Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 6

by Jo Penn

  But to be able to do that, he required Keeley close to him, to love and keep safe and happy, and he had a hundred issues to see to.

  Have a little rest, you’ll give yourself grey hairs. Drake’s voice drifted through Xavier’s mind.

  Vampires do not have grey hair. We do not age. Xavier frowned.

  Vampires are so frigging literal. Drake’s voice was amused. Rest.

  Xavier smiled and let his mind still for a brief time.

  Chapter Four

  Closing the suite door quietly so as not to rouse his resting mate, Drake used his super speed to move along the halls, down two levels of the grand old staircase, and to the kitchen. Here, he grabbed an energy bar and drink, both of which he wolfed down, and then he hurried into the central foyer, flooded with light, that lay in the middle of the Sanchez clan palace.

  Complex, deeply caring, and alluring, Xavier took Drake’s breath away. He was a damn lucky tiger. Claiming his vampire was mind-blowing, and he would have preferred to remain in bed and go another few rounds, but the other mate was here and Drake had to go deal with the human.

  As much as he’d like to send the creature away, he couldn’t. One, Xavier would pine away without his other mate, and Drake would never let that happen. Xavier was his and he would provide what was needed. And unfortunately two, Drake’s tiger said this human who’d caused his vampire mate so much anxiety and worry was also his mate, and Drake would need to claim him. Otherwise his cat would heat up with the need to mate and claim and try to overtake him, doing damage to get to his mate along the way. A feline who couldn’t claim his mate was a very dangerous creature.

  “I have been apprised of the situation, Drake.” His father joined him on the front steps of the palace—or home, as they referred to it. “Xavier will be pleased to have his other mate, I am told. You must hold onto this knowledge and do what pleases your mate.”

  “I’m aware, Dad. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “True, but as Dominic informed me five minutes ago, he was furious with the human and bordering on dislike when first in his company, but now he likes him a great deal. So there is hope, for Dominic is not one to easily be pleased.”

  That was true, but Drake wasn’t interested. He had his mate. This one would appease his tiger and Xavier. That was it. And if he stepped out of line, the human would quickly learn his place.


  Drake blinked, turning to find Xavier practically floating toward them, eyes fixed on the Range Rover nearing the house. Damn. He hadn’t even heard or sensed his mate, Xavier moved so smoothly. And he’d dressed in a rush. His dress shirt was half tucked in and he wasn’t wearing any shoes, hair still mussed from sex, but his eyes were bright.

  “Hold on, mate.” Drake slipped an arm around Xavier and pulled his vampire close, sniffing. “Wait for Jax to stop the car.”

  Damn, would Xavier ever be so anxious and longing toward Drake? He could only hope so. The mate bond should help, but it may take a while.

  “Your Majesty, apologies for not greeting you correctly earlier.” Xavier bowed.

  The King chuckled. “It was a heated time for you both, Xavier, not to worry. And please, call me Diego. We are family now. I shall have your grandmother and her selected coven family over for a visit. Drake’s mother, Lisette, and I enjoy your grandmother greatly.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty—Diego. I am sure Gran would enjoy a visit. She often mentions you and the Queen fondly. Excuse me, I must see to my mate.”

  Drake let Xavier go. Holding him back would only cause friction, and he was sure there’d be enough of that now the human had arrived.

  “Xavier is much nicer than his father,” Lisette commented, joining them.


  “Terrence was an immature boy out to prove he was more powerful. Ended up losing his magic and his son to Xavier’s mother, who in turn was black-hearted through and through. Fortunately, Xavier is not like them, and Delia and Queen Bethany looked out for him.”

  “He must not have grown up with Delia or I would have met him a century ago when their coven moved to Milson Valley,” Drake mused.

  “He did from time to time, from the age of seventeen till he was in his fifties. Then he travelled with different members of the Armstrong family for work and leisure. The Durand Vampires consider him one of theirs and are highly territorial of him. They even have, from what I just heard, some of their security watching him at a distance while he is here in Milson Valley. The Queen is already aware of your claiming him as mate and there are rumors Misha is on his way here.” Lisette simply smirked indulgently over this, never bothered by vampires or other creatures’ antics. “He is much in demand. My, your human is delicate and gorgeous, Drake!” His mother smiled.

