Mr. Beast_An Enemies to Lovers Romance
Page 23
The driver took us around the back. The only thing here were the catering vans. Mom and Dad didn’t usually like to make an entrance. The front walkway would just have a bunch of photographers anyway.
“Whoa, who did this arrangement?” Natalie commented once we got out.
We went in through the back door. Mom blended in with the color scheme in her cream-colored gown.
“I’m not sure.” Mom answered her.
The back went through a long hallway. We came across another door, probably the back entrance. I let them go ahead of me, so I could mentally prepare myself for all the faking that I had to do. That other door opened up when my family rounded the corner, I did a quick look, but did a double take when I saw her.
It might have been in slow motion. Or maybe I was just dizzy from not really eating all day, but she waltzed in like a cloud of blue silk. Her hair fell in waves of dark curls, framing her angelic face. But that was all I got before she disappeared down the corner. The only reason I stepped into that party was to figure out who the hell that was.
It seemed odd, but in this circle, everyone knew everyone. And I had never seen her before. I found my way in and spotted the family at a table close to the front.
“Where did you go off to?” Natalie handed me a glass of champagne as I sat next to her.
“Bathroom.” I lied.
Mom and Dad were already getting visitors. Dad put on his best friendly face, and Mom just played along.
“So, Kit couldn’t come?” I said to Natalie, and she shot me a glare. Her thick eyeliner didn’t make her look any nicer.
“No, he comes back tomorrow though.” She answered.
I sipped the champagne, but I needed some food in my stomach before I started hitting the alcohol. The event hadn’t started yet anyway. People were still piling in, and I was still looking for that woman. I replayed everything in my head; her wavy hair, her flawless skin. She was so far away I didn’t get a good look, but I was already stuck on her.
Then I had to tell myself to quit it. I wasn’t in the mood to get attached to any other women.
“Natalie, you couldn’t have worn something else?” Mom leaned in to the table to scold Natalie. I chuckled to myself, not believing we could still be chastised for what we wear.
“What, why?” Nat played dumb, looking down at her gold dress with a rather deep vee.
“You’re hanging out.” Mom hissed. Dad just frowned, and I kept laughing.
“Chill, Mom.” Natalie groaned.
Her only saving grace were Sasha and Bryan, who were approaching us now.
“Anthony, Miranda!” Sasha had the most chipper voice, like a bell from a bike. You couldn’t miss it. My dad and I stood up and greeted her.
“You all look so wonderful! Tristan, I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?” She pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek softly. She was almost like a surrogate aunt, or godmother.
Her and my mom went way back, I think they each met their respective partners through each other.
“Fine. And yourself?” She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips as she looked up at me. I just smiled and shrugged. It was all she was going to get out of me.
“Wonderful. Thank you so much for coming!”
“All for the kids.” I murmured, but Mom heard me and scolded me with her eyes as I sat down.
Sasha and Natalie talked for a bit while Bryan said hello.
“We haven’t seen you in a while. How has work been?” Bryan was actually older than Sasha, so his hair was fully gray, though I was sure he retouched it, and his wrinkles set in deep. But like my dad, he still looked great.
“Not much of any work lately since I sold T-Nine.” I answered. He nodded, remembering the multi-billion-dollar transaction I made just a few months ago.
I was actually shocked when it made it all over the news. I didn’t know people cared about that technology stuff, but then I realized it wasn’t about that at all. It was about the money.
“Oh, that’s right. We should talk more later over drinks.” He clapped my shoulder, and he and Sasha went off. I supposed to greet more people.
We were forced to mingle for only a few more minutes before the emcee started the proceedings. He went about the normal stuff; announcing the charity, and the order of events. But first was the food, which made me happy because I was starving. I didn’t know what I was thinking, coming here on an empty stomach. The food were like pigeon servings, good, but tiny.
And I couldn’t find that woman anywhere. Why was I even still looking for her? I blamed my irrationality on my hunger. I ate more of the bread and olive oil before washing it down with more champagne. I knew that was enough.
