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Even The Preacher Got A Side Chick

Page 4

by Angie Hayes

  “Excuse me boo! You right though, I’ll leave the messiness to you while I concentrate on me and my new boo” Marcus replied as we were walking to my car. I’m so glad he drove his own shit, because he was starting to work my nerves!

  “New boo? You haven’t told me about any new piece of meat you were seeing. How is he because you know Alexandria ain’t that big” I inquired being nosey.

  “It sure is, which is why I can’t wait to get out of this sardine packed ass town! But anyway, he’s nobody you know. He’s actually out of town, I met him when I went on one of my excursions to LA six months ago” Marcus said as he licked his tongue out and started winding his hips looking like a damn fool in the parking lot. I couldn’t do anything but shake my head at his dramatics.

  “LA huh? Hmm, so that means he must be paid?”

  “Very!” Marcus grinned.

  “Good, then maybe you can put your little coins you were saving for aside and get him to come out the pocket so you can get your kitty cat.” I said laughing.

  I know I was throwing major shade, but the truth was if anybody else had a come up beside me; I didn’t like that shit. I guess you could say I was a jealous bitch.

  “Okay, I’m under this shady palm tree thing, but it’s all good. I gotta head out anyway so I’ll call you for drinks later on this week” Marcus said as he gave me an air kiss on my left cheek, put his shades on and sashayed to his car.

  His ass was portioned perfect with his hips, along with a nice flat stomach and size C cups breast. Marcus had been transitioning to become a woman since the age of 13. He told me the same story you always hear these wanna-be females tell, I always knew I was a girl trapped in a boy’s body bullshit. Child please I know for a fact that God don’t make no mistakes. Yo ass was born a boy with a dick so all that other shit they be saying goes in one ear and out the other.

  His momma died when he was three from a drug overdose, and from my understanding his daddy was her pimp and he died in prison from getting stabbed. So he was raised by his grandmother, Mother Earline who has been a long standing member of our church since the beginning of time. She’s such a sweet lady and a faithful tithe payer, but I could always tell the disappointment on her face when she sees Marcus in his get up or the mention of his name when folks ask about him.

  She always says that she has no heaven or hell to put no one in, and that she loves her grandson unconditionally. But what she wanna say is he needs to sit his sissy ass down somewhere! But back to Marcus, I would be lying if said he wasn’t bad because the bitch is bad! Marcus was a natural pretty boy anyway so it wasn’t hard for him to be a beautiful woman.

  He was red bone complexion, blemish free smooth skin, light hazel eyes, his eye brows and mink lashes stayed on point. He had natural curly texture hair as myself, but he has tamed his hair over the years to a straight texture and keeps it flowing down his back. His bone face structure was so soft and showed no traces of any masculinity and he already had his Adam’s apple shaved down so it wouldn’t show.

  By him taking those estrogen pills faithfully throughout the years, it has really helped him out tremendously. Yea, Marcus was bad and all the women and I’m sure men in Alexandria knew it. When we were out and about, I would catch low key stares from men looking at him. The only thing that was making Marcus transformation fully complete was what was between his legs.

  He said that was the final piece for him. I envied Marcus in the background. Not only was he beautiful as ever, but it seemed so simple for him to become whoever he wanted to. Whereas I had to keep up this facade of being the proper first lady with a perfect life and husband. So why am I his friend you’re wondering? Well for one, none of these other heffas here in town act like they want to associate with me. They want to be friends with the First Lady, not the real me.

  I didn’t have time to be proper all the time. I cursed, drank and got down when I wasn’t in the front row pew. Being with Marcus allowed me to do just that; and also the fact that I can throw my lifestyle and money in his face is a bonus. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home since Travis hasn’t responded to my text message...yet.


  I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Travis getting caught up by his wife Fatima. That shit would never happen to me, mainly because Karla knows her place and know who pays those damn credit card bills. But that was the difference between me and Travis, I had my shit in order. I was stopped at the red light when my thoughts started drifting to Fatima.

  Ever since Travis introduced her to us at the church, I always wondered what her insides felt like. She was fine as all get out and young! I knew she was new in town at the time because I would have remembered seeing her and I’m pretty sure I would have fucked her, but Travis lucked up and got to her first. If Fatima was that kind of woman, I would still try to bed her ass! But I found out first hand she wasn’t. I tried to bait her but she didn’t bite.

  She loved Travis and from what I know, she knows how he likes to dip in another piece of ass every now and again. I guess she must be getting tired because lately she’s been beating women’s asses left and right behind him. She was a young sexy ass woman that I wouldn’t mind have going crazy over me like that.

  Finally the light turned green and I headed home. I didn’t know if Karla was there or not and frankly I didn’t care. You could say we were living like roommates right now. She stayed on the other side of the house and slept in a separate room from me. I guess you could say we grew apart and only staying married for conveniences. We both know we’re not in love with one another anymore, but neither of us has said it out loud. Fifteen minutes later, I punched the code key into my gate and pulled into my circular driveway.

