Eternal Seduction
Page 56
Page 56
Perhaps the old adage was true. Perhaps absence did make the heart grow fonder.
It certainly had in his case.
He cast a glance over the eerily silent room. Trinity and Lawrence stood roughly ten feet to his right. Trinity, her perfectly colored face showing no sign of emotion, stared up at their Father as if she simply waited for the punishment to begin.
Which if Kerestyan had his way, not only would it start, but it would continue for a very, very long time. And if Logan remained her servant after the punishment was handed down, she would be the only one allowed to tend Trinity’s influence in his city.
Lawrence appeared slightly confused, but glared at Trinity, disgust drawing his features tight. From what Logan had said, it didn’t sound as though Lawrence was fully aware of Trinity’s plan, which would only be to his benefit in his Father’s eyes.
Odin lay on the floor in an unconscious heap next to his Father’s throne. No doubt, his brother had broken Nelek Decorum and lunged for Trinity the moment he appeared. Kerestyan couldn’t help but to smile as Odin’s leg twitched. It certainly wasn’t the first time his brother had found himself in a position as such, and if history was a good judge of the future, which Kerestyan knew it was, it wouldn’t be the last.
He focused his attention back on his Father when he turned his head and locked his hollowed gaze on Trinity. Displeasure rippled the air around them, and Kerestyan could feel the weight of it coursing through his own blood, even though he sensed the malice wasn’t directed at him.
He stiffened when he caught sight of Logan leaning forward in his peripheral. She appeared to be following his Father’s line of sight, which he knew was correct the moment her eyes narrowed and she released his hand. He’d never seen her look so angry, not even while she’d relayed what Trinity had done to her.
To both of them.
He started to reach out and stop her when she drew a deep breath and stepped around him, but stopped himself. Above all else, she’d been the one most affected by Trinity’s deceit. And while he was absolutely furious, he knew better than to address Trinity or even glare at her too long in front of his Father.
This was Court. His Father’s hallowed Court. And no one, save the man on the throne, was to speak or commit to action before he gave permission. However, he also made no move to intercede in whatever action Logan sought to carry out.
Kerestyan watched as Logan moved to stand in front of Trinity, who still hadn’t broken her stare on their Father. Logan seemed to appraise her for a moment, then balled up her fist, drew back and punched Trinity in the left eye.
It took every shred of self control Kerestyan possessed not to burst out laughing as Trinity scrunched up her face and smacked a hand over her eye. “Oh my God! I can’t believe you punched me!”
The look of sudden surprise on Logan’s face said she couldn’t quite believe she had, either. Fortunately, it quickly faded and she returned to glaring at his sister. “I should have never trusted you! You set me up. You set Kerestyan up. You lying bitch! Why?”
“Logan,” his Father’s voice echoed through the chamber, reverberating off the dark stone walls. “I will allow you that single breach of Nelek Decorum. Return to Kerestyan’s side. ”
Logan’s body stiffened for a moment, but then she did exactly as instructed. She gifted Kerestyan a wry smile as she passed and retook her place on his left. “I don’t know what came over me. I couldn’t resist. She deserved it. ”
Kerestyan chuckled then leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “I won’t disagree with you,” he whispered. “Do you feel better?”
She shrugged as her enchanting smile faded. “A little bit. ” She leaned forward and stared at his sister again. “I’d feel even better if she answered my fucking question!”
“Trinity Nelek, stand at my feet and face your brother and Elder, Kerestyan Nelek, Lord of New York, diplomat of the Nelek family. ”
Kerestyan straightened as Trinity stepped up a few stairs then turned to face him. She folded her arms over her chest and glared at him as though he was the one who’d put her in the situation.
“Kerestyan, I grant you permission to speak freely. You need not hold your tongue, Child. ”
Kerestyan offered a curt nod in respect to his Father, then returned Trinity’s disgusted glare with one of his own. “My only question is, why? You had no reason to go behind my back in such a deceitful manner. ”
“I had every reason!” she yelled. “Logan was a human resident of your city, which meant she belonged to you. If I’d come to you and told you I was looking to make her a Servio, you would’ve gone and watched her yourself. Then instead of falling in love with her, you’d have taken her as your own servant. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t!”
