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Time is an Illusion: The Ptolemy Expedition (Carina Book 1)

Page 16

by Ruairí Cinéad Ducantlin

  “Michelle, I will use the railguns on the Jenny to destroy the nukes if they do not agree to stand down. Every country with nukes will take them offline or I will zap them into nanoparticles.”

  Michelle was surprised at Corb’s decisive, firm, and quick response.

  “Okay, what are you going to do to get them to stand down?”

  “I am going to ask them.”

  “And, when they don’t believe you and refuse to stand down when you say please, what then?”

  “We will deal with that when it happens, and I expect it will happen.”

  “What do you want me to do to help you?”

  “Michelle, you have done more for me than I could have imagined. I am not going to let Earth destroy itself over petty squabbles. When we get home, I will understand if you want to stay on Earth.”

  “Corb, where you go, I go. If you are forced in action to preserve Earth, I will be there with you, holding tight. Does this mean, you understand what it means to be the man you have become?”

  “Maybe… Maybe.”

  Aboard the Jenny

  “Ragnar and Janish, one of you will be in the pilot’s seat. Taknish will guide you, he will teach you both how to fly the Jenny.”

  Standing on the bridge of the Jenny, Ragnar and Janish nodded to Taknish, the pilot assigned by Tarunik to fly the Jenny to Earth.

  “Twenty minutes to departure.”

  “Aye, Chief, twenty minutes. All departments report. Navigation?”

  “Navigation ready, Captain.”

  “Thank you, Ragnar. Operations?”

  “Operations ready, Captain.”

  “Thank you Chief. Communications?”

  “Communications ready, Captain.”

  “Thank you, Cassandra. Weapons?”

  “Weapons ready, Captain.”

  “Thank you, Nick. All go for launch, Tee-minus eighteen minutes.”

  The eighteen minutes felt like eighteen hours to the anxious crew of the Jenny.

  “Chief, any reason we can’t fly?”

  “Ready to fly, Captain.”

  “Thanks Chief. Comms, ping the Marissa and get me Captain Evans.”

  “Captain Evans, Aye.”

  “Evans here, looks like it is time Captain.”

  “Josh, we expect to see you in a few weeks. Keep it together and we’ll toast to your return.”

  “Roger that. Good flying, Captain.”

  “Mister Taknish, we are ready.”

  Everyone’s mind heard Taknish ask Ragnar to confirm the flight plan.

  “Course plotted, engines nominal, on your order, Captain.”

  “Ragnar, let’s go home.”

  Ragnar pushed the green spot on the navigation console. No noticeable noise from the engine nacelles but the external cameras displayed less of the horizon of K’an and more stars. The Jenny was moving away from the planet K’an.

  “Navigation, how long to the slip-stream event horizon?”

  Ragnar gave a sideways glance to Janish.

  “Six minutes to the slip-stream, Captain.”

  Everyone heard Taknish add details.

  “We are moving away from the elliptical plane to avoid the rim.”

  Ragnar added further clarity.

  “Taknish is referring to ring of celestial objects circling this star, like the Kuiper Belt, circling Sol. Moving away from the elliptical plane will put us on a path to Sol that is close to a straight line.”

  Aboard the Marissa

  “Captain Evans?”

  “Yes, Captain Turner? What is with the formality?”

  “I won’t refer to the ship’s captain as Brando. Do we have enough people to fly this ship?”

  “No, but we will make do. Taknash has been assigned to guide our learning. You and I will rotate shifts as will Justin and NT. Justin, you good?”

  “Yes, Captain. Just keep swimming.”

  “Finding Nemo?”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “NT, you good?”

  “All good Captain, The Dude abides.”

  “Nice, always love a Big Lebowski quote. I was surprised at Lucinda’s decision also. But, I am glad to have you, even though you were a zoomie.”

  “Lucinda and I discussed my coming over to the Marissa to help you. Makes sense. Hopefully, there will be an Earth when we arrive. Once a zoomie, always a zoomie.”

