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A Warrior's Journey

Page 28

by Guy Stanton III

  It was a great time to be alive that was for sure. The preaching of the Creator’s words had seemed to release the floodgates of heaven’s mercies upon the people of this world. There had been more miracles done by the Creator than could ever be attempted to be counted. It was an age of grace that they had stepped into.

  The Spirit of the Creator was like a mighty river that flowed and washed all across the land, knowing no boundaries other than those erected in man’s own heart. His own family with the exception of Talaric was blessed by the events taking place in their world as any could be.

  Zarsha and Captain Jansa were expecting their second child. Evette and Larc were so happy with each other that it could be sickening at times to be around them. They were expecting their first born in the fall. Gavin had laid down the hammer and picked up the Holy Scriptures.

  The Creator was using him mightily to reach those who were lost. He had just come back from his second mission’s trip from the Attorgron forest. As always his twin brother Zevin had been there to keep him safe.

  Zevin hadn’t stopped in his progression in anything either and he continued to amaze both Roric and his mother all the time. Sansa had married a fellow doctor colleague just a little over two months ago and they seemed to be happy in their own way. Ella’nara had grown in beauty and poise.

  The addition of some self-control from the wanton mischief of her earlier years had been a welcome relief. She was without a question a genius.

  She had learned everything there limited schooling could offer by the age of ten and had been inventing her own knowledge the past four years. Krista as always was by his side through it all.

  It was all simply amazing!

  “Yes, the Creator’s handiwork is always amazing!”

  The voice from the past shattered Roric’s calm. He slowly turned his head and saw the angel, who had spoken to him the night before the battle at Kingdom Pass. He had said he would be back and now here he was.

  Seeing the angel brought back the memory that something was to be required of him by the Creator. Roric was a jumble of mixed emotions. He wanted to please God and do anything that was requested of him, but he couldn’t help but be gripped with fear of what might be asked of him.

  Everything had been going so well!

  Why couldn’t it continue like that? Enough of that! As the Creator was his master so he would be obedient to his Heavenly Father’s bidding at all times regardless of the personal cost!

  “Why have you come?” Roric asked resolutely.

  The angel stared at him from kind eyes for a moment and then turned his head and as if on cue Krista appeared with a tray with three cups on it.

  The angel turned back to Roric, “Shall we have a seat?” He asked gesturing towards a round table with three chairs around it.

  After the cups were served and the messenger was seated first, Roric pulled out a chair for Krista and then sat down beside her. After forcing themselves to take a drink out of politeness they waited for what would come next with almost breathless anticipation.

  Krista’s hand reached out under the table towards Roric. Roric took it and looked with concern at Krista, her hand was trembling.

  “Peace to both of you for you are both highly favored by the Lord!” The angel spoke, as if sensing their trepidation over his appearance.

  “The Lord has instructed me to ask his servants, who have proven themselves faithful yet again and again a question.”

  There was a long moment of silence and then Krista asked, “What would the Creator ask of us?”

  The angel spoke softly, “My Lord asks that you both would trust Him with a little more.”

  Gruffly Roric spoke even as tears began to leave trails down Krista’s cheeks, “Who are we to deny our Lord anything He asks of us? Speak it and we will do it!”

  “The Lord has need of your youngest daughter. The one called Ellanara.”

  Tears making their way down Roric’s face now he asked, “What is it that we are to do?”

  The angel spoke for several minutes while Roric and Krista listened. They agreed to do all that was asked of them.

  Finished the angel rose to leave, but Krista cried out. “Wait before you go!”

  The angel turned back to them. Krista stepped forward a little, “Will the Creator of heaven and all creation have pity for a mother’s need to know of her child’s fate?”

  The angel paused and then nodded.

  As tears flowed with wild abandon down Krista’s face she managed to get out, “All I want to know is will she be happy?”

  Krista dissolved into more tears and half sobs and leaned back against Roric, who had come up behind her. The angel returned to them and reaching down took both of Krista’s hands and held them.

  “Tell me Krista have you found happiness in your life?”

  Krista nodded her head vigorously and choked out, “Oh yes!”

  “Then know this as the Creator has been faithful to reward you for your faithfulness with an overabundance of joy in your life, know that a double portion has been reserved for your children. Fear not for your children, for the Creator has gone out before them and He guards them jealously, as rare jewels without equal. Be at peace Krista your children are in the Creator’s keeping. Your sons will rule nations, your oldest daughter will go to her rest full of joyful years and your youngest daughter will be a Queen over worlds, the wife of a warrior as great as your husband in all respects.”

