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Page 15

by Colin Griffiths

  As she sat in her seat with her eyes closed, the rain beating on the car felt soothing as she fell into a restless sleep.

  The trees were really spinning now almost unrecognisable as trees by both of the men who remained chained to the fence, for in front of them was just a whirl, something either man thought would never happen, Tony had never seen it before and in a sense he wished he wasn’t seeing it now, as the suction from the trees was pulling at his body as the chains dug deeper, he clung to the fence with his fingers seeking extra support, he hoped it wouldn’t last to long for the chains would break his ribs, he never knew it was going to be like this, he thought about the powerful entity they were taking on, there was no going back now.

  Peter dug his foot into the ground trying for extra support as he lay sat against the fence next to Tony, he had never seen a phenomenon like this and had no idea what was about to happen, looking at the trees spinning was making him feel sick, he tried to look at the ground in front of him as he dug his feet in further and the rain pelted him, then he heard a crack, Tony heard it to and looked towards Peter, both men looked at the fencing Peter was chained to, it was coming away from the concrete post such was the suction, panic rose on both men’s faces as the fence holding Peter started to break away.

  Peter only had one choice, the fence wasn’t going to hold him and he didn’t want that fence chained to him, he found the padlock and released the chain from around his body, and at that moment he wished he had said his goodbyes and told his family how much he loved them, the next thing he felt was being lifted off the ground and hurling towards the trees, Tony just looked as his new friend disappeared, it had all gone wrong so badly wrong, he gripped the fence tighter hoping he wouldn’t suffer the same fate.

  Lily and Ivy sat huddled against the wall, they were some distance away from the trees and the walls was still protecting them from the wind, which now seemed to be easing as the rain became lesser, once they were sure that the worst of the storm had gone, they would continue to the top of the estate to find Lily’s dad.

  They held hands tightly, two people from two different worlds bonded in a moment of terror, and a friendship that will last a life time, however long that life was.

  Delyn didn’t know how long she had slept or if she slept at all, it was the morning sunshine shining through the trees that awoke her, for that moment it was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen, as she looked out of the car windows, she could see no road in front of her or behind her, her head was still in a whirl and she wondered how she managed to drive through the trees, she was hot and sweating as the sun had warmed the inside of the car, dressed in a purple dress that ended above the knee she got out of her car, her sandled feet sunk into the mud, but just in front of her she could see some huts, and that’s where she walked with just a purse and a phone feeling thankful that she was still alive, chastising herself for thinking the worse, upset with herself for missing her best friends hen night, she thought of ways to make it up to her as she walked.

  Tony Griffiths had unchained himself from the fence but he had been sat in the same position for a while, his ribs hurt from the pressure of the chain, but he was sure nothing was broken, the landscape had changed but the old army huts still remained in the same place, after a while he stood himself up slowly and carefully, his body had stiffened up, he couldn’t remember ever aching quite as much as he did now, his clothes were surprisingly dry from the morning sun, he started to look around, he started looking for the body of Peter Ford, but he could see no body and his heart sunk as he realised his friend had been taken by the trees, he was thinking of what he could say to his family, both men were sure there was a way out, the theory being that as someone enters then there has to be a way out, the same way they came in, Tony still believed that, he wanted to believe it, he turned to walk to Hawthorne to explain to Peter’s family and was surprised to see two girls stood in front of him,

  ‘Where’s my dad’ asked Lily, she noticed the look on his face and she didn’t like it’

  Tony gave the best answer he could think of as his heart sunk,

  ‘I think he got out’ he told the girls,

  ‘That’s impossible’ said Lily gritting her teeth, ‘he would not go without us, now tell me where he is’ she shouted.

  ‘He wouldn’t leave her’ shouted Ivy and for a brief moment Tony wished he had just stayed in his car lot drinking beer and smoking cigarettes and watched the storm from a distance.

