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Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5)

Page 8

by Sarah Tork

  Maybe I can take an extra shift on? Ugh, though…. more time to spend with Shelby, lovely…NOT! I barely survived last summer!

  I placed my purchase inside my bag and left the store. I stopped on the sidewalk and took a look, searching the parking lot for James’s car. I couldn’t find it, and I was almost out of time. I needed to be home… like now. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

  Annabelle: Where are you?

  While waiting for his response, I found a seat on a bench and memorized the cars in the parking lot. After twenty minutes of not hearing back from him, I had to leave, and walking home wasn’t an option. I had to take the bus home. Fifteen minutes later, I finally arrived home. Deep in my gut I knew entering my house, and going up to my room in peace wouldn’t be easy.

  At least not where my mom was concerned….

  “Anna, you’re home?” My mom was in the kitchen, with the house phone next to her ear. She stepped out of the kitchen. “Where were you?”

  I kicked my flip-flops off. “I did some work in the library after school.”

  “Oh,” she mouthed, analyzing the information for a few seconds and then declaring them… APPROVED. “Okay, honey. Well dinner’s ready at seven.”

  Yes, success!

  “Alright,” I climbed up the stairs, overjoyed at the visual description of “flawless”. But little did I know, that reality was about to backhand me. The interrogation wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.


  And… I’m an idiot for thinking cross checking schedules with Mom could ever be that easy. It’s not over. Round two!

  “Annabelle, where is my container!” Mom yelled. “I believe I told you not to take them to school, young lady!”

  “Sorry,” I yelled. “I’ll bring it right down.” I cringed in distress, hearing her huff in annoyance on her way up the stairs, heading right for me. I ran inside my room and quickly took the new container out of my bag, ripped the tag off and__

  “Honestly, you know you how much I’m obsessed with my Tupperware.” Mom barged inside my room.

  I turned around. “There you go,” I handed her the container and she held it up to her face, looking confused.

  “Why does it look brand new?” she grimaced.

  “I washed it in the bathroom and dried it under the hand dryer.” Please let her buy this. If she didn’t, then another lecture was coming my way.

  “The bathroom?” she cringed again, dropping her arm. “Well that can’t be sanitary.”

  I shrugged, hoping she’d leave.

  “I’m going to have to rewash it,” she groaned dramatically, doing that mom-like eye roll. “Next time, young lady, don’t use this brand. I bought it on sale last week, and you know, they never put this brand on sale… like ever.”

  I nodded, complying with her reasoning. “Got it, Mom. Sorry.”

  She finally left and I collapsed on my bed. “She’s crazy.” I exhaled dramatically.

  My dress peeked from inside my backpack. I pulled the dress out, holding it above myself and stared at it in awe. It was beautiful. I got off my bed and hung it in my closet. Instinctively my hand went to the back of my closet and I found one dress crammed all the way at the end. When I pulled it out, I blinked in shock. It was a very tight looking black sundress, like body-con style…. I think.

  “Geez, Louise, did Mom actually buy me this?” I hissed, holding it out in the light more. “There’s no way my boobs and butt will fit in this!”

  My phone finally buzzed, chiming with an incoming text. I thought it might be James, but it wasn’t, it was Jenna.

  Jenna: Don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry.

  Annabelle: Busy now, I don’t want to hear it.

  Jenna: All I’m going to say is… secret relationship anyone?

  Annabelle: Fine, but we’re even now.

  Jenna: Amazing, see you tomorrow best buddy!

  We were even.

  That meant from now on she couldn’t hold the “secret relationship” with James thing over me again. I hurt her back then, she hurt me today…. we were even now. But if she ever got bitchy again, I wouldn’t hold back. She needed to know I had feelings too.

  And yes, I did realize that perhaps I was taking the situation a bit out of proportion, but I couldn’t be blamed for feeling the way I did. After all, I was supposed to be the “dramatic” one.

  My closet was a discovery mission in the making. But for now I hung the black dress back inside the closet, placing it up front, and right beside it went the new dress. One day I’d wear it.

  That day was not today.



  I needed a bath. Like pronto. But first, I set my phone on the bathroom vanity, just in case someone decided to call me.

  I filled the tub with water, squeezed a few drops of bubble bath liquid, and then turned off the faucet. I soaked my entire body, resting against the tub as water lined beneath my jaw. The water was hot, but not hot enough that I cringed in pain. Speaking of cringing in pain, dinner was same old same old.

  Katherine was a brat.

  Charles was an asshole.

  Mom was hyper, discussing the importance of sanitation, all while giving me the side eye.

  Dad ate his dinner quickly and returned to the basement.

  And me, well, I ate my dinner like a good little girl and helped clean the kitchen. Afterwards, the main floor was a ghost town. Mom went to her room, as did Charles and Katherine.

  So yeah…. It was a perfect time for a bath.

