Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 12

by Jo Penn

  “You do help, Keeley, just being there, loving him. I know it’s hard for you, but you do it. That’s all that matters. We’ll just put him to bed between us and make him rest.”

  “You two are perfect for each other.”

  “We all are.”

  “Sir! Sir! Look what Mama gave me!”

  Drake grinned down at the little panther girl who had interrupted them so excitedly and proudly held up a toy snake.

  “Well, that’s cool.” Drake crouched down and inspected the toy snake. “I always liked pink snakes. Are you going to practice your pouncing with it?”

  “Yep!” the little girl said eagerly, tiny little fangs out, which she then sunk into the toy snake and began shaking viciously, growling and hissing. “I got a dozen so I can practice tearing them apart!”

  “Eep!” Keeley jumped behind Drake and practically crawled up his back in fright. “Snake! Help the little girl, Drake!”

  “Hush, it’s not real. It’s a toy for learning how to pounce on creatures and disable them.” Drake chuckled at the girl’s bemused expression, the snake falling from her fangs as she gaped at Keeley in wonder and sniffed deeply.

  “Ahh, okay? For real?”

  “Yes, my mate, for real.”

  “Oh, right, well, that’s…good? Cool toy.” Keeley slid down and smiled at the little girl who leant closer and sniffed. “Do I smell?”

  “You smell kinda nice but a little different. Are you a wolf? Hmm, no, Mama said they smell like wet dog.”

  The girl’s mother gaped and blushed, shaking her head. “Simone!”

  “What? You did!” Simone retorted. Panthers didn’t have much tact. “What are you?”

  “This is Prince mate Keeley Sanchez, my human mate, darlin’.” Drake couldn’t help but grin at the little hellion.

  “Huh, human. Humans smell nice, I suppose. Wanna see me chase the snake, Prince mate Keeley?”

  Surprising the hell out of Drake, Keeley nodded eagerly and took the snake Simone held out.

  “Here, chase the snake, Simone!”

  And Keeley was off, Drake blinking after his mate, who bolted to the park on the other side of the quiet village street. Simone tried hard to catch up, squealing happily, her little fangs and claws out. Seeing how that could all end badly, Drake hurried over, keeping watch. Simone couldn’t catch Keeley, though. The human was damn fast and light on his feet. He hid the snake, Simone delighting in the game, and other children at the park joined in until all the snakes, covered in Keeley’s scent, were hidden throughout the park and were slowly found one by one and torn up for the children’s fun.

  “Your mate is wonderful, sire.” Simone’s mother clapped at the end of the game.

  “Thank you. He impresses me more as I get to know him. Your daughter will be a good tracker.”

  The mother grinned. “Oh, yes, the instructors have her training once a week with them already. She loves it, though I see she would enjoy this sort of fun training more. Maybe your mate could come up with some fun training games for the children? Apologies, I didn’t mean to demand.”

  “Suggestions are always welcome. I’ll see if that is something my Keeley would enjoy doing. He appears to have an affinity with children. Hello, Mason.”

  “Drake, ma’am. Yes, children just love Keeley, and he finds them a lot of fun.”

  The mother had gone to join the children, now seated around Keeley on the ground and looking at a collection of sticks they had gathered. Mason, second-in-command of the Armstrong Coven, glanced at his watch.

  “My coven and I have finished adding magic to your security here. Baron agrees it will be of assistance.”

  “Thank you. Has your cousin returned?” Drake again checked his phone. He’d had no reply from a message he’d sent to Xavier an hour and a half ago.

  “Not that I have seen. I heard he was at his house packing up. I will collect Laurence and Luka on my way out.”

  “Actually, my mother wanted them here for a few solid days of training. Apparently the nuisances got into the wolf bar a few days ago and tampered with a few things, causing Urian to have to close the bar and have a pack of pissed off wolves for a day.”

  “Yes, I did hear about that. Drax mentioned something. Fine, as long as Laurie is kept away from any potions and spell-making, he will be harmless…well, as harmless as those three together can be.”

  Drake just grinned, shrugging. “They’re cubs, let them have some fun. We’ll have Tyler here for a while, Prince Misha’s youngest brother—”

  “Oh, fuck no!” Mason paled.