When the auction started, I had to escape the stuffy air. Everyone waving their money around was making me nauseous.
“Put me down for that weekend cabin thing.” I whispered to Natalie. She gave me a face but nodded before I stepped out.
I went through the same hall and found my way to the front. It was even more beautiful up here, like I was stepping into a fairytale.
I walked through the path, looking on the intricate floral designs. It was pretty damn good. If I ever moved into a house, I would hire whoever did this to make it look like someone actually lived there. I kept going until I reached the small maze path, lined with a few stone chairs. Then my eyes caught that blue fabric again.
Chapter Eight
I rounded the corner and I saw her from the side. It was obvious that it was her, that hair couldn’t be missed, neither could the smooth, porcelain over lay of her skin.
I had definitely never seen her at these functions, and as I got closer I wished it was her I met ten years ago and not Vivian. I felt my cock slightly stir in my pants and I racked my brain for something to say to make my presence known.
“It’s a lot nicer out here, isn’t it?”
Her shoulders rose with her surprise. She turned and faced me, her blue eyes piercing a storm right through me. Fuck, she was beautiful. Her face was so delicate, and soft. She’s young, but not so much so. And she had the cutest freckles lining her nose and under her eyes, I was glad she didn’t hide them with her makeup.
“It is, yes.”
I smirked and came closer to her cautiously. I stood a few paces from her, and she looked up at me. Her eyes wide as she blinked a few times. They were so big, they kind of reminded me of a baby doll’s.
“I had to escape the crowd in there…these flowers are amazing. Peaceful.”
She blushed slightly as I said that, but she hid it with a smile.
“They are, I was about to look around, but I was afraid I would get lost.” She giggled.
I felt something clench inside of me at the sound of her laugh, it was like she didn’t laugh often. And I wanted to change that.
“I know my way around,” I held out my hand. She stared apprehensively before she eventually took it and stood up.
It was kind of nice, her not jumping at the bit to talk to me or touch me. On the way out here, I could barely get a few steps in before a woman had some pickup line or bumped into me by accident. On purpose. They were all pretty, decent enough to spend a night with. But I just couldn’t do it, had no interest. But this woman…she was something else.
“Walk with me.”
She chewed the inside of her lip nervously but came with me anyway. I didn’t let go of her hand, and she fit nicely by my side.
And she smelled like flowers; not the blooming type, but the kind they bottled up and sold for a ridiculous price.
I twined my fingers with hers. I wanted to ask her more of something, of anything. But all I could think about was getting inside of her, tasting her.
Her brow furrowed as she looked up at me, but she didn’t say anything. She may have known who I was, but she didn’t say anything. I appreciated it more than I thought I would.
“How did you end up coming to this event tonight?”
I think I was m
aking baseless conversation to make up for the heat I felt between us. I had a burning itch to kiss those peachy lips of hers, to feel her up against me. But I had to read her first, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted this to be a one-time thing or not…I was getting ahead of myself anyway.
“Um, a friend invited me. I thought it would be something to do other than…what I usually do.” She trailed. I think she was rambling. Did I make her nervous?
I hoped not. I was more comfortable around her than I was with anyone else.
“And what is that?”
I stopped her by the stone wall, lined with over growing creeping plants. Gently, I placed my hand on the other side of her hip. I was inches away from her, feeling the tug of war between us. She had to want me too, the way her eyes were looking at me; wide and curious.
“Um, Netflix. And frozen dinners.” I couldn’t help but laugh. She was honest, I missed that in people.
No one in my social circle was honest at all, they were all just trying to fit in.
“Hmm, never tried that.” I licked my lips, and her eyes caught mine, then drifted down to my lips too.
“This isn’t my usual scene, if you couldn’t tell.” She let out a nervous giggle. Somehow the sound went straight to my cock, just hardening it further. But I didn’t understand what she meant so my brow only furrowed in response.
