Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 7

by Jo Penn

  “I recall. Mason nearly lost a finger. A shame you warned him, losing a finger may stop him stealing my car all the time. Speaking of cars, when will mine and Keeley’s arrive, Drake?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Hmm, I think I will go and collect my Ferrari myself.”

  “Xavier goes ballistic over his Ferrari. I don’t know why, it’s not even a red one.” Keeley truly seemed bemused by this.

  “I wouldn’t mind a Ferrari,” Drake’s father said longingly.

  “No, darling, you drive too fast as it is. I can only imagine what would happen if you got some hotted-up sports car! Melody, you should be in bed. Come along. Good night, boys. Welcome to the family, Keeley, Xavier.” The Queen kissed both then shooed Melody out of the room.

  “Night, Dad.” Drake motioned for his mates to follow. Thankfully, Xavier tugged along Keeley, who dragged his feet and tried to delay by pointing at artwork and yawning a dozen or more times.

  Xavier fawned over their mate, caressing and whispering sweet words of adoration, of missing Keeley. On the second floor, Drake led them back to his suite on the left side of the palace—their suite, now. It was fully equipped with a good size lounge and kitchenette, a spare bedroom, a small study, and a large bedroom with a specially crafted, extra-large king bed and a couple of walk-in closets.

  “Keeley, baby, I know you don’t feel Drake as your mate—”

  “Xavier, I refuse his claim on me. That means he doesn’t get to claim me before it goes before that council you work for. I get that he’s your mate, but I’m not sharing a bed with you and him.”

  Work for? Xavier worked for the Council? Which one, Drake pondered? He put it aside to concentrate on the here and now.

  Xavier looked torn. “I love you, Keeley, you know I always protect you and would never allow anyone to harm you. Drake is also your mate. If you allow him to claim you, we can all feel the link between us, together.”

  “I don’t feel a link to you. Why would I suddenly feel one to him? And now you want to just give me to some other guy? That’s not love, Xavier.”

  “That’s enough.” Drake wasn’t going to sit on the sidelines refereeing or letting this escalate till someone got angry and hurt. “Xavier isn’t giving you to anyone. I’m your mate, I have you, that’s that. And bullshit, you feel Xavier. You just block him.”

  “Do I? And you know what I think and feel, Your Highness? Fine, fuck me then, if that’s what you want.” Keeley’s chin jutted out, but his eyes quickly dropped away and he trembled.

  “I do and I will. Xavier, my star, undress our mate,” Drake ordered, cock throbbing with need at having both his mates in front of him.

  Xavier didn’t move. His talons were out and his eyes were glaciers. Well, damn. Drake felt his needs rising, but he thought of what Dom said and cooled his heels. He hadn’t planned to fuck Keeley now. He knew it was too soon for the human and Xavier wasn’t ready for that, which would only cause problems. Besides, Drake wasn’t that much of a selfish bastard. He actually did want to know his human mate and find a little connection first.

  Growling, Drake held up his hands in surrender and took a step back. “No one is fucking anyone right now. Not that I don’t want to, not that I don’t intend to, but Xavier was right. We need a bit of time to get to know one another. I will claim you now Keeley, as my mate–”

  “No!” Keeley bounced back on his heels, grabbing Xavier’s arm and twisting his hands anxiously. “I refuted the claim, Xav, he can’t claim me.”

  Drake saw how it was for his mates, and how he wasn’t a part of the mateship. Xavier had let Drake claim him, he’d let Drake fuck him—and Drake had no illusions it was definitely let—but the mate was not fully invested in what they had, their connection. He was fully with Keeley, though.

  Drake watched Xavier’s icy blue eyes melt with warmth and love as the vampire gazed at their human. How Xavier cupped Keeley’s delicate cheek, kissed their mate’s lips with sweetness and cradled him close, soothingly and lovingly.

  Well, damn. Fine, then. Drake understood what was happening and would just work on both his mates. At least Xavier was willing to give him a go. That was something.

  The longer this continues, the more anxious and difficult our mate will become. Humans, as you are aware, tend to react differently to being claimed, Drake whispered into Xavier’s mind.

  A knock at the door interrupted, irritating Drake.

  “I want to go home, Xavier.” Keeley wrapped his arms around Xavier, pointedly ignoring Drake.