  Glancing down at the extremely hot, thin, powerful wizard, who had the same ice-blue eyes as Xavier, Drake laughed. Mason was such a stickler for rules, and he rarely ever swore, finding it crass. Apparently he had heard about the young vampire prince’s antics. Tyler was out of control, and if measures weren’t taken soon, it wouldn’t be a laughing matter.

  While Marco was lazy, he was loyal and smart. He just enjoyed foolish pranks. Laurence always had his head in a book of spells and mucked up his potions, and he happened to follow Luka the wolf’s lead far too often. And Luka, God—that one needed constant monitoring. He was sweet, caring, free of inhibitions, and hadn’t a fucking clue what to do with his life, so they provided the three best friends with some direction and guidance. They’d do the same for Tyler, cheerful little vampire.

  “Yeah, he’ll be fine.”

  “He’ll get mauled by cats.”

  “He’ll get protected and Dominic will provide him with guidance, as he does with Laurie, Luka, Ace, and Marco. Stop worrying…”

  Drake got it. Like a little lock falling into place, he understood. Xavier was a crusader, the White Knight. He worried and analyzed and worked it all out. Well, Drake could help with that, not stifle it. Now Drake just had to convince Xavier to relax and let him in.

  “I better get going. Welcome to the family, Drake.”

  Drake grinned. “Thanks, you, too. Though you’ve been considered family since Baron dragged you into the compound after you blew up your car five meters from the gate with that jackal chasing you.”

  Mason rolled his eyes. “And since, Baron feels it is his responsibility to be my protector.”

  “Hey, when you learn to fill your car with gas, I’ll know you can handle a little jackal problem.” Baron sauntered over.

  “I thought it was gas! The gas station mixed up their labels at the pumps,” Mason grumbled, waving to Keeley as he walked off.

  Keeley gave a sweet smile and a rude gesture, which the children all snickered over and had Keeley blushing and apologizing profusely.

  “He’s good with them, cousin.” Baron wasn’t a mushy, sweet-talking shifter. Rather, he was hard, tough, protective, and extremely loyal. He was head of security, very protective of family, and best friends with Mason. “Watch him, though, that little human is full of tricks and games.”

  “Yeah, I like that about him.”

  Half an hour later, they left the little village. Keeley waved good-bye and praised all the children on their snake-finding and mauling abilities, which he then cringed over in the truck.

  “There was nothing left of those toys! It was like toy carnage. Bits of plastic flung this way and that and, oh, my Gods! The growling. Are they feral?”

  “No, they’re shifter kids. They’re part animal. That’s why they’re taught young to control and understand that side of themselves.”

  “Huh, I guess. They were real cute sniffing around everywhere.”

  “They like you. How would you like to play more games with them next week? Maybe make it a regular thing?”

  Keeley looked at Drake like he’d just lost his frigging mind, which Drake didn’t understand, considering Keeley had obviously had such a good time and rapport with the children.

  “Are you crazy?” Keeley huffed. “I could lose a finger, or get my leg mauled! And I thought the wolf pups were crazy for chasing their tails all the time, getting dizzy and falling on
their faces. Cat pups pounce and chase shadows around.”

  “Cat and bear shifter young are called ‘cubs.’ I love it when the wolf pups do that, real funny. We take bets to see how long they can spin around.”

  Keeley gaped at him. “That’s sooo mean! I’m hungry.”

  “You just ate an hour ago when we stopped at the second little village.” Drake frowned.

  “Oh, right, sorry.” Keeley hung his head.

  Drake had momentarily forgotten his human was still a little cautious and shy around him. Reaching over, he caressed Keeley’s soft hair a moment and then took one of his small hands and squeezed gently.

  “How about we raid the palace kitchen when we get home? If Marco, Luka, and Laurie haven’t eaten the palace out, there should be something we can heat up.”

  “We? You’re hungry, too?”

  No. Though he ate a lot, he wasn’t a growing cub anymore. “Sure, I could eat. And you’re still a cub. Marco, Melody, and Ace eat so much that, Scott, the palace manager, makes sure we have the storage room in the basement filled up weekly with extra food, for fear we’ll run out and the three will turn on everyone else in a food-frenzied craze.”

