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Guarding Aurora

Page 2

by Lynne St. James

  “No problem. I’m happy to help. Yup. Let me know, and I’ll email you the information.” Chase disconnected from the call and made some notes on the laptop. Then turned to Raptor. “I have a job for you.”

  “But I thought.” Raptor swallowed his protest, he’d much rather be working then stuck behind some desk. “Great, who am I babysitting this time.”

  Chase rolled his eyes before answering. “That call was from Hank Patterson, he runs the Brotherhood Protectors up in Montana.”

  “Are they a hit squad? I haven’t killed anyone since I’ve been out, but I wouldn’t object.”

  “Dammit. That’s why you end up in trouble. Shit, Raptor.”

  “I was just kidding. Bro, you need to take a chill pill.”

  “Listen, I know you outranked me, but here I’m your boss. You need to straighten your shit out, man. Now I’m wondering if this is such a good idea after all.”

  “I’ll be on my best behavior. Scout’s honor.”

  After another eyeroll, Chase continued, “Hank needs some help up in Eagle Rock. His wife’s friend is in some trouble, and he doesn’t have anyone to spare. This case is important to him, and that means this is important to me. So, if you have any hope in hell of redeeming yourself, this would be the case.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I mean it. Don’t fuck this one up.”

  “Understood. I’ll make ESP proud.”

  “Just don’t screw the pooch. I know you’re going through a rough time. Hell, we all have. But work is work, and I’ve spent too much time building up Eagle Security & Protection for you to trash it. You’ll be working with Hank, but you’re still representing us.”

  It finally sank into his thick skull how much he’d hurt his friend with his behavior. Chase was right. He’d worked hard to get the business up and running, and even hired wounded or retired military based on their abilities.

  “When do I leave?”

  “Twelve hundred hours. I’ll text the flight info. Go pack. Don’t worry about bringing any weapons. Hank will outfit you when you get there.”

  “Gotcha. Thanks for this chance. I promise I won’t fuck it up.”

  “I know, Jasper. Take care of yourself. I’m only a phone call away if you need backup.”

  “Thanks. I’ll check in when I get settled.”

  It wasn’t until Raptor was climbing behind the wheel of his truck that he realized Chase used his name and not his nick. No doubt he’d done it on purpose to underscore his point. It’d been a long time since someone worried about his well-being, now he had to prove he deserved it.

  Chapter Two

  Eagle Rock, Montana

  Raptor had been worried he wouldn’t be able to find Hank Patterson when he landed. He should have known better. For one thing, the Billings Logan International Airport was small, quaint even. Second, as soon as he deplaned and made it into the airport there was no way he’d miss the large man leaning against the wall with impatience written all over his face.

  “Raptor,” Hank said as he approached him.

  “Hank Patterson?”

  “Glad you could make it. I appreciate the help. It was great that Chase could send you right away.”

  “Yeah, well he said it was urgent.”

  “It is. Do you have more luggage?”

  “Nope, this is it. I haven’t been out long enough to even think about traveling with more than my go-bag.”

  “I hear ya. Don’t be surprised if that never changes.” Raptor figured it wouldn’t. There were lots of things he couldn’t imagine changing after ten years on the Teams. It was too ingrained in him to be anything else.

  “Do I need to rent a vehicle?”

  “Nope. Your cover is that you’re a distant cousin just out of the military. Rori needs help in the bakery, so you’re going to give her a hand. If you need to drive anywhere, you can use the bakery’s delivery van.”

  “Did you say bakery? Are you kidding me? I don’t know jack about anything in the kitchen, except that it has fire.”

  “Rori knows that, and she’ll take it easy on you. She’s one of the sweetest women I know and been dealt a bad hand.”

  “Why does she need a bodyguard?”

  “Someone’s been targeting her for the last three or four months. She wasn’t sure. Hell, she didn’t tell any of us until someone through a brick through her plate glass window and almost killed my wife and daughter.”

