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Deadly Past (Deadly Series Book 3)

Page 20

by K. L. Humphreys

  “How long have you and Fiona been together Bryson?”

  Why is she calling him Bryson all of a sudden?

  “That’s irrelevant Morgan.” He starts shifting from foot to foot.

  “Answer the question, how long have you and Fiona been an item?” It’s a command, all I know is, asking this question is just going to lead to heartache. He doesn’t answer her, so Morgan answers for him.

  “You’ve been with her since before Mom died, isn’t that right?” I can hear the devastation in her voice, I take a look around the room and realize that Morgan sounds normal to everyone else except Sabine and I. I can see the pain on Sabine’s face as she looks at Morgan.

  Bryson takes a while to answer as he looks around the room almost as if he’s trying to gauge people’s reaction.

  “Yes, we were having an affair when your mother was alive. But I ended it when your mother died, but I realized that I was in love with Fiona and not your mother.”

  “When did Fiona realize that your affair was love?” Morgan asks in absolute disgust. I don’t blame her, cheating is the worst thing anyone can do.

  “She knew for about three months before your mom died. Why does that even matter?” He asks as if it’s an inconvenience to answer her questions.

  “So, all the times you told me that you couldn’t look at me or be around me because I reminded you of Mom and how much you loved her was absolute bullshit! You wanna know why I call you Bryson now? It’s because there is no way in hell I can call you my father. So, why did you treat me like crap? Like I was nothing but the crap that’s on your shoe?” Her voice is cold. She is so done with this man, and I really don’t blame her.

  “Because of my guilt. Your mother was my wife, and I cheated on her.” He’s lying, the way his eyes are shifting, he’s definitely lying.

  “Don’t! Don’t you lie to me! You’re guilty because you got caught and getting caught is what killed her. You killed her! Morgan is shouting at him, and I put my arm around her, trying to calm her down.

  “Why would you say that? Why would I feel guilty for her death?” Bryson looks at the floor when answering her. He’s guilty of something alright, but I don’t know what Morgan is getting at.

  “Because of you and your affair my mother died. Isn’t that right? Finally, I figured it out. I can’t believe that it took me so long to figure it out.” Morgan’s talking to herself now. I think everyone except her and her father is confused as to what she’s talking about.

  “How did you know? I thought nobody knew.” His voice is soft almost resigned.

  Oh shit, he actually has something to do with her mother’s death.

  “Well, you never told the police about Fiona, who ‘accidentally’ shot her husband in a hunting incident. When the police asked if there is anyone who would want to hurt Mom, you like everybody else answered no. Mom was the nicest, sweetest lady you’ll ever come across. Only Fiona, who was in love with you, would want to hurt her. Mom was in the way of you two being together. Also, she used to drive a four door black sedan until she got her husband’s money and bought herself something a ‘little classier.’” Morgan tells us all, and I can’t believe what I’m fucking hearing, this is like something out of a fucking soap opera, you wouldn’t believe this shit unless you were here watching it unfold.

  “Morgan, you don’t understand!” Bryson shouts at her.

  She completely loses it; she breaks free from me and walks over to her father. Pointing at him as she shouts, “I don’t understand? Fuck you! Because you couldn’t keep your pants up, your mistress had enough of being a mistress and killed my mother! Hell, you fucking helped her. You covered it up. I can’t believe you! I hate you! You are a monster! Get the fuck out of my house and out of my life, I never want to see you again.” The tears are streaming down her face.

  “Morgan what are you going to do? You have to understand that I already lost my wife, I couldn’t lose Fiona too.” He says as if that is going to make her magically forgive him. He’s scared that he and the bitch that he calls his fiancée are going to get caught.

  Morgan walks into her kitchen, and after a few seconds I hear her on the phone, and I know that she has made the right decision, whether or not she sees it that way is another thing.

  “You fucking bastard!” I hear screeched and watch as Sabine launches herself at him, punching and kicking him. As he’s at least six-foot-two so he quickly blocks her from hitting her and throws her off him, she hits the floor with a loud thump.