  Drake was watching, his tiger scenting the air and growling, prowling inside to claim what was his. He didn’t, though. Xavier had practically dragged their human mate out of the back of the Range Rover and was inspecting him thoroughly for injuries before hugging him and whispering in the smaller man’s ear. Keeley was probably five-foot-seven and would weigh less than one hundred and thirty pounds dripping wet. While Drake normally went for physically strong creatures, finding strength attractive—he saw all of Xavier’s strengths—there was something about Keeley that pulled at him. When Keeley raised his head and nodded at whatever Xavier was whispering to him, light, dreamy hazel eyes met Drake’s and held them briefly before flickering away again to stare at the ground once more.

  But that one look had locked Drake in and nearly had him panting, his body tensing to the point it was painful. The moon shone down on them like it was caressing his mates, Xavier’s hair shiny and glossy, Keeley’s like sunlight at night. With that dimple that came and went, all Drake could think about was sex. The human just seemed to drip sexiness, even though he looked like an untouched angel in a halo of light.

  Damn, now he wanted his other mate. At least his tiger was happy with that, purring loudly that Drake was now getting with the program of having what was theirs, wanting their mate.

  Xavier clasped Keeley’s hand in his and walked their mate toward Drake and up the stairs, stopping in front of him.

  “Keeley, baby, this is King Diego Sanchez, Queen Lisette Sanchez, and our mate, Prince Drake Sanchez. This is Lord mate Keeley Tate, my mate.”

  Lingering on Keeley, Drake’s eyes snapped to Xavier and narrowed. Lord mate? Oh, hell no. Xavier was a Lord, he was razor sharp, and he knew once mating to Drake exactly what his and Keeley’s titles were.

  Perhaps Drake had been wrong. Perhaps it wasn’t Keeley he would have to watch so intently, but rather Xavier.

  From what Drake could tell, Keeley was an open book in a lot of regards. Distrusting, evading, and commitment-shy. Understandable, in a way. He was a human being thrust into the paranormal world, whereas Xavier was a vampire, a high-level one with connections in high places, and knew exactly how the paranormal and human world worked.

  What the fucking hell was it that held his vampire back from him? Drake would find out and then quash this distance. First, though, he was going to spend some time with his other mate.

  “Welcome to our family, Keeley. We are very pleased Drake has found his mates and that you are both here with him, and us. If there is anything you need, please feel free to speak to any of us.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. It’s lovely to meet you, and you, Your Majesty.” Keeley bowed, his smile soft, his eyes dreamy. “I’ve never seen a palace before, it’s amazing. Queen Bethany has a castle. It’s a bit different but still grand. Dominic was telling me how all the stone was brought from across Europe when your clan moved here centuries ago. It is wonderful you could do that and bring a part of your old home to make your new one.”

  His mother was obviously enchanted with Keeley, kissing his cheek and smiling indulgently.

  “I will take you on a tour tomorrow after you’ve rested. Do you like history, darling?”

  “I do,
Your Majesty. I’m admittedly hopeless at remembering dates, names, and places, but I find it interesting, and how what happened in the past impacts our future.”

  Drake noticed Keeley did not address or look at him at all, and there was that little flash in his eyes again when he looked around and spoke of past and future. Drake stepped closer and sniffed his human mate deeply, wanting to make certain. Keeley tensed and immediately stepped away. Xavier wrapped his arms around their mate and warned Drake off with his now frosty eyes.

  Definitely all human. At least that was something. Drake didn’t want to be caught unaware by not knowing Keeley hid a creature or magic lurking beneath the surface of all that angelic beauty and softness.

  “Keeley, did you state, in front of witnesses, a refusal of Drake’s mate claim of you?” His father was not soft-hearted and always got to the point quickly.

  Keeley tucked into Xavier’s side and nodded. “Y–yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Will you now rescind this refusal, in front of witnesses?”

  “Xavier?” Keeley looked up at their mate. It wasn’t to ask how to respond, but more to know Xavier’s side.