  “But they’re okay?” Innocents being injured twisted Raptor’s guts into knots. One more thing that had gotten worse since that night in Paris. Once again, he caught himself wondering about the blue-eyed woman. Maybe she hadn’t survived, and that was the reason he couldn’t locate her.

  “They’re fine. Rori took the brunt of it, but not too bad. A few cuts mostly on her arms. They were all lucky.”

  “Sounds like it. Any clue who’s targeting her or why?”

  “That’s the problem. It doesn’t make sense that anyone would. The town is small, and as far as we can tell she doesn’t have any enemies.”

  “Wouldn’t closing for a while be a better idea than taking chances?”

  “You’d have riots on your hands. Wait till you taste one of her macarons. Holy crap. I swear every time Sadie comes back from town with one of those pink and black boxes I’m in trouble.”

  “It’s just a bakery. Seriously?”

  “Just wait.” Hank laughed, then quieted as he navigated the twists and turns through the Crazy Mountains.

  Hank’s words worried Raptor as he gazed at the scenery flashing past the truck window. No doubt it was beautiful there, and he couldn’t have asked to be further from the hell hole of his last mission, or even the humid heat of Willow Haven. How the hell would he figure out who was trying to hurt this woman? He pictured some sixty-year old Betty Crocker type. That would teach him to bitch about guarding rich assholes.

  “Chase said you were injured. I guess it won’t affect your ability to do the job?”

  “Not at all. I could have stayed in, just not doing what I was before.”

  “And that was?”

  “I can’t tell you. I’d have to kill you.”

  “Ah, it’s like that, huh?”

  “Yeah. Broke my leg in three places and they had to do two surgeries to get the debris out of my thigh, it didn’t heal well enough to requalify. Didn’t want to be a desk jockey or an instructor, so I took the medical discharge.”

  “I hear you. That’s pretty much why I started the Brotherhood Protectors. I needed to find something to make me feel like I had a purpose.”

  He understood what Hank meant all too well. It was like the person he was when he was part of Delta Force didn’t exist anymore; he wasn’t good enough for anything. “I think that’s why Chase started ESP, too.”

  “Anyway, what else can you tell me about the bakery lady?”

  Hank laughed. “You’ll get to meet her soon enough. Sadie thought it would be easier on everyone if Aurora came over for dinner so we could work out all of the details.”

  “Great.” Not. Aurora even sounded like an old lady. She probably pissed off some teenagers in town. But a job was a job. “And I get to meet the famous movie star too.”

  “Yeah well, at our house she’s just Sadie, wife and mom. She’ll put you in your place quick enough if you try to put her on a pedestal.”

  “Gotcha. No putting the movie star on a pedestal. Any other rules I should know?”

  Hank shrugged. “Only the one about not hurting Aurora and making sure she’s protected. But you knew that already. When we get to the ranch, you can pick your gear.”

  “Chase told me, I appreciate it.”

  “It’s insane trying to get weapons through security, it’s just easier this way. I’m sure I’ve got something you’ll be comfortable with.”

  “How much longer until we get to your ranch?”

  “About another twenty minutes. It’s outside of town, but we’ll drive by the bakery so you can see where y
ou’ll be.”

  Ten minutes later, they were driving down Main Street in Eagle Rock, and Hank pulled up to the curb in front of Prince’s Patisserie. It looked out of place in the small town. With a pink and black striped awning and the board-covered front window, it looked like it belonged in Paris after the terrorist attacks. Once again, the image of tear-filled blue eyes flashed before him. He shook his head to rid himself of the memory. Would it ever go away?

  “It’s not what I expected.”

  “No? What were you expecting?”

  “I don’t know, really. But not something that looked like it fell out of Europe and landed in this sleepy town.”

  “Just wait. I’ll bet Aurora brought treats with her for dessert. You won’t be complaining about sweeping up flour and waiting on customers after your first bite of a chocolate éclair.”