  That is all it takes for my control to snap and the rage that I had tightly reigned in to let loose. I close the distance between us in a matter of steps, once I get toe-to-toe with him I give him a shove, and he goes back a few steps, before quickly righting himself.

  “You are the biggest piece of shit I have ever come across.” Again, I shove him, he goes back a few more steps.

  “What did Morgan ever do to you, for her to deserve the treatment you dished out to her? Hmm?” Before he even answers, I shove him back again. This time he’s at the door.

  “Nothing, she did nothing. I just felt so much guilt that I couldn’t look at her. It was easier to pretend she didn’t exist than feel guilt constantly.” He tells me, and I swear to god, if we weren’t in front of witnesses I might have just killed him.

  I open the front door and tell him “Go home and be with that crazy woman, who by the way needs to see someone. Wanting to be the step mother to the daughter of the woman she killed.” I give him one last shove, and he falls out the door and lands on his ass.

  “If I see you again, I won’t be held accountable for my actions, do I make myself clear?”

  While lying on the floor, he nods his head. I feel someone standing by my side and look and see that not only has Sabine come to watch, but so has everyone else including Morgan.

  I tug her hand, and she gets pulled past everyone to stand next to me. She still has tears in her eyes and looks utterly broken, there is nothing I can do that will help her.

  How the hell does someone get over their father’s mistress murdering their mother only to have their father?

  “Just in case you were wondering. We’ve got Morgan covered. She doesn’t need you in her life anymore. We’re all the family she needs.” My dad is an amazing man and hearing him say that when he doesn’t have to, just proves it.

  “But from what I have heard, you wouldn’t give a crap. She’s better off away from you. That much is for sure.”

  “I hate you more than words could ever describe. You give the devil a run for his money. I can’t believe that you have let that woman get away with murder for over twenty years. You and Mrs. Larson belong together, both as evil as each other.” Sabine tells him and turns around and walks back into the sitting room, the guys following behind her leaving just Morgan and me out here with him.

  “I hope you both rot in hell. You will never get my forgiveness and you sure as hell won’t get my blessing to marry the bitch. Go home and don’t ever come back. I never want to see you again.” With that Morgan slams the door in his face.

  Before she walks back into the sitting room, I pull her towards me and into my body; I wrap my arms around her and just hold her. I feel her body buck against mine and feel the wetness against my shirt. I don’t say a word, I just let her cry and hold her. I kiss her head every so often, just to let her know that I’m here if she wants to talk.


  We’re lying in bed in my old bedroom at Dad’s house. She didn’t cry for long, maybe five minutes, not even that. She cleaned her face and acted as though her world hadn’t just been destroyed. She hasn’t really said much since she slammed the door and I don’t know if she’s ready to talk. All I do know is that Alex had better disappear; Morgan doesn’t need any more stress in her life.

  “Are you okay?” Morgan asks me pulling me out of my musings.

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that? You’ve been given one hell of a blow today.” I tell her and watch as the tears r
eappear in her eyes.

  “I can’t understand why he would hide it? All my life has been a lie. How do I get over that?” Her voice cracks and the tears that were glistening in her eyes, fall.

  She sounds so broken that I don’t even know what to do to help her. “Baby, I don’t know, but you have so many people that will be here to pick up the pieces. What can I do to help?” I feel useless just lying here.

  “Love me,” she tells me as she turns to me.

  “That baby is something that you never have to ask for. I love you no matter what. What else?” I tell her sincerely, she should never have to ask to be loved, especially from me.

  “That’s all, you and your love. Don’t you know that as long as you weather the storm, there will be sunshine? So, as long as I have your love, we can weather any storm.” She’s closing her eyes; she’s completely drained from today.

  “Hmm, that actually makes a lot of sense. But baby, you’ve had a lot of storms to weather lately, and Alex is one that you shouldn’t have had to deal with. I’m sorry for that.” I feel her full weight on me and look down at her, she’s asleep.

