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Dusky Duke and the Gypsy Pirate Princess

Page 24

by Kya Lind

  Chapter 22

  Seven years, tomorrow. Greyson could not believe that the time from flown so quickly. How could it possible to their seventh anniversary tomorrow? He closed his ledger. He wondered where she was. She might be making sure the plans for the masque tonight were finalized. Or she might be visiting with her family before they left in the morning. He checked his pocket watch. Tea time. He would bet her was nursing the baby. Maybe if he hurried he could catch her.

  Greyson strolled out of the study and quickly made his way to his family’s rooms. Honesty had never slept in her duchess suite and when the first baby had arrived the rooms had been converted to a nursery.

  Greyson welcomed more guests in the corridors. He was so glad that tonight ended the extended season and after the masque all these people would go away and leave him to his family. He was a little concerned with how tired his grandmother had been looking lately. She needed a rest from all of these people.

  As he pulled the door to the nursery open he could hear Vickie’s voice, “But it is a masque, no one will know I’m there. I’m fifteen now, please say I can come, just this once.”

  Greyson heard Honesty’s negative reply.

  All four ladies looked around at him as he stepped into the room.

  Vickie begged his help, “Please convince Honesty to allow me to come to the annual masque tonight.”

  Greyson’s mouth tilted up at the corner as he noted Abbey’s twelve year old interest in this ploy by her sister. Maggie sat on the settee twirling her blonde hair looking bored as only a ten year old can. Greyson lowered his long frame onto the sofa next to his wife. He moved the baby’s foot that stuck out from under the nursing blanket wrapped around Honesty’s shoulder.

  “I think you go about this the wrong way,” Greyson said thoughtfully to his young teenage sister-in-law. “Your sister is never going to agreed to one was young as you attending an adult ball. You must realize that she knows that as soon as the three of you are old enough to be presented you will take the ton by storm. She would be remiss to allow the young men to get a glimpse of you before the appointed time. And such an action by the belle of the upper ton would set a bad precedent for other young ladies to be presented earlier.”

  “But I want to waltz. And drink champaign. I don’t care about the boys.” Vickie implored.

  “Then I suggest we have a children’s ball during Christmas break while we are all in town. You will be in charge of planning it with direction from your sister.”

  “Do you mean that?” Vickie bounced in delight at his suggestion.

  The door opened and two black-headed youngsters dashed in waving pirate swords. “Papa, Papa,” cried the two little girls, “William and Blue says we can’t be pirates. You gotta tell them that we can be if we want.”

  Three-year-old Patience climbed up in his lap and the four-year-old Tabatha climbed into Abbey’s. Greyson reflected that it was just yesterday that Abbey and Maggie were this age. “Of course, you are not just pirates, darlings, you are gypsy pirate princesses.”

  The door opened again and a tall solid blonde headed boy followed closely by a slender black-headed boy of six, Greyson William the V, marched into the room.

  “Blue, William, we are gypsy pirate princesses – papa says so.” Greyson smiled as the two younger girls nodded like what they had said was of the most importance.

  “Tea time, children,” called Nanny Matthews. All the children cheered. Vickie took the two little girls’ hands and the whole lot of them moved to the sitting room.

  Greyson just sat for a second enjoying his wife’s contented presence. “Are we packed and ready to go to ‘Paris’ tomorrow after your family departs.”

  Honesty smiled and nodded her head. “Myself and Thomas are packed and looking forward to it.” Greyson settled back against the cushions. He and Honesty always spent the week of their anniversary at the cottage with whichever baby was nursing at the time. Honesty pulled the hot blanket from the baby’s head exposing his black damp curls and her ample front. The six month old grinned at his father.

  “Do you need me to do anything?”

  She sighed and shook her head, “You have got to stop spoiling my siblings so terribly. I cannot believe you told Vickie she could have a ball because she cannot go to the masque tonight.”

