Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5)

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Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5) Page 6

by Sarah Tork

  Here we go.

  Despite my internal alarm bells ringing at max, I took the plunge and pushed the patio door back, entering where no sane person should have. With both feet in, I felt kind of woozy, like something in the air shifted. I snapped out of it, because I didn’t have the time to feel out of place. I took in the state of the kitchen and shook my head in awe. It was in the middle of dinner prep, with a colander filled with boiled spaghetti in the sink, a chopping board covered with diced carrots and celery on the countertop, and beside my feet on the floor was broken glass and tomato sauce.

  “What a waste.” I muttered, shaking my head in disgust. Janet was clearly going to make spaghetti for dinner tonight, and it was RUINED thanks to an evil monster with loyalty issues. I jumped over the spillage and remembered again I wasn’t here to explore the ruins of this hellish house, but to find the laptop and clothes that were taken from James earlier.

  The stairs creaked on my way up, and the first “official” stop was James’s old room. His room was trashed and there were holes in the drywall, and there was a dent in the door with a knuckle imprint. I skimmed it with my fingertips and closed my eyes, wondering how this had happened.

  “Get the fuck out of my room! Leave me alone!” James would yell, holding a baseball bat like a weapon.

  His dad would charge at him, raising his arms like a mad man, ready to punch his son for eating the last bag of chips and drinking the last of the milk and orange juice.

  “You little pussy bitch, this’ll be the last time you disrespect me in my house! You’re a piece of shit.”

  “Stay back, old man.” James held the baseball bat higher, jerking it in short swings to scare Mr. Lawson back.

  Mr. Lawson would stop and readjust his stance, raising his arms again like a drunken gorilla ready to pounce its enemy. “I’m not scared of you, you little bitch. I need to teach you a lesson. Don’t ever touch what’s not yours! THIS… IS… MY FUCKING HOUSE!”

  I shivered. My home REALLY didn’t seem so bad anymore. In fact, it was literally paradise in comparison.

  The room was a bust with no bag, or laptop, or clothes in sight.

  I scoured Mr. Lawson’s bedroom next, finding nothing except for a huge mess. Dresser drawers’ open, clothes scattered across the floor, hangers everywhere. Without making a mess – though not that it mattered thanks to Janet – I searched the whole house as fast as I could before one of them returned. The garage was my last resort. I opened the door leading from the kitchen and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. It was a huge double garage; with a silver SUV parked on the right side, which was probably Janet’s car. The left side of the garage had no car, and it was probably where Mr. Lawson parked his truck. The wall was covered with racks filled with camping stuff and containers with scribbled labels across. Beside the garage door on the carless side, was a long workbench. I went to it and something underneath it caught my eye, a color and shape of a bag I’d seen before.

  There you are…. I pulled James’s blue duffel bag out and placed it on the worktable, unzipping it with shaky excited fingers.

  One laptop: Check.

  Power cord: Check

  Two sweaters, one blue, and one black: Check.

  “It’s all here, everything’s inside.” I whispered in glee, and in shock.

  My victory was cut short, a car pulled up in the driveway, headlights blinding me still. My heart pounded like crazy.

  Shit… the monster was back!

  Alarm bells rang at max. Move faster, slowpoke! My heart raced as I quickly returned the bag where I’d found it. Next move, now! I hid behind a stack of brand new tires by Janet’s car in case Mr. Lawson wanted to park his car inside the garage tonight. I knew usually he left the car outside, but tonight it seemed normal routines were clearly out the door. I heard the front door open and the house alarm beep loudly.

  “Where are you? Pick up your phone!” Mr. Lawson roared, slamming the front door closed. Was he speaking to his mistress, or Janet?

  “So you ran to your mommy’s house, how typical. And with most of the jewelry I paid for, too.” He barked out laughing.

  It’s Janet.

  “Well you forgot a few pieces, or maybe you didn’t, because I checked the safe and…. you tried to open it. I know you did. I leave it on zero every time, genius. So, I just want you to know, that you’re never going to see those diamonds again. They’re gone!”