  “This is a big, empty, slow ship. Let’s settle in for a long eighteen weeks.”

  “Captain, there is one problem.”

  “What is that Justin?”

  “Gio contacted me. Apparently, Mrs. Treacher threatened the human entourage on K’an. She has been sequestered and Gio does not know when she will be released. Also, Doctor Wolmarans is requesting to speak with you. He wants to plead his case.

  I spoke to Doctor Wolmarans. He is very smart and makes an interesting point. As Captain of this ship, you could allow him passage back to Earth. He might be helpful both on the journey to Earth and once we arrive.”

  “How so?”

  “As a condition of his passage, we make him cook and go-fer. Any complaints, just one from Doctor Wolmarans, and we send him back to K’an.”

  “Okay, I can see that. What about when we get to Earth?

  “We turn him over to Colonel Khatter and Captain Kruger. Put him in an advisory role to Khatter.”

  “I know Doctor Wolmarans, he won’t be a cook and will not play second-fiddle to Davinder.”

  “I think you are wrong, NT. Either, I am very naïve and Wolmarans is snowing me. Or, he is telling the truth. I believe he is sincere. He wants to go home.”

  “NT, get me Corb.”

  “Opening a channel to the Jenny. Stand by. Channel open to the Captain of the Jenny.”

  “Captain Raitt, I would like permission to speak with one of your crewmen.”

  “Brando, call me Lucinda. To whom do you want to speak? Let me guess, Corb?”

  “Correct and there is no secret, you can keep the channel open.”

  “Corb here Captain Evans, what can I do for you?”

  “Doctor Wolmarans wants to return to Earth and has convinced one of my crewmen he is sincere. I wanted your input before I decide.”

  “What’s your plan, Brando?”

  “Wolmarans will crew the galley on the Marissa. When we arrive at Earth, he will be placed under the control of Khatter and Kruger. His knowledge of K’an and the Ch’en people will be valuable to them when they are acting on your behalf. What are your thoughts.”

  Lucinda, Nick, and Michelle had all started talking, drowning out Corb’s response. NT was laughing and waved to Brando indicating he cut the channel.

  “You poked the bees nest Brando. You might want to let them know you won’t act, regarding Wolmarans, without Corb’s approval. comms up.”

  “Corb, sorry about that. I realize this is sensitive subject, which is why I am asking for your guidance. I am not going to act without your approval.”

  “Thank you, Captain Evans. The team here doesn’t like the idea and I am sure Davinder and Jan will not be happy. I think allowing the good Doctor Wolmarans to return can be a positive. He can help Davinder and Jan understand the Ch’en. And, if he screws up again, we can send him back. It’s your call Brando, but if you decide to allow Wolmarans passage, force him to sign an agreement.”

  “Understood. Thank you. Marissa out.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  A new world of disorder.

  “It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” – Oscar Wilde

  Aboard the Jenny

  “Enough talk. Corb made up his mind, Brando will make a decision, and we live with the results.”

  After Corb’s decision to allow Doctor Wolmarans to return to Earth, the bridge crew of the Jenny were trying to reverse the pronouncement. Lucinda had enough of the arguing and stopped the discussion.

  “I was wondering, Taknish, may I ask you a question?”

; The humans were communication with voice and auditory reception. Taknish on the Jenny and Taknash on the Marissa refused to speak. They communicated telepathically.

  “You may ask, Mister Davies.”

  “Please call me Nick. We are about two-hundred and eighty light minutes from K’an and the Marissa. The communications between the ships is instantaneous. How does the communication channel travel faster than light?”

  “Excellent observation, Mister Davies. I will use language with which you are familiar to explain the phenomenon. The Ch’en learned how to create artificial worm holes. They are more accurately described as micro dark-mass tunnels. You can think of them as micro worm holes. The communication device on the Jenny sends a request to a similar communication device on the Marissa.

