Book Read Free

Enduring Fate

Page 12

by Alicia Rae

  I gathered my arms around her waist and drew her toward me. “What for?”

  “Well”—she smiled, looping her arms around my nape—“I need to get a change of clothes.”

  “Hmm…I think I can allow that,” I teased against her lips. “But make sure you wait to shower with me.”

  She gave me a quick kiss that ended all too soon. “All right. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  I acknowledged her response with a simple, “Okay.”

  As Paige drove off on her Gator, I decided to use my time wisely, and I finished up a few chores.

  After dumping out the horses’ water troughs, I dragged them over to the pasture and placed them inside the gate. Then, I retrieved a hundred-foot hose from my outbuilding, attached it to a second water spigot near the cattle, and pulled it over to the horses. I filled each water trough, so they would have a sufficient water supply for the night. Then, I shut off the water and opted to leave the hose just outside the gate, so it would be nearby in the morning.

  I heard a clunking noise on the way to the barn, and I turned my head to see Paige returning with a trailer attached to the Gator. Four medium-sized industrial fans were strapped down with yellow bungee cords connected to the metal notches on the sides of the trailer.

  I grinned as she parked in front of me.

  She cut the engine and rose from the utility vehicle. “My dad loaded these fans up for me, and he said you can borrow them for as long as you need. They are a bit smaller in size than the ones you have, but I figured we could space them out.”

  “They will work perfectly.” I sauntered over to her and tipped up her chin until she met my gaze. “Thank you,” I added before kissing her.

  When we parted, she murmured, “You’re welcome.”

  I carried the fans over to the barn, one by one, and strategically placed them throughout the building to add extra airflow. Having the stronger breeze blowing through the area would definitely dry the wet ground faster.

  Once done, I strolled over to Paige and saw she had her backpack slung over her shoulder. She looked dead on her feet, and in truth, I felt the same. It was time to go inside and get cleaned up.

  I gently swooped her off her feet, mindful of her leg that had to be sore.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned into me. “What are you doing?” She laughed.

  “First, I’m taking us to the bathroom where I can check out my briefs on your beautiful body before I strip you naked,” I replied, heading toward the house.

  “And then?” she asked in delight.

  “We’re going to take a shower, so I can lather you in soap and inspect every inch of you. I need to make sure you have no cuts or injuries from the day.”

  She shook her head from side to side, still smiling. “I’m fine, you worrywart.”

  I cocked a devilish brow at her. “I need to see for myself to believe it.”

  “Only if I get to return the favor.”

  I threw my head back, laughing hard. “You’ll have no complaints from me.”

  ANOTHER GRUELING WEEK of traveling to Murfreesboro for physical therapy with Derek and back to Shelbyville had come and gone.

  Today, I was totally resenting the guy with every fiber of my being. This morning, he had worked me so hard that my leg was still throbbing profusely with every step I took since our workout session. I was pretty sure I’d also cursed under my breath at him a few times. Derek was used to it by now, so he would just chuckle at me.

  On the other hand, I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude and fondness for him. Just hours ago, my leg had bent to eighty-five percent. My love-hate relationship with him as well as my progress were reaching all new heights. Knowing I was that much closer to reaching my end goal made every ounce of pain worth it.

  The support that I’d received from my parents and Colton was also encouraging. It helped me push past those sour moments. My sister still hadn’t had the chance to make it home yet¸ but I completely understood what it was like to be knee-deep in studying for summer exams.

  Just like old times, Colton and I would spend most of our evenings together. Since the water-spigot ordeal, I’d found myself slowly gravitating toward the horses. As horrendous as the accident had been, it had forced me to deal with my own personal issues. Each day, it would get a little easier to be around the animals I loved with all my heart, and the traumatic scar of losing Missy was healing one small piece at a time.

  Finally home, I pulled into my parents’ driveway and parked my car. This afternoon, I would be spending one-on-one time with Ashlee before heading over to Colton’s for the night. Even though I was physically drained, I hadn’t seen her since I left, and I was in serious need of some girl time. I would just have to ask her if we could have dinner and a movie instead of power-shopping through the local mall. Or maybe I could rent one of those electric scooters, and she could run alongside me.

  Like the inner dork I was, I laughed at my own joke while exiting the car. I saw my mom picking weeds out of the hanging flower basket in front of the dining room window.

  “Hey, Mom,” I greeted affectionately, closing the space between us.

  “Hey, sweetie.” She smiled, her hand pausing midair with weeds clenched tightly in her grasp. “How did your session with Derek go?”

  “It went great.”

  “Oh?” she asked with those motherly eyes that said I’d better elaborate.

  She must get that look from my dad, or he’d gotten it from her. Either way, they both had the parenting stare down to a T.

  “Just another day of Derek trying to kill me, but somehow, I managed to survive again.”

  Mom chuckled. “That sounds…healthy.”

  “He has the best intentions at heart, if that counts for anything.” I grinned, feeling empowered after succeeding every challenge Derek had thrown my way. I was too far along to be defeated. “I also stretched my leg to eighty-five percent,” I added.

