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Rise of Aen

Page 2

by Damian Shishkin

  The helicopter lowered itself with a slight jolt on the rooftop landing pad and the engines began to wind down. The door slid open and he jumped out, his feet touching solid ground for the first time in a few hours. As he approached the roof doors, they swung open and he was greeted by the facility head, Major Phillips. She was in her thirties and fairly attractive, despite her attempts at keeping her look in military standards. Her file reported that she was socially adept but kept to herself amongst the others in the facility. She ran a tight ship, and to do so she had to keep herself at a distance from the others.

  “General,” she yelled over the noise of the helicopter engines. “We weren’t expecting you for a few more months. Nonetheless, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person!”

  “The pleasure is mine.” The doors closed behind them and they were now able to carry on a conversation without yelling and straining to hear. “I figured after four years, I should finally relocate to where my people are.”

  She grinned slyly. “Couldn’t take those weasels in Langley any longer, could you?”

  Taylor laughed out loud in response. “You and I are going to work well together, Major.” She led him to a waiting elevator and they both entered. “What’s the latest for the project?”

  Her face turned serious. “Subjects 28 through 39 survived only one week into the enhancement process, and Subject 40 died horrifically after DNA grafting.” She handed him a file and he flipped through it, reading only the highlighted results. “We’re running short on volunteers General.”

  “What are we missing, Major? The lab says it’s DNA and ours are closely related and should be compatible, so are we properly screening our test subjects?”

  “There seems to be a minute percent of the world’s population that fall under the acceptable parameters of what we need, and I’m afraid those that volunteered died in the process.”

  He looked up at the elevator floor indicator as it passed sub-level ten. The facility reached far below ground, fifteen stories to be exact, to keep the projects inside secret. “Then we need to draft subjects into the project. Screen hospitals in the Northeast and look through medical files to find those who match what we need. When you find them, bring them here—however you see fit.”

  “Do you mean kidnapping, sir?” The look of shock was apparent on her face.

  “Major, we are up against the clock on this one.” The door opened on sub-level fifteen and they both walked towards the holding tank where Subject Zero lay still in a coma. “The enemy has accidentally made itself known. They are coming and they don’t care if we are ready for them or not. They will overpower us if we don’t try to create some sort of countermeasure. Now if you have any reservations about what we are doing here, I can have you relieved of duty and find someone who has no reservations about what needs to be done.”

  “That won’t be necessary, sir; I was just making sure we were on the same page.”

  “Good, now get your people on the search and find us more subjects. The longer we are idle the more time we waste.” He walked right up to the holding cell and stared sternly at the captive inside. The creature was female and actually looked like a human woman. She had an orange skin tone with tattoos on the left side of her face. The eyes were only slightly larger than a human’s and the nose was smaller with a straight line into a hairless brow. Her mouth was lipless in comparison to humans, almost like someone curling their lips in to lick them. She was tall; maybe six and a half feet; and had long, muscular arms and legs. Her torso resembled a human the most, with breasts that had no trace of nipples, and a human-like vagina.

  Scans showed that her internal organs were unlike anything anyone could imagine, with only guesses on what organ held which function. The fact that she was still alive made exploratory surgery not an option! Taylor could see her for the beautiful creature she was, but at the same time he understood the threat this creature foretold just by being here. He, along with the few others who knew about this recovery, took this threat very seriously and had begun to plan for the day when others would follow. Common sense held that they better prepare themselves with more advanced weapons and soldiers. The weapon program was being developed at Groom Lake, while the soldier enhancement process was here.

  “I assume,” he said coldly, not taking his eyes off the specimen, “That you have quarters available for me?”

  “Of course, sir. Command quarters are on sub-level ten. If you just follow me, I’ll show you to your room.”

  “Lead on, Major.” He followed her back into the elevator and stood beside her in silence. He could tell she was nervous about something. “What’s on your mind, Phillips?” he asked, breaking the air of silence.

  “You look at her like you’ve seen her before, but images of her don’t leave the floor she’s on. I just am a little confused about that.”

  “You could say that I first welcomed her to Earth, Phillips, and we’ll just leave it at that. It’s been a long while since I’ve laid eyes on her; just two old friends catching up on old times.”

  “Understood sir. I think,” she replied as the doors opened. “This way to your room.”

  The two walked down the hall, which seemed deserted to him, before coming to their destination, room 405. From her pocket she produced a swipe card and opened the door for him. Taylor noted that his duffle bag was already lying on the bed. As he turned to her, she held out the card to him.

  “This is a master lock key that opens all doors in the building. I’ll get a new one made for you in the morning, but in the meantime you can use mine. I’ll get your ID badge and other security clearances to you at 06:00. Mess hall is on sub-level nine and is open 24/ 7. Is there anything further you need, Sir?”

  “No, thank you Major. I think I’ll wander to the mess and grab a bite before retiring for the day.”

  She left to go about her tasks, and the door closed with Taylor staring blankly at it. His mind was rolling through the daunting task of his new mandate. Phillips was right to question him on it. After all, down deep he was also horrified about kidnapping civilians to further the project. But in a time of war, sacrifices had to be made and even though most couldn’t see it, they were definitely at war! Taylor was hoping that they had enough time to ensure the human race had a fighting chance against a superior foe.

