Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 15

by Jo Penn

  “Ace, the brat, figured out how your mate got out of the compound. Security will be doubled. See you at home, and go easy on Keeley. His entire world has been turned upside down again, I suspect.”

  It had. Xavier had to remember that. Though Drake was right. His human’s running days were well and truly over.

  Xavier was thoughtful as he got in the car and buckled in. He flicked a glance back at his mate, noting Keeley was staring at the ceiling, pale but unharmed by the look of him. Xavier did not smell any blood and there appeared to be no injuries. His mate was safe, with him once again, and Xavier would take the time to reassure and ease any of Keeley’s concerns.

  This was a big change for him…and possibly Xavier, also. Having to share Keeley had never crossed his mind, nor had having to share himself with any other than his little mate who brought sunshine and fun to his life. Yes, Keeley had been difficult lately, but at the same time he had settled a lot as the Armstrong coven accepted him and enjoyed having him around. Keeley had more freedom here than in New York. Now everything had changed again.

  Mates were together. Xavier knew this and accepted it. They were fated, designed for one another, and met each other’s needs. It was also a tad…restricting, Xavier found.

  For a moment, as they sped down the highway, he felt as though someone were watching him, and not someone inside the car. A sense, an instinctual alarm trilling softly, had him glancing around and then fingering the medallion he wore around his neck.

  Even with the medallion, Stacron, leader of the Tulsa witch and wizard Coven, had found ways to follow and track Xavier.

  He sighed softly, rubbing his forehead above his right eye. There was a lot happening and he felt…restricted. There was more to consider than himself, more than his Keeley, and though Drake had shown great affection, adoration even, he was alpha through and through, so there would be an adjustment period.

  Plus, there was something very important to Xavier that had not occurred as yet. It was a deeply embedded part of him, a needed vampire part. He was beginning to sense his shifter mate expected a lot, such as Xavier changing his entire life. Keeley, also, but what would Drake do?


  “Yes, Keeley?” He turned in his seat to see his mate.

  Keeley was shivering. Xavier opened his mind to their link and quickly climbed out of his seat and into the back, where he checked his mate over for injuries he had not seen on the previous inspection. There did not appear to be any, but when he touched Keeley’s bare skin it was flushed and hot, feverish.

  “What’s wrong?” Drake asked from the front.

  “Keeley has a fever.” Xavier swept honey-blond hair off his mate’s face. “What supplies does Emile carry in this car?”

  “Emile is a pedantic soul. There will be an emergency kit under one of the seats.”

  Xavier performed a quick search, Keeley’s eyes glued to him. Finding a good-size tube, he flicked out a razor-sharp talon and sliced through the seatbelt, untangling it. He sat Keeley up and had his mate drink water and take some pain killers. Keeley had a splitting headache, possibly from Xavier and Drake crashing the block on his mind.

  Looking over the seat, he saw the levers, and with a few flicks and adjustments, Xavier laid the backseat flat, got a blanket, and laid Keeley down, who was shivering, teeth chattering. Despite being claimed and mated to Xavier, and now Drake—which made Keeley immortal in the sense he had the same life span as they, was harder to kill, healed quicker, and was stronger—occasionally he still succumbed to chills and colds. It seemed nothing could defeat the simple, common cold.

  “S–stay with me?” Keeley asked tiredly.

  “I remain with you always, my light.”

  “I can look after Keeley,” Drake said quietly from the front seat.

  Xavier could feel Drake’s need via their link to care for their mate. Tigers were very affectionate. They petted and cuddled, made sure those they cared for ate and were healthy. Drake hadn’t had much time with Keeley, just the few hours this afternoon, and from what Xavier understood there had been quite a good amount of connecting.

  He could clearly see in Keeley’s mind that he was halfway in love with their mate already, though he didn’t even realize it. But there was also still a lot of wariness in Keeley, confusion over these newly developing feelings. And with Xavier away collecting his car and their belongings, Keeley had freaked a bit and taken off.

  Which was the problem here. Xavier sighed and laid himself out beside Keeley, wrapping his mate in his arms. Keeley cuddled into him, his face against Xavier’s chest as he shivered and held tight.