  Well, damn, so the human was going to be even more difficult. Fine, Drake would deal with that. There would be no taking sides against him. He would not lose Xavier to Keeley, and he may just keep them both locked up in the palace, stuff the consequences. He could deal with some vampires, wizards, and witches, no sweat.

  Xavier smiled. “I am with you always, my light.”

  Yeah, that really helped. Drake rolled his eyes and quirked a brow at Keeley, who watched him.

  “No, Your Majesty.”

  “Well, that is a shame.” The Queen sighed softly. “It is something to think over, darling, and it may help you to get to know Drake. Unfortunately, between the mating heat and needing to claim you, and of course these refusal matters taking so long to go before the Council, well, let us say the situation could become dire and unpleasant.” The Queen patted Keeley’s arm. “There is nothing to do but for Drake to convince you otherwise, and Xavier will be a help with this.”

  Drake flashed a smile at his mother. “Then I better start convincing.”

  “Don’t forget this, brother.” Dominic tossed a medallion attached to a chain to Drake, and he caught it.

  “Come inside. Are you hungry or thirsty, Keeley?” his mother asked, drawing Keeley away from Xavier and walking him into the palace.

  Drake stared hard at Xavier. “You’re making this harder, mate.”

  Xavier shrugged elegantly and extended a razor-sharp vampire talon, flicking it. “Am I? I don’t see how.”

  “I know your game. Vampires don’t share, but felines get more than one mate. You’re gonna have to learn to.”

  Xavier hissed. “Keeley is mine. You can claim him without touching him. The only reason you see him as mate is because I’m your mate.”

  “Rubbish,” Drake snapped. “Listen up. My cat knows the difference, and do you think the fates would have been that cruel to mate two and not all three of us? You’re mine, so is Keeley. I claim him fully.”

  “Touch him and I’ll slice your fingers off.”

  Drake’s top lip curled back, canines extending. “Threatening me, my mate? Really? Did we not just mate and claim each other?” Drake reached out, sinking his hand into Xavier’s soft hair. Well, technically, Drake claimed Xavier, but his vampire had not returned the claiming. That was something Drake was a bit miffed and curious about. “Fight the instinct, Xavier, for all of us.”

  It took a few moments, but Drake was relieved when Xavier nodded and pressed against him. He had achieved closeness just a short time ago, had his mate in his arms, laughter. He did not want the future they could have torn away from him, and he’d fight fang and claw to keep hold of Xavier.

  Dominic stopped beside them. “Use the medallion, Drake. Trust me on this.”

  “What, you don’t think I can win Keeley over to rescind the refusal with my charm and skills in bed?” Drake grinned.

  “I think he’ll shoot you down and take joy in it, all the while whispering in Xavier’s ear until he brings all three of you down.” Dom shrugged. “I like him, don’t get me wrong, but—and hiss all you want, Xavier—your mate knows how to play others and isn’t afraid to use the skill to get what he wants.”

  Xavier turned lethal. Drake quickly held his mate back and growled at his brother. “Dominic.”

  “As I said, I like Keeley, but somewhere along the line, he got messed up badly. If you want to have a relationship with him, you’ve got to let the games he plays slide and wait him out.” Dom eyed Xavier. “That’s what you did, isn’t it, Xavier?”

  Xavier shook off Drake and walked stiffly inside.


  “Look at it this way, bro. For someone like Xavier—smart, sharp, has it all, basically—to want the human with a passion bordering on obsession, there’s more than the game-playing and looks to Keeley Tate, so don’t fuck up when he plays you or any of us. Let it go and wait him out.”

  Drake scowled. “You and Sebastian have always had the best insight. What did you see in him?”

  “A deep mistrust and pain.” Dom shuddered. “Whatever happened to him left many scars in places I don’t ever want to touch on. I think Sebastian needs to work with Keeley.”

  Drake growled. Scars, pain? His tiger wanted to hunt anyone down who’d harmed his mate, and the cat and man both wanted to comfort and coddle their little human.

  “Someone hurt him?”