  Greyson leaned forward and placed a kiss on the curve of his wife’s neck. “I have a reason. We both know that with Vickie’s beauty and confidence that she will draw the bucks like flies to honey. We have to give her chances to get used to the glitter of the season before we throw her in. I want her to be able to recognize the difference between the style and the truth before the young men start turning her head with pretty words.”

  Honesty’s eyes flashed, “Pretty words, uh, and you would know all about pretty words wouldn’t you.”

  Greyson grimaced, “And Abbey will be right behind her.”

  Honesty slid the baby to a sitting position on the floor and pulled her dress back together. “ You worry too much.” She teased him gently.

  Greyson wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap.

  Nanny Matthews came and collected Thomas and they walked through the connecting door into their rooms to get ready for the masque.


  Greyson stood against the back wall of the ballroom and watched as the couples swirled passed him on the dance floor. He could see Pretty dancing with her Lord Bryon. Pretty’s lovely face with flushed a becoming pink that went well with the light pink of her gown that contrasted perfectly with the red of her husband’s hair. Greyson smiled inwardly at the fact that this would be the Bryon’s last appearance in public for a while as evidence of their first child would soon become evident.

  Greyson noted the turn of all the mother’s heads in the room in his direction. His smile spread as the corner of his mouth curved up. He did not have to turn his head to know that the belle of the ton had just stepped into the ballroom. The mothers started in their direction. Honesty swept up next to him and gracefully slid her arm through his.

  “Ask me to dance,” she demanded in a low voice.

  Greyson swept her into his arms and onto the dance floor out of the path of the advancing mothers. “Always and forever.”

  “How do they always know where I am?”

  Greyson pulled her closer and twirled her away. “You are the greatest treasure and resource of the ton, darling. None can do better than to persuade you to take on the matchmaking of their daughters.”

  “Well, they all need to take a break. I shall tell the whole lot to depart.” Honesty sighed tiredly, “Just because I successfully oversaw the matching of three this extended season, I already having sixteen mothers veeing for position in next year’s event, and their daughters haven’t even been presented yet.”

  Greyson watched as True waltzed around the floor with his new fiancé, one of the engagements that were a direct result of his wife’s infinity for matchmaking.

  “Well, tomorrow, we shall leave all this behind and depart for Paris.”

  Greyson watched as his wife’s eyes darkened to a deep emerald at the thought. “Darling,” he whispered in her ear, “From your expression, one would think you were infatuated with your husband,” he said in his dry duke voice.

  They continued to twirl around the floor as he held her tighter than was appropriate and her laughter flooded across the sea of other dancers. The silk of her ball gown slid against Greyson’s legs. The emerald locket glowed against the hollow of her neck. The small red mask that set on her perfect nose did little to hid her expressions and features. Honesty sighed in enjoyment and relaxed into his frame. Greyson smiled into her hair at the end of another perfect waltz.

  Greyson maneuvered them so that at the end of the set they were next to the balcony doors. “A walk, my lady?” he led her into the late summer air and away from the crowded hall. He pulled her after him and ducked into a darkened alcove under the balcony stairs, as several mothe
rs and daughters swept down the steps and into the garden. Honesty laughed in conspiracy at his game and proceeded to kiss him for his forethought. Greyson stopped her and pulled first his own mask off and then his wife’s.

  Both of them stilled in surprise as the voice of Dalton Cantwell drifted down from the stairs above their heads. Greyson tilted his head and listened as the voice of the Earl of Suxess joined the first. Honesty giggled quietly and kissed Greyson’s chin.

  Greyson tilted his head up out of her reach, and tried to listen to the conversation going on above them, but Honesty was not having any of it, and slid her arms around his neck pulled his mouth down to hers.

  Dalton’s voice encouraged agreement, “And we could really use your support to the new Westend policy that is up for the vote next week.”