  “Sweeping up flour? I’m going to be her janitor?”

  “More like a jack of all trades. Unless she and Sadie came up with a better idea while I came to fetch you.”

  “Got it.” It could be worse, he could be babysitting a spoiled rich guy with a piss poor attitude. This was going to be a cake-walk, pun intended. He grinned. He’d do his best to charm the pants off the little old lady, find the person who was giving her a hard time, and maybe spend some time camping and hiking in the mountains before heading back to Florida. He felt better knowing he had a plan. But then again, what did they say about the best laid plans?


  Rori was beyond nervous. She really had no idea what to expect other than he was retired military. But that could mean anything. Why had she let Sadie talk her into this? She didn’t need a bodyguard. The window had probably been an accident. Why would anyone want to hurt her? She didn’t have any enemies in Eagle Rock, there wasn’t even a competing bakery she’d driven out of business. It had to be kids pulling pranks.

  “They’ll be here any minute.”

  “I should never have agreed to this. It’s stupid.”

  “No, it’s not. You could have been killed. We all could have been killed. I don’t want to be afraid to go into the bakery with Emma worrying that someone will try something else.” Sadie had a point. She could never forgive herself if anything had happened to her little girl, or anyone else. There’d been enough pain and death in her life. Just thinking about Paris squeezed her heart. She’d lost everyone that night and might have died too if not for that man who’d come to her aid. She’d wished more than once she’d found out who he was.

  “Do you know him?”

  “No, I don’t,” Sadie said as she gave Emma a bottle. “When Hank called Chase Brennan at Eagle Security & Protection, he said Raptor was the best at what he did. What that is we’re not quite sure, but Hank was convinced he’d keep you safe.”

  Chapter Three

  As Hank’s truck came to a stop in front of the White Oak Ranch, the little hairs on the back of Raptor’s neck stood on end. It was the front side of dusk, but still light enough to see far into the distance. It looked peaceful, beautiful really, a hell of a lot better than the jungle, that’s for sure. So why was his body on full alert?

  “Are you coming?” Hank yelled as he walked toward the front porch.

  “Yup, on my way.” He hadn’t been around a lot of little blue haired women, so maybe that’s where his trepidation stemmed from. Hell, his team would be laughing their asses off if they ever found out. Good thing they wouldn’t.

  He caught up to Hank as he pulled open the front door. An aroma of deliciousness wafted through the open door, and his stomach growled. Hank laughed and winked at him. “Just wait, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  Sadie came out of another room with a baby balanced on her hip. Chase had told him Hank was a new dad of a baby girl. He’d said it with a trace of envy Raptor hadn’t understood. But he didn’t think it was his place to ask either. He was already in hot water.

  “You must be Jasper, or do you prefer Raptor?”

  “Raptor, ma’am. It’s been so long I don’t know if I’d answer to Jasper.”

  “You got it. I’m Sadie, Hank’s wife, and this here is little Emma.” Hank kissed his wife first then his daughter.

  “I should have done the introductions. I was talking about you on the way here so I figured he’d know.” Sadie laughed and handed Emma to Hank. “She needs a diaper change, you’re just in time.” Then stretched out her hand to Raptor.

  “Welcome to Montana. C’mon, let me introduce you to Rori.” A strong woman, by the feel of her grip, but he didn’t think he’d get the same from the bakery owner.

  “Don’t worry, she won’t bite.” Hank laughed as he went off to take care of his daughter and left him to follow Sadie.

  “It smells delicious.” His comment was accented by another growl of his stomach, and Sadie laughed.

  “Yes, it is. Rori and I have been cooking up a storm all afternoon. It’s so nice to have someone around besides Hank and my brother.”

  “I bet you wore the poor woman out.”

  Sadie glanced over her shoulder with a questioning look and answered, “I think you might have a wrong idea about Rori.” He didn’t think so. Then he stepped into the kitchen and came face-to-face with Aurora Prince, and she couldn’t have been further from “Betty Crocker” if she’d tried. This was the woman he was hired to protect?

