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Sins of the Father

Page 24

by LS Sygnet

  Johnny rose and pulled me out of the chair. A second later I was seated again, in his lap with his arms wrapped around me tightly. One hand sifted through my short hair. “I love you, Helen. Even if you didn’t want to be my wife anymore, I would still never let anybody hurt you, let alone tear you away from our children like that. God, what you must’ve gone through thinking those things.”

  I rested my head against his shoulder. “I’m pretty sure this hasn’t been a picnic for either one of us, Johnny. The worst part is that none of it was your fault. This has all been my doing. I’ve kept secrets from you and lied. I shouldn’t have done any of that.”

  “We all have secrets, Helen.”

  “I know you’re investigating Marie,” I confessed. “Please don’t be angry with Devlin. He thought I knew. And when he realized I didn’t, he hasn’t said another word to me about the case.”

  Johnny squeezed me gently. “He already told me, Helen. I’m glad you brought it up. The investigation isn’t focused so much on Marie as it is on her stepfather.”

  I lifted my head and peered at him. “Because he’s the link to Darkwater Bay in my abduction?”

  “That’s a detail that only we share, but yes.”

  “How can Dev and Crevan be investigating that if they don’t know why you’re looking at him?”

  “I gave you my word that I wouldn’t tell Crevan the truth.”

  “But you wouldn’t lie if he uncovered it on his own.”

  “Helen, I found a link between Lyle Henderson and Terrell Sanderfield. Me,” he said. “I found it, right after we got back from New York and you told me the truth about what happened to you. Of course Maya had already filled in the majority of those blanks, but the rest I got from you.”


  “Wendell’s story checked out. He had no idea what Marie did. It was a matter of record really, but his old desk sergeant is still alive, retired in Clearwater, Florida of all places. He still speaks very highly of your father. Couldn’t believe he was guilty when that mess went down with Marie.”

  “Dad might not have been Jersey Third Eye. According to him, that was Marie’s gig, Johnny.”

  “I can’t fathom why he went along with it.”

  I couldn’t either until he told me the truth. “My father and I have a lot more in common than you realize, Johnny. He bent the rules to see justice done. In some cases, Marie figured out the truth.”

  “So she blackmailed him into being her partner in crime? That doesn’t make sense. Bending the rules is a far cry from –”

  “Johnny, he broke laws. He killed people that slipped through the cracks,” my chin dipped again. “Sometimes, he took money for doing it.”

  “Look at me.”

  I complied.

  “Did someone pay you to kill Rick Hamilton?”

  “Of course not,” I said. “But there was money involved just the same. I didn’t refuse the life insurance pay out. It was a hefty enough sum to put me on Mark Seleeby’s radar and keep me there.”

  “How much?”

  “Two million.”

  Johnny whistled softly. “You didn’t know about that before it happened though, right?”


  Chapter 29


  “It wasn’t what I was thinking at the time. They sent statements, okay? I knew six months after the divorce that he hadn’t changed the beneficiary on the policy. I figured he would’ve gotten around to it at some point over the next eighteen months.”

  His eyebrows twitched.

  “I’m telling the truth. I really believed six months post divorce that it was nothing more than an oversight on his part.”

  “Hmm,” Johnny frowned. “Or he could’ve let the beneficiary stand as another form of insurance.”

  “Meaning that it would implicate me if something happened to him?”

  “C’mon, Helen. We’re talking about the Marcos clan here. What we know now certainly sheds more light on how terrified Rick must’ve been after his arrest. I really believe that his last conversation in this world was a last ditch effort to halt the descent down a slippery slope from which there was no return.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “Think about it, sweetheart. If the bureau kept digging, which not even his death or Datello’s have stopped them from doing, they would’ve eventually found what neither one of them wanted uncovered. Hell, Datello killed one man to prevent exposure and had a gunfight at a police division trying to bury the truth. That’s a little more than ballsy wouldn’t you say?”

  “Desperation.” It was true, however. Datello’s men charged the Crime Scene Division trying to reclaim the computer disk that had fallen into district attorney David Ireland’s hands sixteen years ago. Why? Because Datello was desperate that Sully Marcos not discover the betrayal of a blood relative.

