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Enduring Fate

Page 10

by Alicia Rae

  “Those seem to be his favorite,” I chimed in from behind them.

  Paige completely turned around as I kept closing the space between us. The look in her eyes told me that she was surprised to see me.

  “How did you find us?” She still held the lead rope secure in her grasp, letting Rusty casually graze.

  The breeze blew her long brown hair out from behind her.

  “After Hank left, I figured that I’d better come see where Rusty had run off to.” I stopped in front of her, and she tilted her head up at me. “He made it pretty far from the house.”

  “Yes.” She glanced back and forth between the horse and me. “I was surprised he stopped before the border,” she joked.

  “That would have made for an interesting evening.” I chuckled deeply. “Thank you for coming to get him.”

  She gazed down at the lead rope within her hand, seeming shocked by what she had done. “Of course,” she murmured, peering up at me. “Did you make that man leave?”


  Fury ricocheted through her eyes. “I hope you told him not to come back. He was awful to Rusty.”

  “That point was well made,” I drawled, containing my own anger. Then, I decided to move on to a new subject. Pivoting, I set my arm on the stallion’s side to pet him. “That was quite impressive—what you did with Rusty. He’s usually shy with new people.”

  Paige smiled. “He seems really sweet.” Her mind appeared to drift off as she set her hand not far from mine and rubbed the horse. “I couldn’t just let him run off alone. He could have gotten hurt or lost.”

  I nodded considerately, wondering where her thoughts were. I wished she would open up to me. “You always did have a way with horses. Not many people have the natural ability with them as you do.”

  “Maybe…” She trailed off shyly. “Should we start heading toward the house?”

  “Yes, it’s a long walk back.” I watched as Paige shifted her stance, and an idea struck me. “Would you like him to give you a ride back?”

  Paige’s eyes widened in fear. “No, I’m good. I can walk.”

  “All right.” I let the offer go, not wanting to push her or make her feel uncomfortable. Just her standing this close to a horse was progress in my eyes.

  The three of us began ambling across the open field and then retracing our steps through the tree line. All the while, Paige held the lead rope, and Rusty accepted her guidance, prancing alongside her. He appeared to be as happy as could be. Seeing his good spirits return further reiterated that I had made the right call to end the deal with Hank.

  As much as I wanted to find Rusty a permanent home, it had to be an all-around good fit. I would not sacrifice my horse’s well-being for a quick buck.

  Paige and I kept our pace while moving through the last field.

  It dawned on me that she’d had physical therapy today. “How was your session with Derek today?”

  “Good.” She briefly met my stare with a smile. “He worked me like a dog.”

  I raised a brow and took another step in the grass. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

  “Both.” She laughed. “I was able to stretch my leg another five percent today.” She tilted her head to the side. “It hurt like heck, but it will pay off in the long run.”

  The house came into sight from a distance as I responded, “That’s great, Paige. You’ve really come a long way in your recovery.”

  We headed directly to the horse barn.

  “Yes…” She smiled. “And so have you,” she added under her breath. At my inquisitive expression, she elaborated, “I mean, with buying the ranch. I remember you dreamed of having your own facility, so you could train horses and raise animals.”

  “I did.” I glanced around at the very place where I had been raised. “I just never thought it would be here.”

  She frowned, looking confused. “Is this not where you originally planned on settling down?”

  “My intentions were to buy locally. I didn’t know my parents were going to sell their home and downsize.” I shrugged nonchalantly. “But I’m happy for them. I’m pleased with my decision to buy this place. It was just a surprising turn of events I hadn’t predicted happening so soon.”

  “As long as you are happy, then that’s all that counts.” She grinned my way.

  “Yeah,” I agreed.

  As we continued onward, I couldn’t help but wonder if my dream of living and breathing horses would still include Paige by my side.

  My life seemed so gray and dark without her. But if the farm life isn’t in her future, where does that leave us? Could I give it all up? This is all I know.