  I closed my eyes for a second. “Finally,” I murmured, playing with bubbles and placing a bunch on my chin, giving me that faux beard look, which I found very funny. I could spend a whole hour doing this, but I probably had fifteen minutes before the water either got cold, or someone needed to use this bathroom.

  Sigh… so unfair.

  When I’d finally get my own place, I would have hour-long baths, maybe longer, too. It would be up to me. Up to me…. I like the sound of that.

  My phone buzzed suddenly. It was on silent. I stretched my arm out and barely pulled my phone off the vanity. I checked the screen and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. It was James.

  Tiger: I got busy. I didn’t blow you off.

  Annabelle: You forgot about me.

  Tiger: Not on purpose. I had shit to do.

  Annabelle: I waited for you.

  Tiger: Listen, I don’t need shit from you right now. I’m sorry. I did not blow you off on purpose, shit happened and I had to deal with it.

  Annabelle: What happened?

  Tiger: My dad happened. He called his lawyer. Tried to strong arm my grandpa into making me go back, but we told them to fuck off and that we were going to file a report with the police over what happened on Sunday. It ended in my favor. I’m fucking tired, mentally and physically.

  Annabelle: Crazy.

  Tiger: Yeah, crazy.

  Annabelle: You at home?

  Tiger: No.

  Annabelle: Where are you?

  Tiger: I’m outside your house.

  Annabelle: You are?

  Tiger: I want to see you. I want to feel you, kiss you, smell you. You smell nice. It’ll calm me down. Can you come out?

  Annabelle: I’ll try. Hold on.

  Wait a minute! Hold up! Rewind! Annabelle Simms, what do you think you are doing right now? James totally blew you off, gave you crap -via text, and now expects you to sneak out. Where is your dignity?

  “Screw dignity,” I whispered.

  I unplugged the tub and got out, quickly toweling my body. My hair was safe and dry in a top bun. I wrapped the towel around my body and rushed to my room. I got my bra and underwear on, and yanked on the first pair of shorts and tank top I could find. I grabbed my phone, turned the lights off and went into the hallway, quietly shutting my room closed. I passed Katherine’s room and I could hear her snoring. Her little snores made me chuckle. I checked the next room. Charles was awake and playing on his compute
r, but I was not on his radar, so he wouldn’t notice me missing anyway. Last room was my parents. The lights were off and their door wasn’t closed all the way. I peeked inside and my mom was sound asleep on her bed. It was kind of early to be sleeping, but whatever. I went downstairs where no lights were on except for a dim light from the basement. I wish I could just leave, but we had our house alarm that made a sound when coming and going. I needed to at least tell Dad something so he wouldn’t activate the alarm, just yet.

  And, I had just the lie in mind.

  I went to the basement door and knocked on it.

  “Dad? It’s me, Anna.” I called.

  As well as a giant office, we had a small rec room in the basement. But when my parents were down there working, no one could enter without knocking first. We couldn’t just barge in downstairs and disrupt them. It was rude.

  I rolled my eyes and waited for him to respond. I heard papers rustling and him clear his throat. “Come down stairs, you’ll wake up everyone.”

  I went down the stairs and found my dad where he usually was, sitting in his black leather office chair, with a desk filled to the brim with paperwork. The lines on his face made him look older than he was.

  “What’s up?” he asked, narrowing his eyes in confusion. I usually didn’t bother him when he was working. So this was weird for him, too.

  I gulped. “I know it’s late, but would you mind if I went out for a little bit. I’m feeling a bit anxious over upcoming projects for school, and I think a small walk and some fresh air would help me out a lot.”

  Here we go….

  “Sure,” he answered simply, returning to his paperwork. “Don’t be out too long though, it’s dark outside. Our neighborhood is safe and I trust you can take care of yourself. Call me if there’s a problem and when you’re back home, let me know so I can activate the alarm.”


  No interrogation?

  This can’t be happening!


  My heart skipped in excitement. That was so easy. I should ask my dad from now on when I wanted to go out. “Okay, no problem. Thanks.” I told him back, trying to contain my voice. I couldn’t show I was excited, because then he’d be suspicious.

  He nodded. “Enjoy your walk, I hope it distresses you. I know what it feels like when the workload gets a bit crazy, and needing fresh air to calm down.”

  “Yeah,” I said slowly. I kind of felt bad for lying to him now. But it’s not like schoolwork didn’t give me stress, and I did have a project due soon that stressed me out, so technically, I didn’t lie.

  You so lied… You’re going out to see James!

  Shut up, inner Annabelle! You’re supposed to be on my side!

  “I’ll be back soon.” I said and skipped steps on my way back up to the main floor. I slipped on flip-flops and slowly opened the front door, hearing the door alert beep loudly but briefly. It was warm outside, but there was a slight wind that gave my arms goose bumps. I locked the door and searched for a large black SUV, but the street was empty. That confused me. Instead of stalling by the curb, seeming suspicious, I strolled down the block and made my way to the park. I sat on a bench and relaxed. It was dark, with one light on in the center of the park. I spied a few couples taking a walk around, and I just stared at them, like a creeper.

