Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Prince of Cats Claims a Mate or Two [Milson Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 16

by Jo Penn

  That sounded good. His mind flashed to them in bed and he blushed more.

  “What are you two doing?”

  Keeley went to scramble off Drake’s lap at the sound of Xavier’s voice. He couldn’t say there was anything in the tone. Maybe it was just his mind that felt like he was doing something wrong, betraying Xavier in a way. That was confusing, since Xavier had adamantly said they were all mates and had sex with Drake…but Xavier had barely touched Keeley since he and Drake claimed one another. What did that mean? Gods, he was confused and he missed Xavier’s touch, needed it.

  Drake, though, kept hold of Keeley and glanced over his shoulder. “Talking, nuzzling my mate a little.” Drake’s eyes narrowed. “Which coven are you affiliating with, mate?”

  The tone was definitely hard, all accusation. Keeley didn’t like tension. He didn’t like yelling and fighting. Drake ran a big hand down his back in a soothing motion. It worked a little.

  “I have two covens, as you are aware, Drake.” Xavier came into view.

  Oh, wow. Keeley had seen Xavier dressed up before, lots of times, and each time he had been drool-worthy. Though, Keeley really liked Xavier naked best—but dressed up was pretty damn fantastic.

  Xavier’s dark wavy hair was glossy and to his ears. He hadn’t pulled the top back in a band, but it was smoothed and emphasized all those chiseled facial bones. He wore a perfectly tailored suit of charcoal with emblems on both lapels and a sash across his chest with all those wicked witch and wizard symbols.

  “You may have covens, but you are part of my pride,” Drake snapped, soothing Keeley’s back with a few strokes again. “Baby, why don’t you go shower? Can you wear the outfit I had put in your wardrobe? It’s similar to mine.”

  “Keeley isn’t well enough. He will remain here and rest.”

  Keeley gave Xavier a soft smile. “I want to go. I won’t stay for the whole thing, I just want to see.”

  And see how these two men were interacting now.

  “I don’t think—”

  “If that is what Keeley wants, he’s well enough to do so for a short time. Go shower, baby.”

  Keeley jumped up and headed toward the bedroom where the shower was.

  “Keeley, wear the suit and sash.”

  Oh shit. Keeley felt a tightness around his chest, a constriction. They were going to make him choose. If he wore Drake’s shifter outfit, Xav would be angry at Keeley. If he wore the suit and sash, Drake would be annoyed.

  His shoulders slumped. “I–I’ll just stay here.”

  Xavier came and hugged him. “My light, wear whatever you like.”

  “Running clothes?” Keeley slumped.

  “If that’s what you want, baby,” Drake said.


  “Yes.” Xavier murmured.

  “Go for it.”

  Keeley hurried away. He may not know a lot, but he was getting a bit of an idea of what may be going on between Drake and Xavier.

  He showered as quickly as he could. He actually did know how to take quick ones. He’d learned from a young age not to linger in the shower, but with Xavier he’d begun to enjoy taking his time under the warm water. Now wasn’t the time, though. He showered and dried off, wearing the towel into the walk-in wardrobe he shared with Drake. Xavier had so many clothes he took up one of these huge walk-ins by himself. Drake had a lot of clothes, also, and so did Keeley, but no one could have as many as Xavier.

  He saw the suit with the sash, he saw the suede shifter outfit, and he grabbed the outfit he wanted.

  Once he’d dressed and done his hair, managing to tame the sunlight-blond tumble so it was straight and smooth, he returned to the lounge of their suite where only Xavier was waiting.

  The gorgeous vampire smiled, looking Keeley over. “Those are not your running clothes.”

  “No. I didn’t want to, I don’t know, make anyone embarrassed, even though you and Drake said I could wear what I want.”

  Xavier kissed his cheek. “You are beautiful, Keeley.”

  “I can’t pull off a suit like you, or that outfit of Drake’s, so I chose something I like.”

  “Any and all look wonderful on you.” Xavier’s hand caressed Keeley’s ass. “I do like leather pants on you. I can just imagine you in an outfit like Drake is wearing, very sexy, my mate.”