  Keeley smiled shyly. “I’m a cub?”

  “Yep. My cub, though I’m sure Ma will be saying you’re hers, too. You’re still growing, you need to eat a lot.”

  “Err, I’m human, not a shifter. I’ve grown as much as I’m gonna.” Keeley pressed his flat, thin stomach.

  “Actually, when you mated to Xavier, and now to me, you became immortal, and, with my DNA changing you a bit, you’re a growing cub.”

  “You mean I’m going to turn into a tiger?” Keeley yelped, wide-eyed.

  Laughing, Drake shook his head. “No, babe, you’re you and that’s the way you’ll stay. But your body will change a bit, become stronger, bones harder, skin harder, internally more resistant. As such, you will eat more and you may fill out a bit more, too.”

  “Oh, man, will I get taller?”

  Seeing the eager expression on his mate’s face, Drake winced. “Sorry, babe, probably not. Maybe an inch, if that is what you still have in you to grow, but I’d say if you didn’t grow anymore when Xavier claimed you, then you’ll stay your height now—which I love, by the way. Just right for tucking you under my arm, holding you close.”

  Flashing a distracted, shy smile, Keeley nibbled his bottom lip and gazed out the front window.

  “What’s on your mind, my light?”

  “Nothing. Whatever, doesn’t matter.”

  “Something, and it very much matters.”

  Keeley merely shrugged and continued to worry his bottom lip till Drake feared his mate would worry it bloody. By the time they pulled up at the large parking garage and hopped out, an attendant eagerly took the keys. Drake gave the man a narrowed-eyed look over, tucked Keeley under his arm, and kissed the top of his head.

  “Want to tell me now?”

  “We–ll, you’ll think it’s stupid.”

  “No, I won’t. I promise you. Tell me.”

  “Do you think, if I’m stronger now, Xavier will feed from me?” Keeley sighed and snuggled closer. Then he seemed to be restless and moved away.

  Drake pulled his mate back as he led them through a side entrance, past Kirsten and Ryder, who were bickering like a pair of teenagers, not one-hundred-and-twenty-year-old littermates, and through a group of staff members busy cleaning up what looked to be a large spill of red. It didn’t smell like blood but rather something sugary.

  “Do you think that’s why our star does not feed from you often?”

  If Xavier wasn’t feeding from their mate, where did he get his sustenance from? Vampires ate food and drank normal drinks. That crap about sun and garlic was just that—a myth. One thing that was true in all the tales was that, once a vampire had mated, they were supposed to be able to drink only from that mate, or they’d lose some of their strength and become weak, sometimes even sickly.

  “I don’t know. Everything I heard and read about vampires said they needed to feed off their mate. That was why Renegades targeted vampire mates, to use against them and to get leverage. Queen Bethany once said that was why Xavier kept me tucked away so much, to keep me safe.” Keeley frowned over that. “I don’t know about that, I guess. It just made me feel like a possession rather than what they say a mate is meant to be.”

  Drake winced. He could understand both mates’ opinions on that. He’d do whatever it took to keep his mates safe, even locking them up, but to hear how Keeley felt about it made Drake’s heart ache and he could just imagine Xavier would be devastated if he knew that.

  But Drake had to take a moment and wonder. Was this one of Keeley’s little game-plans? He had his doubts about the entire truth of what his little mate said. For one, Keeley had been wandering around Milson City without any real protection, even though he should have been protected and guarded. And two, Xavier was so adoring and loving to their mate, Drake couldn’t see him treating Keeley as a possession.

  And what would Xavier think of this?

  “Then don’t tell him. I probably shouldn’t have told you, but you’re supposed to be my mate and I thought I could talk to you. Silly me.”

  Damn, Keeley was listening into his thoughts via their mate link.

  “Hey, now, settle down.” Drake pulled his now-grumpy little mate back to him and sniffed deeply. “Yep, just like Ace. When you get hungry, you get low blood sugar and become a sensitive little grump. I will talk to Xavier. Mates do not keep secrets from one another. I’ll speak to our mate, okay? We’ll sort it out. Why didn’t you talk to him before?”

  “About what? Hi, Laurie, Luka, Marco.” Keeley smiled shyly as they walked into the kitchen, Drake rolling his eyes at his quirky mate.