  “And now David Levine says the FBI has uncovered evidence that Rick was feeding information about the Marcos clan back to Danny all along. He never gave up on his quest to see Sully brought down, Helen. I think he just got smarter about it. Let the dust settle after Ireland’s murder, and waited for an opportunity to move someone he actually trusted into position for him.”

  “My ex-husband.”

  “Yes,” Johnny said. “Who knows? Maybe at some point they planned to use you as the conduit that would expose all of Datello’s evidence to the feds.”

  I groaned. “You’re telling me that I really might’ve killed an innocent man.”

  “Who tried to blackmail you into destroying evidence, who never truly loved you at all, but rather used you so he could help his cousin exact a little revenge without either one of them looking like the guilty party. No, Helen. Datello, your ex-husband, anybody who ever worked for Sully Marcos is by no means innocent.”

  “Will you tell me what you’ve learned about Lyle Henderson?”

  A pregnant pause followed. Finally, he gave his decisive answer. “No.”

  “Johnny –”

  “I said no. You’re too close to this. If anything, you should tell me what you remember about him.”

  “Absolutely nothing. Dad hated Marie’s family and went to great lengths to make sure I’d never be exposed to them.”

  “And Marie didn’t defy that? She blackmailed Wendell. Why would she respect his wishes where her parents were concerned?”

  “She wasn’t terribly bright, but at the same time, not completely stupid either. There were certain lines with Dad, and she knew better than to cross them.”

  “Damn,” Johnny said. “I don’t suppose you’ve been secretly communicating with your father, have you?”

  “No. Are you going to make me ask why?”

  “It occurs to me that he might have information about Lyle that could be helpful to my investigation. He’s probably unaware of its importance, Helen. Now thanks to both of us, he’s unreachable and presumed dead.”

  “Even if I could contact him, it would put him at great risk, Johnny.”

  “I know. I’m not asking you to do that. We’re not even sure he got… wherever safely.”

  “He’s all right,” I said.

  “I thought you said he hasn’t communicated with you.”

  “He didn’t. He has access to certain funds I have. A withdrawal was made –”

  “The bank can tell you where it was made, Helen. We’ll go to him – unofficially. I can ask questions. You can let him know that you’re all right. No one will suspect a thing considering all you’ve been through. For heaven’s sake, no one will question why I of all people would want to get out of town for a few days. I just got fired Wednesday.”

  I shook my head. “Dad’s too smart to leave a trail that would lead directly to him.”

  “Right.” The hope in his voice flagged.

  “Johnny, you said there was some sort of connection between Henderson and Sanderfield. I’m having a little bit of trouble imagining what that might be. Lyle had to be closer to Sherman’s age and San
derfield is what, ten years older than Joe?”

  “Yeah, he’s fifty-six.”

  “And you’re not going to clear up the age discrepancy for me, are you?”

  “No,” Johnny said.

  “You realize of course that the secrecy makes me feel compelled to search for the truth on my own.”

  “I’m asking you not to do that.”

  “And I’m saying that trust works both ways, Johnny. I trust you to tell me the truth about what you’ve learned. You trust me to keep my sincere promise to stay out of the investigation. Let’s not forget that I want nothing more than to resist the urge to give in to my curiosity, especially now.” I dragged his hand under my sweatshirt.

  He sighed. “After your maternal grandmother died, Henderson remarried.”

  “And how long ago was that?”

  “Twenty two years.”

  “So… Marie was still alive when her mother died? Why don’t I remember that?”

  “Because you were probably very estranged from her by then. Honey, Wendell was arrested what, nineteen years ago? You were nearly twenty. Did you really care what Marie was doing by the time you were sixteen?”

  “Not really. I had already outgrown tweaking her nose by the time I was fourteen or fifteen.”

  “I’m pretty sure knowing how you did that won’t help our investigation right now, but save it for another conversation. It sounds pretty intriguing.”

  “Who did Lyle marry, Johnny?”

  He sighed. “Maybe you should tell me how you used to annoy your mother now.”