  Jesus Christ. What an evil vindictive monster!

  The phone rang.

  “Look who decided to call back. Ah, did you like the message I left you, honey buns?” He laughed sinisterly. “That’s right, I’m evil. Sweetheart, you were replaced a long time ago. Understand me now?”

  Oh my god!

  The house alarm beeped again as the front door opened, and then it closed with a bang. I heard footsteps crunch on the driveway outside behind the garage door.

  This was it.

  If I wanted to leave in one peace, I had to do it right now. I rushed over to the workbench and grabbed the bag from underneath it, but a new problem quickly emerged, stalling me from making a run for it. If the bag were noticed to be missing, the monster would know that someone had broken into his house and taken it. He’d blame James, or his own father for the theft. I wouldn’t put it past that man to call the police and have James and his father arrested for trespassing and burglary.


  The truck lights blinked on and the ignition roared to life. Mr. Lawson stepped inside his vehicle and drove off. I should have been relieved, but who knew when that Neanderthal would return. Maybe he’d be gone for the night, or be back in five minutes.

  Okay, new plan! Think, think, think, think, think, think, think…. Ahhh-hah! I’m a genius! The bag will stay and everything else will come with me!

  I emptied the contents of the bag and then searched the garage for a replacement to simulate the weight so Monster Lawson would be none the wiser for the time being. I was pretty sure he didn’t give a shit about the laptop or the clothes, but took them to stick it to James one last time. Maybe he’d forget about the bag, or decide to check its contents months later?

  Here’s hoping!

  My eyes pinpointed a stack of bricks by the entrance. Perfect. I grabbed them and placed them inside the bag, zipped the bag shut and lifted it to see if it felt the same. It felt good enough to me, so I placed the bag back underneath the workbench.

  Now the tricky part, how would I walk out of here with all this stuff, and not look completely suspicious? New plan, now! I took the power cord and draped it around my neck, letting it swing down my chest. I took both sweaters and wrapped them around my waist. And last but not least, I took his laptop and held it close to my chest.

  Besides wanting to puke my guts out, my heart pounded, verging into unknown territory where my chances of having a heart attack from all this stress, seemed very likely.

  You can do this! I gulped and mentally slid on my big girl panties. I left the garage and entered back inside the house where all the lights were off now. The house being completely dark kind of made sneaking out a bit easier. The kitchen was still dirty, and the patio door was as I left it, closed. The alarm wasn’t set, because I would have heard it beep to a finish after he left the house. And making matters even better, he didn’t lock the patio door either. So, if I left it unlocked he wouldn’t be suspicious about that either. I looked at the ceiling, pretending to see the sky instead. “Thank you.” I whispered.

  Feeling like a prisoner about to make a run for it, I slowly pushed the patio door open and sighed in relief when a gust of wind enveloped me, filling my nostrils with fresh air. I shut the patio door slowly and quietly. I made my way out from the backyard, creeping in shadows so none of the neighbors noticed me strolling off the property with my fresh hot loot. It was kind of exhilarating, and technically I hadn’t stolen anything. These things belonged to James, and I was simply returning them to him.

  What a night.

nbsp; My phone vibrated, chiming with an incoming text. I pulled my phone out and grinned, feeling very happy.

  Tiger: I’m coming to see you. So do what you have to and get your dramatic butt out the house, I’ll be there in ten minutes.

  Annabelle: Before, my butt was cute to you, now it’s dramatic? Not cool, not cool at all. By the way, I just did something crazy.

  Tiger: You did something crazy? Like what? What did you do?

  Annabelle: I think I’d rather show you then tell you. Meet me at Brucey’s. I’ll be the one enjoying an ice-cold soda out front.

