Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5)

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Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5) Page 7

by Sarah Tork

  “Things were just getting a bit too intense in there,” she explained.

  I leaned against the sink. “Why?”

  The toilet flushed as she stepped out, going to the sink. “I’m not used to this.” she whispered, washing her hands. She leaned against the sink right next to me. “Every thing changed so quickly. Or, maybe I changed too quickly? I don’t know.”

  Becky had spent the majority of high school with her friends, who were clearly on the soccer team’s side. Now she was looked at like a traitor, sitting with the baseball team who were despised with the passion of a million suns by the soccer team. It was an ego thing, really.

  I nudged her shoulder lightly with mine. “Truth?”

  She exhaled a rough breath. “Truth.”

  The door popped open, taking us both by surprise. In walked someone I had no desire to talk to, and there were quite a few people on that list to begin with, like Donna, Stacey, Latisha, Stacey Two, Dana, Tina… but it was none of those evil bitter bitches. Becky inhaled sharply and stood up straighter, ready to be bombarded with a blast from the past and when I say past…. I meant last Halloween.

  “I want to talk to you.” Carla said to Becky, and then scowled at me. “In private.”

  I looked at Becky and she gave me a nod, indicating all was good. “See you later, Becky. Call me if you need any help.”

  Carla’s eyes widened in fury. “Why would she need help?”

  I ignored the troll. “Later, Becky.”

  Carla looked at me like I stabbed her and walked on her foot. “Why would she need help!”

  “Bye,” Becky sighed, sound lifeless. Maybe me leaving wasn’t such a good idea? But Becky made no move to join me in leaving, so I left it alone.

  Carla quickly stepped in my way and pointed at me. “I’m not done talking to you!”

  If she thought I would be afraid of her with only a shaky finger in my face, then she had another coming. I would not be threatened, especially not by her.

  “Get out of my way.” I hissed at her.

  Carla’s lip rippled and her eyes got watery. “This is all your fault. You’ve made things between Becky and me worse than it should be.”

  “What I’ve done?” I was flabbergasted. “You were the one kissing her boyfriend. You’re the one who ruined your friendship with Becky, not me. You broke girl code…. you’re the traitor.”

  “I hate you!” Carla lunged forward, grabbed my shoulder and pushed me. The surprise of her attack caught me off guard. I lost my balance and fell backwards, hitting the floor, my bag helping break my fall. I felt something snap in my bag and I knew the plastic container was broken.

  Just great, another thing to explain to Mom!

  “You’re trying to steal my best friend.” Carla cried, looking back at Becky, pleading with her. “She’s trying to take you away from me.”

  Becky helped me up. My blood was boiling. I was seething with anger. Everything inside of me wanted to punch Carla in the face, but then I saw Becky’s distraught face and decided not to. I was so pissed off, but there was nothing I could do. And because I was pissed off with nothing to appease my tension, I started to tear up.

  “Don’t you ever touch me again, you psychopath!” I screamed at her. Becky held me back. I really wasn’t going to hit Carla, but I had to get out of here.

  Like… right now.

  I calmed down a tad. “Let go of me, Becky. I want to leave.”

  Becky released me and I charged out, leaving them to deal with whatever they needed to. But I was out. I quickly wiped my face. Extreme anger automatically brought tears out of me, which was horrible. I didn’t want anyone seeing me like this. Especially James, and especially Jenna. Today was supposed to be a good day and telling Jenna I’d been assaulted by an evil ex best friend with a vendetta, would not end the school day very well. In fact, I was positive that if I texted Jenna right now and told her what had happened, she’d charge over and beat Carla to a pulp.

  Hmmm, maybe I should have texted Jenna then? Would have done Carla some good to see what loyalty looked like.

  I needed to think happy thoughts. Thinking about my friendship with Jenna helped calm me down a bit. Jenna having a boyfriend and being happy instantly made the frown on my face go away. I felt better.