  The four in the kitchen all looked up, grunted a hello, and continued eating. Drake nudged Keeley into a vacant seat beside Luka Charmers, wolf interspecies relations officer and Drax’s younger brother, then decided that might not be the best idea. Just as Luka turned that sexy, carefree smile on Drake’s mate, Drake picked Keeley up and put him in another seat beside Ace, their ditzy, sensitive, and grumpy cloud leopard.

  Ace glanced at Keeley out of the corner of his eye, sniffed discreetly, and then practically shoved his face back into a plate of food.

  “Hey, Keeley, welcome to the cat house.” Marco grinned lazily, twirling pasta around his fork. “You know Luka and Laurence, of course, and this is Ace Donatello Renauldo Pablo Sanchez Peters, Drake’s and my littlest cousin.”

  Ace hissed, his nose wrinkling. “Piss off.”

  “Hey, be nice,” Drake admonished his cousin. “Or I’ll put you back in training with these three.”

  With a pathetic little whimper, Ace blinked at Keeley, gave a grimacing small smile, and then returned to his meal.

  “Good little psychotic kitty.” Marco patted Ace’s spotty head.

  “Marco!” Drake growled.

  “Fine, fine, just having a little fun.”

  “Luka, eat your food, don’t play with it.” Drake searched the labelled food and wondered why these four were in the kitchen unsupervised. “Who’s monitoring you four?”

  “Sebastian. I think he ate something that didn’t agree with him. He was sorta green and then ran off.”

  Popping some fresh pasta into a pot of boiling water, Drake decided to ignore the obvious from that comment—which was that the cubs had messed with Sebastian, who was now suffering in the bathroom somewhere. He listened in on the conversation. Luka was good at relaxing others and inciting them to mayhem. Thankfully, he seemed to be in a fun mood and just teased and coaxed Keeley into talking. He even had Ace shyly laughing and not just hissing and swearing at them all.

  Leopards could be just a smidge difficult, more temperamental than tigers or lions, and sometimes downright the most unstable of the cat breeds. Ace was theirs. They loved him, protected him, and made sure he didn’t go psycho on anyone’s ass.

  Sebastian walked
in looking pale and shaky just when everyone was finished eating their second helping of the pasta Drake had whipped up. Even Keeley, who was showing signs of storing up food. Obviously his body was beginning the changes caused by Drake’s DNA, from his bite and sharing blood.

  “Better?” Marco asked.

  Sebastian looked drolly at his brother and flipped him off. “Hey, Keeley, I was wondering if you wanted to come visit the clinic tomorrow.”

  “Don’t do it,” Ace whispered out of the corner of his mouth.

  Keeley’s eyes darted around. “Huh?”

  “Ignore Ace.” Sebastian smiled, taking a seat. “I run a clinic and, as Drake showed you around the villages, I thought it would be good if you saw what my team and I do.”

  “Don’t do it,” Ace whispered again.

  “Ahh, err…” Keeley gave a hazy smile. “Thanks, Sebastian.”

  “He psychoanalyses you and makes you do things for anger management and psychotic urges.”

  “No, that’s just you, cutie.” Luka grinned.

  “And you get treated for being a slut!” Ace snapped.

  “Hey, now, no one is getting treated. We just chat as family and friends.” Sebastian eased the tension and smiled at Keeley. “Shall we say ten tomorrow morning—”

  “Don’t do it,” Ace whispered loudly.

  “Oh, for the love of margaritas!” Marco slapped a hand on the table. “Shut the fuck up, psycho leopard, so Seb can book Keeley for a psychology session and work out all his cute, quirky, commitment-phobic ways, and make him all healthy and mellow on the shifter form of Prozac.”

  Drake sighed heavily. “Don’t ever try to help anyone, Marco.”

  “What? Why? What’d I do?” Marco was truly bewildered.

  “You just told Keeley he was quirky and needed to be on Prozac. And you called Ace a psycho, again.” Laurie flushed. “Well, he did!”

  Sebastian just eyed them all. “My office, ten o’clock tomorrow morning. We’re going to begin sessions on how to not to be social rejects.”

  “Me, too? I’m way social, ask anyone.” Luka grinned. “Not a problem there.”


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