  The Marissa accepts the request by opening the micro worm hole. Communications traverse the micro worm hole. When the communication channel is terminated, the micro worm hole collapses.

  There are additional items of importance. As we move farther away, from the Marissa, or K’an, a communications delay of several seconds will become evident. Also, establishing the micro worm hole, while either end of the communication channel is in the slip-stream is very difficult. It is possible to establish the connection but difficult to maintain.

  Therefore, communications are usually in the form of packets, when in the slip-stream. We will create the communication packet, establish the connection, send the packet, then wait for a packet to return.”

  Everyone on the Jenny was fully focused on Taknish and his explanation to Nick. Clearly anticipating the next question, Taknish continued.

  “I have requested my colleague, Taknash, inform the crew of the Marissa of the communication technology.”

  “Thank you, Taknish, that was very informative.”

  Taknish nodded to Nick and turned back to monitoring the navigation console.

  “Pilots, are we ready to push into the slip-stream?”

  Ragnar responded to Lucinda’s question.

  “All indicators are green, Captain. On your command.”

  “Chief, any reason we should not be the first humans to return to Earth from another planet?”

  “Captain, everything the crew of the Jeanette does is a first for humanity. Why should we stop now?”

  “Ragnar, let’s go.”

  “One second, Captain.”

  Alarmed at her order being delayed, Lucinda turned her chair to look at Corb.

  “What is it, Corb?”

  “Tarunik wants a word with me.”

  As he finished the sentence Tarunik appeared on the bridge. Everyone heard the telepathic communication between Tarunik and Corb.

  “Enlightened One, we have come to warn you about the one you call Doctor Wolmarans. He has not completed the process and does not possess a calm mind. It is unusual for humans to return the Earth and more unusual for someone who has not completed the process to return.”

  “Tarunik, you concern is well founded, and I thank you for making the journey to speak with me. Humans are a kind and forgiving people. It is in our nature to provide opportunity for redemption. We often refer to this process as a ‘second chance’. Doctor Wolmarans is being given a second chance. If he fails, if he strays from the course of the calm mind, I will return him to K’an.”

  “Thank you, Enlightened One. The Ch’en have learned something new today.

  Tarunik teleported away.

  “Corb, buddy, you’re holding back. How did Tarunik make it all the way out here, on to the bridge of the Jenny, and not a thousand meters off our port. IN SPACE?”

  “Nick, you are referring to why Tarunik could teleport on to the bridge of the Jenny and I could not teleport to the New Life One… and save the men. There are two parts to the answer. First, Tarunik can manipulate the end-point while he is in transit. I was told there are few Ch’en who can change the destination while in teleportation transit. Second, Tarunik used me as the end-point. Actually… There’s more. Lucinda, Janish and me create an exceptionally bright end-point. Tarunik used us to ensure he arrived safely.

  There was no end-point on the New Life One. At that time, I could not create the destination on a stationary target and certainly not on a moving target. I would have died in space, a thousand meters port side of the New Life One.”

  Everyone on the bridge was silent and solemn. After a period of reflection, Janish spoke.

  “Corb, you used the past tense in your summary. Can you change the destination while in transit? Could you hit a moving target now?”

  “I have learned a great many things from Tarunik and Tunellish.”

  Corb turned back to his console, ending the conversation.

  “Chief, I think we were about to enter the slip-stream event horizon.”

  “Aye, Captain. No change in status.

  “Ragnar, let’s go.”

  Ragnar looked sideways to Janish and nodded to the green indicator on the console. Janish reached across Ragnar and pressed the indicator. In the most uneventful way possible, the Jenny entered the slip-stream and headed to Earth. Now, however, the crew of the Jenny and Marissa have something the Jeanette lacked, a clock that counted down the arrival to the destination.

  Above the navigation console is a viewing monitor. Above the viewing monitor is a clock with red digits. The digits read: 942.

  “What is that number?”

  “Cassandra, that is the countdown of hours before we arrive at Earth.”

  Nick jumped up and leaned over Ragnar and started pressing options on the navigation console.