  After I crossed hallways, I decided to head straight to History. Class was starting in a couple of minutes anyway. There was a small line of people stretched over a row of lockers outside class. I took my spot last in line and leaned against a locker. Being alone right now was a blessing. I had a few more minutes to fully calm down completely.

  Angry Annabelle was down to zero percent… hurrah –hurrah.

  Hopefully Becky and Carla wouldn’t be heading this way, holding hands, and rekindling their friendship after what had happened in the washroom.

  If that dumb bitch ever hits me again, I will hit her back! I will show her that Annabelle Simms is not one to be messed with! That I’m a bad ass with strong arms and legs. I bike!

  I… bike?

  I…. bike?

  I bike.

  “I’m losing it….” I chuckled.

  “Hey, Anna.”

  Someone joined the line.

  Crap, it was Tina.

  I gave her a small smile. “Hey, Tina. What’s up?”

  “I’m in love,” she gushed, leaning against a locker. Her eyes were all googly and starry. “So this is what it feels like. I think… I think I get it now.”

  I jerked my head back in confusion. “Get what now?”

  Tina sighed loudly. “Why you did what you did to Jenna… for James. I’d do anything for Gabe…. le sigh…. anything.” she answered breathily. Instantly I pictured her prancing down a grass field throwing flower petals.

  What I did to Jenna… for James?

  End this stupid conversation with this idiot… right now.

  “That’s nice,” I said, giving her a nod and pulling out my phone to seem preoccupied. There were no text messages waiting for me. Damn it!

  “Why are your eyes red?” Tina pointed out.

  I shrugged and looked away from her confused stare “They were itchy.”

  “I’ve got some eye drops if you want.” She dug in her bag and produced a small bottle. “My eyes get red from chlorine in pools all the time. Especially the pool here. I think they put way too much chlorine, because my eyes sting like crazy and I always look like I’m crying after practice.”

  Ok, wow.

  This is so weird.

  Why is she being so friendly?

  Maybe it’s time to forgive and forget?



  “We didn’t get to talk at lunch.” I giggled from nerves as Jenna went still. I’ve been wanting to talk to her since lunch.

  She hissed. “Maybe it’s because you were too busy sucking James’s face off.” She grabbed her things and stuffed them inside her bag. She took her duffel bag out and shut her locker.

  “What is your problem?” I snapped. “Snapping at me for no reason. You said you would be good.”

  “This is good.” She smiled bitterly at me. “Gotta go, swim practice.”

  “Whatever, Ms. Grumpy! See if I ever ask you anything again!” I blasted her as she walked away from me, heading toward the pool.

  From one vindictive troll at lunch, then after school getting a verbal bitch slap from someone who was supposed to be my best friend… I was ready for this day to be over. I was done.

  The hallway was empty, except for the janitor who was sweeping the floor on the other end. I was slumped down on the floor, my back resting against a random locker near the boys change room.

  Wetness rimmed my eyes. A few tears dripped down my cheek, settling at my jaw before I wiped them away. I sniffed the rest of them back and took deep breaths, feeling exhausted.

  “It wasn’t supposed to be like this today.” I whispered, hiding my face using the side of my arm.

  Carla was a bitch. Jenna’s reacti
on this afternoon wasn’t that far off. Same category. I called her Ms. Grumpy. But I almost called her a bitch, and not in a funny way. It would have been totally serious. She treated me like garbage in front of everyone. This wasn’t the first time she’s spoken to me like this either.

  Today it took the strength of four gods, ten suns and one new boyfriend to keep Jenna from bursting with annoyance at lunch. When she berated me in public and walked away, it took the strength of ten gods, twenty suns and a reminder that our friendship had spanned over thirteen years, to keep me from bursting in real anger at her. I called her a silly name and retaliated the best way I could without making things worse. But a huge part of me wanted to hurt her right back, even if I’d ruined her special day. My feelings weren’t for her to step on because she was embarrassed about how her day had gone, or that she’d gone back on her word about getting a boyfriend during the swim season. She did all that on her own… not me.

