Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 11

by Jo Penn

  Drake wasn’t sure what he had expected his mates to be like. The thoughts of those meant to be his had changed regularly over the years as his own depth, knowledge, and desires had grown and changed.

  Xavier stunned him on so many levels. Drake was still in awe that this creature was his mate, one who fit his soul and was already burrowed so deeply into his heart that Drake knew he would never survive if anything were to happen to his vampire mate, his star.

  Keeley, though? Gods, he wanted the human mate, felt a deep and agonizing yearning to be close, to fulfill and meld them together as one. But realistically, he knew next to nothing and he was cautious of the little human. Keeley, Drake was sure, could tear out his heart without effort or care… Hmm, but he also felt that, if he was fortunate, Keeley would be the warmest, sweetest, and most giving creature that would complete him and Xavier.

  Two alphas shouldn’t fit together so well. There would be clashes. Keeley should be the one to soothe and join them completely, Drake would have thought. Instead, Drake had found it was he who was melting and melding them together.

  That made Drake frown, and things began clicking over in his head.

  Fuck. His instincts were running riot about Keeley, that his little human was a runner and could tear his heart apart. Xavier easily confirmed this, yet what Drake saw was a gorgeous, warm burst of sunshine from his human mate. One who needed care, attention, and time to form bonds.

  It was his vampire mate who, though doing everything right and giving to their mateship, was changing his life to fit to Drake’s, was withholding. There was something missing…something off.

  “He is a very worthwhile one. As I have said, he is my everything.” Xavier stepped over the bag of money and cupped Drake’s cheek. “Which you will also be, I feel.”

  “You are my everything now, my star,” Drake said truthfully while studying his mate and those icy blue eyes. How did he obtain Xavier fully? He was beginning to understand Keeley. He knew he needed to make a connection and learn everything about his sweet, gorgeous little human mate, but his vampire? His heart wasn’t going to be easy to obtain, despite him giving to the mateship and saying all the right things.

  He just wasn’t fully invested like Drake was. Fucking vampires. So damn hard to build bonds with.

  “And Keeley?”

  Drake gave a small, self-deprecating smile. “You were right. He is, too. I can’t reach him, though. It’s beginning to ache.”

  “I feel you, my mate. I will assist and our link will guide us. While I go with Ryder and some of your clan to collect my and Keeley’s belongings, you should spend time alone with him so he does not feel it is only me you want. Do not pounce on him—talk to him.”

  Drake nodded, nuzzling Xavier’s throat. “I was planning to take him out for a drive around the compound, show him the place, try and get him to see it as home.”

  “That is a good idea. Be affectionate and do not push. Keeley’s story is simple and like many others from similar backgrounds. His mother left when he was young. He never knew his father. His mother’s sister and her partner took him in, but he may have been better off in foster care, for they were druggies and dealers. He rarely went to school. They moved around so much that he was lost in the system, no one checking up on him. They beat him if he talked. If he didn’t, he was always starving and cold and made to sleep on the floor outside their apartment, where he was easy prey for anyone passing by. He learned to run fast and hide well. When he was ten, his aunt’s partner gave him to a drug dealer to pay off a debt.”

  Drake was growling, his tiger tearing up inside, wanting to find everyone that had hurt Keeley and seek revenge. His poor mate. No wonder Keeley trusted no one and kept a getaway stash.

  “He got away after a beating, but without being raped, and lived on the streets for a year before he was picked up for stealing by the cops and handed over to social welfare. After that, he stayed in a home, but it probably wasn’t much better. When he ran, he was picked up two years later, and the cycle repeated itself until his last home, when he was fifteen.

  He had two years there before he had enough money saved up from working as a busboy to take off. After that, he just wandered place to place, staying in the shadows. I found Keeley when he was nineteen. Queen Bethany took an interest in Keeley, as he’d waited tables at the coven a few times. He gathered interest and was ready to bolt when she assured him no one would touch him. She offered him a room and job.” Xavier smiled. “Our mate politely charmed her and agreed to stay two weeks. She immediately called me and had me attend a party. My Queen has visions and saw he was my mate and would keep him safe and protected. She dotes on him, as do the rest of the Durand family. Bethany is incredibly warmhearted. I do hope she finds her mate soon.”