  ‘I don’t think he meant to’ Tony replied and as he said it he heard the sound of the bus coming up the road, he grabbed both girls and they hid behind the shrubbery in front of the army huts and watched Steve Duce pull up in the No.64 bus and step onto the pavement.

  The three people hidden and the driver of the bus watched as the beautiful Delyn Brown emerged from the woods, her clothes now covered in mud, and just one thing went through Tony’s mind, ‘he got out, he must have got out’

  Steve Duce was a bit disappointed to see the young girl, he didn’t want to take another young girl to the sheriff, but he had a job to do.

  Delyn was pleased to see the strange man stood beside a mini bus, as she walked towards him she was also pleased to see the houses, it looked a strange place with lots of trees, she realised she must look a mess, and was wondering what the man must think of her walking out of the woods dressed like that, the early morning sun was strong and she was glad of that, it gave her a sense of security as the memories of the storm were slowly diminishing, she smiled as she walked towards him.

  ‘You can’t let him take her’ whispered Lily to Tony,

  Tony didn’t need telling that, he thought the girl looked in her late teens and would immediately be used as a breeding machine, she appeared alone therefor had no family to help her, he was her only chance, Tony whispered something to Lily and ran from behind their cover.

  He was at Steve Duce in a second, at this time Tony Griffiths still didn’t know what he was going to do, even as he done it he wasn’t sure it was really him, Steve never saw him coming, Tony could only see one alternative as he put his arm around Steve’s neck and forced him to the ground, Lily and Ivy came running out towards the girl, Lily kicking Steve in the balls before Lily and Ivy grabbed an arm each of Delyn, Delyn screamed in horror or fright, she thought it was probably both,

  ‘Its ok’ said Lily to Delyn trying to reassure her, ‘he’s a nasty man, he was going to take you, we can’t let that happen’

  Delyn let out another scream, she had no idea what the girl was on about, and she tried to struggle free but the two girls held her tight, as if her life depended on it, which it probably did.

  The kick Steve received took the struggle out of him, and as he struggled for breath, Tony took hold of him covered his mouth and nose until the last breath of Steve Duce faded away, the pain in his groin not allowing to kick out, the last thing he saw was the No. 64 bus, Tony had never killed a man before and stood shocked at his own actions as he looked at the body on the floor, he held his hands out in front of him as if they weren’t his hands that had just killed a man, but they were his hands and as he looked at the dead man on the floor, he knew there was no going back, he had to kill for a reason, and Steve Duce had to die for one as well, he would ensure that would happen.

  The three girls stood opened mouthed, Lily and Ivy not expecting that reaction from Tony, Delyn just looked and cried wonder what the hell sort of place she had come to, she had just been a witness to a murder, and two girls she had never met before were preventing her from running away, she wanted her dad so badly at that moment.

  ‘Help me’ said Tony to the girls and the three of them lifted Steve back into the mini bus, behind the driver’s seat whilst Delyn just looked on and cried, she wanted to run but had no idea where to run to, they shut the mini bus door,

  ‘Please come with me’ said Tony as he held out his hand to Delyn, she didn’t take it, she looked scared, Tony could see she was in a state of shock, he didn�
��t blame her, he was also in shock, he thought all of them were.

  ‘Please go with him’ said Ivy, it’s not safe for you here’

  ‘Before the whole Town wakes up’ added Lily,

  Delyn reluctantly took his arm, not seeing any alternative, as Tony led her to the car lot, he told the two girls to go home and say they had been there all night,

  ‘Where’s my dad’ Lily asked before leaving,

  ‘I’ll explain later, but I didn’t see him come to no harm’ he paused ‘I really think he got out’

  As the two girls walked back home to sneak back into the house, neither of them quite believing what they had witnessed, it was murder by no other name, in an ordinary world that was bad enough, in Underwood they both dreaded to think what the consequences would be, they snuck back into the bedroom, it appeared they had not been caught, Eileen was asleep on the sofa, 3 empty bottles of wine were on the kitchen table, it had looked as if she had passed out, Nathan was fast asleep in his room, Rebecca went to her own house and found her own mother and brother asleep, both girls went into their separate beds for some much needed sleep, but neither girl slept, they couldn’t stop thinking of the dead man at the top of the town.