  “You can feel me on our link, I tell truth only. And I’m hard. I would like nothing more than to bend you over the arm of the sofa and take your gorgeous little ass.” Xavier sighed. “But we must attend this function. Here, let me put this on.”

  Xavier clipped something to the waistcoat he wore. Keeley studied it a moment. It had symbols on it, a crest of some sort, a paw print and some other things.

  “What is it?”

  “A symbol to show you belong to, or with, whichever you prefer, Prince Drakius Sergio Rodriguez Sanchez.”

  “That’s a mouthful. Think I will just call him Drake. Oh, unless I’m meant to call him Your Highness or something?”

  “Not necessary at official functions unless it is a serious matter happening. The King and Queen, yes. Each of the members of the Council are termed Senators.”

  “Okay. And do I call you Lord?”

  Xavier gave a mind-wiping smile. “Mate would please me.”

  Keeley flushed and then he noticed Xavier did not have a badge like the one he had clipped to Keeley’s waistcoat.

  “Where’s your badge? You’re Drake’s mate.”

  “Yes, I am, as are you. Come, we are—”

  “Xavier, where’s your badge?”

  Xavier took Keeley’s hand and began walking them out of the room, past the bodyguard waiting outside and who followed them. As they walked along the hall, Keeley could hear a lot of voices, some music, and the clinking of what he thought were glasses. He’d been a waiter, he knew that sound.

  “Hey, you always make me answer you.” Keeley began pouting.

  Xavier chuckled. “True, though you do not always. Very well, I will wear the badge when it is the right time.”

  The right time? He looked curiously at Xavier as they walked. The vampire was always very deep and usually thoughtful of others. He must have known this would mean a lot to Drake and as Drake had said, Xavier was doing that “providing for mate” thing, meeting his needs as a mate should. Yet there was no badge.

  Huh. The big, hot shifter had done something to piss Xavier well and truly off. That wasn’t a good spot to be in. Keeley had seen Xavier got pissed off when offended, and man, whatever creature did it was left quaking and reeling. Keeley had always felt very fortunate not to be on the receiving end of that. Even after the stunts he’d pulled, Xavier never wavered, never gave him the frigid shoulder.

  Keeley frowned. Not once. That said a lot, leaving him very thoughtful.

  As well as the badge, he now had the W&W coven sash. Yes, he liked that abbreviated term, though Xavier did not. He had the emblem of the vampire coven Xavier belonged to embroidered on his waistcoat, which was a matching charcoal to the one Xavier wore under his perfectly tailored, hideously expensive suit jacket.

  To cover some bases, Keeley wore a crisp, white collared shirt and his black leather pants. Xavier liked him in these leather pants, and he’d seemed to like Drake in those suede ones, too. So he was all decked out and covering all the different covens and prides these two men belonged with…and he actually might belong to.

  Entering the hall, they received head bows, Xavier elegantly, graciously accepting them with a polite smile and incline of his head. Keeley wasn’t sure of the protocol, though he had spent a brief time at the vampire queen’s coven and he gave a smile, nodding to a few.

  Inside a massive ballroom he hadn’t even known was here, he was astounded at how many creatures were here and relieved not all of them were in suits and those fancy suede outfits.

  Xavier always introduced Keeley as his mate, showing such affection. Keeley was beginning to take note of this and other t
hings. He saw Drake’s family and that they were dressed similarly to Drake, who was now winding his way through the crowd to join them, looking over Keeley, a big smile spreading.

  Feeling pretty happy about that, flushing, he was surprised when Drake leaned down and kissed him in front of everyone, and it wasn’t a soft kiss. By the time it finished, all tongue, Keeley was dazed and blinking a few times.

  “Thank you, my mate. I wouldn’t have cared if you wore your running clothes.” Drake drew Keeley under his arm and against his big, hot body. “But thank you for incorporating our pride as well as Xavier’s covens, plus your individual choices.” He leaned down and whispered softly. “You are so sexy I want to lick every inch of you.”

  Holy crap! He was going to come in his pants if Drake kept talking like that!

  “Keeley, it is wonderful to see you are recovering and have joined us.” Queen Lisette kissed his cheek. “Xavier, darling, thank you for arranging some of your witch and wizard coven to attend. It provides unification between us, shows we are connected and family. Much needed in these times.” She stroked Xavier’s cheek, eyes straying to his suit jacket.