  Running a hand through his hair, he strode over to the suite door and growled at the attendant he expected—except it was another vampire, a royal one.

  “Misha.” Drake curled a lip.

  His night had just taken a major nosedive.

  Chapter Five

  Crown Prince Misha Durand of the Durand Vampire Coven leaned against the doorframe and quirked an arrogant brow.

  “Drakius. Ah, Xavier, I heard an extraordinary tale. Care to enlighten me?” Misha strode past Drake, nudging him out of the way with the usual vampire disregard, and confidently entered the suite.

  “Misha!” Keeley squealed and lurched himself at the crown prince, who caught the little human with a grin.

  Which shocked Drake to his core. One, Misha was never one to grin. Smirk in disdain, toss out an arrogant smile, perhaps snarl with a curled lip—that was about it. And two, Keeley didn’t seem the type to form such devotion to others.

  And what the hell was Misha Durand doing in his suite? Usually Drake avoided the arrogant prick and left Emile, his equally arrogant brother, to deal with the creature. Otherwise, Drake may be tempted to cause a vampire and feline shifter feud.

  Misha laughed, actually laughed, and hugged Keeley close, sniffing the little human. Setting Keeley down as Drake strode over and growled, Misha only smiled as Drake grabbed his smaller mate and pulled Keeley behind him.

  “Misha.” Xavier hugged the other vampire. “I did not know you were coming to Milson Valley. I wish you had informed me.”

  “Brother, I flew out in the private jet as soon as I was informed a jungle cat dared claim you and our Keeley. Of course, I threatened to decapitate the clerk telling me this, for why would a cat shifter dare to claim you? It is absurd.” Misha threw a smirk at Drake. “Then I spoke to Dominic and was told that indeed, this tale was true.” Misha tutted and wandered the lounge. “Explain.”

  Keeley tugged at his arm, frowning at Drake, who didn’t let his little mate go. After that little show of affection, Drake wasn’t letting his mate anywhere near the admittedly hot crown prince vampire.

  It was a vampire thing, everyone knew that. Whereas the shifters tended to be big, built tall and solid, rugged and sexy, the Fae were of an ethereal type with a bit of reservation and stuffiness. Witches and wizards were all slender, bordering on skinny. He’d never met one that was over five-foot-twelve—most were a lot smaller—and they were a very elitist bunch. The gargoyles were all big and brutish and the sprites tended to be bouncy, happy little things.

  Vampires, though, were all gorgeous, and not one ever seemed to look older than twenty-two. Xavier looked only about twenty-one, as did Misha, who was a little bulkier and stood a few inches taller than Xavier. He had slicked-back, light brown hair that curled ever so slightly at the base of his head and high cheekbones, a trait of vampires.

  Vampires were often models and actors. Their looks were captivating and alluring, which was one of the ways they enticed their prey.

  “Explain?” Drake waved at an armchair and moved Keeley with him to the sofa, where he sat them both down. He was annoyed when Xavier chose an armchair across from him and from Misha. “Why would my mate explain, Misha? Is this a vampire coven requirement? Some antiquated, barbaric rule where you have some say in fated mates? If so, I will be happy to have a say in it.”

  Misha smiled. “Really? The High Council has been begging, if not demanding, your presence for years, and y
et you refuse all overtures of camaraderie.”

  “Whatever is necessary,” Drake retorted.

  “There’s a law to stop us mating?” Keeley perked up.

  “No,” Drake assured his human and transferred his hold to Keeley’s delicate little hand, caressing it gently. Damn it felt good to touch his little mate. “We are honored you have graced us with your presence, Misha. I hope you will stay for a visit. Can I offer you a drink?”

  Misha inclined his head. “Thank you, no. I visited with your parents and your cousin, Baron, downstairs. I do not require another drink, and yes, I will remain the night, though I must leave at dawn. Important matters back in the city I must take care of, thanks to Xavier’s reports. Now, Xavier, where is your medallion?”

  Keeley started. “Medallion? You lost the medallion?”

  Xavier huffed out a breath and waved a hand dismissively. “It is nothing to be concerned about. Misha, did you require an update? Has anything occurred?”

  Misha rolled his eyes, surprising Drake. The vampire never seemed to have much depth of emotion. One of his brothers certainly didn’t, and maybe that impression had rubbed off onto the rest of the clan for Drake.

