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The Earl's Design of Love: The Stenwick Siblings

Page 7

by Morganna Mayfair

  He looked at them in the mirror and smiled. He couldn’t see the aura, of course, but her height in comparison with his was amusing. She was a petite woman, and he had always been a bear of a man. His hands were the size of dinner plates, and he’d often felt like a behemoth as he stepped into a ballroom, so much larger than everyone. She made him feel large, yes, but she made him feel like it was his duty in life to protect her. “We do look rather odd together.”

  She shrugged. “I think we look like two people who complete each other. Your dark contrasts with my light. You’re so much bigger than me, but we’re like two halves of a whole.” Like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together and could never be complete apart. She knew the words were dramatic, so she didn’t say them aloud, but she couldn’t help but think them.

  He nodded, tilting her chin up for his kiss. “Just remember, you complete me, and I complete you.” His lips slowly lowered to hers, and he used his tongue to carefully spread her lips. His hands moved down to her hips to pull her against his body, before stroking her back through the silk of her gown. “You feel so good to me.”

  Diana wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, stroking her tongue against his as he’d taught her. How could she have been afraid of him? He was everything she’d ever wanted in life all in one very large package.

  His hands untied her robe and pushed it off her shoulders, his mouth kissing a trail from her mouth, down her neck and across her shoulder. “You’re mine.”

  She nodded. “But that means you’re mine too.” She stood proudly before him in just her nightgown, her dressing gown on the floor at her feet. The nightgown she’d chosen covered her everywhere necessary, but the thin straps on her shoulders, and the low cut bodice left little to the imagination. Her small firm breasts pushed against the front of her gown, her nipples already hard. The nightgown ended at just below her knees and had a slit up the side all the way to her hip.

  He looked at what he’d uncovered and swallowed hard. “I’m going to go as slowly as I can.” He scooped her up into his arms and laid her onto the bed, before coming down beside her. One hand toyed with one of her curls while the other cupped her breast, his thumb finding her nipple through the thin fabric covering her breasts. “Our mothers helped you pick out this gown?” he asked. He was surprised his mother knew that gowns like this existed.

  She blushed. “Well, they helped me pick out a gown with this fabric. I went back and changed the order. They chose a nightgown that had a ruffle covering my neck to my chin and went all the way to my ankles. It had long sleeves as well. I thought you’d like this one better.”

  He chuckled. “You were right.” His mouth toyed with hers while his hands explored her body, leaving no inch untouched. She moaned softly as his hand moved under the hem of the gown and slowly pushed it up, so he could stroke along her knee and thigh.

  Diana was glad she’d had a talk with Anna about what would happen that evening, because she knew her fear would have been greater if she hadn’t known. She was still nervous, but the fear had left her when he’d shown her their aura. They truly were meant to be together.

  He removed her gown and laid beside her on the bed, his eyes roaming over her while his hands toyed with her softness. “You feel so good,” he whispered, his mouth crushing down on hers again, this time more insistent than before.

  She pushed against the robe on his shoulders, wanting to feel him as well. Why did he think he should touch her naked body while still wearing his dressing gown? She wanted to feel him too. Her hands went to the knot at the belt of his robe and untied it.

  She pushed it off his shoulders and pressed kisses along his skin from his neck to his shoulder. Her hands combed through the thick mat of hair on his chest. “You’re like a giant bear,” she said with a giggle.

  He growled in a fair imitation of a bear before swooping down and kissing her passionately. He stroked her with more purpose now, his hand going to her thighs and sliding between them. Slowly, he stroked up to her core, one finger playing with her bud of pleasure hidden within her folds. He toyed with her for a moment before sliding his finger deep within her moist depths.

  She let out a low moan, moving her hips wildly. “That feels so good.”

  Percy nipped at her neck before moving the fingers of his free hand down to toy with her nipple. “I want to be inside you,” he whispered softly.

  She blushed, but nodded. “I want that too.”

  He moved a second finger into her, making certain she was ready for him before he moved beyond the strokes that were mild compared to what he wanted to do. How had he survived his entire life without making love with this woman?

  Once she was ready, he moved over her between her spread thighs. “It’s going to hurt a little,” he told her, regretting the pain he was about to cause her. “If I could keep it from happening, I would.” He’d happily take any pain she would ever again feel into himself.

  She smiled up at him. “I’ll be fine as long as I get to be one with you.”

  He groaned and carefully guided himself to her moist opening. Pressing within her, he plunged deep and then held himself still as he waited for her to accept his body and become used to him.

  Diana closed her eyes for a moment as the pain overwhelmed her, but it quickly faded and left her with only an odd feeling of fullness. She looked up at him, her eyes wide. “It feels…strange. Like you’re stretching me to the point where I can’t bear it, but it doesn’t hurt any longer.”

  Percy kissed her quickly before pulling back and plunging inside her again. “No pain?” His voice was a mere whisper, the passion obviously overtaking him.

  She reached up to stroke his cheek. “No pain.”

  “Thank God.” He began the dance he’d dreamed of since meeting her, slowly withdrawing from her, only to plunge back inside.

