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Page 37

by Michka Assayas

  Shadow of the Sun, The (Kapuscinski), ref-1

  Shalom Christianity, ref-1, ref-2n

  Sheehan, Dennis, ref-1, ref-2

  Sheep image of mankind, ref-1

  “She’s a Mystery to Me” (Bono for Orbison), ref-1

  Shriver, Bobby, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  Shröder, Gerhard, ref-1, ref-2

  Simon, Paul, ref-1

  Sinatra, Frank, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  Slits, ref-1

  Smash, ref-1

  Smirk, ref-1

  Smith, Patti, ref-1

  Solo artists, ref-1, ref-2

  “Sometimes You Can’t Make It on Your Own” (U2), ref-1, ref-2

  Songs, favorite, ref-1

  Songs and questions, ref-1, ref-2

  Songwriting by accident, ref-1, ref-2

  “Sparky.” See Adam (Adam Clayton)

  Special Olympics, ref-1

  Sperling, Gene, ref-1

  Spirit, journey of, ref-1

  Songbook (Beatles), ref-1

  Spirituality of Adam Clayton, ref-1

  Springsteen, Bruce, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3, ref-4, ref-5, ref-6

  Staging events at concerts, ref-1

  Stars (greatest), ref-1

  Status and celebrity, ref-1

  “Stay (Faraway, So Close)” (U2), ref-1

  Stipe, Michael, ref-1

  Stokes, Niall, ref-1

  Strategy, thrill from, ref-1

  String of Pearls, A (Bono), ref-1

  “Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of” (U2), ref-1

  Suburbia, violence of, ref-1, ref-2

  Success and celebrity, ref-1

  “Sugar Daddy” (Bono for Tom Jones), ref-1

  Suicide, ref-1

  Summers, Larry, ref-1

  “Sunday Bloody Sunday” (U2), ref-1

  Sunrises and death, ref-1

  Sunset Sound Studios, ref-1

  Super Bowl, ref-1

  Super models and U2, ref-1

  Survival of U2, ref-1. See also Bono; U2

  advice for show business, ref-1

  business vs. show business, ref-1

  challenge, love of, ref-1

  madness, bouts of, ref-1

  money, importance of, ref-1

  points of view (different), importance of, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  power from constituency of people represented by Bono, ref-1

  reality, out of touch with, ref-1

  “rock’s conscience,” ref-1

  rock stars, warning against other, ref-1

  solo artists, ref-1, ref-2

  songwriting, importance of, ref-1

  tension in, ref-1, ref-2

  Swift, Jonathan, ref-1

  T. Rex, ref-1

  Talking Heads, ref-1

  Taste, ref-1

  Teardrop Explodes, ref-1

  Telephony phenomenon, ref-1

  Televangelists, ref-1

  Tension in U2, ref-1, ref-2

  Terror and poverty, ref-1

  Terrorism, ref-1

  “Thank Heaven for Little Girls” (Chevalier), ref-1

  Therapy, opinions about, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  Theroux, Paul, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3n, ref-4, ref-5, ref-6

  Thinking people, audience as, ref-1

  Thin Lizzy, ref-1, ref-2

  Thomas, Chris, ref-1

  Three Degrees, ref-1

  Time magazine, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  Touré, Ali Farka, ref-1

  Townshend, Pete, ref-1

  Trade (free) as future of third-world, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3, ref-4

  Transformer (Reed), ref-1

  Traub, James, ref-1

  Traveling salesman, Bono as, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  Trust, ref-1

  Truth, discovery of, ref-1

  Turlington, Christy, ref-1, ref-2

  Tutu, Archbishop, ref-1, ref-2

  “Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad” (U2), ref-1

  U2, ref-1. See also Adam (Adam Clayton); Bono; Edge; Larry (Larry Mullen); Survival of U2; Zoo TV

  audience, perfect, ref-1

  audience, performers becoming the, ref-1

  audience, thinking people, ref-1

  black music, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  Collingham Gardens flat, ref-1

  “community artist” vs. solo singer, ref-1

  DATA involvement, impact on U2, ref-1

  destiny, in charge of its own, ref-1

  determination of, ref-1

  divining, ref-1

  family, band as, ref-1, ref-2

  fighting among U2, ref-1

  first impression of U2, ref-1

  great vs. very good song, ref-1, ref-2

  groupies, ref-1

  “inspired” music of, ref-1

  intimacy of songs, ref-1, ref-2

  Michka Assayas champion of, ref-1

  music, giving yourself to, ref-1, ref-2

  origins of, ref-1, ref-2

  preparation for humanitarian involvement, ref-1

  punk rock, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3, ref-4, ref-5

  relentlessness of, ref-1

  religiousness of music, ref-1

  sexual, music as, ref-1

  staging events at concerts, ref-1

  trauma of religious experience, ref-1

  weight (authority) of, ref-1

  U2: At the End of the World (Flanagan), ref-1

  U.K. music press, ref-1, ref-2

  Unconscious, ideas from, ref-1

  Unforgettable Fire, The (U2), ref-1

  United Ireland and America, ref-1

  “Until the End of the World” (U2), ref-1

  Up, Ari, ref-1

  Valentino, Rudolph, ref-1

  “Vertigo” (U2), ref-1, ref-2

  Vertigo Tour (“Best of U2”), ref-1

  Video games, ref-1

  Violent beginning of America, ref-1

  Virgin Prunes, ref-1n, ref-2, ref-3, ref-4

  Viv, ref-1

  Volcker, Paul, ref-1

  Voodoo Lounge (Rolling Stones), ref-1

  Vox, Bono, ref-1. See also Bono


  Wall Street (film), ref-1

  Wall Street Journal,ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  War and eternity (religion), ref-1