  Calm down, crazy girl. It’ll be okay.

  Stop overreacting. Jenna is Jenna.

  But still… that wasn’t cool.

  Yeah well, either get over it or say something to her. Sitting here in an empty hallway and crying isn’t solving anything; in fact it’s making it worse.

  And on that note… I had to get out of here. Plus the janitor was trying to clean. I grabbed my stuff and hightailed it out. On my way out of the building, I remembered something. Shit, the container. I cringed, feeling annoyed. If my mom found out I broke one of her precious plastic containers, she’d have a fit and lecture me on “responsibility”. So that left me with one option. I had to buy a replacement. These days I’d do just about anything to get out of a lecture. Paying seven bucks for a brand new plastic container would be money well spent.

  But time was running out. My parents were already suspicious these days about what I did after school. I couldn’t wait for James, spend time with him and go to the store.

  I pulled out my phone and texted James.

  Annabelle: I have to go buy something for my mom right now. Sorry.

  Fifteen minutes later, halfway to the plaza, my phone buzzed, chiming with an incoming text.

  Tiger: So you just leave me like that?

  Annabelle: I didn’t have a choice.

  Tiger: Why didn’t you come out to the diamond and tell me there then?

  Annabelle: You know why.

  Tiger: Fireball, you need to get over that shit. I don’t give a shit about those girls.

  Annabelle: Yeah, well it’s a little hard sitting somewhere by myself while your fan club screams your name and all the dirty things they want to do to you.

  Tiger: Where are you right now?

  Annabelle: I’m going to the plaza.

  Tiger: The same one with the movie theatre?

  Annabelle: Yes.

  Tiger: I’m coming there now.

  Annabelle: But don’t you have to go to your Grandpa’s house?

  Tiger: I’ve got an hour left before I need to get back to my Grandpa’s house. I’m going to the gym with him later. But I want to spend some time you. Damn, I’m acting like a fucking pussy right now.

  Annabelle: LOL, See you soon, Tiger.

  I couldn’t contain the dazed grin, or the starry-eyed expression off my face any longer. My heart felt like it was about to explode.


  Suddenly, the world was okay again.



  “Thank you,” I said to the cashier, taking my receipt from her. I dumped the cracked container in the garbage outside “The Kitchen Store”. James still hadn’t shown up, so I explored the plaza in the meantime. I walked by a clothing boutique and stopped in awe, mesmerized by a beautiful dress on display in the window. The dress was navy, and the fabric seemed stretchy. It had long sleeves, with a scoop neckline, and three small buttons going down the chest. I took the plunge and went inside the store, all while never taking my eyes off “The Dress”.

  “Would you like to try it on?” the sales assistant, Melinda asked, her eyes wide with hope. Maybe they worked on commission here?

  Why not… I mean it’s a beautiful dress. I nodded. “Okay.”

  Melinda smiled with joy and clapped her hands. “Awesome.” She scanned between hangers, her hands stalling between two. “I’m going to set aside a medium, and a small.”

  My eyes popped open. “A small? There’s no way…. I mean that’s impossible. I mean… I mean…. I could never fit in a small, at least not in a dress like this.”

  Melinda looked at me like I was crazy. “Of course you would. Girl, you’ve got a nice waistline and your hips are seductive, with a nice amount of junk in the trunk. Girl, you better work that thang, people would pay a lot of money for an ass like that. Hell, they’d actually pay to have a much bigger badonk, but you get what I mean, right? Anyways, you’ll fit the dress, no problem. But… in case you want the dress to be roomier, the medium would be better suited. Let’s try them both!”

  I followed her blindly to the change room.

  A small?

  A small dress?

  Surely, I’d bust the seams. My other dresses were mediums, at least I thought they were mediums. Am I being overly dramatic right now?