  Bristol County, Massachusetts

  Aaron Foster was an all-around good guy. He helped his neighbors when they needed it, he coached the local kid’s baseball team, and he was one of the most well-respected managers at the bank where he worked. He constantly had a smile on his face—but underneath it all he was torn.

  Aaron wanted his life to mean more in the big picture. For his whole life, he felt he was destined for more than life in suburbia. This nagging want had affected various parts of his life—from work, to his ten-year marriage to his beloved wife. To the outside world, they led the perfect life, but in reality the last few years had been tense. They had grown apart; as their lives in the community grew and prospered, their relationship with each other faltered. Talk of separation surfaced a few years ago, but they both chose to work hard and fix what they had neglected before.

  He believed in love and that it would help them find each other again. The past year had shown his belief to be well worth it, as the two had grown close once more. Krista was the love of his life. She was five foot nine inches of pure energy, with a fiery personality. She had an athletic frame that housed curves to die for. Her hair was dirty blonde and her eyes were hazel, sparkling every time she smiled. Her lips had a slight pout to them and finalized what many remarked to be a model’s face. To him, she was perfect. Krista was his dream girl, his everything, and he was embarrassed that he came so close to not having her in his life.

  Aaron was five foot eleven and not nearly as athletic as Krista, which showed in the emergence of a small belly protruding from his once flat stomach, but he wa
s still in good shape. It was the result of years behind a desk, he always said sarcastically when she poked at him from time to time. He had deep-brown eyes along with his dark brown hair, which was closely cut in a style a little longer than a crew cut. Once in a while he would grow a short beard, but lately too much grey had appeared in it for his liking, so he kept himself clean shaven. Despite being only thirty-two, he felt like he was closer to fifty, from the experiences of his life. He had come from a family with very little, which is why he worked as hard as he did, so his family would never be without. It was this internal drive that caused the odd friction with Krista, as she said she would be fine with nothing as long as they had each other.

  And that is what he kept in mind lately, as he sat on the swing on the back deck of their house, overlooking the backyard. The morning air was cool and crisp; the New England summer had begun to fade to fall, and the transition from night into day reflected that. Aaron awoke early this morning, unable to sleep as the sunrise beckoned him. Alone and in a reflective mood, he let the past few months roll through his ever-churning mind. As he sipped his coffee, he smiled as thoughts of his beautiful wife danced through his mind’s eye. He thought about how lucky he was to have a wife that slept naked; how nice it was to feel her smooth skin against his at night. Now he had more than just a smile on his face, he had a massive erection! The constant thoughts of Krista were driving him crazy with lust.

  Aaron set his coffee on the table beside the swing and quietly went back inside, creeping into the bedroom. Stripping off his jeans and shirt—he had forgotten to wear underwear when he woke up—he slid under the covers to embrace his sleeping beauty. His hands roamed about her body, gently caressing her.

  “Hmmmm,” she moaned softly as he continued his lustful assault on her body. “What do you think you’re doing there?” she whispered.

  Aaron didn’t respond; he just kept his hands roaming and exploring her body. Leaving her breasts, his right hand slowly wound down over her taut stomach, towards her already wet mound. In anticipation, Krista parted her legs and let him cup his hand as he began to rub her. She let out a cry as he then slipped his finger inside her beginning to pump it in and out. After a few minutes of this, she pulled away and pushed him on his back before mounting him.

  “I need you now!” she whispered in his ear as she licked his lobe. Her hand ran down his chest and between her legs to grasp his manhood. “Mmmm, I think he wants me!” she cooed as she thrust it inside her. Grinding her hips like a woman possessed, instinct took over her body and the two began to make love.

  Sweat beaded off her brow as she leaned down and kissed him, letting her tongue slip into his mouth to tease his. After a long, sensual kiss, Krista pulled away to lean back upright; throwing her long hair back over her shoulders with a flick of her neck. Her thrusting picked up speed, along with her moans of pleasure before screams of orgasm burst from her core. From inside, the muscle contractions of her orgasm caused Aaron to come almost instantly after she started. Ecstasy gripped them both as she collapsed on top of him and embraced him tightly, still moving her hips to milk the last tailing bits of her orgasm.

  “Now, that’s the way to wake a girl up!” Krista playfully panted after the long embrace. “What brought that little episode on, not that I’m complaining?”

  “Just needed you right that minute, you are fucking irresistibly hot!”

  “Damn right I am!” she giggled playfully, giving his chest a slap. Turning her head, she gave out a gasp. “You dirty bugger,” she slapped him again on the chest. “You left the door open! Sara could’ve heard us and walked in on us!”

  “Kris, she’s fifteen. I’m pretty sure she’s overheard us and knows what’s going on. You aren’t the quietest when you’re cumming! Pretty sure the neighbors hear us, never mind Sara.” He smirked back at her.