  Tony and Delyn walked briskly to the car lot, Tony had to get her out of sight, Delyn by now was in a state of shock and was crying all the way, Tony just led her by the hand, he would have to explain later, he needed to get her to his secret room before they were seen, they were 200 metres away from safety when from around the corner appeared one of the towns police cars, Sandra Skellam pulled up alongside Tony and a girl she did not recognise, she kind of guessed where she might have come from, she stepped out of the car as Tony and Delyn stopped, Delyn saw an opportunity,

  ‘Please miss he’s kidnapping me’ she screamed as she struggled to break away from Tony’s grip, Tony let the girl go and Delyn stood by the police officer for protection, the look of fear not as strong as it was.

  Sandra ignored the girl and looked at Tony’s face, it was full of fear but he also had a look of sheer determination,

  ‘Is she from where I think she is’ asked Sandra, but she already knew the answer,

  Tony nodded

  ‘Quick get her inside’ said Sandra, Delyn shed more tears as she was ushered into Tony’s garage, not quite believing that the police woman was in on whatever it was that was happening to her, she was sure now she was about to die, she hoped it would be quick. She thought of her mother and father.

  He gestured for Delyn to sit on one of the patio chairs that he had taken inside the workshop out from the storm, he went to the fridge and got a beer, He offered one to Sandra, she refused, he offered one to Delyn, she took it, her mouth was dry, she gulped heavily on the beer as did Tony, then Delyn sat looking at the bottle in her hand, hoping it hadn’t been poisoned, Sandra waited until they both had a good drink.

  ‘What’s happened’ She said ‘is this who I think it is’ pointing to Delyn, Delyn just looked on, she thought for a moment she had been mistaken for someone else and she went to protest, Sandra put her own finger to her lips and Delyn said nothing.

  ‘A new resident’ said Tony bitterly, he gulped down some more beer, finished the bottle and grabbed another, and he drank it down in one.

  Sandra looked at the young lady, the pretty girl with a tear stained face and muddy clothes and her heart immediately went out to her, she stroked her head in a manner that told her everything was going to be ok, but Sandra knew it wasn’t, not unless Tony had an idea,

  ‘What you going to do with her’, Delyn prayed it would be quick and painless.

  Tony grabbed another bottle and gestured for them both to follow him, he got Sandra to help him move the furniture above the hatch, Tony went down first, followed by Delyn and Sandra, at this time Delyn was sure she was being taken to a torture chamber, her body went cold as she shivered, the fear building up inside her making her want to scream, Sandra noticed this and drew the girl closer to her,

  ‘I swear no one’s going to hurt you, we are here to protect you’ it offered no comfort to Delyn, if they were protecting her than why were they taking her to a torture chamber, she tried to scream but Sandra put a hand over her mouth.

  Delyn looked around at the underground home, it was not at all what she was expecting, there were no torture chambers, no instruments of terror, in fact it looked like a nice comfortable basement home, she felt a little better, just a little.

  Tony handed Delyn a dressing gown and told her to go and have a shower, Delyn did pleased to see that the door had a lock on the inside, she locked it and got undressed, the shower seemed to wash some of the demons away, just some, as she showered Sandra and Tony sat on the sofa,

  ‘What is this place’ asked Sandra as her eyes scanned the underground building,

  ‘An old basement I converted’ he turned to face Sandra’ you’re not going to turn that girl in are you’

  ‘Of course not, but you can’t keep her here forever’

  ‘I don’t intend to, I’m going to get them out and the kids from Hawthorne, and then Sandra saw something in Tony that she had never seen before, not fear, or determination, he was angry, he looked like a man who has had enough and Sandra liked that look.

