking good, angel cake,” Liam hissed, grabbing her arms and holding them away from her body. She remembered she was only wearing her underwear and she was pretty sure her whole body blushed.

  “Alright, enough,” Wulf insisted, getting in between them again. “You've had your fun, now get the fuck out of our room before I call security.”

  “You wouldn't call security on your best man, would you?” Liam feigned hurt, but to no avail. He backed off when Wulf pulled his cell phone out of his pocket,

  “Thanks for all the condoms!” Katya called out as he walked away.

  “I figured they'd come in handy,” he laughed. He started closing the door behind him, but then stopped. Looked back at them. “I'm really happy for you guys, honestly. Both of you.”

  “Thanks,” Katya sighed, wrapping her arms around Wulf from behind.

  “Thanks, Eden. Now I'm counting to five before I call -”

  The door slammed shut before Wulf could finish the sentence. Katya laughed and stood on her tip toes so she could rest her chin on his shoulder.

  “He really is a good person,” she whispered. Wulf's hands pressed flat over her own, then squeezed them.

  “He really is,” he agreed.

  “And you're a better person,” she kissed the side of his neck.

  “I am.”

  “But you're not very bright.”

  “Excuse me?” Wulf jerked his head to the side so he could glare at her.

  “Mmm hmmm,” she nodded, then she traced her tongue around the edge of his ear.

  “Care to explain what you mean, Mrs. Stone?” he demanded. She smiled, then bit down on his ear lobe.

  “If you were smart,” she breathed, moving her hands so she could unbutton his shirt. “You would've gotten our room key from him before he left.”

  Wulf stared at her for a second, then stared at the door. Then he let out a groan and dropped his hands.

  “Mother fucker.”

  Katya laughed and laughed, until Wulf had her laid out on the bed and those satin panties had disappeared somewhere along the way and she was left wondering what had been so funny.

  While I Was Away

  Adele opened her eyes. Blinked against a harsh, glaring light. She went to raise her hand to block it, but her limbs felt so heavy. Like gravity had increased while she'd been asleep. She frowned and narrowed her eyes, slowly opening them wide as they adjusted to the light.

  “I'm awake,” she whispered.

  She surged upright, her body suddenly light. Almost too light – there was very little resistance when she moved. She put out an arm to brace herself, then yanked her hand back when she touched something soft. Almost velvety. She turned to look and realized she'd planted her hand on a flower. Some sort of poppy, if she wasn't mistaken.

  She lifted her head and gasped. She was surrounded by poppies. Big red petals and long green stems, as far as she could see, in every direction. She shielded her eyes as she glanced around, trying to take them all in. The sun was so bright. Brighter than she'd ever seen. It was a glorious day.

  Yeah ... but where am I?

  She slowly climbed to her feet and when she went to dust herself off, she was surprised to see she was wearing a dress. Not that a dress in itself was weird, but the style. It was like something out of the 1950's, an all white A-line dress, with a boat neck and a ridiculous collar. She could feel a petticoat under the skirt. Petticoat! She didn't even know where to go to buy a petticoat, what was she doing wearing one?

  She'd spun in a circle as she'd looked at her outfit and hadn't noticed anything but poppies around her. So many poppies.
Then when she turned around again, she let out a little shriek at what she saw. A diner was now behind her. Rail car style, all silver. Very retro. She glanced around, beginning to feel a little upset, and she made her way to the door of the diner.

  There were people inside, sitting at the counter and in booths. A jukebox played at one end of the building, and a smiling waitress hurried back and forth between the tables. She spotted Adele and nodded at her. After she'd dropped off some plates of food, she rushed to her.

  “Sorry, we're busy today!” she laughed, pulling a menu out of a sleeve next to the door. “Would you like a booth or the counter, honey?”

  “I'm sorry,” Adele spoke, then had to clear her throat. Her mouth was dry, like she hadn't spoken in ages. “Where am I?”

  The waitress just laughed and walked her up to the counter. Once she slid onto a stool, the woman handed her the plastic menu and hurried off. Adele stared at the counter, unsure how to process what was going on.

  “Sweetheart, you want some coffee? You look a little pale,” a gruff voice barked at her. She looked up to find a portly gentleman standing on the other side of the counter. He was wearing a white t-shirt which was covered in grease stains. An apron was tied around his waist, keeping his pants safe from similar stains.

  “Yes. Yes, I don't feel very well. I don't know where I am,” she tried to explain, lifting a hand to her head. He chuckled.

  “Don't worry. Happens to everyone. You just sit tight, it'll be here soon,” he assured her, then he turned to grab a pot of coffee.

  “What will be here soon?” she asked. He turned over a cup and began pouring coffee into it.

  “Your ride.”

  “What ride?”

  “Your ride.”

  “How do you know it's mine?”

  “Because it's everybody's, sweetheart.”

  “You're not making sense!” she suddenly snapped. Everyone in the diner froze for a moment. She glanced around, then took a deep breath. “I'm sorry, that was really rude. Sorry. But what ride? Like a taxi?”

  “Don't worry, I understand,” he patted her hand, then nudged the coffee cup closer to her.


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