  And then the angel was gone and Roric and Krista were alone, with only the beating of their hearts sounding loudly, as they considered the changes that lay ahead of them and their family in the future.

  Later that day Roric stepped into the underground lab and as usual Abby appeared almost instantly. Her open look of welcome changed as she saw the heaviness of Roric’s face.

  “What has happened master?”

  Roric looked at her, “A lot! A lot has happened.”

  But he gave her no further clue as to what.

  “Abby I have a task that I will be needing your assistance with.”

  “Anything that I can do to help you master. It is my sole purpose for being.”

  “First however there’s something I need to clear up and it concerns you Abby. Could you explain to me how it is that you seem more human than you do technology?”

  If a technological image could have cried he would have seen it then, but all he saw was the barely masked pain evidently clear all cross Abby’s features.

  She began to talk softly, “That would be because once I was fully human.”

  Roric waited for further explanation and got it.

  “When this world was first being colonized and the decision to abandon our technology was put forward it met with much resistance.

  There were those like your great ancestor Tadias that thought the technology should only be abandoned for a while not seeing anything inherently evil in having it. Others wanted it completely gone. There were others who never wanted to stop using it and it was these that your ancestors drove out of the Valley lands.

  There was another faction and while they were much smaller than the other three factions they were still very powerful. They wanted to destroy the technology completely and build it back up from the ground floor.

  They thought the existing technology was flawed in some way and needed redone. They loosely allied themselves with your ancestor’s faction and together they drove the others out. But they betrayed their allies.

  They had a darker goal in mind than the bonds of brotherhood. They infiltrated the security parameters and uploaded a technological disease that began to systematically destroy the system from the inside out. Something had to be done.

  A desperate strategy was put forward and I volunteered to do it. What was left of our technology was downloaded into my brain. The disease’s progression was stopped while in my brain. We’re not sure why, but the process of transferring the technology into my body caused a bioelectric melding of systems.

/>   My body’s immune system weeded out the disease and restored the pathways of the technology as best as it could, but some knowledge was completely missing, while other areas were damaged beyond repair.

  The Holy Scriptures were one of the first targets of the virus. Only fragments were left after the virus erased most of it. Another thing not anticipated was the restoration of the system back into the network. My body did not survive the process.

  That had been expected, but what was not expected was that when the technology was transferred back over it came with a conscious interface that hadn’t been there before. Me or some copied version of me.

  It was really a technological breakthrough, but it was never indepthly studied to find out how or why it happened. This facility was built to house the technology that was recovered.

  I’ve been here ever since assisting and helping as I can those tasked as guardians, who have come to this place.”

  “You’ve made the ultimate sacrifice haven’t you? I imagine in some ways you wish that you had died with your body.” Roric asked softly.

  “Yes that is true until recently. With everything that has happened recently I’ve seen some meaning come out of everything that took place so very long ago in the past. You could say that I see a Divine plan emerging and I’m happy to be a part of it. It makes the loneliness of this place bearable for the first time in a very long time.”

  Gruffly Roric said, “What if I was to tell you Abby that you’re not going to be alone anymore down here. That I’m giving you a companion, someone for you to teach and discover new things with.”

  Abby shook her head and vehemently stated, “No! No! I would never want what I have suffered in the dark loneliness of this place to be suffered by another!”

  “Neither would I Abby, but it’s part of a Divine plan that I have to trust and obey. Will you do this for me Abby? Will you look after and teach my little girl everything you know and work with her to discover more?”

  Holding herself, as if in great pain Abby breathed out, “Yes, you know I will.”

  “I’ll bring her by in the morning then.”

  Roric turned to go, but then turned back briefly, “What is your whole name Abby?”


  Roric looked at her wanting the rest and grudgingly Abby relinquished her secret.

  “Ta’lont. I was the youngest of Tadias Ta’lont’s daughters.”

  “Not was Abby, I prefer to think of you as is. Good evening Abberslolena, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Guy S. Stanton, III

  A few things about me

  I live in the country. It’s the best place to be I’m

  thinking. I share my life with my beautiful wife, Beth,

  my three children and one cat named Herman.

  When I’m not lost in a daydream the most likely

  place you’ll find me at is flower gardening

  or at the movie theatre. I use to think I was strong, but

  now I freely admit that I’m weak. My new reality is

  okay because Jesus Christ has me covered.

  It’s better that way trust me!




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