  I feel your need to care for Keeley, Drake. I would give you what you need, as a mate should. Now isn’t the time. Keeley is my mate also and requires me at present. You see he has a fever and head pain from us crashing his block and at this time does not feel you as mate. He felt Drake’s pain through their link. Once at the compound, we both remain with him, and then I shall provide you time alone to take care of him.

  Drake did not respond but remained linked to Xavier and Keeley both, though he withheld his feelings. Almost. Xavier could feel some and they weren’t happy. Resigned. Heartsick. Irritated. Xavier understood. It was reasonable, of course, but he had enough of his own thoughts to dwell upon and Keeley needed him.

  The two-and-a-half-hour trip was made mostly in silence.

  Chapter Nine

  A cold. Keeley always got colds. Not as much as he used to before mating with Xavier, but still, they wiped him out for a few days and weren’t pleasant.

  Xavier was restless.

  Keeley could practically see the vampire ready to climb the walls. He only seemed to settle and the tension only eased away when he was beside Keeley, either on the bed or the sofa. He didn’t know why Xavier was restless. He’d never seemed to be before they’d come to the shifter compound. Xavier didn’t show it, didn’t talk about it, but after three days of Keeley being ill and the block completely gone from his mind, Keeley was catching glimpses of it.

  And man, could Xav get snarky. He’d practically torn shreds off Drake this morning without even using his vicious talons. Drake had made a comment about something or other. Keeley hadn’t been paying attention until Xavier’s light blue eyes had turned to hard chips of ice and there had been a waft of something in the air, a frigid chill that came off the vampire. Drake had instantly tensed, his dark brown eyes fixing on Xavier, almost feral in their intensity, and Keeley had a moment of wondering if the pair was going to fight physically.

  Instead Xavier had snarled sarcasm and cutting remarks that had the shifter curling his top lip and growling low and mean. Drake’s retort wasn’t much better, but he was earthier in his vocabulary than Xavier, so it came off crass and seemed to chill Xavier more.

  When they both realized Keeley was sitting there wide-eyed, they retreated to their separate corners. That is, Drake stormed out and Xavier pulled out his phone and answered a call.

  It was interesting. Considering he’d thought they were mates and had that bond thingy, which was supposed to be all about destiny and love and stuff, he was surprised by the way they were acting toward each other.

  Just finishing lunch of a thick, hearty soup Xavier had served in the small kitchen, Drake walked in, freshly showered and dressed up by the look of him, white-blond hair flicked back, face freshly shaved.

  “Xavier, we have the Council arriving in half an hour.”

  Xavier flicked Drake a glance. He hadn’t looked up when the shifter entered the lounge area of the suite and seemed to spend a moment looking him over. Even Keeley took another quick glimpse, though he’d been doing that since first arriving at the compound. The big tiger shifter was huge and hot, all male, and just seemed to radiate heat and lust. Maybe it was something shifters just gave off? Who knew? Still, it had Keeley always looking.

  Usually Drake was dressed in jeans or cotton pants that had a drawstring at the top and loose fitting T-shirts, and his hai
r was a bit wild and untamed. Keeley liked the look, really, he so did. This, though, was another side to the big shifter and wow, Keeley could practically see the royalty oozing off him.

  Long, thick legs were enclosed in the softest-looking, form-fitting dark tan pants. His shoes were polished and suede tan also, and he wore some sort of half tunic that crisscrossed over his chest in a pale blue suede with a crisp, collared white shirt with flashy cufflinks. Drake had earrings all the way up one ear, each with some type of gemstone and symbol on them. His dark eyes stood out against his lightly tanned face, which was drool-worthy and could grace a GQ magazine—or dozens of the—and contrasted with his white-blond, slicked-back hair.

  “Council?” Keeley asked, riveted by the shifter.

  Gods, between Xavier’s alluring, gorgeous looks and the hot big shifter, he felt even more an inadequate runt.

  Xavier caressed Keeley’s hair and kissed his cheek. “The High Council, my light. They are visiting a number of covens, packs, prides, and whoever else is in this area, and then they will proceed to other areas.”