  Every time I come home, I’m always reminded how much God has blessed me, or the congregation but they didn’t need to know that. I saw that Karla’s car was in the driveway as well. I took a deep breath and counted to ten before I got out and made my way inside. Soon as I walked through the door, I found her at the open bar having herself a drink.

  “I see you’re starting early tonight.” I said as I put my keys on the bar and picked up the mail looking through it.

  “Hello to you too Paul” Karla mumbled.

  Lately it seemed like it pained us to have a decent conversation with one another.

  “Look Karla, what are we doing here?” I finally asked in frustration.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about this, us” I pointed between the both of us.

  “Paul we are fine” she said nonchalantly as she took a sip from her glass.

  “No we are not and you know it! We barely say two words to one another when we’re in one another’s presence, we sleep separately, our sex life is particularly none existence-

  “Oh this is about sex?” Karla blurted out cutting me off.

  “No it’s not just about the sex, but that does play a big part in a marriage Karla. The bible says a wife is supposed to be submissive to her husband; or did you forget that”

  “Oh I haven’t forgotten it, the problem is my husband has other women being submissive to him already, so what the hell do you need me for?” Karla asked laughing.

  “I don’t know if it was the liquor talking or not, but you better find some common sense when talking to me” I threatened.

  “Oh please, you wanna come in here and try to throw your weight around, asking me why we are the way we are and tell me what the bible says. You know why we’re the way we are! You know why I don’t have anything to say to you! You know why I sleep on the other side of the house, because you can’t keep your dick in your pants! You seem to think I’m that young naïve girl you married back then, but I’m far from that baby!” Karla sneered looking at me with disgust.

  I knew she knew what I was doing, but of course I would never openly admit anything.

  “So you going off gossip now?” I questioned.

  “No, I’m going off facts my dear husband. Y
ou think I don’t see the stares or whispers from them heffas in the church, or the smell of another woman’s cheap ass perfume on you when you walk through this door at night? Or the constant hotel receipts I found when I used to do the laundry. Oh let’s not forget the hickey that was on your chest that you swore happened when you were playing golf and the ball accidently hit you in the chest! I swear you could come up with stories.” Karla laughed again.

  “You can say what you want, but we both know that if you would have stayed the wife you were in the beginning then I wouldn’t need to have stories to tell you. You see Karla, no; I don’t think you are the same young naïve woman I married. How could you still be her when I groomed you to who you are now? But I see now that you must think you’re the shit, but I bet if I snatch those damn credit cards and money access, yo ass will be reminded who you are. So what you need to do is get it together and do what you need to do and get us back on track! Now good night sweet wife.” I smiled as I gave her a sloppy kiss on the mouth and walked upstairs.

  “You fucking bastard!” I heard Karla yell as glass shattered.

  I turned around to see that she had thrown the glass she was drinking from against the wall. I just chuckled as I turned around to head back upstairs. I needed to take a quick shower and make good on my promise to Candice from earlier and tear that pussy up.


  I know Fatima was still pissed at me, because she was giving me the silent treatment at home. This is how it was with us every time she caught me doing my dirt.

  “So how was your day baby?” I asked breaking the ice that night at dinner.

  It amazes me that even though I constantly messed around, my wife still makes sure she handles her duties.

  “Fine” she replied back dryly as she continued to eat her food not showing any interest in me what so ever.

  “Look baby, I know you’re tired of hearing this, but I’m so sorry” I stated sincerely.

  “You are right about two things, yo ass is sorry and I’m tired of hearing it!” Fatima said back to me so calm, yet menacing.

  I just stared at her for a while before responding. The look I saw in my wife’s eyes showed nothing but hurt and disappointment. I love Fatima, which is why I asked her to be my wife, but I am who I am. No matter how fine and sweet my wife is, how loyal she may remain to me and our marriage, I’m always gone have a supply of pussy on the backburner.

  “Fatima it’s no need to come out of your mouth so reckless.”

  “Oh, but it’s okay to keep catching my husband with hoes? I swear you are a trip! Travis, I married you with the hope of ‘until death do us part’, but this shit here is killing me!” Fatima yelled pointing her finger between the both of us. I could see tears threating to fall from her eyes.

  “What you mean you can’t do this? I hope you’re not talking about leaving and divorcing me because that ain’t happening.” I said to her hoping that she heard me loud and clear.

  I vowed that once I married Fatima, that she was going to be my last wife and that I wasn’t getting a divorce again; and I meant just that!

  “Why, because it’ll look bad on the church? How I feel right now, fuck you and that damn church Travis!” she screamed getting up from her seat trying to walk past me. I quickly grabbed her arm tight in passing.

  “I told you to watch yo damn mouth, but just like always you so damn hard headed. Now I know I fuck up, but I also know I take damn good care of you. If you would just concentrate more on us and stop worrying about what the hell I got going on outside of this home, then things would go a lot smoother!”

