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Romance: Luther's Property

Page 41

by Laurie Burrows

  ‘Yes Jack, this is our child in here. Mine and yours. We could have a good life together,’ she said her voice now soft. ‘I think it’s a little boy. A copyright of his daddy.’

  At the word ‘daddy’, Jack’s heart twisted. His mind conjured up the image of a little boy with black hair like him and a cheeky toothless grin. What was he going to do, he thought, running his fingers through his hair. He thought of Leila and her loveliness. He thought of his proposal and his dreams to spend the rest of his life with her.

  Though he had never acknowledged it before, he understood then. He loved Leila. He had loved her from the moment he had laid his eyes in her sundress. He shook his head, as if ridding his brain of cobwebs. He wasn’t ready to give up on his dream of marrying the love of his life. But the image of a black haired boy haunted him.

  How could he turn his back on his own flesh and blood?

  Chapter Twelve

  Both Leila and Susan cried a little as they held on to each other outside Leila’s condo.

  ‘Texas is not that far you know?’ Leila sniffed, stepping back to look at Susan.

  ‘I know and besides we’ll come down for the wedding.’

  Everything was happening so fast. She had packed away all her things in a storage facility and the condo was on the market for rent. Her friends at the shelter had thrown her a last minute going away party the previous day. She looked back at her condo building without regret. She had not been happy here and she was glad to leave it for good.

  ‘Are you nervous?’ Susa said, as they got into her station wagon, packed tightly with Leila’s luggage.

  ‘I’m nervous as hell!’ Leila admitted, belting up.

  ‘Then perhaps you should postpone the wedding, get to know each other a little better.’

  ‘If you met Jack, you would understand. He’s perfect in every sense of the word and the chemistry between us is amazing,’ Leila said.

  ‘Sex does not guarantee a happy marriage,’ Susan commented.

  ‘Neither does lack of it,’ Leila quipped and they both erupted into giggles.

  ‘Seriously though, I’m really happy for you and I can’t wait to meet Jack. I can’t guarantee that I’ll think he’s hot…’

  They both laughed at that and the Leila reached for her friend’s free hand and held it.

  ‘I’ll miss you so much,’ she said with feeling.

  ‘Me too.’

  Soon they were at the airport and hugging goodbye for the last time. Leila got into her flight and as she sat there waiting for the plane to take off, she contemplated the life that awaited her. She hadn’t yet met Jack’s parents and family and she looked forward to that. She knew that they were nice people, after all, they had raised Jack and he sue was ice. The plane soon taxied down the runway and with it her spirits also lifted.

  She couldn’t wait to see Jack and this time he had promised to be waiting for her at the airport. She had teased him about that first time and he had had the grace to look embarrassed. They hadn’t spoken at all during the five days she had been away and now she felt as though she had not seen him in years. She couldn’t settle down during the journey and it was with great relief for Leila when they finally touched down in Lainley, Texas.

  She saw him as soon as she walked through to the waiting bay. His presence startled how. I the five days she had forgotten just how devastatingly handsome Jack was. She stopped pushing her trolley and paused to just admire him. She pinched herself and grinned like a fool. The gorgeous man, looking slightly worried was soon going to be her husband.

  He seemed distracted, with his hands shoved inside the pockets of his pair of jeans. He must be worried about her. The thought warmed her heart and she pushed her trolley towards him to relieve him of his misery. He turned, sensing her promise and Leila let go of the trolley and ran into his arms.

  ‘Oh Jack!’ she cried out.

  ‘Leila, Leila, I missed you.’

  She had missed his manly scent, Leila thought happily, snuggling into his arms. She looked up and kissed him right at the mouth. A shot of desire went through her. To her surprise and slight disappointment, Jack pushed her away gently and took hold of her trolley. She followed him out to the car park obediently.

  He was driving himself and after he had stowed her luggage in the boot, he came to the passenger side and opened the door for her. In the car, jack was rather quiet and she noted with concern that the look of worry had not left his face.