  How the hell does she manage to fall asleep while I’m having a conversation with her?

  I lay with her for about twenty minutes. Just replaying the whole day over and over. It started off so well, and then Morgan got the crap thrown at her. I hope that’s the end of the shit she’ll be given. Although with Alex around, I doubt that will happen.

  I gently lift her away from me and get off the bed, kissing her forehead lightly before I leave the room.

  “I love when you do that. You don’t know how much it makes me feel safe and cherished.” She says in a whisper.

  “I’ll do it every day for the rest of our lives,” I tell her instantly. I’ll remember to do it every day; she deserves to feel that way.

  “I thought you were asleep.”

  “No, just resting, go, do whatever you need, I’m just going to rest. I love you, Luke.” I hear her tears in her voice, and I have a feeling that she may spend the length I’m gone crying, and I hate it, but there’s nothing I can do, she needs to let it out.

  I make it downstairs, and Dad is in the kitchen, as soon as I clear the doorway he asks me “how is she?”

  I shake my head, “I have no idea. She’s completely closed off, I think she’s numb. I’ve asked her what she needs, and she just said me. I don’t know what to do Dad, how do I make this okay?” I sit on the bar stall and look at my dad, hoping he has some sort of answer for me.

  “What happened at her house was all sorts of fucked up, son. However, Morgan is one strong lady and I know that if anyone can get through this, she can. She has us, and after seeing how Ryder was today, she has him too. That’s all we can do, just be there for her. Be her rock when she’s ready to break. And son, she will break. Once this hits her fully.” Dad tells me being no help whatsoever.

  “I’ll be here for her too. I know that I’ve only known her a little while but she’s my friend, so I’ll be here for her.” Hailey says from the doorway making both Dad and I smile.

  This is the Hailey we know, the strong willed, confident woman that we see in front of us.

  “I know, Morgan called me after she had lunch with you while she was on her way home. She told me that she really liked you.” She also told me that she will be inviting Hailey to most things that Sabine and her do.

  “Can I go and sit with her for a while?” She asks will wringing her hands together; I haven’t said anything about her black eye as Morgan warned me about it earlier on. But it’s a lot worse than I thought.

  “Yes, she’s in my room,” I tell her and watch her face morph into the Hailey I know; the bright smile transforms her face completely. I hate to make the smile fall from her face, but I need to tell her, I don’t want her to be surprised.

  “Just so you know, Scott will be here soon.”

  “Yeah, I know, he’s the one that told me what happened. I won’t be long.” She walks off leaving both Dad and I staring at her.

  “That son of a bitch needs to be put down. The state of her face. It’s so bad. Oh, I’d love to give him a taste of his own medicine.” Dad’s voice has taken a dark edge to it, and I don’t blame him, we all feel the same about Hailey, she’s family, she’s been in our house since she was a little girl.

  “I’m going to go to the basement,” I tell him, Dad changed it into a home gym a few years ago. I need to let out this anger I have, and I need space, I just need to figure out what the next step is.


  Dad’s waiting for me when I’m finished in the gym, by the look on his face whatever has happened is serious – he has a look of worried.

  “So, Morgan called Detroit Police and told them what she found out tonight. She also told them to give me a call, which they did. They called back and told me that they’ve arrested both Bryson and Fiona. Fiona was arrested as soon as they finished speaking on the phone to Morgan and Bryson was arrested as soon as he stepped off the plane.”

  “Thank fuck, that's great news. So why do you look like you’ve got bad news?” It’s great news, and I’m happy as fuck that they’ve been arrested; now Morgan and her mother can get justice.

  “I hope they confess. I don’t want Morgan to have to wonder if they’ll be found guilty or not. He’s put that poor girl through enough.”

  So, the look of worry wasn’t due to bad news, just sheer worry.

  “Like that fucker would do anything to help Morgan. God, this is such a mess. Is Hailey still here?” I ask as I can hear Scott in the other room after Morgan telling me about them kissing it’s a surprise Hailey even showed up here knowing that he would be here at some point.