  “Do you hear yourself Travis? I’m not some money hungry chick who married you for your money and stability, I married you because I loved you! I didn’t marry you because I see you as a meal ticket Travis. I loved you more than life itself and showed you, but yet that still doesn’t seem like enough for you. Six years of the lies, cheating and disrespect. I’m tired of that shit, and I’m tired of you!” Fatima said as she snatched her arm away from me.

  “Oh and your rude ass daughter came by here earlier looking for you so you can give her some money I assume. I’m sick of her begging ass too! I swear you both need to be in a damn box together alone.” Fatima said as she headed towards the back sliding door leading out to her garden.

  That was her own little sanctuary. She had her indoor gazebo and a mini bar set up, surrounded by beautiful roses and flowers that she keeps up. Once she left out the door, I just shook my head and sat back down at the table. Like always, everything Fatima said was true. I know she didn’t marry me for my money, hell she had her own when I met her. Working as an ER nurse paid her well, she had her own place, and never asked me for a dime.

  But once we said I do, I requested that she quit her job and be a stay at home wife. She also wanted to become a mother since she didn’t have any kids of her own, but truthfully I knew that wasn’t possible. After Candice’s mom died, I didn’t want to risk raising another child on my own, so I had a vasectomy. No one knew of this, and I thought about having it reversed once I got with Fatima.

  I knew she was a young woman who would want to become a mom one day, but as time went on and I got comfortable, I just put that thought out of my mind. And after about three years of marriage, Fatima just stop mentioning having a child altogether. I reached for my phone in my pocket and pulled it out to call Candice to see what it was that she wanted.

  I already knew she wanted money because that’s the only time she seems to call me lately. For a long time it was just me and my daughter. Even when I dated from time to time, if she wasn’t feeling the woman I was with, then I wasn’t either. I surrounded my life around Candice because I knew I was all she had. Then, when I met Fatima, Candice was going into her teenage years and started her rebellious stage.

  I really didn’t want to deal with her behavior at the time and just continued to enjoy my relationship with Fatima; with the hopes that Candice would break out of it. That was one of the biggest regrets of my life I have. If I would have grabbed a tighter hold on her then, she wouldn’t be like how she is now.

  I love my daughter and would give my life for hers, but this is not the way I imagined her to turn out. I paid for a college education and made sure she wanted for nothing and could just focus on her studies. I was the proudest father ever when she walked across that stage to receive her degree in business.

  I had hopes of her running my construction company with me in hopes of her taking over one day so I could retire; which is why I wanted her to start from the bottom at my company and work her way up. I wanted her to work hard and not just have it just given to her. But she obviously saw otherwise, because after two months of working there, she quit. After that, she started acting like it was still my responsibility to take care of her.

  That’s when Fatima finally voiced her opinion and let me know that Candice was a grown woman with a college degree who should be able to support herself, and I couldn’t agree with her more on that. So my wallet was tight with Candice, and even though I told her numerous times that it wasn’t because of Fatima, she still seems to think that’s why I won’t give her money like I used to.

  The phone rang until her voice mail came on. Candice, this is your father. Fatima told me you came by earlier so I was calling to check on you on. Call me back when you get this, love you. Once I hung up the phone, I opened my texts and saw that I had a message from Karla asking me why I haven’t responded to her naked pic text from earlier. I erased that message as well. I admit I was still feeling some type of way from things Paul said earlier concerning them two. I got up and headed to the door to see Fatima laid out on her lounge chair in the back. The way she was laid there in the silhouette of the evening sun was a sight to see.

  I slowly opened the door and crept out there. As I approached her, I noticed that she had fallen asleep. The dress that she had on slowly crept up her thigh exposing her sexy flesh. My dick instantly started jumping at the sight. I knew around the h
ouse Fatima never wore panties, so I got down in front of her and slowly pushed her dress up farther. Once her pussy came into view, I wasted no time diving face first in.

  My tongue slid across her click. From the first time I ever tasted Fatima, she always taste like pure strawberries and smelled like clear water down there. I licked my lips and covered her pussy with my wet lips and slithering tongue.

  “Hmmm” Fatima stirred in her sleep.

  I clamped down on her thighs so she couldn’t move, and went to work on eating the fuck out that pussy. Fatima grabbed ahold of the top of my head and she started rotating her hips. That turned me on more as I sucked harder on her pussy. Her juices were trickling down my throat as I swallowing every drop.

  As her moans grew louder, I knew she was about to come. Normally I would stop and prepare myself to slide up inside her, but I didn’t want to stop the rhythm. Since I know I was in the dog house, I needed to crawl my way out that muthafucka any way I could.

  “Oh shit Travis!” Fatima moaned out louder as she grabbed my shoulders.

  Seconds later, she released all in my mouth and shaking in the process. Fatima may be younger than me, but since day one I’ve been putting it down on her ass. I make sure I stamped this pussy whether it’s with my dick or tongue. Soon as Fatima stopped shaking, I stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  “Get upstairs so I can tear that ass up the right way” I commanded.

  Fatima just gave me a look as she stood up herself and headed into the house. I know she was still pissed, but as long as she takes it out on this dick when we get upstairs, we good.


  “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


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