  “Nineteen? But he’s twenty-two. That math doesn’t calculate if you’ve had him two years.”

  “Two years, five months, ten days, to be more accurate. His birthday was a few months ago. Keeley was a virgin in every sense, had never even kissed. Wouldn’t let anyone close enough. I was similar to you in how I obtained him, my moon.” Xavier stepped away, pocketing the Rolex. “I mated and claimed him within half an hour of scenting him by seducing and using my vampire thrall.”

  Drake ruffled his white-blond hair thoughtfully, hurting for his human mate, intrigued by all of this.

  “It was the wisest way, from what I have seen. I will wait for him to adjust, cherish him, and protect him. He will want for nothing.”

  “He is here, safe, and he will adjust.” Xavier gazed off into the distance, a faraway look on his stunning face. “We must not move him again. This must be his home. Though he wandered, never staying one place long before I claimed him, too much disruption sends him retreating into himself.”

  “Xavier, what about you?” Drake tugged his mate into his arms, holding him close and petting the glorious, strong vampire. “All this is an adjustment for you also. I am here for whatever you need. You are not alone to look after Keeley. I take care of both of you.”

  “Thank you, my moon, but I have no issues. Keeley and you are my concern, my coven, family, and friends. The compound and your family are large and hold my interest. Mates are together, and this will be the safest place for us, especially for Keeley. As long as your pride knows to leave him be and keep their paws to themselves.”

  “Truthfully, I think they’re terrified of him. He’s a little human with dreamy eyes and a soft, mind-blowing smile, yet he runs like I’ve never seen a human be able to do and has an air about him that stops you from approaching.”

  Drake smiled, but inside he was taking note of how, yet again, Xavier had evaded his question of his true wants and needs. When Drake had a chance, he’d be spending some time figuring that out.

  “Good. Now, clear this up. I need to leave to collect my and Keeley’s belongings.”

  “Yes, my mate.” Drake chuckled and got busy.

  They took the guns to the armory—they’d return the witches’ and wizards’ firearm to that coven—and the potions to the security office, where a cheetah held the bottles as though they were contaminated. The rest they took to their suite. Keeley could do what he wanted with the money and few other things.

  * * * *

  Staff had been assigned packing duty at Xavier’s house beginning last night. They had packed most of the general items, such as kitchen utensils, linens, and furniture, which were placed on the truck. Drake had given strict instructions to Jax and his security team. He hated his mate going without him, but he trusted Ryder and Jax, and Xavier, too, though that didn’t mean Drake wouldn’t be worried until his mate was safely back with him. Xavier was a target. He wore a new medallion and knew how to fight, and he had a shitload of protection going with him, but it just didn’t sit right with Drake that his mate was away from him, from his care and sight.

  He watched the truck and SUVs drive off down the road and then headed into the palace and had something to eat before making something f
or Keeley also. Drake had been taught young how to slap meals together. It was always about self-preservation and self-efficiency, and he was too old to sit around waiting for someone to fix him a sandwich.

  Chapter Seven

  Keeley was still sleeping when Drake entered their bedroom. His mate was dizzying in his angelic slumber, sunlight bathing him in its rays. How he’d managed to acquire two very different mates was a mystery. Keeley and Xavier were chalk and cheese, and Drake was different from both… No. Drake frowned. He wasn’t that different. They had things in common.

  Shaking his head, Drake let the thoughts go. He knew when to dwell, and he knew when to wait and let the pieces fall into place.

  Setting up the food on the table in the lounge room, Drake went to the study and spent half an hour catching up on some e-mails that required urgent responses, and when he heard movement from the bedroom, saved his work and closed his computer. Going through the lounge, he found Keeley sitting at the table, nibbling the edge of the sandwich and reading an e-book.

  “Hey, Keeley, all rested?”

  Keeley glanced up with a start, his hazel eyes wide. “Drake! Oh, ah, I d–didn’t know you were here.”