  I had no fancy skills outside of the ranch or any education beyond my bachelor’s degree in Equine Management and Studies. I wouldn’t be able to support her, take care of her, and give her the quality of life she deserved.

  She brought those feelings right home when she stopped at the open entrance to the barn leading to the horse stalls, and she handed me Rusty’s lead rope. I recognized the exact second a roller coaster of emotions rushed through her.

  How can she live on a ranch with me if she’ll never step into the barn?

  “Here you go,” she breathed.

  I noticed the slight shake in her hand as I wrapped my fingers around the rope.

  I gazed at her in understanding. “Paige…” I paused, not wanting to push her, but I was so confused by her fear.

  “Not today, okay?” she asked with pleading eyes. “I’m not ready for all the feelings to come rushing at me full force as they did the last time I stepped foot in there.” Her bottom lip trembled, and she let out a lengthy sigh as if she were also perplexed by her reasoning. “I know what I’m saying doesn’t make complete sense to you, but I need you to trust me. I’m trying my best here, and I need to take it one step at a time. All right?”

  Giving Paige the answer she wanted was harder than I’d ever imagined. I yearned to show her what she had been missing out on, and I hoped to spark that passion that I knew existed in her.

  “I can accept that—for now.” I neared her with my left arm outstretched while keeping a hold of the rope. I used my free hand to brush my thumb across her cheek while I smiled faintly. “But only because I believe in you. I have faith that you’ll overcome this.”

  Not leaving any room for protests, I led my stallion back into his stall. Rusty walked inside his twelve-by-twelve-foot room, and he spun around to face me, so I could remove his halter and lead rope. Then, I strolled over to the tack wall and hung the items in my hands before making my way back to Paige.

  She was staring at me with the same emotion in her eyes as when I had left her.

  I acknowledged the fact that her mind was probably flooded with a dozen of conflicting thoughts at the moment. Hell, I could practically feel the intensity of her feelings pouring out of her.

  Nevertheless, it was the exact reaction I’d wanted out of her. If she were going to spend time with the horses and me, only to possibly walk away from it in the end again, I wouldn’t make leaving easy for her. Her love for me wasn’t the question. It was if she still loved our lifestyle.

  I was going to show her precisely what she would be missing, and I had no intentions of holding back.

  THE WHOLE TIME COLTON PUT RUSTY away for the night before walking back toward me, a fury of emotions overtook me, coursing with a ferocity I couldn’t quite explain, and it was reaching an all-time high.

  My state of mind had already been full of ups and downs from my physical therapy session, and I’d come rushing over here to share my progress with Colton. Instead, I’d walked into a storm before catching Rusty, who was nothing but a sweetie at heart, but it’d caused my sentiments to kick into overdrive.

  When he was only a few feet away from me, I asked, “Why can’t my presence be enough for you, Colton?” I was ready to pick a fight.

  His head snapped back in surprise as he paused in front of me. “It is enough.” He gave me direct eye co
ntact, and then he breezed past me in the direction of his house.

  He wasn’t in the mood to argue with me, but unfortunately, I was, and I had no power to stop it.

  “Then, why did you have to add ‘for now’?” I countered, following his heels.

  He gave me the silent treatment until he reached the back porch. He spun around and replied, “Because it’s the truth.”

  My heart skipped a beat as I tried to make sense of what he was saying.

  “That makes me feel like my efforts aren’t sufficient enough for you.” I threw my hands up in exasperation and leaned against the wooden siding of the house. “What more do you want from me?”

  With deliberately slow movements, he neared me and set one of his legs in between my own, effectively pinning me up against the wall. My hands came to my sides, and I was unable to tear my gaze away from the scorching look in his eyes. It was a look of determination and want and need and desire, all rolled into one.

  He grabbed one of my wrists and set it on his chest. His hand was on top of mine, twining our fingers together. The drumming of his heart was strong and steady beneath my palm, and it felt like home—my home.