  Greyson smiled and kissed his wife back. She allowed him to use Lord Cantwell’s fear of retroweation for his past mistake with Honesty to get the man to actively support laws that Honesty herself favored in parliament. Greyson was glad to hear that Dalton was doing what he had told him to earlier in the day, and was courting the earl’s vote also. The voices of the two men moved away down the veranda.

  After several more kisses and a short stroll around the garden, Greyson moved his wife back to the ballroom. He reluctantly retied her mask and led her back inside. Greyson left her surrounded by friends and went to fetch her something to eat. He knew from experience that she would not stop and eat if he did not make it happen. He spied Vickie peeking out from behind the potted plants and send Teresa to see her safely back to the nursery. He greeted his grandmother and saw that she was happily seated in the front parlor with several of her old friends. Before he returned to his wife’s present. She was holding court on the edge of the dance floor as usual. Greyson frowned as he saw several married men and young bucks in the group. They were always present, flirting, and trying to win his duchess’s attention. His expression lessened as Honesty caught sight of him standing on the edge of the group. Her expression never left anyone any doubts as to where her affections lie. He was immediate drawn into the center of the group and seated at her left hand. She took the plate he offered and smiled in happiness.

  Greyson sat and watched the party swirl around him, and realized yet again. It did not matter where they were. If he was with Honesty and she was happy, the world was a beautiful place to be.

  Greyson finally got Honesty to return to their rooms in the wee hours of the morning. He had stripped her of her party clothes and they had fallen into bed with Thomas nursing as the moon set on the edge of the western windows.


  Greyson rolled over and snuggled up against Honesty’s back. He opened his eyes and peered tiredly at the gurgling baby lying on the other side of Honesty. The green eyes of his son smiled back at him. Greyson was glad that Thomas was such a happy baby. He sat up and scooted off the bed. Going around, he scooped the child up and carried him through the connecting door into the nursery where he turned him over to Nanny Matthews. When he returned to the bedroom, he locked the door, and climbed back into the bed next to his sleeping wife. As he pulled her into his embrace, her hand reached for the baby, and not finding him her eyes fluttered open.

  “I took him to the nursery,”

  “Oh,” her eyes slid shut again, and she rolled over to face him.

  “I thought you might like to sleep at bit longer.”

  “Oh,” she said again.

  Greyson brushed back the hair from her face, and placed a path of kisses across her cheek and ear.

  “How do you think for me to sleep with you doing that?” her sleepy voice held laughter.

  “Just ignore me, darling.” Greyson continued with the kisses. Honesty tilted her head and lifted her mouth to his in invitation.

  “Happy anniversary, darling. If I asked you again would you marry me all over?” Greyson kissed her with the question hanging between them.

  Honesty laughed, “Well, since you never asked me in the first place…”

  Greyson jerked his head back, “I did too.”

  “No, you never did.”

  “In the library when I gave you the emerald locket.”

  “No, you told me that you intended for us to marry, and then you asked papa and he gave permission, but you never asked me.”

  Greyson’s expression was stunned, “and you never accepted.”

  Honesty laughed.

  “Oh, this will not do. Darling, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  Honesty laughed again and kissed him,

  “Say yes,.” he ordered.

  “Nowhere in the rules does it say I must answer right away. It took you seven years to ask, I may wait seven years to answer.”

  “Then I will just have to convince you to see this my way.” Greyson’s kisses made thinking hard to do. Honesty wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. The pounding on the door distracted her.

  “Go away,” Greyson called to the door. “I have to convince your mother to marry me.”

  “You locked the girls out?” Honesty smiled.

  “They will get over it when they understand what is on the line. I mean what will they say when they find out that their father never asked their mother to marry him and she never accepted. What will the upper ton think?” Greyson kissed her again. “There is only one conclusion – they can come to - that we have been indulging in a legal and lengthy love affair.

  “Oh, I do like the sound of that.” Honesty added, “with all my heart.” She sighed dramatically, “But Grey, you are not allowed to have expected mistresses, remember.”