“No, not at all. Why do you say that?” I asked her. She stepped off to the side and walked slowly, and I followed her.
“No reason. I thought it was obvious I didn’t fit in. Why else would I be out here, while everyone is in there?” She gestured to the ballroom, where I heard the cheering. It must be the blind auction.
“You look better than any other woman in there, in my opinion.” I looked down at her, and I saw her cheeks blush scarlet under the moon light. She was shy, but she had a curiosity to her. Why else would she be walking hand in hand with a complete stranger in a secluded maze?
“Thanks. But this isn’t even my dress.” She gestured to her large ball of blue taffeta and form fitted bodice. Whether it was hers or not, it was made for her.
“Pft, half these people rented their outfits.”
“But aren’t they all…really rich?” She said the word like it was some sort of poison.
“Yeah,” I chuckled, “but a dress or a tux isn’t a sound investment. That’s all they’re about.” I explained, or maybe it was just my two cents.
“What about your tux?” She gestured to my last minute tailored suit. I laughed a bit.
“Uh, I bought this. But I hate suits.” I didn’t want to tell her about the threshold between some of us. Most of the money in there couldn’t actually buy a six thousand dollar suit this last minute. It was like I wanted to be someone else around her, maybe because she didn’t automatically know me or come after me just to get into my wallet.
It was one of the reasons I didn’t want to bother with the dating scene again. The women googled me but pretended not to know anything about me. I didn’t want that, I didn’t want someone who would use me like Vivian did ever since I made my first million.
“I’m not really a dress person either.” She smirked, glancing up at me and then looking away when she saw I was looking at her.
I loved how timid she was. It made the primal male in me come out and wanted to bring her out of her shell.
“But you wear one very well. Seriously.” I grazed my bottom lip with my teeth before she looked up at me. Again, she looked away.
“You’re very flattering.” She replied.
“I’m honest.” I retorted.
I moved my head to the right slightly and adjusted the tightness in my bow tie. When it didn’t budge, I quickly loosened it, feeling her eyes on me. I hoped she didn’t think I was undressing or something. Or maybe subconsciously I was. I shoved it in my back pocket as we rounded the corner past the second fountain.
“This is really nice, I wonder who did this.” I commented on the landscaping. The last event Sasha hosted didn’t look this good at all. “Whoever did it put my favorite flowers in.” I said. I wasn’t sure why I was even talking so much, usually it was see and take with women, but I didn’t want to do that to her. I felt an urge to have a real conversation with her.
Maybe it was because she was the first person in a while to treat me like a real person. And not ask me about Vivian.
“You have a favorite flower?” Her soft voice piqued. I stopped her at the second wall of creeping vines. They were all intricately entwined and tangled, you couldn’t tell they weren’t natural.
“Yeah, that so hard to believe?” I stood across her as she leaned into the wall. I would think she was leaning away from me, but her chest and hips were pointed right towards me; and she tried to hide it, but I could see how she would look at my lips, and elsewhere, before she blushed and averted her gaze.
“They’re lilacs. They remind me of my mom.” She forced a smile, but I could tell her face softened and her eyes went dark. Maybe it had something to do with moms, but she regained her composure quicker than I could ask about it.
“That’s sweet.” Her big blue eyes looked up at me innocently, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I stepped close to her, my hand on the other side of her hip, trapping her between me and the wall.
Her lower lip trembled, full, and the color of a ripe peach. Fuck, I bet she tasted as good as she looked. I couldn’t hold off anymore, I felt the heat creeping up to my neck as I closed the space between us. We were five inches apart, then none, and then my lips were on hers.
I wasn’t holding back either, I crushed her against the wall, her soft body was plush against mine. Warm, and inviting my lips moved with hers. Her breasts pillowed against my chest, her hips were against mine as I closed the space between us. My thigh wedged a space between her legs as I settled between them, feeling the heat of her core against my thigh.