  ‘Is everything OK Jack?’ she ventured.

  He looked at her, his expression grim. ‘Not really Leila.’

  Leila went still. ‘What is it?’ she managed to ask.

  ‘We’ll talk about it soon,’ he said and focused his eyes ahead.

  Leila noticed then that they were not heading to the ranch but to the other side of town. She curbed her curiosity and sat stiffly waiting. She could not fathom what the matter could possibly be. Jack steered the car into the parking of a small restaurant and Leila jumped out before he could open the door for her.

  She noticed nothing of the establishment as she followed Jack to a table by the corner. When they sat down opposite each other, Leila saw that he had worry lines at the corners of his eyes. He ordered water for the both of them and when the waiter left, he focused his attention of her.

  ‘First of all Leila, I want to tell you that I love you so much. I loved you from the moment you stepped out of the car that first day,’ Jack said, giving her a tired smile.

  Leila gave him a strained smile in return. She felt happy that he had finally expressed his feeling but it was not possible to be completely joyful not with what was to come, which she could not guess at. Her whole self was suspended waiting for something unpleasant. Was he sick? Were his parents alright?

  ‘I love you too Jack, so very much,’ Leila said with feeling.

  He reached across the table and took both of her hands in his.

  ‘That’s why this is so hard,’ Jack said and he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.

  Leila was aware of all his movements, no matter how slight.

  ‘Before I met you or even registered with the mail order bride agency, I had a girlfriend called Clarissa but we broke up and I moved on,’ Jack said, keeping her hands in his.

  Leila closed her eyes. This would not end well. Any mentions of past girlfriends in the present was not a good thing.

  ‘We broke up and she left. Anyway, she returned two days ago. Leila, she’s pregnant with my child. I’ve told her that there’s no future for us but she insists that if she goes, I’ll never see my child.’

  It was just as well that she was seated because her whole body had turned to water. Pregnant? How could another woman be carrying Jack’s baby? A mixture of anger and jealousy ran through her. She snatched her hands away. Oh God, what were they going to do?

  ‘What does she want?’ Leila said, even though she knew the answer.

  Jack looked at her, sadness echoed in his eyes.

  ‘Marriage,’ he said simply, shattering Leila’s world when he confirmed her suspicions.

  Leila shivered and rubbed her bare hands. The Texan sun was out but she felt cold which started deep inside her core. Her future, which had seemed so secure had fallen apart. What was to become of her?

  ‘Will you marry her?’ Leila asked, fearful of the answer.

  ‘How can I marry her? I love you Leila,’ his voice spoke of the anguish that he felt.

  She could not summon up the energy to feel any sympathy for him. She was the one who had just uprooted her life from California and moved across the country. Still a part of unwittingly admitted his dilemma. He was faced with stark choices and despite her own sacrifices to be with him, he too was squashed into a tight corner.

  ‘Why not just tell her that you won’t marry her?’ Leila asked, knowing how unfair the question was.

  ‘What about the child?’ Jack said.

  His voice was rugged as though he had stayed up for several night
s in a row. The child? Leila closed her eyes. She knew how much Jack wanted children. It was unfair of her to suggest that he give up the child. She looked up into his blue eyes, now dark with anguish. She understood then that Jack had two choices to make.

  It was either her or the baby. She shook her head unable to believe that they were in such a situation. Didn’t the woman use contraceptives? Which woman in this day and age did not know that unprotected sex equaled to unwanted pregnancy or STD’s? Leila’s shook her head. It did not matter now. None of it did.

  It was up to Jack now. Then something else crossed her mind.

  ‘Where is she staying this woman?’

  ‘Her name is Clarissa and you’ll meet her shortly because she’s at the house.’