  I texted James.

  Annabelle: I’m at the park.

  Headlights beamed down the street. The car was a SUV, and it brought a smile to my face. I stood up and strolled over. The car stopped by the curb and James got out. He was wearing basketball shorts and a tight black sleeveless shirt that accentuated the muscles in his chest and his biceps.

  “Where’d you go?”

  Instead of answering me, he lifted me up and carried me to the car. I opened the passenger side door and James slowly placed me on the seat, but he didn’t leave me. He took my face in his hands and gave me a long kiss… a breath-taking kiss. I wrapped myself around him and savored… everything.

  He pulled back his face, but everything else was pinned to me.


  He took a slow deep breath. “Your neighbor’s lights came on and he came out, looking right at my car. I drove off and went around your neighborhood.”


  He rested his face against my neck and inhaled me. “You smell like vanilla,”

  I smiled. “I had a bath.”

  “I wish I had that bath with you.” he whispered.

  I hugged him tighter, hiding my face in his neck. He smelt fresh, and like shampoo. His hair normally was wild and long around his ears, but tonight it was smoothed back and wet.

  “You took a shower?” I murmured, caressing the base of his neck with my fingertips.

  “I worked out. I had to,” he whispered. “I punched the shit out of the punching bag at the gym. Doing that, then seeing you, hugging you, breathing you…. none of that fucked up shit from a couple of hours ago can touch me right now.”

  “Good.” I smiled, and gave his neck a light kiss.

  Chapter 9


  Tuesday November 6, 2012


  The future scared me.

  For some time I’ve been questioning whether or not university was for me. I mean… did I want to spend another four years or more in school again?

  How would I even pay for university?

  By getting a student loan?

  Or, by asking my parents for the money?

  Or, by getting another job?

  I had savings, but that was to get a place of my own after I graduated.

  And what would I study anyway?

  I had no idea.

  No idea!

  I felt like an idiot. Everyone around me knew what they wanted to study, and what kind of career they wanted. And here I was, barely with an idea of what I might like to do… for the rest of my life.

  Usually thinking about my “future” gave me a headache. But today, for once, I did not get a headache. There was a light at the end of the tunnel.

  Let Your Career Help You Discover the World!

  Apply to Become a Flight Attendant Today!

  I dropped the brochure I took from the library at lunch today on my desk. I just stared at it, feeling all types of ways. But despite feeling perplexed, anxious and apprehensive, one feeling stood dominant. From the bright blue and red colors, to the male and female flight attendants with welcoming smiles on the front cover, to the palm tree, beach, and skyscraper image behind them, to the giant globe up top, for the very first time I felt very – very – very EXCITED about “The Future”.

  Finding this brochure might have been the best damn thing to ever happen to me…. today, or at least this week. But for now, I’d keep my interest in this line of work a secret. Everyone had an opinion these days, and whether they approved or not, I didn’t need them raining on my parade… or whatever you called it.

  Smiling and feeling optimistic, I opened my laptop and searched Flight Attendant.

  Here goes nothing.



  I held my phone to my ear. “Hey,”

  “Hey,” James said back.

  Someone banged loudly on my door, making me jump in shock.

  “One second,” I whispered to James and put him on mute. I got off my bed and went to my closed bedroom door, opened it, and found my mom standing in the hallway in her blue pajamas, and with her arms crossed.

  “Everything alright?” I asked.

  My mom cringed in anger. “You do realize what time it is, right now? It’s late, Annabelle. Who are you talking to on the phone, right now?”

  She was really pissing me off right now. But I had to hold my anger back. I sucked air though my nostrils and tried to calm down. “I was just talking to Jenna for a couple of minutes. What’s wrong with that?” I explained as neutral as I could, though I could sense the annoyance in my tone.

  “First of all, don’t you ever use that condescend
ing tone with me. I’ve had enough of you speaking like that to me. I’m the parent here, not you. And second of all, I’m the one asking questions, not you. Why were you and Jenna speaking on the phone, right now? It’s almost 11:30 at night? What’s so important you guys couldn’t wait till tomorrow to discuss?”

  “Girl stuff,” I simply explained.

  “Girl stuff?” my mom repeated, sounding unconvinced. “Well, whatever you were or weren’t discussing with ‘Jenna’, you need to respect the rules of this household, Annabelle. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to your phone. I can cancel your cellular plan tomorrow, like this.” She snapped her fingers once, implying the ease of her ability to control my phone functions.

  Don’t get angry, Annabelle!

  Keep it chill.

  Otherwise, this lunatic will make things worse.

  I shook my head. “It’s not a big deal, Mom. Stop making it bigger than it is. Jenna was feeling stressed and she called me to vent for a couple of minutes. I was just trying to be a good friend. What do you want me to do next time she tries to call me? Ignore her call? Tell her the next day that I ignored her phone call because it was ‘too late’? What if she really needed me? What kind of a best friend would I be if I ignored her when she needed me the most, even if it’s late at night?”


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