  “True,” Krista pulled herself off him and rolled out of bed to close the door. “But I’m sure we don’t want to traumatize our teenage daughter with images of us fucking each other’s brains out!” Turning back to him lying on the bed where she left him, her smile grew even larger as she realized he was still hard as a rock. “I think I need more; and I see that you’re still ‘up’ for another round!” Getting up on all fours on the bed, her eyes sparkled as she raised her rear end up. “But this time I need to be railed from behind!”

  Not wanting to turn down such an inviting offer, Aaron got off the bed and positioned himself behind her before slipping himself inside her once more. With increasing vigor, he hammered into her until once again she came hard. And once more, her orgasm brought him to his.

  The two collapsed on the bed in each other’s arms, coated with sweat and panting from their morning workout. “Well, I guess I can skip the gym this morning!” she smiled at him. “That’s the best fucking cardio program in the world! Now I need a shower because someone got me all sweaty and sticky!” Giggling, she wrapped a blanket around herself and leaned over to Aaron, kissing him softly and deeply. “Thanks, babe, I desperately needed that,” she said before leaving the room and scampering off to the bathroom down the hall. The sound of the shower flowing soon followed, along with her voice as Krista hummed, scrubbing herself.

  Finding himself in a bit of a trance, Aaron simply lay back on the bed and covered himself up to bask in the afterglow of amazing sex. The clatter of plates in the kitchen snapped him back from his little dream world as he realized that Sara was searching for some breakfast. Deciding to go wish his daughter good morning, Aaron got out of bed, pulled his jeans back on along with a fresh shirt and made his way downstairs.

  As he entered the kitchen, he ran into the open door of the fridge. Sara, with her butt sticking out as she bent over to search for sustenance; she grunted as the door struck her. “Figured you would go for the three-peat and follow Mom into the shower,” she snapped sarcastically. “I think a freight train is quieter then the two of you going at it!”

  Aaron didn’t even blush. His little girl was growing up fast. Sara stood five foot, three inches and was a powder keg of attitude and emotions. She had long blonde hair—not her natural color, but what girl still had hers—and big green eyes that melted his heart every time she gave him that puppy dog look. She was very active and into almost any sport at school. Her petite frame now showed curves as puberty had taken hold of her a couple of years ago. To everyone else, she was a blossoming young woman, but to Aaron she was still Daddy’s little girl—a fact she used to her advantage more than naught.

  “Yeah, we do tend to get loud from time to time,” he said to her. She was old enough to grasp the fact that her parents still were sexually active and be okay with it. They were very open about sex with her, an openness that helped mother and daughter bond closely in the recent years.

  “Dad, I’d rather you go at it like rabbits than yell and scream at each other like Lilly’s parents do,” she said, looking him seriously in the eyes. “I’m glad my folks still chase each other around the house with that twinkle in their eyes, no matter how embarrassing it may be with my friends around.”

  “Your mom would be relieved to hear that. She didn’t want to wreck you with images of your parents… you know, screwing.”

  “Really, Dad?” she said with a tone of annoyance. “I only said I’m glad you still get along like that. I didn’t want to visualize it. Yuck!” Sara went back to rummaging for food. “Besides, I hope you won’t freak out when you hear me being loud like that when I’m getting off!”

  She was trying to push his buttons like always, and this one was one of them that set him off. Aaron didn’t approve of his little girl being sexually active; and as far as he knew she wasn’t; so he usually got very uncomfortable at the mention of it. “This conversation is getting a bit too informative for me. I think you can resume it from here with your mom when she’s out of the shower.”

  “Dad, you’d only be happy if I stayed a virgin and single my enti
re life.”

  “Damn right,” he said, pulling himself past her and towards the patio doors. “There are donuts in the breadbox, Sara. Try and leave some for your mom,” he called back to her from the deck as he heard her scamper towards the counter where the donuts were stashed. Aaron laughed to himself; these conversations always made him feel uneasy, but he was glad they had an open dialogue rather than her running around in secret. There was no stopping her if she wanted to have sex, so why not make her knowledgeable and comfortable with it?

  Sitting down on his swing, he reached out to grab his coffee when he noticed a bee taking a bath in it. “All yours, buddy.” He muttered as he left the cup where it was and resumed enjoying the morning. Things were turning around in his life and he was feeling truly blessed. A hot, loving wife by his side and a smart, sweet daughter to drive him crazy; Aaron thought his life couldn’t be any more perfect.

  Rocky Mountains, Utah –

  Military Installation Code Named White Rock

  At 06:00 sharp, there was a knock at the General’s door. Woman’s punctual, he thought to himself. Taylor had been up since 04:30 and even been to the indoor track to run a few laps as he was determined not to let his age show. At fifty, he refused to let himself look old and fat like some of his peers.

  Now, in his clean uniform and showered, he answered the door looking the picture of spit and polish. Major Phillips was taken aback slightly at his perfect appearance; she figured he would have just rolled out of bed like most other generals at this time.

  “Any progress updates for me, Major?” he asked as they exchanged access cards and she handed him over his I.D. badge.

  “Here are the status reports,” she said handing him one clipboard, “And here is the short list of ‘candidates’ we were able to start with, using the new screening parameters.” She shifted uneasily. “Sir, permission to speak freely?”


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