  “Do you feel this?”

  All I could do was nod my head in agreement.

  “You keep my heart beating.” His voice was raw and honest. “So, yes, I want everything from you, Paige. I want your heart.” He gently squeezed my hand and placed his free hand on my waist, pulling me into him. “I want to know that you love me in the way I have always loved you.” His palm glided up my waist to my rib cage, making my skin ignite beneath his touch. “I want to feel your hands on me, and I want to hear your soft whimpers when I make love to you. I want to know that you are here to stay—for good.”

  His eyes went all smoky and hot, and I sank against him.

  “I want it all, Paige, and nothing less.”

  I was so completely shattered from his speech. I had not been prepared for him to lay his feelings out on the line.

  Stunned by his love for me, my hands came to his nape, and I keenly pulled his mouth down to mine. He let me control our embrace for a whole two seconds before he took over. I closed my eyes and gave myself over to him, feeling his hunger for me dominating our kiss. His other hand went to my waist, and he hauled me into his arms.

  I ignored the bolt of pain that shot up my limb as I wrapped my legs around his waist. A warm essence spread throughout me, pooling in my belly, as his lips molded against mine with a certain amount of longing and urgency that triggered a deep want within me. I ached for this man.

  I heard the opening and closing of a door, and then we were moving through the house. My back pressed against the cold drywall in the living room, and the rustling of plastic made a loud noise.

  “Fucking plastic,” he grunted, making me laugh along his lips.

  I opened my eyes at the crinkling noise as he tore the plastic from the ceiling, and then he carried me forward, only to repeat his actions at the next sheet of plastic.

  Once in his room, he gently laid me on his bed. He stood at the edge of the mattress and gazed down at me with adoring eyes. He unleashed a handsome grin and reached for the hem of his shirt. With one quick movement, he lifted the cotton material over his head, revealing his chest to me.

  My eyes traveled over the width of his shoulders, chest, and arms, taking in the body of the man I knew so well. Every plane of muscle that I yearned to touch was now bare to my sight. For the first time, I caught a glimpse of all his tattoos.

  His left arm was covered in a full sleeve, and another one peeked over the expansion of both his shoulders. I glanced up at him, seeing his uncertainty reflecting back at me.

  I had so many questions about his artwork, but it would have to wait.

  “You’re so beautiful, Paige, that it hurts,” he breathed, need roughening his voice.

  “So are you,” I returned with a whisper. Catching a glimpse of the hard-on he was sporting in his jeans, I curled my finger at him. “Now, get over here.”

  He climbed atop me, never breaking the connection of our heated stare. My hands went to work, gliding up his forearms and all the way to his nape and then down toward his abdomen. I marveled at the softness of his skin and the feel of him being in my arms after so long of an absence. My mind was occupied with relearning every rippled muscle.

  As if he couldn’t take it anymore, a primal growl came from deep in his chest, and he leaned forward to capture my lips once more. With intensity, he slid his tongue into my mouth, and I tipped my head up to give him better access, bowing my back up toward him. I could feel the wild thumping of my pulse strumming throughout me as my blood sizzled in my veins.

  His hands went to my shirt, and we broke apart so that he could tug it over my head. Starting at my throat, he kissed his way lower, leaving sensations in his path. He reached the center of my breasts and yanked my bra downward, exposing the hard peaks of my nipples. Then, his fingers gathered at my back, lifting me off the bed, so he could undo the clasp.

  After tossing my bra aside, he swirled his tongue around the outer edge of my nipple, over and over, teasing me, before he drew the tip into his mouth. I closed my eyes and gasped as I felt his warmth bringing me to life. I was extremely responsive to his every touch. Intense tingles reverberated down the length of my spine.

  He dragged his lips all the way to my belly button while unclasping my jeans. Fear struck me hard, and I hastily clamped my hands on his.

  He questioningly glanced up at me through hooded eyes.