  “I’d say ‘tore him apart.’ And he learned how to play the game to keep himself safe. But I also saw what Xavier must feel. Pure light. Touch on that, have that part of him, and the rest will work itself out. Anyway, I need to stretch my cat and shake it off. Don’t play the game with Keeley. You could end up breaking him in a way that’s irreversible. Use the medallion, make it quick, and have the connection there from the start.

  Oh, and… he has a stalker. Bastard tried to follow us here. Jax is going to run a trace. You should ask Xavier about that. Or it could be someone after Xavier.” With a shrug, Dom leapt down the stairs and raced off to let his tiger out.

  When Dom gave advice, Drake knew to follow it.

  Xavier waited just inside the door, shoulders hunched, head bowed.

  “My star.” Drake hugged his mate close and purred. “We can do this together. Keeley will always be yours. We will all be together.”

  “Then use the medallion. Until I feel your bond with him and am connected, I will want to tear and render you, but at the same time, I must be there when you claim him.”

  “I understand. Once we are all linked, this will be easier. You won’t see me as taking your mate—rather, we will all be mates.”

  “Can you hold off the mating heat until after you claim him?”

  Drake sighed. “I will take my time with Keeley. Like vampires are able to claim without sex, shifters are also, for a short time. There are also the potions that will contain the heat for a time. I will claim, using the medallion if necessary to establish a bond between us. I can tie you up, if you like.”

  Xavier gave Drake a withering look. “Dream on, babe. And I must reconnect to Keeley after what has happened.”

  “Fine.” Drake felt all kinds of jealousy over that but bit it down. Yes, they all needed to link and be claimed to avert the jealousies and other things that may rise up and choke their mating before it even began. “Dominic mentioned a stalker.”

  “Exaggeration. Mine, not Keeley’s—though he has garnered enough interest over our time together. I had my grandmother cast a repelling spell over him a year ago. It probably needs to be refreshed.”

  Drake growled. “Yours? Who is this creature?”

  “Oh, hush, just a young wizard from a rival coven. If it weren’t so tedious, it would be amusing. The poor boy is having his first grown-up crush. Do not make a big deal out of it.”

  Drake would, just not in front of Xavier, who looked tens
e enough to tear the foyer apart. And though he didn’t scent a lie, shifters could often tell when a creature lied, just as vampires could hear thoughts—or really, emotions and images, unless they were very talented. Drake had a sense his vampire wasn’t telling the entire truth, leaving something important out. There was a lot more to both his mates, and he was prepared to discover everything as quickly as possible.

  Exactly who was Xavier Dalton, grandson of the powerful witch Lady Delilah Armstrong? A chef? Hmm, that didn’t explain the high security on the house the vampire owned, nor the way he could fight. And Drake had a strong feeling Xavier had gone gently on him, not wanting to harm his mate.

  “Let’s go claim our mate.” Yes, that was the best course of action. Later, he would get some more in-depth details.

  They found Keeley in the kitchen with Drake’s parents and his youngest sister, Melody, who was ten. In a few years, she would begin going through puberty and be a horrid, hormonal little bitch, so Drake always made sure to give her hugs and attention now. Because, like what happened with his other sister, Ryder’s twin, he’d get nothing but snarls from her for a few years. It was the way of feline females.

  His family was all happy, relaxed and laughing with Keeley. He looked to have just eaten cookies and drunk some milk and was telling a story in that soft, sweet voice of his that made Drake’s cat and cock stand up and pay attention.

  “And then what happened?” Melody asked.

  Keeley flushed. “I left very quickly, before Mason realized I’d dropped my cookie into his frog potion and ruined hours of his work. I did make sure to send him a sorry card and a basket of cookies, some of Xavier’s. He’s the best baker ever, though Mason never lets me in his potion room anymore, so I wasn’t even able to get the love potion in the end.”

  “Love potion, my light?” Xavier wrapped his arms around Keeley and kissed their mate’s temple.

  “For Hettie, remember? She wanted Norton to fall in love with her. I did try to explain about not needing potions, but she is over eight hundred years old and said that was all bollocks anyway. Such a romantic.”


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