  “Really, brother, you wish to play this game? Fine, you are tediously difficult at expressing yourself when it comes to personal matters. Firstly, where the fuck is the medallion? If you have lost it, your grandmother needs to be informed immediately to replace it. Well?”

  Drake’s eyes narrowed and he was about to intervene. No one spoke to his mates like that, but Keeley leaned forward, practically leaning over Drake, which distracted him and had him purring and moving his human closer, caressing his back.

  Casting Drake a somewhat bemused look and wiggling a little as though to move away, which Drake didn’t allow, Keeley huffed then focused on Xavier again.

  “You were wearing it at home, but Misha’s right. I haven’t seen it on you since I arrived here. Did you take it off?”

  “It is of no consequence—”

  “As you wish.” Misha flicked out his phone and after tapping a number, put it to his ear.

  “Mind telling me what is so important about a missing medallion?” Drake whispered softly to Keeley.

  For a moment, Drake didn’t think his human mate would respond, but after chewing his lip for a moment and receiving a look from Xavier, Keeley blurted it out.

  “Xav has a stalker. He’s real determined, and angry, too! Gran Delia gave Xav a medallion to protect him, ’cause the stalker is a wizard, but Xav is too sure of himself and doesn’t think the wizard—”

  “Take a breath, my light,” Xavier said coolly. “I will put the medallion back on. There is nothing to be concerned over or be dramatic about.” Xavier cut a look at Keeley, who blushed. “Drake, you will find our mate enjoys a little drama. You will often find him watching the Kardashians and Judge Judy with Mason and Laurence.”

  “Then they will have Melody, Kirsten, Ryder, Marco, and Sebastian for company,” Drake commented. “We will discuss this stalker issue, my mate.”

  “Not to worry. Delia has assured me a new medallion will arrive within the hour.” Misha tucked his phone away. “Do not remove this one, Xavier, or I will drag you back to the coven, mates or not.”

  “Time to explain.” Drake growled. “And no more, Misha. Xavier is mine, I will protect him.”

  “He’s mine,” Keeley mumbled grumpily, pulling away from Drake.

  Well, well, well, the human mate actually did have feelings for their vampire and wasn’t just using Xavier as a shield or hanging off him because of the mate bond. That was interesting.

  Misha did the arrogant brow quirking again, which Drake vowed he would never again do himself, as it was frigging annoying. Shit, did he look like that whenever he quirked his brow? Well, that was one habit he was going to break.

  “Misha.” Xavier steepled his fingers and dropped those icy blue eyes. “I mentioned the stalker, Drake, it is not a problem. The medallion is added protection that my grandmother and Misha encouraged. And yes, Misha, Drake is my and Keeley’s fated mate, apparently. Thank you for coming to check, we are fine. Excuse me a moment.”

  Drake was stunned, and not in a pleasant way, as his mate walked away into the kitchen and closed the door.

  “I need…err, bathroom!” Keeley scampered off into the bedroom, leaving Drake and Misha alone and glowering at each other. After five minutes and no sign of his mates returning, Drake sighed and curled a lip at the vampire crown prince, who had done nothing but piss him off since they’d met at least a hundred and fifty years ago. Drake very much suspected Misha enjoyed pissing him off, and most others also. Vampires could be stuck-up prigs.

  Misha chuckled. “I do, truly, it brings me great enjoyment. Unfortunately, Xavier has never felt the same and is often perplexed by my enjoyment of pissing other creatures off, as is my mother.” The vamp shrugged then turned serious. “You are extremely fortunate to have been fated Xavier and Keeley as mates. Don’t fuck it up, or I’ll become your worst nightmare, shifter.”

  “You’re one of my worst nightmares now.” Drake growled. “But I respect that you care for my mates and came to check on them immediately. I may be surprised and impressed by that. So what, you and your family take this much care of all your coven members? That does surprise me.”

  Misha hissed. “All my coven members are important, even the imbeciles that mother insists I cannot cull and Xavier does not let me toy with. Xavier is like a brother to me. Remember this and I will not cull you.”

  “As if you could, vamp.” Drake smirked. “So what’s with the medallion?”