Her small hands grazed my arm under my jacket, her nails dug in as I deepened the kiss. She gasped into my mouth as I pressed my hardness against her. She had me rock hard in seconds, and I hadn’t even seen anything yet. It was her scent, her natural allure, she was fucking gorgeous. Her skin was so smooth and creamy, I wanted to explore every inch of it with my hands, and my lips. Mostly my lips.
Her hands moved to my chest and she applied slight pressure, I broke away as she gasped for air. My eyes went straight to hers. They were wide and wandering. I knew she was curious. But she was still timid, and I wanted to break that out of her. I wanted to make her scream as she came.
“I don’t usually do that. Kiss strangers in flower mazes.” She said between raspy breaths, her eyes searching mine as she broke the silence.
“What else do you not usually do?” I pressed. Maybe I could get some insight to who she really was. Something other than what my dick was making me think.
My eyes trailed her skin; I wanted to taste the smooth skin of her neck, down to her ample breasts straining against the bodice of her dress. All I heard was the sound of the night, the water of the fountain, and her fast breathing.
I interrupted her by kissing her again. I couldn’t help it. But this time she didn’t waste time before kissing me back and searing her fingers through my hair to kiss me even harder. My tongue grazed her bottom lip and she moaned into my mouth, parting her lips so my tongue could lap over hers. I was vaguely aware that someone could catch us, but I still didn’t care.
Maybe I jumped the gun, but my hands bunched up the fabric of her dress, and higher until I reached the apex of her thighs and the heat of her sex was on my hand. She broke away for air, and my lips just went to her neck, grazing small kisses across her collarbone until I took her lips again.
Her fingers tightened in my hair and then moved down over my shoulders. I tugged my jacket off, and her soft fingers crept under the buttons of my shirt as my hand went back between her legs. I wanted to see her eyes when I touched her, I pulled away and looked in her eyes as my finger grazed her fold
s above her panties. She gasped, her back arching towards me. I kept my eyes on her as I hitched her leg over my waist, and then the other, until I was holding her up against the wall. I moved her panties to the side, my finger slipping inside of her slick folds. She mewled, then she was like putty in my hands as I flicked over her sensitive nub, until her legs trembled, and her breath quaked with her release.
“Oh yes…” I groaned at the sound of her moan, wrapped in her pleasure. I wanted to hear it again. I had to.
I prompted her out of her panties. As she stepped out of them, I undid my belt and pulled my hardened cock from my briefs. He eyes went to it briefly before her hand gripped me like a vice. My mouth found hers again as she pumped my cock and I set her around my waist again.
I wanted to be inside of her, needed to be. Her lips were so soft as they kept up with me, the intensity of her tongue was eager and curious. It was obvious she didn’t do this sort of thing, but I didn’t care. She trusted me enough to let me take her against a fucking garden wall.
I pulled back, releasing her lips with a pop of skin. I gripped her ass with my hand, smooth and creamy. I wanted to see her whole, perfect body but I was fine with a feel. Her arms went around my neck as her eyes bored into mine, wide and wanting. Her little moans spurred me on as I tugged my hand under her bodice, cupping her breast in my hand. I loved how they fit perfectly in my palm, soft, creamy and full. Then I slid myself inside of her, feeling her stretch around me, watching her succumb to the pleasure.
“Oh fuck…” She was so fucking tight. Milking my cock for all that it was worth.
“Please, fuck me.”
Her voice was soft, and unassuming. I had no choice but to give her what she wanted. I moved, slow at first because she was so tight and firm. Then as she bucked her hips to meet mine, I went faster and deeper. Until I was in her to the hilt.
The heat her surrounded me. The clench of her sex and the smell of our desire was driving me mad. I never got this close, this fast. But I was already on the edge. I had to hear her come again first though.
She cried out, right in my ear as I circled my thumb over her clit. It made her clench even tighter. I pulled her bodice down, exposing her rosy pink nipples. I lapped my tongue over it, until she was mewling against me, her cries unintelligible as her moans took over. She tugged my hair, pulling my face up to her so she could kiss me, and I happily obliged.