  “Just in the study doing some work until you woke.” Drake pulled up a seat on the other side of the table and poured Keeley a glass of milk. “I would like to show you around the pride compound this afternoon. I think it would be good for you to see the place, meet a few of the shifters, and see how everything works.”

  Keeley shrugged. “Why?”

  “Because this is your home now.”

  Keeley’s eyes grew dreamy and a little smile played on his pink lips. “So you’ve said. I guess I don’t get any say in that, either.”

  “I’m responsible for the pride here, and two more in Europe. I spend my time between all three, plus attend alliance meetings and committee events. I don’t really get a choice, either, my mate, otherwise I’d give you that.”

  “Europe? Where in Europe?” Keeley’s eyes lost the dreamy look and grew wide with excitement. “Will you take me to Europe? I want to see Paris and Amsterdam and New York—okay, I’ve been there lots—maybe Jamaica and I want to go to a beer festival in Germany and eat chocolate in Belgium and…” Keeley blushed, dropping his head.

  Laughing, and a bit shocked by the outburst, Drake nudged the glass of milk closer to his quirky little human.

  “Sure, I’ll take you to all those places. There’s a Sanchez Compound in Prague, close to the gargoyles’ head clan actually, and another in Switzerland.”

  “Oh, my Gods! Switzerland! Can I go sledding?”

  “Sure, my light, we’ll go sledding. I can’t wait to take you.”

  Keeley gaped at him. “For real? You’ll let me come along and take me places? You…want to?”

  Standing up, Drake couldn’t help himself. He swooped his little mate up into his arms and deposited them both on the sofa, Keeley on his lap. Purring, he nuzzled Keeley’s throat, licking and kissing till he got to those soft pink lips and covered them with his own, thrusting his tongue in deeply as he gently coaxed Keeley to return the sweet little kisses and he let Drake caress his hot little body without nearly jumping out of his arms or tensing up.

  Surprisingly, it only took a few minutes to have Keeley melting against Drake, pressing their chests together and turning so he was straddling Drake’s lap, their groins brushing, making both of them groan as Keeley took over the kiss and explored Drake’s mouth with his lips, his tongue, and his shy inquisitiveness.

  Drake let him. Whatever Keeley wanted, he’d have. His little mate was so warm and shy, quirky and beautiful. And he kissed like a wet dream come to life! Drake was panting and purring, his body thrusting up and humping against his mate’s little one to get closer.

  “Wow.” Keeley was breathing heavily as he pulled back, the fingers of one hand tracing Drake’s lips. “You’re not really a big, bossy shifter. Err, I mean—”

  Chuckling, Drake kissed Keeley’s fingertips. “I have my moments, babe. Probably too many of them, but I’m sure you’ll put me in my place. I meant what I said, Keeley. I want to take you to all those places, be with you. Just like Xavier.”

  “He doesn’t take me anywhere.” Keeley pouted, actually pouted! His bottom lip jutted out and his face went mutinous.

  Biting his tongue to stop himself from laughing over the look, Drake purred and nibbled his mate’s cute little ear, earning a giggle, a real giggle, from his adorable, soft little mate.

  “I’m sure Xavier would love to take you to all those places. He’ll be coming, too. He may be a vampire, but he knows how to have fun.”

  Keeley snorted. “For real? Have you met Xavier? Like, I love the guy more than life, but he’s not really the sledding type, more like ‘sip a glass of blood wine by the fire and discuss important shit’ type, ya know what I’m sayin’?”

  Drake grinned. “Yeah, he just needs us to show him how to relax. Sooo, you love Xavier.”

  Receiving a ‘duh’ look, Drake snuggled Keeley closer and purred, nibbling his soft lips again.

  “You don’t act like it by taking off and leaving him, my light.”

  “That’s what Xavier calls me.” Keeley shivered as Drake slipped a hand up beneath his shirt and caressed his narrow chest. “He’s like…well, everything, but he keeps so much to himself.”