  “Then you will just have to agree to marry me.” Greyson proceeded to try his best to wring an agreement from her lips.

  They continued to ignore the pounding of small fists on the bedroom door until they heard the nanny call the children away.

  “I shan't allow you to leave this bed until you agree to my demands,” Greyson teased.

  Honesty chuckled at his threat, “You can’t keep me in bed all day, we have a million things to do. Besides you are just a dusky duke, how do you think to sway the mind of a gypsy pirate princess?” She cut her green eyes up to his in a challenge.

  Greyson planted his elbows on either side of Honesty’s head. His hands tangled in her long brunette locks. His mouth as only a hair’s breathe from hers, their rapid breaths mingled in the air between them. Sliding his body against hers, Greyson’s eyes filled with laughter and desire, “Wager accepted, Darling.”

  Possibilities by Kya Lind (Excerpt)

  Chapter 1

  “Look, Seth, I am not going to give you the lottery numbers.” Megan pulled her jacket’s hood up over her head, and turned her back against the blast of the north wind that cut through 32nd street.

  Her best friend moved to block the wind and smiled his most charming smile. “Ahh, come on. I’m not asking for the whole six, just the first three. That’s only $500. No one is going to miss a paltry five. Doesn’t change the world, or wipe out civilization as we know it.”

  “No Seth,” Megan glared at him. She pulled her coat closer in a vain attempt to stop the wind from stealing the last of her body heat. She knew he was only asking because he was worried about providing for the baby. “You don’t need to win the lottery. You and Barbara are going to be just fine.”

  Seth’s eyebrow went up in question as the late tram slid to a stop. “Promise?”

  Megan patted his arm as she squeezed passed him through the tram doors. “Yeah, unless you decide to rob a ticket booth at gun point, or something else equally stupid.” She stepped back careful to avoid touching either of the two men who stood holding on to the poles near the doors.

  “Ticket booth?” Seth’s face reflected his amusement. “Can’t see me doing that. Can you?”

  Megan smiled back at the inside joke, and adjusted her hood now that they were out of the wind. She pushed the brim back a bit, but did not remove it. She glanced around to see if anyone had recognize
d her, but the few scattered members in this car seemed exhausted, and not at all interested in the two of them.

  “Two numbers?” Seth whittled.

  “Seth,” Megan’s tone demanded that he stop.

  “Well,” he said quietly, leaning closer so that only she could hear, “What good is having an oracle for a friend, if you can’t take advantage of it once in a while?”

  “Being an oracle is ….”

  Seth smiled and finished the well-worn phrase. “A great responsibility… to be used for the good and not the evil.”

  Megan nodded curtly, her hood sliding to cover her face completely. Seth mentally shifted gears. She looked exhausted. Her shoulders slumped under her big bulky coat.

  “What have you had to eat today?”

  He watched as the coat shrugged.

  “What are you going to eat for dinner tonight?”

  Again the coat shrugged.

  “Come on, you see the future. Surely, you can see an hour from now?” Seth teased gently.

  Megan pushed the hood back until her eyes met his. They both knew that she could not see her future, only those of others. “You are having meatloaf from her grandmother’s recipe. Which by the way, you eat it cold and slightly burnt.”

  Seth frowned. “Why?”

  Megan tilted her head forward and the hood covered her eyes again. The tram slowed rapidly for the next stop. Seth picked up his case and turned to the door. “Call me the second you get to your loft.”

  Megan smiled and shoved him through the opening tram doors. “It’s only one more stop and two blocks. Stop worrying.”

  Seth’s grumbling reply was lost to the dinging of the door closing and the disembodied tram voice announcement.

  Megan braced herself against the pole and rocked to the vehicles’ acceleration. She was so tired. Sometimes she felt she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. All the strands of time wound around and past her. She heaved a sigh and tried to strengthen herself as the tram slowed again, this time at her stop.


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