  “Why?” Keeley thought the High Council was like a bunch of politicians and judges. Why would they be going around everywhere?

  “Because, mate, the High Council likes to interact directly with creatures to gain a sense of what the environment is like, if the alphas and leaders are taking care of their people, and speak of private matters with them,” Drake responded. “Think of it like a president visiting another country.”

  “Okay. What’s that badge on your tunic thingy?”

  Drake smiled. “Tunic thingy? I see I am going to need to bring you up to date on royal Sanchez official clothes. You have some. They have been placed in the wardrobe. You can wear them for the next function.”

  “Oh…” Keeley glanced away and picked up his e-book.

  Right. He was just the human.

  “Keeley, look at me.” Drake crouched down in front of the sofa. “I would like you beside me, but you are ill and this thing could drag on for hours. Plus, my angelic mate, I don’t want World War IV erupting with a few of your well-placed comments.” Drake smiled.

  Keeley flushed. “Where did Xavier go?”

  “To shower and dress.” Drake frowned and looked toward the bedroom.

  Something was going on with those two, and Keeley was a bit interested to know what. Yes, they’d had sex, though not with him. He’d heard them in the shower one time, and in the spare bedroom, which was kind of courteous really. He hadn’t been… well, there had been a lot of throwing up and his nose was clogged, so two guys getting it on beside him in bed would have irritated him to no end.

  But there was coolness there, bordering on rigid frostiness. Xav was good at giving the frigid shoulder when he wished, and though he probably wasn’t doing exactly that, he was cool toward Drake. Who surprised Keeley by not saying anything about it, even when he was snarked at, snapped at, and ignored.

  A hand cupping his chin and lips covering his had Keeley’s attention back to the here and now. It was a good kiss, though no tongue. Keeley liked tongue.

  “Then I’ll use tongue next time.” Drake chuckled. “Look, you are my mate and should be at an official function, but your welfare comes first. I want you well and to spend a lot of time with you, baby.”

  “Do you?” Keeley was completely confused by that. Xavier was unlike anyone else in the world, so untouchable and amazing. Why would Drake bother with Keeley when he had Xavier?

  “Yeah, our mate is all that and more. I love him with all my heart, need him, want him. He’s my everything.”

  Keeley felt a stab in chest and looked away, dropping his eyes. “We–ll, that’s good. He’s your mate.”

  “Yep. So are you, and I feel all those things for you also, Keeley, baby.” Drake moved and sat beside Keeley on the sofa, ignoring the way he tensed and shifted around a little. “This is your home, also, with me, Xavier, my family here that is also yours, and the pride. I know that’s a lot to take in and I’m here for you, every step of the way. I find you amazing and special just as you are, and downright confusing, too. But I’m sure there is a lot about me you find confusing and are wary of, so we’ll work on that. Being mates does not automatically mean we’re happy. We work at it like anything else in life, any other relationship.”

  Keeley turned on the sofa so he was facing Drake. He was interested in this and was drawn to Drake, but he saw a deeper connection between Drake and Xavier.

  “Is that because I’m human?”

  Drake frowned a little. “Partly. Not entirely. Being able to sense your mate is a wonderful thing. Link to them, gain knowledge of them immediately. Mates are instantly attracted and want, need their other half to be close. But not all mates gel straightaway. We feel the need to protect, have, keep, and mate and claim. That doesn’t go away. It’s the foundation, the base of our mateship, not the all,” Drake explained carefully, taking Keeley’s hand in his large one and stroking it. “Those feelings are all there and help a lot in establishing the relationship from the beginning.

  “The rest has to be worked at. Everyone is different. And some mates take longer to love. They may care and watch out for their mate, provide for them as mates should, but love… That can be tricky.” Drake smiled and tapped Keeley’s nose.

  Keeley couldn’t help smiling. He’d caught glimpses of this side of Drake. Smart and relaxed with a bit of humor, and not so take-charge, instead amused at himself and others and the world in general.