  “My coven is honored to attend. Lady Delia is pleased to show her friendship and alliance with the Sanchez Pride.” He took her hand and kissed it graciously.

  “I want to introduce you to the council senators, mate. Xavier knows most of them, I’m sure.”

  “I do. I must greet Lady Delia. My mate, I shall join you shortly.” He gave a slight bow and slipped away through the throng of people.

  Keeley felt a moment of panic. Xavier left him in the middle of a function with paranormals alone!

  “Not alone. Xavier will never leave you alone. He knows you are with me, your mate.” Drake soothed. “It is good to be linked fully to you now.”

  A witch from Xavier’s coven had come two days ago and repaired a bit of Keeley’s blocking skills, healing here and there, she’d said. He would be able to block again but it would take a while. He was still a bit miffed about that, but neither Drake nor Xavier was repentant, stating that his safety was paramount. They’d worried because he was alone and unprotected. He was a target for those who wanted to bring down some of the big leaders of the paranormal world.

  He guessed he could see their point of view. Still, invading his thoughts all the time was annoying.

  Keeley met so many people that his head spun. Some were friendly, some were arrogant tossers, and some were in between, while others had leered at him and Drake had growled, causing quite a few to tilt their heads in that submissive gesture. Xavier came and went. Keeley hung with the W&W coven members for a time, Xavier acting like his usual affectionate, relaxed self. Keeley noticed everything. Not once did Xavier go to Drake’s side, and though Drake seemed to gravitate to Xavier often, pretty much stalking his mate down, even grabbing Xavier a few times by the back of the neck, there was something deep happening here.

  Keeley also saw, when they were seated for the Council senators’ “chat,” which was a long speech by each, that Drake practically dragged Xavier over and stared him down until Xavier inclined his head and sat where told, which was directly behind Drake and his family and beside Keeley.

  All of Drake’s family shot glances between the three of them, eyes lingering on Xavier.

  Man, what had Drake done to turn Xav to an iceberg? And wow, all of Drake’s family was hot! He had a number of cousins who were seated alongside them and an aunt and uncle who lived in part of the palace, also. Each of them had given considering looks and a few steely ones.

  It wasn’t until Grandma Delia, as Xavier’s grandmother always insisted he called her, mentioned something about allegiances and covens and shifters that it clicked for Keeley.

  Drake was in deep shit. He had crossed one of Xavier’s lines. Big no-no. Keeley felt bad for the big, hot shifter.

  “Manhandle me one more time, shifter, and I walk.”

  Keeley had been chatting and winced at the tone. Sooo frosty.

  “What did you say to me?” Drake growled.

  “Don’t expect a head tilt, shifter, I’m not one of your pride deferring to their alpha. Treat me accordingly.”

  “Treat you—” Drake snarled and bit it back. “This isn’t the time or place, but don’t ever threaten to walk again. Now, my father is giving a short speech on the latest problems in the area. You and Keeley need to return to your seats.”

  “For this, I will remain with my coven.”

  The snarl was ear-piercing. “What the fuck is your—”

  “Brother, not here,” Dominic cut in. “Xavier, show some respect for your mate and family. That’s the signal, take your seats.”

  Keeley did something he never thought he’d do. He moved around Xavier, practically hugging him the entire time and managing to get the vampire’s entire focus on him. Xavier’s eyes warmed from chipped ice.

  “Hey.” He smiled gently and ran his fingertip along Xavier’s aristocratic nose. “I need to go lie down after the King’s chat. Can you come with me? Do you have to stay the entire time?”

  Keeley felt a well of pain before Drake closed himself off from him. Keeley felt bad, but he’d deal with that later. Right now, he had to get Xavier focused on him and keep it that way. Drake had no idea what he would unleash if he continued to manhandle and push Xavier.

  Xavier needed seduction, affection, loving.

  “For you, my light, anything.”

  Drake had walked off, taking his seat with his family. Keeley took Xavier’s hand and led him over to the chairs they were in before, giving smiles to Drake’s family, all shooting daggers at Xavier. Emile’s was the harshest, so dismissive, completely cutting Xavier off. Hmm, that was kind of cool, in a way. Xavier and Emile were a lot alike in some ways.