  “Get out of the way, son. You're using my oxygen."

  “Nick, what are you doing?”

  After twenty-five seconds of frantically pressing options on the console, Nick stopped, stood up, smirked, and pointed to the count-down clock.

  The count-down clock read: 5w, 4d, 6h.”

  “Thank you, Nick. And, don’t think I didn’t catch your reference. If I didn’t know better, I would think you insulted Ragnar and Janish.”

  “No way, Captain. Just some good-natured ribbing.”

  Oblivious to the reference, Ragnar and Janish looked to Lucinda for an explanation.

  “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Nick’s comment is from the movie.”

  Still confused, Ragnar shrugged and turned back to the console. Janish pleaded with her eyes for more information.

  “Janish, we’ll have a movie night and we’ll watch the movie. Now, Ragnar, how’s she flying?”

  Ragnar looked to Taknish, who nodded affirmative.

  “Five by five, Captain.”

  Stunned, the bridge crew all turned to look at Ragnar who refused to look up but responded anyway.

  “Don’t be so surprised. Aliens is a good movie.”

  “Nick, you insulted Ragnar and me. They are all crazy in that movie!”

  Janish was feigning indignation regarding Nick’s comment on the bridge. Janish was referring to the comment Nick made before changing the count-down clock. The clock currently reads 4w, 1d, 16h. The crew of the Jenny recently watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

  Normal tedium had set in causing Lucinda to order movie night. Tedium but not depression in the crew. The Jenny is orders of magnitude faster than the Jeanette and the countdown clock keeps everyone focused and in good spirits. With everyone assigned to a rotating shift schedule, the cramped living quarters seem less cramped.

  Aboard the Marissa

  “Is that clock accurate?”

  “Yes, NT. The clock is accurate. We received the instructions for the count down in the last communication packet from the Jenny. The clock read: 12w, 6d, 14h.

  Aboard the Jenny

  “Lucinda, why did we drop out of the slip-stream?”

  “Cassandra, we are approaching the Oort cloud. Taknish is going to give Nick and Ragnar training on use of the railguns and the plasma cannon.”

  “Why did the clock change because the Jenny is traveling in normal space?”

  “Correct, Cassandra, the clock adjusted automatically based on our velocity.”

  “Thanks, Janish. I hope we can use the slip-stream to shorten that time.”

  “What? You don’t want to spend another 32 weeks, 19 days, and 13 hours with us? We are good company.”

  “Janish is good company. Nick, you are someone to tolerate.”

  Everyone giggled and waited for Taknish’s instructions. The forward video monitor changed to a display of the Oort cloud. A particularly dense section of the Oort cloud with a leading edge approximately one-million, two-hundred, and forty thousand kilometers from the Jenny. Without touching the console, two of the largest rock and ice balls, closest to the Jenny, where circled in green. Surprised, Ragnar spoke.

  “Taknish, you can control the ship with your mind?”

  “No, Mister Jenson, only the console. The consoles, like the communication device, have advanced technology. I can control the console remotely. The Enlightened One and Miss. Roa have learned the ability to remotely control the command consoles.”

  Looking at Janish, Ragnar was befuddled.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because, Ragnar, I felt it was bragging if I told you.”

  Ragnar smiled, knowing Janish was not one to hide important information. Ragnar turned to Nick.

  “Where is Earth?”

  “Cassandra, Earth in on the opposite side of Sol. The target practice would be visible, if someone was looking in the right direction, in six or seven hours. We put the sun between us and the Earth to hide the target practice.”

  Turning to Nick, Lucinda continued.

  “Are you going to blow them up or just sit there?”

  Nick’s beaming smile, and quick retort, gave everyone the answer.

  “Here, hold my beer.”

  “You have no beer.”

  “It is a phrase often used by American humans when they are about to do something fun but is often just dumb. In this context, the act is not dumb, but it will be a lot of fun.”

  “I understand. Are you ready to proceed?”


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