  Warhol, Andy, ref-1

  War tour, ref-1

  Weaknesses and friendships, ref-1

  Weberman, A.J., ref-1

  Weight (authority) of U2, ref-1

  Wenders, Wim, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  “When Will I See You Again” (Three Degrees), ref-1

  White Album (Beatles), ref-1

  Who, The, ref-1, ref-2

  “Who Are You?” (The Who), ref-1

  Wilde, Oscar, ref-1

  Williams, Willie, ref-1

  Wilson, Brian, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  Wings, ref-1

  Wit and sarcasm of Bob Hewson (Bono’s father), ref-1, ref-2

  “With or Without You” (U2), ref-1

  Wolfensohn, Jim, ref-1

  Wonder, Stevie, ref-1

  “Won’t Get Fooled Again” (The Who), ref-1

  Wood, Ronnie, ref-1

  Words for music, origins of, ref-1, ref-2

  World, condition of, ref-1

  “Worst, The” (Rolling Stones), ref-1

  Yeats, William Butler, ref-1, ref-2

  Yellow Submarine (Beatles), ref-1

  Young, Neil, ref-1

  Young Marble Giants, ref-1

  Youth, obsession with, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3

  Zarema, ref-1

  Zealot attitude, ref-1, ref-2, ref-3, ref-4

  Zenawi, Meles, ref-1

  Zimmerman, Robert. See Dylan, Bob

  Zooropa (U2), ref-1

  “Zoo Station” (U2), ref-1

  Zoo TV. See also U2

  Adam Clayton and, ref-1, ref-2

  confusion from, ref-1

  cost of, ref-1

  filming audience member, head to toe, ref-1

  night rally idea, ref-1

  rock stars portr
ayed on, ref-1, ref-2

  strategy of, ref-1, ref-2

  Zucchero, ref-1


  For more information about DATA (Debit, AIDS, Trade, Africa):

  To donate to the fight against global AIDS:

  * Fionan Hanvey (a.k.a. Gavin Friday) and Derek Rowen (a.k.a. Guggi) created in 1978 the Virgin Prunes, an avant-garde punk rock band where Dick Evans, The Edge’s elder brother, started out as well.

  * “The Ocean,” from Boy.

  * Lypton Village was the name of the surrealistic street gang Bono and his friends were part of, where name-giving was one of the rituals. (See Chapter 6)

  * Patrick Kavanagh (1904–1967) taught poetry at the National University in Dublin.

  * J. Robert Oppenheimer’s quote is: “I am become Death, shatterer of worlds.” The Bhagavad Gita says: “I am death, the mighty destroyer of the world.”

  * “Colonel” Tom Parker was Elvis Presley’s manager.

  * See Chapter 15.

  * My wife’s name is actually Clara, but that was a good try.

  * The man who shot John Lennon.

  * A Christian group Bono, Edge, and Larry Mullen joined by 1981, whose purpose was to study the Scriptures.

  * Located in Bray, fifteen miles south of Dublin, the tower that Bono bought belongs to a series of seventy-four towers erected by the British War Office around the coast of Ireland during the Napoleonic wars. They actually derive their names from a place in Corsica called Mortella, where stood a round tower that the English had besieged in vain in 1794. Napoleon is believed to have used the coast of Ireland as a “back door” for invading England. Forty feet high and eight feet thick, these small round towers have flat roofs to which a lookout could climb up and set fire to a bundle of wood to signal the arrival of an invading ship.

  * Bobby Sands (1954–1981) was an Irish Republican from Belfast.

  *Sandinista!, 1980.

  * It might have been one of the three car bombs planted in the City Centre of Dublin on May 17, 1974, by Loyalist paramilitaries. As a result thirty-three civilians and an unborn child were killed.

  * Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990.

  * That, of course, was a few weeks before Brando’s death in June 2004.

  * Paul Theroux, Dark Star Safari: Overland from Cairo to Cape Town (Houghton Mifflin, 2003)

  * Samuel Pepys (1633–1703) is most renowned for his Diaries.

  *That question obviously was a last-minute addition.

  * French pop radio station

  † French chain of multimedia stores

  *Chronicles: Volume One was published in October 2004. The book actually mentions Dylan’s own conversations with Bono: “Spending time with Bono was like eating dinner on a train—feels like you’re moving, going somewhere. Bono’s got the soul of an ancient poet and you have to be careful around him. He can roar ’til the earth shakes.”

  *Balthus, born in 1908, died in 2001.

  * Chorus from John Lennon’s “Instant Karma.”

  * Producer and writer of Notting Hill and cofounder of “Make Poverty History.”


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  Copyright © 2005, 2006 by M. Assayas

  Cover design by Andrea Ho

  Front cover photography by Andrew MacPherson, courtesy U2 Limited

  Back cover photographs of the author and Bono by Lorna Marécaut

  Book design by Stephanie Huntwork

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  First Riverhead hardcover edition: April 2005

  First Riverhead trade paperback edition: April 2006

  Riverhead trade paperback ISBN: 1-59448-173-3

  The Library of Congress has catalogued the Riverhead hardcover edition as follows:

  Bono, date.

  Bono: in conversation with Michka Assayas.

  p. cm.

  AEB ISBN 0 7865 6386 9

  MSR ISBN 0 7865 6385 0

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