  Diana laid beneath him, unsure what to do as she enjoyed the strange sensations having him inside her caused. After a moment she felt her body tensing and finally, she let out a cry of pleasure.

  As soon as she clenched around him, he let out a low groan as he allowed himself to spill his seed inside her. He rolled to his side and held her against him. His hands stroked her constantly, and he kissed her forehead. He didn’t speak as he struggled to control his breathing.

  Diana snuggled into his arms, her face buried in his neck. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but it was not what she’d gotten. He had treated her with a gentleness she hadn’t thought possible, and she felt amazing. After a moment she stretched like a cat against him. “I liked that. Can we do it again?”

  He laughed softly. “Not right away, but I promise you, we’ll be doing that again very soon.” Percy stared down into her green eyes and knew he was looking into eternity. He would have this woman by his side for the rest of his days. She truly did complete him.

  Chapter Eight

  Their honeymoon ended much too quickly to Diana’s way of thinking. Less than a week later a messenger came from London begging for their presence. Gabriella Lancaster had died of whatever illness had plagued her, and Anthony wanted Percy by his side as he went through the funeral preparations. Percy hadn’t hesitated for even a moment as he’d rushed to change into travel clothes and get ready to leave. His friend needed him, and he would be there.

  The fountain had been finished just that morning, and he’d stared down at it, knowing it still needed something. Diana had promised to look at it, but she hadn’t had a chance before they’d gotten into the coach to race off to London. During the long drive, he’d held her hand tightly, his head tilted back against the back of the seat.

  She had rested her head on his shoulder to give him what comfort she could, but knew that it would never be enough. She knew he didn’t grieve Gabriella, but hurt for his friend who must be dealing with terribly conflicted feelings. He’d been trapped in a loveless marriage, and now he was free, but at what cost? The two had a small child together, and she knew that Percy must be thinking of
how terrible it would be for William to grow up without a mother.

  They drove straight to Anthony’s house once they arrived in London, knowing they would stay with him, rather than at the smaller Stenwick townhome. Diana didn’t really know Anthony or Gabriella, so she felt like she didn’t belong, but Percy kept her close to his side. He shook hands formally with his friend, seeing the hurt in the other man’s eyes. Even though there’d been no love between the two, it was still hard to lose his wife and the mother of his young child.

  “How did it happen?” Percy asked as the three of them stood alone in Anthony’s study.

  Anthony shook his head. “She started complaining of headaches a few months ago. I had the physician come out and examine her, of course, but he could find nothing wrong. The headaches grew steadily worse until she was seeing two of everything. For the past week, she’s done nothing but lay in bed, in the dark. William would be brought in to see her every afternoon, but even he wasn’t getting a reaction from her.” Anthony took a deep breath. “She wasn’t the best wife in the world, but she was always an excellent mother.” He suddenly looked at Diana worried he’d said too much in front of a stranger.

  Percy shook his head. “She knew the first time she saw the two of you together there was something wrong,” he said not explaining further. “So what does the doctor think?”

  Anthony shrugged. “He said she could have had a brain lesion, but the only way they would know is if they cut her head open to see, and I can’t allow that.”

  “No, I can see why you couldn’t.” Percy sighed.

  Diana took the duke’s hand in hers. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” She knew the words seemed empty, but what else could she say? I’m sorry your son lost his Mama?

  Anthony nodded briefly. “Thank you both for coming.”

  Percy stayed with his friend while Diana went out to find out what arrangements had been made so far for the funeral. Even with the couple not being close, Anthony was in no shape to plan anything. She quietly took over while her husband stayed with his friend. She wondered how long she should wait before she arranged a house party as she worked. Charlotte would need to be matched up with Anthony at the first available opportunity before either of them found anyone else.

  She shook her head. What was she thinking? The man had just lost his wife, and all she could think about was making sure when he remarried, he married the right woman? She needed to get her priorities straight.


  After the funeral, they stayed on in London for another twenty-four hours before Percy declared they’d done all they could. He needed to get home so he could return to work and to his honeymoon. He invited Anthony and William to visit them in the country as they left.

  A visit to his mother and sisters in their townhome was the only thing planned on their way home. He knocked on the door and waited as the butler showed them in. His mother was sitting in the parlor as usual, with the girls on either side of her. They were going through invitations trying to decide which events they would attend for the next week. The Season was drawing to a close, and his family wanted to make the most of the last round of parties.

  Horatia looked up and smiled as she saw Diana and Percy standing in the doorway. “Sit down. Please.” She indicated the small couch across from her. “What are you doing back in London so soon?” She seemed genuinely pleased to see the two of them.

  Percy rubbed the back of his neck, obviously exhausted from their time in London. “I came to support Anthony. He’s having a hard time with Gabriella’s death.” He didn’t elaborate, because he knew his mother would assume it was because Anthony had loved Gabriella so much, he couldn’t bear to be without her.

  “Oh, of course he is! I’ve never seen a couple more in love than the two of them. Well, maybe you two, but you’re the only ones.” Horatia looked between the newlyweds with a smile, obviously taking all the credit for the young couple’s happiness.