  “Rori, your bodyguard has arrived,” Sadie said with a laugh and walked around the kitchen island to stand next to her friend. When she lifted her face from whatever she was making, and their eyes met, Raptor grabbed the back of the nearest chair to keep his balance. He’d never ever forget those eyes. Damn, he’d been searching for two years, and now they were right in front of him.

  “I’m Raptor Ramsey, nice to meet you Aurora.” He held out his hand, hoping, praying she’d reach out hers for him. Convince him that she wasn’t a figment of his imagination.

  “Please call me, Rori. Only my parents called me Aurora.” A shadow passed across her face, but she shook it off and glanced down at her hand. After she used the towel to get the residual dough off her hand, she took his. “I keep telling Sadie, I don’t need a bodyguard. But she and Hank won’t listen.”

  “Hank drove past the bakery, and I saw the front window. From what he said, it sure didn’t sound like an accident.”

  “It was probably just some kids.”

  “We’ve been over this. Hank doesn’t overreact,” Sadie cut in. “And the window wasn’t the only thing that’s happened either. Did he bring you up to speed, Raptor?”

  “Yes, ma’am, he did.” He still couldn’t pull his eyes away from Aurora – Rori. She was even more striking than he remembered. Not beautiful in a traditional sense, but her wide blue eyes seemed to peer deep into his soul. He hadn’t remembered her lush curves or the brown curls that were now tinged with a dusting of flour. He smiled, something he hadn’t done a whole lot of lately.

  “Raptor?” Sadie had still been talking, but he hadn’t heard a word she’d said. Could he get away with yes or of course? It probably wouldn’t be the wisest course of action since she was his bosses’ wife.

  “I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?”

  “No, need,” Hank said as he came back in carrying little Emma. “It’s safer to have Raptor on the job than leave you alone over there. Even if you don’t think so, we’ll all feel better. You’ll do it for Sadie, right, Rori?”

  Hank was good. From what he already knew of Rori in an emergency, she was too kindhearted to do anything other than agree. Unless Paris had changed her.

  “You guys aren’t fair. You do know that, right? I’m a grown woman, have traveled through Europe, and run my own business. I think I can take care of myself.”

  “But you’ll humor us?”

  “Yes,” Rori said, but her reluctance was loud and clear. Raptor hid his smile. That was his girl. Wait, what? His girl. He’d only just met her, and he was not the relationship type, or was he?

  “I guess you’re stuck with me fo
r a bit, Raptor. I hope you don’t mind early hours and long days.”

  “After spending the last ten years in the military, I don’t think it will be an issue, ma’am.”

  “Good to know. Oh and please, stop calling me ma’am. There’s really no need, Rori is fine.”

  “Yes, ma’am…I mean Rori.” She hadn’t recognized him, and now he had to decide what to do about it. He wasn’t even sure how he felt about it – he hadnt been able to get her off his mind, but then he hadn’t been the one injured and in shock.

  After missions, the civilians involved rarely remembered much, so he shouldn’t be surprised really. For now, it might be best to leave it alone. At least until he could assess the situation at the bakery and determine the threat.


  All the men who worked for Hank were ex-military, and even though Rori had been impressed by their sheer size, none of them affected her like Raptor. Intense was a good word. Maybe sex god? He’d melt chocolate if he went near it. If the heat rising up her neck was any indication, she was ready to melt. What was wrong with her? And why did she get the feeling he was trying to see inside her head?

  “You okay?”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah. A bit distracted.”

  Sadie laughed and elbowed her in the side. “Really? I couldn’t tell.”


  “If I wasn’t so head over heels for Hank, I’d be drooling too.”

  “I’m not drooling.” But Rori wasn’t positive Sadie was teasing, and she used the back of her hand to check.

  “No, you’re not. But you should be.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Besides, he’s working for me, right? Sort of anyway. And I’m still in mourning.”


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