Kerestyan pushed his beast down when it rose inside him. As much as what Trinity did to Logan offended him in ways he couldn’t begin to find the words to explain, there was a much larger issue it appeared his sister had forgotten. “According to Lawrence, who may correct me if I’m wrong, he told you about Logan months ago. My feelings for her aside for a moment, you allowed a human who had knowledge of our existence to roam the streets of my city. You were taught better. I would kill a Fledgling for such an offense!”
He stiffened as a new realization struck him with the intensity of a lightning bolt. He narrowed his eyes on Trinity again. “Exactly how did you arrange for Logan to meet me in the alley?”
She shrugged a bare shoulder. “Lawrence told me her schedule. ”
Kerestyan inhaled a deep breath. He only had so much patience and dealing with Trinity quickly eroded it away. “Do not play word games, Trinity. How did you arrange for me to meet Logan in the alley?”
She frowned and switched the position her arms. “I knew you were already having trouble with the three Fledglings, so I manipulated their minds to make them fight in a bunch of different alleys for a few months. I knew if Raze saw them enough, she’d run and tell you like a good little girl, and then eventually you’d watch them yourself. All I did from there was leave them with a suggestion to fight in Logan’s alley every Wednesday and Sunday around three o’clock in the morning. Then I sat back and waited. ”
“You put them in a position to die, just to get to me?” Logan screamed.
“Yes,” Kerestyan growled. “That’s exactly what she did, and they died by my hand. ”
Trinity snorted and rolled her sable eyes. “Oh, please. They still broke the Veil. She was human and she saw them fighting with their fangs out. End of story. It’s not like you haven’t manipulated Fledglings, Kerestyan. ”
Kerestyan couldn’t argue with her point. He’d manipulated Fledglings countless times through the ages, even causing death on rare occasion. He’d been in Trinity’s shoes before, not standing in front of his Father as they were now, but the Ancient behind the strings of a Fledgling.
He shook his head. “What would you have done if I’d killed Logan, Trinity? What would you have done if she didn’t pass Father’s tests?”
She had the nerve to laugh. “I knew you wouldn’t kill her. I didn’t think you’d fall for her as fast as you did, but I knew you wouldn’t kill her. I’ve known you for six thousand years, K. I didn’t need to watch her for very long before I realized you’d like her, and that was all I needed to make sure she didn’t end up as your servant. That’s also how I knew she’s everything Dad looks for in a potential Child or Servio. There was no way he’d pass her up. ”
Kerestyan frowned. “How did you know she’d become your servant? What if she went to Vouclade or Odin? What if Father had taken her as his own?”
She shrugged again. “I didn’t. But I knew if you liked her the way I thought you would, you’d want her to stay close. ” She motioned to herself. “I’m the only one with ties to New York other than you. Look, K, it wasn’t some grand scheme against you. I took a chance. I figured with our similar backg
rounds, she’d make a great servant. ” She cast a glance to Logan then back to him. “And I was right. ”
Logan stepped forward and jabbed a trembling finger in Trinity’s direction. “Did you manipulate Craig and his cronies to attack me?”
Trinity shook her head immediately, which was the only action that saved Kerestyan from lunging forward and finding himself next to Odin. “Hell no, I didn’t,” she snapped. “Dad told me what happened. I didn’t have anything to do with that. I’ve never had any dealings with Craig or the other Fledglings in his group. ”
Logan’s beautiful face twisted with rage. “How the hell are we supposed to believe that? How am I supposed to believe you?”
“Trinity was not party to your incident in the subway, Logan,” his Father advised. “The circumstances behind Craig learning of your existence were purely coincidental in nature. Watchers, regardless of age, have always engaged in their namesake. Frank did no more than what is expected from members of his family. ”