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Hostile Contact (The Hostile Series)

Page 18

by Tamala Callaway

  “Okay,” Trevor agreed quickly. Whatever it takes to help capture this creep too, he was willing to do, except to put Symóne at risk. “What about tonight? What should we do if he calls back?” he asked.

  “We are not leaving. We'll be here all night, then a day crew will step in. Don't worry, everyone is well trained in these type situations. We will find this one too, and get to the bottom of this problem,” the detective promised.

  Getting anyone with these type tendencies off the streets was a priority to him. He became a detective because of a similar situation fifteen years ago.

  Trevor stood and walked over to Blake and the detective for a private chat. “So if you're going to stay here all night, maybe I can try to get Symóne to sleep. Which will be next to impossible right now, unless I give her a sleeping pill,” he told them.

  “If that's what it takes to get her a good night's sleep, as long as she's willing to do so and it's a legal dosage,” Blake agreed.

  “No. When I say sleeping pill, I don't mean medication. There is only one thing that will put Symóne to sleep for at least four hours,” he raised an eyebrow, totally insinuating.

  Blake fought back a smirk. He's heard their calisthenic sessions before. He looked to the detective and told him to take the hallway, and he'd take the balcony. Neither location would completely tune out the sounds, but at least Symóne will feel like they have more privacy that way.

  “Okay, so we'll be right outside and if you get anymore texts or calls, come and get me,” said the detective.

  He and Blake went to their agreed upon posts and Trevor reached for Symóne's hands to pull her up from the sofa.

  “Why are they going outside? I thought they were going to stay in here?” she questioned.

  “They'll come back in later. You need to shower and get some sleep,” he told her.

  “I'm not sleepy Trevor. I'm too worked up right now,” she rejected. He didn't argue, just made a suggestion.

  “How about I run you a nice hot bath, with some relaxing bath beads?”

  “What if he calls again? Trevor, you were really pissed off by whatever he said. I could see the blood draining from your face, so I know he said something disrespectful about me, didn't he?” she asked.

  He shuttered the thought, leading her to the bathroom. He let her lean back against the counter while he ran her bath water. Once the tub was full and the steam floated above the water, Symóne took her boot off and unwrapped the ace bandage from her foot and ankle. Her clothes began falling to the floor as she stripped piece by piece, her movements exhausted. When she stepped in the tub, she hissed at the initial sting of the water, but continued to ease her way down until she was fully submerged.

  Looking up at Trevor as he gazed at her, she thought he looked like a puppy wanting to climb in his owner's lap for a rub down. “Would you like to join me?” she gave him a once over.

  “I thought you'd never ask,” he stripped in what seemed to be one swift motion. He stepped in behind her as she sat up to give him room. Symóne lay back on Trevor while the water waved back and forth, rising up her breasts then falling below them. He placed his hands over them, cupping them like a shield.

  “I'll do anything for you Symóne. I want you to know that,” he said softly.

  “I gathered that a long time ago. I love what you are to me,” she said.

  “What's that?”

  “You're my friend, my protector, my lover, my…everything. I could never doubt your love for me. I trust you with my life.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “Can I ask you a question, not to sound disinclined, but it seems to me that you are trying to get pregnant, and I just want to know if that's the case?” he was still cuddling her.

  She inhaled deeply, “Sort of, not really? I don't know?”

  “Why don't you know? You can tell me anything babe,” he assured her.

  “I guess I am,” her head fell forward.

  “Why?” he asked.

  Her shoulders rose and fell and she turned her head to rest her face against his shoulders.

  “It's not that I don't want to, but I feel like there is a reason behind this quest of yours,” he urged her for the truth.

  “I never wanted children before because of how I grew up. Then I thought there was a possibility with my ex, but I'm glad that never happened. But now…with you, it just seems so right—natural. It's like my body is craving to carry a child, your child. I just don't know,” she shrugged again.

  “Hmmm. Well, I guess that's good enough for me. I'm ready if you are. Just promise me one thing, please,” he waited for her to acknowledge his request.

  “Okay, what?”

  “If this happens before we find out who this psychopathic freak is and get rid of him, please don't take any chances with yourself. Put yourself and the baby before anything. I need to hear you promise this to me Symóne,” he was serious.

  She sat up and partially turned where she could look into his eyes and held his face. “I promise to take care of myself and our baby, Trevor Harrison,” she smiled, because his eyebrows rose as his eyes glanced down at her naked body. It was on, starting right there in the tub. Their connection went on for over an hour, moving from room to room. Trevor was sure to wear Symóne out, giving her no choice but to sleep through the night. Hopefully giving her yet another quest of hers, he made sure to give her his all.

  He knew his plan had worked when she yawned six times during the last leg of their sexcapade. She was drained, barely able to move, so he conjured up his last bit of energy and finished her off. They lay together, him spooning her with his arms draped over her. When her breathing became slow and heavy, he eased away from her, pulling the blanket over her body. He slipped on a pair of sweats and a tee shirt and went to the door to let the detective in, then went to the balcony to let Blake back in as well.