  Dad has a knowing smile, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he already knows that they kissed, all Dad wants is for all of us to be happy.

  “No, that girl hightailed it out of here as soon as your brother arrived. I hope there’s no more drama, your sister's wedding is in four days and she’ll kill him if he causes any.”

  “I know, did you hear that Sabine’s coming to the wedding as Dwayne’s plus one?” I ask him, and he smiles, I’m happy for her, but I still can’t believe that the two of them are a couple.

  “They’re so odd that they’re perfect for each other. Just like Morgan’s perfect for you.” He gets a weird look on his face, and I know that it’s time for me to go, but before I say anything, Dad says what I’m already thinking.

  “It’s late son, go have a shower and go to bed. I’m sure Morgan is waiting for you.” I know that the look on his face - he’s thinking of Mom.

  I don’t blame him, ever since we got together, I’ve been thinking about how the hell Dad managed to keep it all together.

  “Night Dad, see you in the morning.”

  “Good night son.” he sounds distracted even though he's just standing there. Like he’s in a different world. It’s probably the shit with Morgan’s dad – it has brought a lot of things up for him.

  I leave him to his thoughts and have a quick shower. When I walk into my bedroom I realize that Dad was right, Morgan is waiting for me.

  “You okay baby?” I ask as soon as I’m close to her. It's such a stupid question. The side lamp is on as I can see her tear stained cheeks, that tells me she’s not okay,

  She shrugs her shoulders, and her eyes are watery. I can see she’s on the verge of crying again. I jump into bed and pull her close to me turning the lamp off which plunging us into darkness; she clings onto my tee and holds on tight.

  “I heard what your dad said about them being arrested.” She whispers into the darkness.

  “Thank fuck!” I whisper back to her.

  She giggles, “I’m pretty sure that was what you said when your dad told you.”

  “Probably. Come on we’ll try and get some sleep. Things may seem a little clearer in the morning.” I tell her and begin to stroke her hair as she leans her head against my chest.

  “Sleep baby. Love you.” I
whisper to her and feel her snuggle closer to me, and I kiss the top of her head.

  “Love you so much Luke,” she whispers into my chest. We lay like this until we drift off, I’m relatively certain I fall asleep first, the last thing I remember thinking is that I hope she sleeps.


  The past three days have been stressful; Sophia was a woman on a mission, trying to get everything sorted for today. Morgan hasn’t had a proper night’s sleep since that night. We moved back into her house two days ago, and she still isn’t sleeping properly. Ryder has stayed with us the past two nights and Morgan’s ready to kill him. All he keeps saying is that he won’t annul the marriage to Skye, but he can’t be with her either.

  Today has been great; Sophia is finally married and looks happier than I’ve ever seen her. The ceremony went smoothly, and everyone is having a great time at the reception so far, and I doubt that will last much longer by the way Scott’s behaving and when Ryder finds out Skye’s going away for a while.

  I look over at Morgan who looks absolutely stunning in her short red dress. The last three days have been really emotionally draining for her, but she’s getting better. Her father admitted everything, so the two of them are fucked beyond belief. They’ve been formally charged, and it’s nothing more than they deserve.

  Alex has been a complete pain in our asses, we have no idea where she is staying. She sent two letters to Morgan, telling her to stay away from me. That if she doesn’t, she will regret it. This was reported to the police, and they have no proof that it was Alex. Then she slashed Morgan’s tires. Again, the police say there is no proof it was even her. This is one of their own; you’d think that they do something to help. Now we have to see if we can stop her before her next attack.

  Things with Ryder and Skye are about to come to a head, she’s going to London tonight, and Ryder has absolutely no clue. We’ve all been keeping her away from him, but she needed space, so Oscar booked her for the consulting job in London and Ryder hasn't been informed.

  I watch as Sam and Winter walk out of the hotel with Skye, Ryder close behind them. This isn’t good.


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