  Mom dropped the weeds in her hand. “Oh my gosh, Paige!” She closed the space between us. Her eyes shimmered with a pleased expression and overwhelming love. She tightly hugged me. “That’s wonderful news!”

  “Mom”—I coughed, attempting to return her embrace—“I. Can’t. Breathe.”

  “Oh! Sorry, sweetie!” Mom giggled, drawing back.

  “Jeez, when did you get so strong?” I teased, rubbing my chest.

  “I’ve lived on a ranch with your father for nearly thirty years. That doesn’t happen without growing some serious guns, Paige,” she responded, flexing her left arm in the air.

  I tipped my head back and laughed wholeheartedly at my mom’s joke. When I finally recovered, I said, “Remind me never to arm-wrestle with you.”

  “You mean, you don’t want to go elbow-to-elbow over who does dishes and laundry for a week?” she joked.

  “Uh…no, I’ll pass.” I racked my brain for a reasonable excuse. “Ashlee’s on her way.”

  “I guess I can let you off the hook then. Oh! I almost forgot to tell you that something arrived for you today.” She pointed behind her. “I set it on your dresser.”

  I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek as a new wave of excitement rushed over me. I loved surprises. “Thank you!” I replied, already moving toward the front door.

  I strolled right to my room and gaped at the large arrangement in front of my dresser mirror. The white daisies with baby’s breath evenly spread between the flowers were stunning.

  A manila envelope was lying next to it, so I picked it up and opened it. Pulling out a piece of paper, a gift card fell to the floor. Before picking it up, I read the handwriting I knew so well.







till stuck in a state of wonder, I managed to pick up the gift card that had fallen in between my feet.


  “Score!” I screeched, throwing my hands in the air.

  I yelped in pain as I was forced to recall my earlier brutal workout. It seemed a massage would indeed feel fabulous.

  After setting the paper and gift card back on my dresser, I pulled my cell phone out from the back pocket of my jeans, swiped my finger across the screen, and texted my handsome cowboy.

  Me: My aching muscles and I thank you! You are amazing. *Kisses*

  My phone beeped within seconds, making me smile.

  Colton: You’re welcome. Hope you both have a great time. Be sure to imagine that it’s me giving you that massage. ;)

  I laughed out loud, and my fingers started typing a reply as I made my way into the bathroom for a quick shower.

  Me: I’ll be sure to moan your name when the masseur gropes my ass. :D

  His reply was even faster this time.

  Colton: If he comes anywhere near your ass, he’s a dead man—just sayin’.

  I chuckled under my breath and turned on the shower before responding.

  Me: I was kidding!

  Colton: And I wasn’t. ;) Have a good time with Ashlee. See you later tonight.

  I set my phone on the sink, shaking my head at my overbearing cowboy. Jeez, he sure could make me laugh.

  I took a speedy shower and dressed in a pair of jeans and a cute blouse.

  Then, Ashlee yelled from somewhere in my parents’ house, “Miss Paige Summers, you’re late for our very important date!”

  “I’m in here!” I said, quickly brushing my long hair in front of the mirror.

  Ashlee ambled into my room and plopped herself in the middle of my white comforter on the bed.

  “You haven’t even blow-dried your hair yet?” she inquired, propping her chin on her hand.

  I set down my hairbrush. I grabbed my debit card, the gift card, and my cell phone, and I slipped them into the back pocket of my jeans. Then, I spun around to face her. “I’m just going to let it air-dry.”

  “Only because you are running late.” She snickered, hopping up from my bed.

  “As my friend, you should already know never to expect me to be on time.”

  “I don’t, but I still have to give you crap for it,” she countered before throwing her arms around me in a friendly hug. “Missed you, lady.”

  I gently squeezed her and then pulled back. “I missed you more.”

  “That’s not possible.” She grinned broadly. “So, are you ready to get your shopping on?”

  I pulled out my shiny new gift card. “Actually, Colton surprised me with a spa day for us, so I was hoping we could go and get pampered instead.”

  “Hell yes!” she whooped, grabbing my hand and tugging me toward my bedroom door. “Why didn’t you tell me that sooner?”

  “I just did.” I laughed, trying to keep up with her pace.

  I stared at the table in front of me in utter horror. Not only would I have to lie on a cot with only a towel covering my booty in front of a complete stranger, but it also hadn’t dawned on me until now that I would have to show said person my scars.

  Wrapped in a white linen towel, Ashlee stepped out from behind the curtain and climbed on to her table next to mine. She placed her face in the circular end piece. “Oh, man, I’m going to send your man all sorts of baked goodies for this,” she said, cutting into my private thoughts.

  I exhaled deeply, reminding myself that this would feel so good. Plus, it wasn’t like I would have to see this stranger again. When he or she saw my scars, my face would be downward in that peephole.

  Having made up my mind, I stepped behind my divider and stripped out of my clothes. I grabbed my towel and covered myself.

  My heart was pounding way too fast, considering I was here to relax.

  I heard Ashlee stepping toward me, and she flung her arm over the divider, swinging it in my eyesight. “Hey! You okay over there?” Ashlee queried.