  He told her of his and Peter’s plan and last night was a test, they weren’t expecting a new resident, he told her Peter had gone but he wasn’t sure where, Sandra listened without saying a word until Tony mentioned Peter missing,

  ‘He wouldn’t leave his family’ said Sandra, even though she had only known him a short time,

  ‘I know’ said Tony ‘he’s either died or he’ll be back, I like the second option, either way I’ve had fucking enough of this place’ he spat his words out like venom,

  They just sat for a moment, until Tony spoke,

  ‘There’s something I haven’t told you’

  Sandra just raised her eyebrows as if to say you’ve told me enough,

  ‘I’ve killed Steve Duce’

  Now Sandra stood up her face was startled,

  ‘Why the fuck did you do that’

  Tony stayed seated, he finished the last of his beer,

  ‘He was going to take her, I had to stop him, and he’s taken his last resident to the sheriff’.

  ‘I had better go and try to clean it up then, and Tony rose to his feet and they shook hands and their eyes met and both could see the bond they had just formed in those eyes, then Delyn came from the shower, clean and fresh, her natural beauty shone and both Sandra and Tony realised what a catch she would have been for the rulers of Underwood and how right had they been to save her,

  ‘Can you tell me what’s happening please’ her voice was croaky and she was shaking.

  ‘What’s your name sweetheart’ asked Sandra


  ‘Sit down Delyn, I’ve got to sort some things out, then I’ll come back Tony will explain.

  And that’s just what Tony did.

  Chapter 15

  His whole body seemed to ache as he awoke, for a moment he couldn’t comprehend why he was lying on the side of the road, then suddenly as if he was hit by something hard, it all came flooding back to him, and a total feeling of terror overcame him, he remembered undoing his chains and being swept into the air, hurtling towards what he thought was certain death, the breath being sucked from his lungs, only it wasn’t, he was alive, he sat up on the pavement, his clothes were damp, which was surprising as he expected them to be soaked, he looked up into the sky, the sun was beating down, then it all came back to him, he recalled seeing a car, in it sat a young lady, he remembered flying past her, trying to shout for her not to go into the woods, he now realised by that stage it was probably too late, she had already been caught up in the storm and somehow passed through, he then stood up, nervous of his surroundings, he looked all around, this wasn’t Underwood, he could see roads in the distance, what looked like to be a motor way, he looked up into the sky, he could see a trail from a plane, he cou
ld see the churchyard that they had passed on the way into Underwood, the one that scared them all, now it looked just like an ordinary churchyard, he looked towards the road to underwood, there were just trees, it was then his heart missed a beat as it suddenly dawned on him, he was on the outside, his family were not, they were still stuck inside that crazy place, he had to get back in, but he guessed he would have to wait for a storm, there was a way out after all, he had found it, he had to give himself time to think, to work it out, he searched his pockets, his wallet was still in there, he wondered whether his bank accounts were still in order, he could see no reason why they wouldn’t be, they had been missing for only 10 days, they were on holiday after all, he started walking the 2 mile walk to the Magor services, all the time thinking of his wife and children and the tears streamed down his cheeks when he remembered seeing something else in the woods, he wasn’t sure if it was just a vision an image, but whatever it was Peter knew it wasn’t human.

  ‘I can’t leave them with that’ he thought ‘I have to get back in’

  He stood at the cash machine at the services with his card in his hand, he wasn’t sure how long he had been stood there, he could not remember walking the two miles, he guessed his head was in such a whirl, he turned around to make sure there was no one behind him waiting to use the machine, there wasn’t, he put his card in the machine and paused for a moment, his mind momentarily blank as he tried to remember his pin number, it came to him and he entered the number, he pressed the maximum amount of £300, it seems an age as the reader said “we are dealing with your request” eventually the machine changed to “we are counting your money, please take your card” he took his card out and the money followed, he gave a big sigh of relief, not because he had money, the whole process made him feel human again, he was on the outside world once more, but he had left something behind that he could not live without, his family.


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