  Diana blushed and looked down at her hands at the words. Percy hadn’t told her he loved her, so the words of praise were embarrassing. She hoped they didn’t make him think that he owed her the words or anything, because she wanted them, but she wanted them to be sincere.

  Charlotte let out a scoffing laugh. “Oh, Mother. You know Percy just married Diana for her dowry. No one would marry her if they didn’t need her father’s money. She’s too…odd.” Her voice was harsh as she said the words, her dislike of Diana obvious. Of course, Diana knew she was only repeating what she’d heard so many other people say.

  Diana didn’t react to the words, but she wanted to run from the room. Instead she sat quietly, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her whole.

  Percy jumped to his feet and loomed over Charlotte. “How dare you speak to my wife that way? Her dowry is in trust for any children we may have. I’m still working every single day to support this family, just like I always have.” His eyes were filled with anger as he scolded his sister.

  Charlotte shook her head, ignoring the dangerous look in her brother’s eyes. “But everyone says that you just married her for money. Even Mother said she felt badly that you were forced to marry her to keep us all in party dresses.”

  Percy stood quietly, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. He had never come so close to hitting a woman in his entire life, and he wasn’t about to do it now.

  Diana sighed, reaching out to take his hand. “It’s all right. I knew it was what everyone would say when we married. I’ve never been the darling of Society.” She was surprised he was standing up for her like that. She knew he cared about her, but to be as angry as he was over an offhand remark shocked her a great deal.

  “But it’s not true! I married you because you’re an amazing woman, and I couldn’t imagine my life without you! People need to stop talking about you.”

  Diana noted that he didn’t say he loved her, but she didn’t say anything about it. “Isn’t it enough that we both know that?” she asked softly. It was enough for her to know he thought she was amazing. The only thing remarkable about her were her powers, and they only tended to anger people.

  Lucy looked between Diana and Percy and smiled. “Every time someone says something to me about her dowry, I tell them it’s a love match. That I’m thankful that my brother met a woman who was so perfect for him that he couldn’t take his eyes off her.” She shrugged. “I think God looked down at you and smiled, Percy. You have a really special wife.”

  Charlotte jumped to her feet. “A special wife who runs around stealing other women’s beaux.” It was obvious as soon as she said the words that the core of the problem was right there. She was angry because she felt that Diana had stolen her beau.

  Diana shook her head. “I never stole your beau. Do you really think a man who loved you would have looked at me that way? I never cared one whit about Bart, and if you think back to that night, you’ll recall that I did nothing to invite his attentions.” She tried to reason with the other girl, wishing that she could just tell her what had happened but knowing it wouldn’t work out.

  Charlotte glared at Diana. “Everyone knows that you do something to men. We don’t know what it is, but someday we’ll all figure it out.” Her face was red with anger.

  Diana stood. “I think it’s time for us to leave, Percy.” She wasn’t willing to listen to another word, and she was worried Percy’s mind would be poisoned against her, even though he knew what had happened.

  Percy shook his head. “No, it’s not.” He looked at Charlotte. “You were saved from a marriage to a man who meant nothing to you and to whom you meant nothing. He never asked for your hand. There were rumors he was about to propose, but he asked another woman to marry him three weeks later. Consider yourself lucky.”

  Charlotte had tears streaming down her face. “I loved him!”

  “You don’t know what love is!” He took a deep breath trying to control his temper, which had gotten way out of control. “Make me a promise. If you want to marry, a
nd consider yourself ready, let Diana help you choose a husband. She has a way of seeing whether or not a match will be a good one.” He said as much as he felt like he could without giving away his wife’s secret, because he did want his sisters to be happy.

  Charlotte glared at Diana. “I couldn’t trust her.”

  Lucy smiled at Diana. “If the offer is good for me as well, I trust you completely. I never believed the rumors about you to begin with.” She reached over and squeezed Diana’s hand, obviously wanting to be friends with her new sister.

  Diana smiled at Lucy, happy that one of her new sisters liked her. “I’d be happy to help you whenever you’re ready.”

  Horatia sat staring at the people around her with a baffled look on her face. “Are you staying for dinner?” she asked Percy as if nothing had happened between them.

  Percy laughed shortly. “Not tonight, Mother. We’re on our way back to Stenwick Manor.” He took Diana’s hand and led her toward the door. Before he reached it, he looked back at Lucy. “You should come visit us soon. We’d love to have you.”

  Lucy beamed her pleasure at the invitation. Her brother rarely invited even family members to visit him, and she hated summers in London. “I’d like that.”


  After dinner that evening, Percy led Diana to the finished fountain. “You said once that you could help me with it, but I don’t even know what I need. What’s missing?”

  Diana looked at the fountain and her face lit up with a smile. She walked in a slow circle around it, her hands reaching out to touch the stone work. “It needs love!” The object was absolute perfection in her eyes other than the love she needed to make happen.

  He looked at her like she’d lost her mind. “Love? How can I give it love?” He was genuinely confused. He put love into everything he created, so why did this one need more?


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