  “What?” I slipped into view and went to lie on the cot. The gears in my brain finally clicked into place, and I glanced over at her. “Yes, of course.”

  “You sure?” she probed. “You totally ignored me earlier. What’s on your mind?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I shrugged coyly. “I’ve just never been naked in front of a stranger before.”

  “It’s going to be okay—”

  Ashlee was cut off as a knock sounded at the door. Two women with short brown hair and the same defining facial features walked in. They looked so much alike that they had to be sisters.

  “Good afternoon, ladies,” the one walking toward me said.

  “Hi,” Ashlee and I both said in unison.

  “Are you ready for us to begin?”

  “Heck yeah,” Ashlee answered.

  I laughed at her bluntness.

  And so it began. It was the most heavenly massage I’d ever had in my life. Technically, it was my first by a professional, but I now realized that it would not be the last. I had seriously been missing out.

  The way that lady dug into each of my muscles nearly put me to sleep. I had to purse my lips together just to keep from moaning out in pure bliss as she worked out a few knots I hadn’t even known I had near my shoulder blades.

  She respectfully stayed away from my bad leg, and I was grateful for that because I was unsure of how it would feel.

  “Oh my God…” Ashlee groaned. “Whoever the first guy is that gives me a gift card for a massage, I’m going to drop to one knee and propose to him right then and there.”

  I snickered and swallowed, so I wouldn’t drool on the carpet below. “How have we missed out on this for so long?” I asked in awe.

  “I don’t know, but apparently, we’ve been living a sheltered life, and I refuse to go back into the dark ages.” I heard Ashlee shuffle on the cot next to me. “Do you offer a monthly membership to this place?” she asked.

  At first, I thought she was joking, but then I realized she was being completely serious. My body shook with hilarity.

  “Yes, we have a membership. You are more than welcome to sign up at the front desk on your way out,” her masseuse said. “It includes two thirty-minute full-body massages per month.”

  “Count me in,” Ashlee replied.

  That was the last I heard from her as we both sank back into our blissful haze.

  After catching a matinee, Ashlee and I drove over to Chili’s together. We each had a glass of chilled wine in the bar area while waiting for our table.

  “So, how is Samantha working out?” I finally asked once the waiter had seated us at our booth and left us alone.

  “She’s perfect for the job and such a sweetheart, too,” Ashlee gushed, setting down her drink. “I’m so glad I found her because she can bake anything I toss her way.”

  “Oh, good. I’m glad she is working out well.” I smiled over at her. “Are you two getting along okay? Or do you need me back at the bakery?”

  “Samantha and I are doing just fine, Paige. Seriously, there is no need to worry about us. I always knew you would return to Shelbyville. I just appreciate your help when I needed it the most.”

  “You knew I’d leave?” I asked in awe.

  “Of course. This is your home, Paige.” Ashlee smiled fondly. “But you can always come back if you ever need to. My door is always open for you.”

  I had to swallow to stifle back the tears I felt on the rise. “Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me.” She laughed affectionately. “That’s what friends are for.” She reached for her napkin and began to fold it in half over and over again. She always was a fiddler. “Though, I will miss seeing you every day. We need to set aside more time in our schedules to spend time together like this.”

  “I agree.”

  “How are you doing by the way?” she asked.

  “Everything is going really well. I didn’t r
ealize how much I’d missed my family until I was back home.”

  She gave me an inquisitive stare. “And Colton? Where does he fit into the picture?”

  “Everywhere,” I answered truthfully.

  She grinned. “And?”

  “And we are taking it day by day,” I answered, thinking about my handsome cowboy. “Gosh, Ashlee, I can’t even begin to tell you how much he’s done for me. I’ve been so hard on him…and distant over the past year. I don’t know how he can be so forgiving.”

  “Paige”—Ashlee tipped her head at me, her eyes soft—“we all love you, and we understand what you went through. Colton knew you needed time, and you guys are past that now, so let it go. Don’t dwell on something when he isn’t.”

  “I’m not dwelling.” I shrugged. “I’m just trying to find a way to make it up to him.”

  “All he wants is you, Paige, so give him that.”

  I nodded absently, stuck in my thoughts. Colton already had me, but I wanted to give him more.

  “Paige?” Ashlee broke into my concentration.

  I glanced back at her. “Yeah?”

  She briefly peeked under the table and then returned her attention to me. “You do realize that, one of these days, you’re going to have to start showing off those gorgeous legs of yours again.” She held my gaze with her more serious yet sympathetic one. “You can’t hide them forever.”

  “I know,” I said in a quiet voice. “It’s just that my scars are ugly.”

  “That’s what you were worried about at the spa, huh?” Ashlee guessed.

  She always was a smart cookie.

  “Yes,” I answered quietly.

  “Paige, they are not like you make them out to be.” Ashlee emphasized every word in a tone not to be argued with. “They are hot.”

  Okay, my friend is deranged.

  The atmosphere was too tense for a girls’ night.

  “You think I’m hot?” I joked, redirecting the conversation, as I fanned myself. “Jeez, I never knew you were checking me out. And to think, we were just in the same room, naked with only a towel covering each of us. Phew, I need some water! It’s sizzling in here!”


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