  “Not all mates are in love. Now, I’ve found it real damn easy to fall in love with Xavier. Like you said, he’s got everything. All I do is think about him, whether that’s his opinion on something, or what makes him happy, what he needs, or getting his hot body into bed. At the same time, I’ve got this sexy, angelic human who’s driving me absolutely crazy because I’m in love with him also, and thinking all the same things, and you know what? Neither of my mates love me.” He gave a self-deprecating smile. “Kind of blows.”

  Keeley was stunned. “What? Me…what?”

  Like, wow! When Xavier spoke of love it was all heat, seductive, mind-blowing, and thrilling, and Keeley just couldn’t ever believe that someone like Xavier could ever really love him. It was just the mate bond that held them together. Sometimes that was why Keeley withdrew and thought to go his own way, and then Xavier could find a real mate. Drake was it, with his open declarations, his genuineness.

  Gods, Drake had it all as well and he was a frigging prince and leader. That left Keeley staggered and knowing he was way out of his league.

  “Oh, Keeley, I’m just me, as Xavier is just him. Look past the titles and what we do to who we are inside. We’re just men.” Drake smiled a little. It was a sad smile, as though Drake’s thoughts were not happy. “Your men. When you live a long time and know you may find your mates, it’s what you long for, those special two that are going to see only you and be only yours.”

  Gee, that was mind-altering. Keeley was thoughtful, frowning and nibbling his bottom lip.

  “But paranormals are better at this. If you long for mates like you say and have that instant base or foundation of a relationship with the mate bond, then why do you think Xav doesn’t…” He sighed. “Love you?”

  Drake shrugged. “Because he doesn’t. He cares and provides as a mate should, giving me what I need in so many ways. Vampires are different from shifters. They’re cool, reserved, where shifters run hot. Vampires can mate but remain a bit aloof or detached from their fated mate. They care, but that’s as deep as it goes. They give, they do what they should, but they never get that passionate depth of love, the realness.”

  “Xavier’s not like that. I mean, he’s possessive and real passionate…he says he loves me.” Keeley was worried, still so unsure of that and why Xavier would love him.

  “He does. I feel his emotions through the link and he expresses them clearly and openly. That’s damn good to see. You are his world, his light and everything, the very reason h
e lives. That’s the way true fated mates should be. That’s what most shifters are like, also. Vamps, not so much. Sure, there are a few out there like Xavier, but they are few and far between, and I cannot fault him in any way.” Drake caressed Keeley’s cheek tenderly. “And I know you love him, deeply. I can feel it, see it in your eyes, the way you watch him.”

  Keeley blushed but couldn’t help but nod. “I do…does he know?”

  “Yeah, he knows.”

  Keeley frowned. “Then why doesn’t he ever say anything? I mean, he tells me all the time how he feels, but…”

  Drake just shrugged. “I’m learning our vampire has secrets, deep ones. He keeps a lot to himself, and has a lot going on. Now, we will be gone—”

  “I want to come,” Keeley said firmly.

  Drake grinned. “’Course, baby. I’ll make you come as many times as you want when I get back.”

  Flushing, Keeley shook his head. “Err, well, I meant to this Council thing that’s happening.” He had a sudden thought. “Oh, unless you don’t want me to. I get it.”

  Purring, Drake moved Keeley onto his lap and nuzzled his throat. “Love you to come and be with me and Xavier. You are mine, my mate. I adore you, need you with me, Keeley. These functions can be tiring. I don’t want you sick again.”

  The heat of the big shifter seemed to flash through Keeley, making him tingle and shudder and his dick hard and heavy.

  Drake was sniffing and purring, licking Keeley’s neck, and the back of his hand brushed over Keeley’s hard erection. Gods, he vividly recalled the last two times Drake had touched him. Keeley had practically blown with a few touches and caresses, Drake so hot and skilled that Keeley couldn’t contain himself He wanted that. He wanted Drake so badly, to feel him inside. He imagined it would be amazing, mind-blowing.

  “D–don’t we have to go?” he squeaked.

  “Sure, my mate.” Drake smiled and gave another lick that had Keeley’s dick twitching. “Why don’t you come along, and when you get tired or bored, I’ll bring you back here.”


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