  Xavier retained Keeley’s hand during the speech and the questions after. By the time it was wrapping up, Keeley was really tired and felt ready to drop. Xavier rose without waiting for the correct time and every single one of the Sanchez family felines turned and shot looks at him.

  Keeley, tired and feeling really put out now, did a really poor growl. “Stop it.”

  “Hush, you’re tired and need to rest. Come.”

  “No, they’re taking sides, and if they’re going to do that, then here. Drake didn’t do right by Xavier.”

  Drake was staring at him and stood. He walked slowly around his seated family, bowing to his father, who just quirked a brow. Then he followed Keeley and Xavier out of the ballroom without a word.

  “I don’t like tension! Just stop it!” Keeley got as far as the bottom of the staircase before snapping up at them both. “Xav and I are going to bed. You don’t get to come if you’re going to keep grabbing him, because he doesn’t like it right now, and my head hurts and—”

  “My light.” Xavier picked Keeley up and cradled him gently. “I am sorry, my mate, my thoughts were occupied. I should have been more careful of you. Drake, apologize to your family and the Council for me and Keeley leaving early and interrupting. I will put our mate to bed and remain with him.”

  “As you wish. What did I do, Xavier?” Drake looked stern but not unapproachable anymore. “You were annoyed before I ‘manhandled’ you, as you say.”

  “Drake, return,” Emile ordered behind them, all arrogance.

  “Hey, Emile, would you like it if your mate didn’t announce to his clan or coven, whatever you call this, that you were his mate or whatever it is your lot do?” Keeley asked tiredly.

  “I do not understand the question. Your mate is tired, Drake. Have Xavier see to him and then return, as is appropriate for the mate of the prince.”

  “Yes, mate of the prince, who has been acknowledged publicly, I’m sure. As you lot seem to like to do. Tired, Xav.”

  Xavier carried Keeley up the stairs and soon had them both stripped off and in bed.

  “Keeley, my angel, you are always surprising me.” Xavier was smiling in a curious way. “You notice more than I think, don’t you

  “Sometimes. Maybe your ways are different from Drake’s?”

  “Possibly, but mates should always consider each other and their individual customs.”

  “Yeah, you do for me, and you’ve done so for Drake, even dropping everything and moving here with him and whatever else you’ve had to do. Will you forgive him?”

  Xavier actually gave so much to those he cared for. He gave all his time and attention to Keeley, plus his covens and those he considered friends and felt were in need, even just acquaintances or creatures he didn’t know. Keeley may be confused about some things but he did know that, and he…he loved Xavier more than life.

  “Thank you, Keeley, I adore and love you with every breath. And no, I shall not forgive him.”

  Sheesh, vamps were so unyielding. Xavier laughed and snuggled Keeley closer.

  Chapter Ten

  Majorly pissed off, insulted, and hurting, Drake watched his mates go up the stairs and then turned to return to the ballroom.

  He stopped short. Emile was glaring at him, haughty arrogance in place. Damn, never good to be on Emile’s bad side, but what the hell had he done? Drake’s mate had basically snubbed him publicly after days of barely acknowledging him, except for the few times he ‘provided’ for his mate.

  Why was Emile looking at him like that? Emile was staunchly, strictly defensive of his family. Not one line crossed did he tolerate. He’d been extremely offended that Xavier had not been by Drake’s side as he should have been, that he had not even deemed to wear the damn badge to show he was Drake’s mate and acknowledge the Sanchez pride he belonged to now. No, instead, he wore his damn vamp and W&W Covens proudly.

  But Keeley? That, Drake hadn’t expected. His little light angel had told Drake off in his own way and defended Xavier, blaming Drake. Yes, Keeley had been with Xavier longer, bonded with their other mate, but Drake hadn’t seen much taking care of Xavier before from Keeley, and choosing sides was a stab in the heart. Especially with what Xavier had done in front of the council, the pride, his W&W coven, and Drake’s family.

  Xavier had basically tossed their mateship in Drake’s face and proceeded to disclaim all ties to the Sanchez clan. It was an offense.


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