  I shook my head, trying to figure out how to put my reservations into a complete sentence without killing the mood or scaring him off.

  “My scars—” I broke off, refusing to cry while recalling how they lined the inside of my right thigh and traveled down to the backside of my knee. “They aren’t pretty.”

  A look of understanding passed through his baby-blue eyes. He rose up and hovered above me, leaning on his forearms. “Paige, I love every freckle and mole on every inch of your delectable body, and your scars will be no different.” He tenderly kissed me and let his lips skim across mine. “In fact, I’ll cherish them more because it is a reminder that I get to keep you.”

  Damn it. Tears filled my eyes.

  He could always take my negativity and twist the words into the sincerest and most heartfelt sentiment. It was a true gift of his.

  “Thank you.” I smiled, and then I kissed him—hard.

  I gave myself over to him, and without any worries holding me back this time, I melted into him, knowing he always brought out the best in me. I poured my love for him into my kiss, hoping I could give back a sliver of what he always so willingly gave to me—his heart and his love, unconditionally.

  He leisurely began to move down my body again, and with no doubts clouding my mind, I let him remove my pants. With only my black lace panties covering me, I felt beautiful in his eyes.

  He slightly adjusted my right leg, so he could see my scars. So many feelings seemed to flash across his face, but the last one had my heart swelling profusely. It was the look of unconditional love.

  “See?” He bent forward and kissed the thick pink line. “Still beautiful and stunning as you’ve always been to me, Paige.”

  He slipped my panties aside and connected his tongue with my most sensitive flesh. My head tipped back and thrashed from side to side as I writhed in pleasure. My fingertips found his shoulders, and I dug into his muscles, crying out at the sensations rocketing through me.

  I faintly heard the tearing of cotton before he gripped my hips and hauled me closer, still lapping at my center. He gently pulled my clit into his mouth, and that was all it took. An orgasm ripped through me, spiraling uncontrollably as I went over the peak.

  By the time I regained my senses, he was repositioning himself above me, still in his jeans. I snuck my finger behind the material and yanked him to me. I needed his pants gone—now.

  Unzipping the front of his jeans and sneaking my ha
nd inside to gently cup him, I reveled in the thickness of his erection while stroking him. “These have got to go,” I purred.

  He let out a throaty laugh, and he unleashed a mischievous grin. “By all means.”

  Within seconds, I had him completely naked. I took him in my hand again, and I gradually caressed his length all the way from the root to the tip, absorbing the feel of his soft skin contrasting against the hardness of him.

  He lowered his head into the crook of my neck, and I could feel his warm breath against my throat.

  “Paige,” he rasped in a deep and raw tone, “please tell me you’re still on the pill.”

  “Yes,” I answered, sliding him to my center.

  I bit my lip as the tip of him brushed along my clit, and then ever so slowly, he buried himself inside me, causing us both to moan in ecstasy.

  I drew in a single breath at the fullness of him.

  He began an unhurried slow pace, sliding in and out of me, as he brushed along my inner walls. My insides clenched at the friction he was creating.

  I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his back, allowing him to penetrate deeper. He quickened his thrusts, and I raised my hips to meet each one of them.

  When we were together like this, everything else just slipped away. It was just us, together, against the world.

  His mouth found mine, and he kissed me deeply as though I was his. In truth, I was. I couldn’t think of anything but him. There would never be another soul who could make me feel this way.

  Tremors of an impending release began to brink, and I felt him growing inside me. I banded my arms around him as my orgasm broke free, ripping through my core. He pressed his lips along the crevice of my neck as he shuddered against me.

  Bracing most of his weight on his arms, he collapsed against me as we both fought to catch our breaths.

  After a few minutes of reveling in the following bliss, I raked my hands up and down his back, tracing the curves of his muscles. His skin was so soft. From this angle, I could see the majority of the tattoo across his upper back. It looked like a bald eagle.


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