  They came in and took a seat at the table to have a discussion on what they think they can do to further draw this stalker out of hiding, but not before they let into Trevor about his longevity and ability to drive Symóne into an alter ego. He chuckled and shook his head.

  “She does it to me. I just can't get enough of her, so I make it last. I don't dare quit before she is completely satisfied,” he admitted.

  “Damn Trevor, what kind of shit are you on? I heard about the elevator ride today. Half of the building had to take an early lunch break after you came through there,” Blake teased him.

  Trevor's head was shaking again at that memory. He still hadn't told Symóne that everyone thinks his new nickname is now, don't stop Harrison, he sighed.

  “I think that it's all built up from holding out for twelve years. I have a lot of pinned up sexual frustration, just ready to share with the one I waited for,” he smiled.

  “Okay, so back to business,” the detective breathed. “When you go house hunting tomorrow, you should make sure that your agent believes that you are interested in a few properties. Stop and have lunch, let Symóne show off that boulder you put on her finger by keeping her hands high—like on your chest and shoulders. Then look at a few more houses. Get really interested in one in particular, then low ball the offer. Make it take some time to get a final answer. If this guy is watching her, he'll be real interested in what seems to be her future permanent home. Also, I think the engagement will upset him a bit,” he stated, then Trevor tensed.

  “Don't worry, we're going to put micro cameras inside and outside of your Range Rover, and one of our special agents will be tailing you guys. He'll be tailing by GPS so that he's never within a mile of your location at any time,” the detective assured Trevor. “Now, if anyone approaches you, and you are not sure if its him, but think its a possibility, give us a signal by tugging your right earlobe.”

  “I get all of this, and I will do everything you suggest…however, Symóne's safety is first with me. I want no chances taken in this matter—at all,” Trevor demanded.

  “Completely understood. Now,
you should get some rest too. We'll keep watch tonight, then change over after the two of you wake up in the morning. Oh, and Trevor…make sure that you tell Symóne everything she needs to know before you leave home. We have a signal scrambler within the perimeters of your condo, but once you're outside, anyone with a listening device can hear your conversations. Keep everything else as normal as possible tomorrow,” Blake warned him.

  Chapter 15

  The next morning in the passenger seat of Trevor's Range Rover, Symóne sent Faye a text.

  Symóne- Hey, have you opened the store yet?

  Faye- Just did. A few were waiting for the doors to open.

  Symóne- Look, I need you to be careful and watchful of who comes in. If anybody seems suspicious, please notify security and call me.

  Faye- Okay. What's wrong? Where are you?

  Symóne- Trevor and I are house hunting. I'll send you pics of my favorites.

  Faye- Great! I can't wait. Have fun and I'll make sure things are straight around here.

  Symóne- Thanks. Talk to you later.

  Faye- Bye.

  “So, when are we doing this for real?” she whispered softly to Trevor, plugging the car charger to her phone and placing it in one of the cup holders.

  “Hopefully in a week or so,” he replied in a desolate tone.

  Symóne turned to look at him. His face was saddened and worried. His posture was tense and she could tell there was a lot on his mind.

  “What's wrong Trevor?”

  He inhaled and looked to be in thought. When he exhaled, he told her only part of his worries. “I keep thinking that this is somehow connected to someone you worked with at the tech support company or…maybe your ex?” he half turned to look for her response.

  She frowned and thought about his suspicions. “I admit, in the beginning it sort of seemed like a possibility, but knowing Brent the way that I do, he's not capable of coming up with the type of technology to get past all of the detectives you have working on this case,” she rejected the notion.

  “But Symóne, this guy acts like a jealous boyfriend. Like he knows you on a personal level. I keep coming up with scenarios where he may have been wanting to come back into your life, but when you and I hooked up, that messed up his plans. This is how I get a feel of my clients and their opposing counterparts. Getting into their heads, thinking the way that they do, helps me figure out their next move,” he explained his reasoning behind his suggestion.

  “I know that you're upset, and so am I, but there is something much more different about you right now. Something else is going on in that head of yours,” she began to notice his guarded words.

  Trevor took another deep breath, then confessed. “I called my mother this morning while you were in the bathroom. I usually don't ask for her help because she always tells me things when I need to know them, but I needed her to tune into her sixth sense and give me a heads up. She couldn't tell me anything direct, but did mention that if we didn't get to the bottom of things right away…your life could be in jeopardy,” he swallowed hard.

  Symóne gasped, then asked what should they do to speed up the process to find this nuisance.

  “I need for you to think really hard about the last contact you had with Brent. Things he's said or done. Think hard about the guy that attacked you, could he be a friend or acquaintance of his?” he waited while she pondered on those thoughts.

  She closed her eyes, taking herself back to the night she was attacked. Nothing was familiar about this guy, but then something came to mind from court. The pictures in his phone of her and Trevor lying together in bed, seemed like it was proof of something. They were never sent to anyone else, but maybe he was the accomplice.