  Brucey’s lights must have been on maximum brightness, because from a few blocks away I saw the sign and smiled. The closer I got, the smells of the restaurant became stronger. My stomach gurgled at the intoxicating smell of French fries, but it was the ice-cold soda I craved most. I made the first wise decision of the night and entered Brucey’s. I caught my reflection in the corridor mirror and cringed in amusement, chuckling at the crazy girl who looked like she spent her day rummaging through garage sales, spending all her money on amazing finds the world needed to see, hence the power cord over her neck, the two sweaters tied around her waist, and the laptop held tightly in her embrace.

  I should go to school like this tomorrow... hahaha. I pictured myself going to school like this, looking totally loony. The image was both horrifying and completely hilarious.

  “What can I get for you tonight, miss?” a cashier interrupted.

  “I’d like a medium cola, extra ice, please.” I ordered.

  After the night I just had, a sugary ice-cold soda was just what the doctor ordered, calories be damned. I paid the dollar I owed for it and the cashier made my drink and handed it over. I took quick sips, letting my eyes roll back in sheer elation. And before management noticed the crazy girl going gaga over cola in the center of their restaurant, I took my drink outside and sat down, enjoying the night by staring up at the sky.

  What a night…


  I looked away from the sky and followed the voice to the parking lot to my left. Standing a few feet away, dressed in black sweats and a white shirt, with his knuckles wrapped in bandage, with his hair hidden by a backward baseball cap, James looked at me like he was confused.

  I smiled timidly at him. “Hi,”

  A slow smile creeped over his lips as he took in the state of me, but the smile quickly vanished once he focused on the laptop resting on my lap. James walked over and took a seat next to me, still staring at the laptop. “I don’t understand.”

  “I told you…. I did something crazy.” I whispered, my voice vibrating nervously from confessing. Hesitantly, I placed the laptop on his lap.

  His expression read confused, then angry, and then frustrated before that bewildered smile came back on his face. He placed the laptop on the table and took me in his arms, leaned down and pressed his lips over my lips, kissing me slowly and softly. Soon our kiss turned wild and breathless, so much so we had to pull back a few inches and catch our breaths.

  “You’re crazy, you know that.” James whispered, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, I know.” I grinned.

  “Tell me everything,” James said, pulling the arm of one of his sweaters that was still tied around my waist.

  I shouldn’t tell him everything….

  “I went by your house, and your step mom was arguing loudly with your dad. He left the house, and then she left the house with your brother and sister. And then I went to the backyard and the patio door was still open. I went inside and checked everywhere, and then I checked the garage and found your blue duffle bag underneath the workbench. I grabbed your things and left the bag. Fifteen minutes later, and now I’m here. Crazy, huh?”

  James took my hand and brought it to his mouth. His lips softly brushed against my palm, giving soft kisses that lingered, making my toes curl. His beautiful green eyes met mine, but they were sad. He lowered my hand and hugged me tightly.

  “Don’t fucking do that again, Fireball.” he whispered in awe. “And, fuck… I don’t give a shit if I sound like a pussy bitch, right now. If you’d got caught by that jackass…. shit, I don’t know what he’d do. He’s not normal. He’s fucked in the head. He’s a fucking monster.”

  I nodded slowly. “I know.”

  Chapter 8


  Monday November 5, 2012

  “Awe, look. The happy couple finally dragging themselves out from the restaurant. Took em’ awhile, if you know what I mean!” Peter alerted everyone at the baseball team’s table, which had everyone laughing.

  Jenna acted like a headless chicken today, unsure of her own sanity, because for the first time, her mind and her heart were on opposite ends.

  Fifteen minutes into lunch, “bells chimed”, like a sweet melody, reminding me of puppies, rainbows and pink cotton candy. Jenna walked out of the restaurant with… Tom Colleto?


  I grinned so hard, my cheeks began to hurt.

  While he held two cheeseburgers and fries, Tom Colleto gave Jenna googly eyes, leading her to the baseball team’s table. My best friend looked fidgety, like a nervous wreck.

  I could not believe she was willingly coming over here to join this table, becoming a part of “something” up until recently she had despised. Jenna did something epic today, something impossible. And when I say impossible, I meant something IMPOSSIBLE, that Jenna herself told those closest to her she’d never do. Like get emotionally attached, or go on a real date, and the kicker… the deal breaker, the apocalypse of all things… getting a boyfriend.