  There was nothing more to say after that. They left the restaurant for home. When they took the road to the ranch and the house came into view, Leila saw her immediately. She was seated at the front door steps and when she saw the car she stood up. Leila’s mouth filled with bile. The woman standing in front of them was nothing like she had imagined.

  With dismay, Leila saw that Clarissa was drop dead gorgeous. She had red flaming hair that flowed to her shoulders and a bosom that took up most of her upper body. She wore tiny shorts that rode up her thighs and Leila was sure that if Clarissa turned, they could see part of her ass.

  Chapter Thirteen

  ‘I’m bored!’ were the first words that Clarissa spoke to them, looking at Jack with a pout.

  ‘Clarissa, this is Leila and Leila, meet Clarissa,’ Jack said in a flat tone.

  ‘The mother of your baby,’ Clarissa pointed out.

  In all that time, she had not looked at Leila. Now she gave her a once over, dismissed her and turned back to Jack. He looked at her, disgust rising in his throat. How the hell had he found himself in this situation.

  ‘Leila already knows that,’ Jack snapped and carried Leila’s case into the house.

  He left the two women at the entrance of the house sizing each other up. He carried the case up the stairs to the guest room, the same one Leila had occupied earlier. Clarissa had thrown a fit, when he had shown her to the bedroom in the first hallway. He had ignored her tantrums and sulks and told her in firm voice it was either that one or she could leave sleep at the guest ranch.

  When he returned for the other suitcases, Leila was nowhere to be found. Clarissa followed him in.

  ‘She has to go Jack, I can’t stand her here! What is she here for anyway, didn’t you tell her that the engagement is off,’ she said.

  ‘I didn’t because it’s not off,’ Jack said and matched up the stairs.

  Clarissa was right behind him. She was like a housefly, determined to make a nuisance of itself.

  ‘You’ll soon have to choose Jack, you can’t have it both ways.’ She told him.

  He tried to ignore her as best as he could. He was glad that tonight he and Leila could escape and for dinner at his parents’ house. Finally, Clarissa seemed to tire of following him and she flopped in the living room and flicked on the TV. He decided to go in search of Leila. He found her in the stables leaning on the stall and looking as though she carried the world’s problems on her shoulders.

  His heart caught when he saw her. He wanted to take her in her arms and protect her from the world. Guilt clawed at him knowing that he was the cause of her sadness. She had sacrificed so much to come to Texas to be with him. He imagined that she was now regretting at having made the decision to come. He hoped not because he couldn’t imagine life without her.

  She filled his life with light and suddenly he had found himself with a purpose in life. Something to look forward.Someone to come home to.

  Despite everything, Jack was glad that she was here. Those few days he had been alone with Clarissa had been a nightmare. She had tried her best to seduce him, even accusing him of impotence. She did nothing for him now and she knew that. She had the resorted to threats of leaving and him never seeing the baby.

  By the time, Leila came, Jack had been at the end of his endurance. She had been like a ray of sunlight and now that light was fading. Her smoky grey eyes looked pale and haunted. But what could he do? Clarissa had him by the balls and he had no one else to blame but himself.

  ‘Leila my love?’ he said gently.

  She jumped, startled.

  ‘Hey,’ she said without much enthusiasm.

  ‘I was wondering where you had gone to,’ Jack said.

  He wanted to hold her, except that she had an invisible sheath around her that did not invite familiarity.

  ‘I just needed to escape,’ Leila said with a small smile.

  ‘I know how that feels like. At least this evening we can escape. My parents invited us for dinner. They really want to meet you.’

  ‘That would be nice. I would like to meet them too.’

  Finally, he gathered up courage and pulled her into his arms. As soon as her head lain on his chest, she burst into tears. His own eyes were wet and he crooned and soothed her like a baby.

  ‘That’s better,’ she said, laughing haltingly and disengaged herself.

  They did not return to the house until evening with just enough time to shower and get ready. Clarissa was still slumped on the seat and when she saw them, she merely looked up and the continued watching.