  “Give a shout if you need a different size, or if you’d like me to bring you anything else.”

  “Okay,” I gulped and undressed. There was no mirror inside, only one outside. I’d have to step out and see for myself if this dress looked good… or bad.

  EEK! You can do this! But let’s be safe and try the medium dress first.

  There was no zipper in the dress, you had to slide it on from the bottom like a shirt and roll it down, adjusting the fabric. I stuck my head out from the top of the dress and slid the rest of the fabric all the way down. It felt like a glove with a bit of extra room to wiggle in. I looked at the small and it would probably fit, but I liked the way the medium felt on my body, like I could breath without wearing something baggy. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the change room. The mirror was lined with light bulbs up top. I stood in front of it, sucked in my gut and took a look.

  “Wow, that looks amazing on you!” Melinda walked right behind me and made eye contact with me through the mirror. “The medium looks amazing on you, fit’s like a glove, but comfortable at the same time. And if I could give a little information, these three buttons left unbuttoned will do wonders for your cleavage, leaving a beautiful yet sexy shape. I have this dress and let me tell you something, when I walk out the house with these three buttons unbuttoned – my man loses his mind. I’m talking cartoon eyes, with a side of jealousy, because he knows the fellas can’t help but take a peek. Ah sigh…I love it when he gets all caveman with me. It’s amazeballs!” Melinda giggled. “Are you shy, by the way?”

  Am I?

  “I’m not sure anymore,” I explained, my fingers lingering over the top button. I unbuttoned the first one and there was a hint of cleavage, but very miniscule.

  “Hmmm,” Melinda assessed, staring right at my chest. “I’m telling you girl, keep two buttons unbuttoned, it’ll change your life.”

  Why not. I unbuttoned the second one and my cleavage was out. I chuckled in disbelief.

  Melinda clapped happily. “Do the third one too, come on!”

  I cringed, but in a funny way. “If I unbutton that last one you’ll see my bra!”

  “And that’s a problem why?” Melinda grinned, wagging her eyebrows slyly.

  My cheeks turned red and my heart began to pound like crazy. I knew what she meant, but I didn’t want to acknowledge it. Besides, a new wave of “problems” hit me. I thought about wearing this dress and feeling… sexy in it. And if James saw me in a dress like this, would he have to pick his “jaw” off the floor? Would I shock him… wearing a dress like this? I swayed the bottom of the dress, adjusting angles and looking at the shape it brought out. I was pleased with how it looked. Very pleased.

  “So, what do you think?” Melinda asked.

  “How much is it?” I looked at the price tag hanging off the sleeve and my eyes nearly popped out.

  “It’s eighty dollars.” Melinda began to say, but my heart was sinking. I had money saved up, but I needed it for after I graduated. I had plans to move out, going wherever life took me – and hopefully with James by my side.

  “But,” Melinda kept going. “We actually have a sale going on. Thirty percent off the entire store!”


  Well that wasn’t so bad…. I tried doing the math in my head. Thirty percent off eighty dollars was…. Ah darn, why was I so crap at math!

  Melinda went to the front counter and pulled out a blue calculator. She pushed a few buttons and held the device up. “I’ll give it to you for fifty-four dollars, tax included.” she declared with a smile, or rather she was probably thinking…. Please buy this dress!

  Should I, though? I mean… it was a beautiful dress. And, I mean…. I’ve slimmed down, but I wish “slimming down” weren’t the case in which my mind allowed me the privilege of entertaining dress shopping. I wish I had the confidence to rock a dress “like this” at any size.

  But besides all that, I should have more dresses in my wardrobe. And as much as I loved long shirts that covered my butt, and skinny jeans, I needed to develop my style.

  I exhaled and decided to take the plunge. “Okay, I’ll take it.”

  Melinda clapped excitedly. “Awesome!”

  I swiped my debit card and the purchase went through. My bank account was fifty-four dollars less. The realization was like a kick to the gut.


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