  Misha waved a hand flippantly. “Ask your mate. I see you haven’t claimed Keeley. Having a few difficulties, shifter? Did the little human refuse your claim, perhaps? And is Xavier feeling a mite territorial?” Misha tutted and swept imaginary dust from his immaculate jacket.

  Growling, Drake was about to lurch at the annoying, stuck-up vamp when Keeley wandered in with an e-book in one hand and a phone in the other.

  “I’m hungry. Is there a kitchen around here? Room service? Misha, Tyler just called me saying something weird about constellations and a voodoo shifter. I think he’s smoking that stuff you don’t like him to smoke that Ryson gives him…”

  “Ryson gives it to Tyler?” Misha hissed. “Of course he does, neither have any sense. Xavier went into the kitchen. He is probably cooking, as he does when he has finished speaking to others.”

  “Hmm? What kitchen? I’m hungry. Is there any food?”

  Drake watched the pair, a little baffled, and he had to smother a laugh at Misha’s exasperated, indulgent look. Either Keeley really was a ditz or he was playing the big vamp prince. And what the hell was going on here? Was he ever going to get to claim his mate? Or was he stuck with Misha all night while the vamp he wanted went to play with pots and pans?

  Had he fallen down the rabbit hole, and if so, what the fuck?

  Having enough of the pair, Drake picked up the phone beside the lounge and ordered a light meal for Keeley, whose stomach really was growling, and then rose and went into the small kitchen only to find it empty.

  “Lose something, shifter?” Misha asked flippantly as Drake returned to the lounge.

  “Do you take arsenic with your coffee, vamp?”

  Laughing, Misha stood up. “I’ll leave you to your mates. Xavier, I will be leaving at dawn. Do not bother coming to see me off, I will speak to you when I arrive home.”

  Xavier appeared in the doorway and nodded. “As you wish, Misha. My love to our Queen—Keeley, do not.”

  “I didn’t!” Keeley jumped and jerked his hand into his pocket.

  “You were.” Misha winked, smirked at Drake, and strode out of the suite.

  Growling, Drake jerked Keeley to him, tossed his human over his shoulder, and walked toward his bedroom.

  “Xavier, in the bedroom now.”

  “No! I won’t have sex with you,” Keeley protested loudly, trembling as
Drake placed his mate on their large bed.

  “Not yet, my mate. Soon, though. I need to claim you. Do you withdraw your refusal?”

  Drake was giving one chance. After that encounter with Misha, he felt the need to be connected to both mates, quickly, as there was something going on he wasn’t privy to, which irritated the hell out of him.

  “N–o.” Keeley backed away on the bed, worrying his bottom lip, hazel eyes flicking between Drake and Xavier.

  “I see. Then we’re both going to have to deal with the effects of this.”

  Not giving Keeley the chance for flight, Drake swiftly caught hold of his little human and slipped the medallion over Keeley’s neck and held him still, breathing in Keeley’s soft, fresh-as-a-meadow scent.

  “Do it now, Xavier. Tell Keeley to take back his refusal and let me claim him, or I claim him anyway and am damned with the consequences.”

  Xavier pulled back and stared at Drake in shock and concern. “Keeley, Drake will claim you now. You will tell him you accept his claim and rescind your refusal.”

  Drake’s teeth had already shifted. He leaned over his mate and pulled the collar of Keeley’s top back as he clamped his jaw over the junction where shoulder met neck.

  “I accept your claim and rescind my refusal. Ahhh!”

  Drake sunk his teeth into his mate as soon as the last word was spoken, his cock now full and pressing against Keeley’s cute little ass, which sat pressed against Drake’s groin. The link snapped into place, connecting all three of them. Keeley came as Drake lapped at his neck, the scent of his cum driving Drake to groan and thrust against Keeley’s jean-covered ass. Drake slipped his hand into the front of his mate’s jeans and grabbed his cock, stroking the man through his orgasm.

  Xavier was right. Drake was going to be just as possessive, desperate, and territorial as he with their mate—with both mates. Keeley panted and shuddered with the last spurt of his seed, his head falling back against Drake’s shoulder, his body light and relaxed. His little mate smelled so fucking good, felt so fucking good in his arms. He wanted to bend Keeley over and enjoy that small, tight ass and mate him fully. It was hard not to take what was his, but he restrained himself and simply relished having Keeley in his arms.


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