  Jack finished dressing and then knocked on Leila’s door. She opened it and when he saw her, his heart did somersaults and his libido which had been asleep for days woke up with a roar. She wore a simple blue dress that hugged her in all the right places ad showed off her well tones arms. Instead of taking her hand and walking downstairs, Jack gently pushed her back in and closed the door.

  He stooped to kiss her. It was gentle at first and then because of the frustrations of the last few days, the intensity of the kiss intensified. He grabbed the cheeks of her ass and squeezed them. His hands were everywhere. He stroked her bare hands ad felt her body quiver. Her skin felt hot and cool.

  Tremors shook her body and he kissed her even harder. He stopped for a moment when he tasted salt and when he looked at her face, he saw that she was crying.

  ‘Are you alright?’ he said. ‘I know, that’s a foolish question.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ she said.

  ‘I love you Leila,’ he said and then took possession of her mouth again. She tasted sweet and her body felt perfect against his. He could feel his bulge pushing against her and she in turn grinded herself against him, sending stars in his brain. She was his and his alone and he was hers. He struggled with the catch at the back of her dress and when he finally got it open, he peeled the dress off her.

  He stopped to admire her, in a lacy black bra and matching panties. With his finger, he touched the edges of her panties and she moaned driving him wild. He loved the sounds that Leila made when they made love. It gave him confidence and joy to know that he pleased her. Now, he edged a finger further on, under the lace and teased her folds, gently prying them open with his index finger.

  With his other hand, he undid her bra, and her breasts spilled out. She was gorgeous and natural and he couldn’t get enough of her. She buried her fingers in his hair and he held both breasts, kneading them and pushing them together. Then he brought his mouth down and licked each nipple until it was hard.

  He came up again and teased the edges of her mouth with his tongue. Then he grinded his erection against her.

  ‘See how hot you make me?’ he whispered into her ear.

  ‘You make me hot too. Touch me there,’ she groaned.

  He slipped his fingers in again and gasped at the wetness he found there. He pushed his finger further in into the tightness and warmth and she gave a small cry. Unable to bear the distance between them anymore, Jack hooked his fingers on her panties and lowered them. Leila stepped out of them and then came to him and unbuckled his belt and lowered his trousers.

  His hardness sprung out and she stroked it up and down. Then she went on her knees and licked him, her tongue darting up and
down. Without warning she took him into her mouth. Jack was that close to coming and he wasn’t ready for that yet. He wanted to give her pleasure first. He pulled her up and ran his hands over her hips, her buttocks and her back.

  He teased her by rotating his hips over her tummy, his hardness touching her. He bent his head and swept his tongue into her mouth and greedily sucked her sweetness. He returned his hands to her swollen and hard breasts. He held their weight, massaged them and then pinched her nipples, stopping short of inflicting pain.

  He wanted to make slow sweet love to her as though by doing so he could erase the pain he had inflicted on her. He led her to the bed and gently lowered her. Then he positioned himself between her legs and started by kissing and licking her inner thighs. He moved further up and her hands went to his head she pushed him down.

  She was soaking wet and he inserted his tongue deep inside and tasted her, loving the sweet taste.

  ‘Oh Jack,’ she cried out.

  He knew that she was begging for release but he wanted to prolong their love making for as long as possible before they faced the world. He slipped a finger inside her tightness as his tongue teased her folds. Knowing that he could not stand it for much longer, Jack positioned himself above her.

  Tonight he was not using any protection. His eyes roamed over Leila, her eyes dark with desire. Her thighs trembled with need and her chest heaved up and down. Her hands went round to his back and pulled him to her. He positioned himself and pushed himself inside her. The instant warmth and tightness that folded him almost made him come.

  He paused and took a deep breath. Then in steady movements, he began to thrust, each time going deeper and deeper.

  ‘Jack! Jack!’ Clarissa’s voice called out.

  He stopped pumping and his body went cold. Leila underneath him stiffened.


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