  As life went on people changed, it was only natural. But in Jenna’s case, hell froze over. She got herself a man… maybe. I’d get details later about that kiss she blurted out in confusion this morning. Her kissing Tom, or Tom kissing her after they left Peter’s party last Friday, was a shock to hear. Right now everything inside of me felt joy, and my mind was alive like fireworks, wanting to know every last detail about her moment. But yeah, we’d get to all the juicy stuff later… in private.

  “So I was like, bro! Stop trying to hug me!” James laughed out loud, sounding like his usual obnoxious self. The school version of James was not always a pleasant one to be around, especially if you were on the receiving end of him. I glanced at Jenna and her fingers were clenched in tight fists. We made eye contact and I kind of smirked, but kept it real subtle.

  James was annoying her… that much was obvious.

  It took the strength of four gods, ten suns and a new boyfriend to keep Jenna from erupting in annoyance. But she kept it in just fine. The guys at this table egged this type of behavior up. They hated the soccer team and there were no limits or lines you could cross when it came to them. I usually did not spend most of my lunch with them, so unless James came with me and we spent the rest of lunch in the parking lot chilling in his car or on the field lying down, I was on my own chilling in the library or finding Jenna in the hallway with the rest of the swim team making fun of the “hot” girls.

  Now Jenna was here, sitting with us.

  I looked over my shoulder and spied the swim team’s table, but there was a problem, I couldn’t find it. They were scattered around the cafeteria and now it was really clear “who” the glue that kept them together was. Jenna “Crazy Glue” Sabini.

  Speaking of swim team members, Dana was also sitting at the baseball team’s table. Roy was seated next to her, but I couldn’t look him in the eye. Last Friday with him and Latisha getting intimate in the bathroom, still had me shivering in shock. A part of me felt bad for not outing him and saving Dana from a cheater, but Dana and me were still not in a good place. Dana and Tina telling me off in the hallway a month ago still left a bad taste in my mouth. So call me a traitor or a bad person, I didn’t care. I owed that girl absolutely nothing. Besides, it was none of my business, and I wasn’t about to get in the middle of their drama. I already had my own drama to deal with and I could already barely handle t

  Someone kicked my foot, I looked up and Becky was looking my way.

  “Bathroom?” she mouthed and I nodded after taking a few seconds.

  Jenna and Dana declined in going, opting to stay and finish their food. I was surprised to see Jenna not taking an opportunity to flee or at least have a quick girl sesh in the bathroom. Honestly, I was a little disappointed.

  I grabbed James’s hand underneath the table and gave it a squeeze. My heart skipped a beat. I wanted to hug him right here in front of everyone. I contained my excitement in touching him, trying not to be lame. I leaned into him.

  “Are you guys staying here for much longer?” I asked, my hand reaching for my bag. I brought my lunch from home today, a salad with bacon in a plastic container and a regular cola. Thumbs up for regular cola!

  Sending a shiver down my spine, he squeezed my hand back and narrowed his piercing green eyes at me. “You wanna leave me already?” he smirked. Some would say he was joking, but deep in my gut I knew it wasn’t a joke, only masked as one.

  I leaned closer and pressed my lips against his warm cheek. There was a bit of stubble and it scratched against my lip a little. I moved up to his ear.

  “A girl has needs, sorry.” I whispered and before he could match my answer with a dirty one, or stop me with those eyes that said more than his words ever could, I grabbed my backpack and joined Becky, or rather, practically jogged to keep up with her on our way out of the cafeteria.

  “Thank you,” Becky whispered as we turned the corner to her hallway. We were clearly going to her bathroom. The hallway was not empty; people were chilling by lockers, waiting for their next class to start. We had thirty minutes left till lunch was over.

  “For what?” I asked, following her inside the bathroom. Becky went straight for her stall, first one by the door and shut it close.


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