  “Trevor…I do remember something that felt odd,” she began and he looked at her briefly, but continued to follow the real estate agent. “The guy that hit my car, specifically asked me for two minutes of my time. I heard that quite often from our team manager in tech support,” more of a realization began to surface as she gave it some thought. “He can do anything with any type of phone, and can build all kinds of electronic devices out of almost anything,” she breathed.

  “The car that hit you, did it look familiar?” he asked.

  “No. But then I've never seen his car before,” she was trying really hard to think if that were the case.

  “What's his name?”

  “Donovan Neely. We called him Donny.”

  Trevor picked up his phone and called Blake. “Hey, check out a Donovan Neely at the Tech Support Company. I want everything you can get on him, ASAP!” he ended the call. He was tempted to end the house hunt, but something told him to continue as planned.

  The agent turned into a well established upscale neighborhood and pulled up in front of a very nice contemporary style home. Although Trevor thought it was okay, Symóne clearly had a different style of home in mind. But, since they were mock house hunting, they took a look at it anyway. The agent began walking them through the house, talking up the upgrades and square footage, then took them out back to a smaller back yard where the swimming pool took up most of the space.

  “So, what do you think?” she asked the two of them.

  “I'm not feeling this house,” Symóne looked at Trevor. He shrugged and asked the agent what else did she have to show them. They got into their vehicles and left the neighborhood and drove another five minutes and turned into a newer development. This one had traditional style homes, mostly plantation type homes. They looked at a few of them in there as well. There was one that Symóne liked enough to at least pretend to take an interest in. She asked questions that seemed to be leaning toward making an offer. When they stepped outside, she held up her phone and took a few pictures, then draped her arms around Trevor's neck, as though she were softening him up for the sale.

  His phone vibrated with a text.

  Detective- You've got a watcher taking pictures of the two of you.

  Trevor- What is he driving?

  Detective- A dark gray sedan with very darkly tinted windows.

  Trevor- Did you get his plates?

  Detective- I've Already called it in. Waiting on confirmation.

  Detective- He's checking another device.

  Trevor- Where is he?

  Detective- He's off, I'm in pursuit!

  Trevor looked to Symóne with hopefulness in his eyes. He told the Real Estate Agent that they had an urgent matter to take care of and promised to reschedule their house hunt soon. She told him that she would check into some more homes in the area for them, but he and Symóne rejected. He promised to get back with her on another location and preference.

  They left and headed to Symóne's store and waited for information from Blake and the Detective.

  They ordered lunch and went back to Symóne's studio office and ate while they discussed their real desires for a home for the both of them. Almost an hour and a half had gone by, when Trevor finally got a call back.

  “Yes Blake?”

  “Meet me out back, behind the warehouse. I'm here now,” Blake stated.

  Trevor got up and started for the door with Symóne following. He stopped and turned to face her, “Babe, I get the feeling that you need to stay put. I'll try to hurry back to you,” he promised.

  She pouted, but went back to her drafting table and decided to sketch one of the rooms in her newest client's house. As she created styles, she began to search through her fabric swatches and paint color pallets for something that would be perfect for a family room. Trevor had been outside talking to Blake for twenty minutes or so, and Symóne became curious. She was just about to head out to the warehouse when she got a text.

  Trevor- I have a special surprise for you. It's out front, I'll meet you there.

  She smiled and was just about to send him a text, but decided to just get out there. Symóne set her phone on it's charger by the table and got up to rush out to Trevor. When she stepped out into the sun, she didn't see him anywhere. Looking around f
or him, she started toward his car to see if he or the surprise were in there, but suddenly things went black.

  Trevor and Blake had come inside to tell Symóne the good news, verifying their latest suspicions on an ex co-worker of hers.

  “Symóne?” Trevor called out as he entered the studio. She didn't answer and he went to her personal bathroom to see if she was in there. He came out, his instincts telling him that something was wrong. He rushed past Blake out to the store with him following out behind Trevor. They rushed around the store looking for her. The associate manning the checkout counter was busy with a line of customers, and they spotted Faye assisting a couple with some art work.

  Trevor approached her, his demeanor aggressive. “Faye! Where's Symóne?” he demanded.

  She frowned, wondering what was with his hostility, but looked around herself and shrugged. “I haven't seen her,” she spoke.

  He took out his phone and called her, but it rang several times before it went to voice mail. He started for her studio again, calling her phone. Hearing it ring, he ran through the door, calling out to her. Symóne's phone was on her drafting table still connected to the charger. Trevor picked it up and began to search through her phone, seeing both of his missed calls, a few calls to clients as well. He backed out of the call log and looked through her messages, the last message received was from his phone?

  “Son of a bitch!” he barked.

  Blake looked at the message on Symóne's phone and rushed out to his car, making a call along the way. “I think we have an abduction. Symóne is missing and we found a text telling her to come out of the store from Trevor's phone. It wasn't him, because he was with me and he has his phone.

  Meanwhile, Trevor rushed through the store to go out to his car, yelling out for Faye to handle the business and to call if she sees or hears from Symóne.

  She instantly became grief stricken seeing the way he and his head of security were behaving.


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