  “So do you.” Drake slid a hand down the back of Keeley’s tight jeans and between his ass cheeks, directly to that perfect little star Drake wanted to feel wrapped around his cock. He tapped his mate’s hole. “I want you, Keeley.”

  Arching into the touch, Keeley moaned but shook his head. “N–o, you said you would w–w–wait…ahhh, yes.”

  Sliding his finger in and out of that tight little hole, Drake nibbled Keeley’s jaw, wanting to feel all of his mate, see the pleasure as he came. Moving his hand down Keeley’s chest, over his flat stomach, stopping to play with the fine blond hairs along his treasure trail, Drake got to the button of the tight jeans and flicked it open, followed by the zipper. He grinned as Keeley groaned, tensed a moment, and then pushed his underwear-covered cock into Drake’s hand.

  Moving the underwear aside, and thankful for the mate pull that stopped any pesky doubts and overloaded mates with the need to touch and be close, Drake took his little human’s long, slender cock in hand and gave a few gentle pumps as he worked another finger into that tight hole. Pumping, playing, kissing, and caressing, Keeley was soon wiggling and moaning, little sex sounds falling from his lips, his eyes glistening. When he came, he whimpered and cried out, his ass squeezing Drake’s fingers. He pressed his face against Drake’s, their lips brushing as he breathed in his mate’s pleasure.

  Bringing his hand up to their mouths, Drake licked Keeley’s seed off, purring at the taste and watching his mate lick his lips, his eyes locked on what Drake was doing.

  “D–do you want…I mean…err, wh–at about you? Do you need to come?”

  Smiling, Drake pulled Keeley’s face to his again and licked his lips. “Yes, I need and want to. Am I going to? I just want you, Keeley Tate.” Keeley’s stomach growled. Drake carefully removed his fingers from that fine little ass, tucked Keeley back into his pants, did them up, and stood with Keeley. “I’ll get cleaned up and get you fed so I can take you around the compound.”

  Forty minutes later, Drake had Keeley in the beat-up old truck he mostly just used at the compound and Emile declared gave him hives. Which may have been true. His prestigious brother seemed to have an allergy to dirt and disorder.

  For the next hour, Drake drove Keeley all over the compound, pointing out sections, such as the woods, where the shifters were able to run in wereform without cars or anyone protesting, the newly built center, where Sebastian and Dominic had offices and creatures came for guidance and counseling, and the four little villages that were spread over the compound. They had houses, a small set of shops, a school, and a day care center.

  He explained that they also had
an orphanage for shifter children, and sometimes other paranormal children that didn’t have anyone or had been ostracized. Drake had spent the last five years setting up a foster and adoption program, of which Dominic was in charge, as he had a special gift for knowing the right course for creatures to take, how to get them well, and who matched them.

  Sebastian, their cousin, had a gift for seeing the pain in others and being able to heal it. It was an awesome gift, but at the same time it was very hard on Sebastian. With a lot of training, protection, and care over the years, Sebastian had been able to turn his gift into a paranormal counseling talent for those in need, as well as doing specific duties for the High Council.

  “Wow, this is all pretty amazing.” Keeley licked the ice lollipop Drake had stopped to buy him in the little village near the palace. “So Dominic can, like, know if someone wanting to foster or adopt a kid is bad on the inside?”

  Knowing Keeley’s past now, Drake wondered if this was why he had always been so driven to protect others. to make sure no child, or even adult, was abused under his watch and care. If this was why he extended that to others and had actually trained soldiers out seeking anyone in need.

  “Yep. He can tell if someone is rotten to the core. And who to match with. He’s dedicated to this cause, a champion of those in need.”

  Keeley gave a soft, dreamy smile, looking away. “I think you and Xavier are, too. Y–you know what he does, right?”

  “Yeah, I know. Don’t worry, I’ll be watching his back from now on.” Drake was warmed deeply that Keeley was seeing Drake in the same way as he saw Xavier.

  “I can’t get him to rest. He never sleeps and paces the house all night. A m–mate should be able to help and make things better, right?”

  Feeling the sorrow from his human, Drake’s heart ached. He tugged Keeley into his arms, protecting and cherishing him.


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