  I started to get up.

  “All right. He married Sanderfield’s mother twenty years ago. She’s since died, but they’ve remained, how shall I put this? Allied?”

  “So 39 years ago, while married to my maternal grandmother, he aids my mother in abducting me from Darkwater Bay. Some years later, when my grandmother died, he relocates to the west coast, hooks up with Sanderfield’s mother – who must’ve not been super young at the time – and marries her. She dies, and he remains an ally of the senator.”

  “That pretty much sums it up. Although, I found it interesting that in both of Lyle’s marriages he hooked up, as you say, with women who were older than him by ten years at least.”


  “He helped raise your mother, Helen. Suzy’s husband abandoned her before Marie was born. Enter a 20 year old Lyle who married a 31 year old Suzy, and it was an instant family.”

  “Marie was two years younger than Dad. So that makes Lyle –”

  “Eighty-two, alive and well by all accounts. He’s living in some swanky senior retirement facility out on Hennessey Island.”

  “You’re kidding!”

  “He’s known all along that you were out here, Helen.”

  “And Sherman was so excited when I showed up in town. Sort of begs the question, doesn’t it? Was he excited because Lyle was?”

  “We haven’t been able to link Sherman to Henderson. But we know very well that Sherman supported Sanderfield. One degree of separation.”

  I ground my teeth together tightly.

  “We’re not going to confront Lyle Henderson, Helen. At least not until we’ve got enough against him to press charges.”

  “We can’t press charges anymore. This is why I’m telling you, you will never be satisfied with the private sector, Johnny.”

  “We, David, whatever,” he muttered.

  “This thing really hurt you, didn’t it?”

  “Part of me didn’t expect it to last. The other part of me hates that it’s over so soon.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know if I said that the other night.” I caressed his face. “It gets better. You’ll move past this and find something to fill the void. I doubt it’ll be the security business or investigating anything from that role.”

  “Was it hard for you, suddenly without the power behind a federal badge, to be part of some small town police division?”

  I grinned. “Since when did I ever let who issued the badge slow me down or put a damper on what I wanted to learn?”

  Johnny pressed his lips against my neck. “Unfortunately, we don’t have time for me to get another badge. We need to keep pushing forward with the investigation now while the leads are hot.”

  “And we’ve got David and the full power of the FBI to do that. It’s not the same though, is it?”

  “No,” Johnny said. The remorse in his voice broke my heart.

  “Have you talked to Don Weber? When Charlie was here a few weeks ago he said that Central Division –”

  “I can’t go back there, Helen. I just can’t. I didn’t have to answer to anybody except Joe before. OSI was able to focus on things of urgent importance. How could I ever go back to muggings and domestic disturbances and –”

  “I get your point. It’s not realistic to look back. What Joe did is over. It’s in the past now. Today, we have to figure out how to work within the new boundaries we have. Could we dash off to Montgomery and be with David every step of the way? I’m sure he wouldn’t object at all.”

  “But Sanderfield would.”

  “Yes,” I said softly. “The best thing we can do right now is what you’ve been doing all along. Dig for leads. Quietly pass them on to David. Let the broad shoulders of the federal government carry the burden of this investigation.”

  “This could’ve been completely different if Joe had just listened to reason.”

  “Let me be the one stomping around angry at that fool. Focus on helping David. In the end, it helps me too. It erases the most immediate threat to our children, Johnny.”

  “You think they’d take you now, pregnant? People know, Helen. We’ve been all over town with this little bump sticking out.”

  “Well, Gillette seemed to think it increased my value somehow.”

  Johnny gritted his teeth. “The bastard.”

  “Hmm, I think I said something similar.”

  “No wonder you didn’t mind the ankle monitor.”

  “Look at it this way. Joe did me a favor.”

  “Did he?” Johnny frowned. “Explain that one to me, because I don’t understand how hurting me helped you.”

  “I’d like to hire someone,” I said. “From your security company. A bodyguard.”

  Johnny’s eyes twinkled. “Oh? Anyone in particular? And you’d better not say Devlin Mackenzie.”

  I grinned. “Somebody has very loose lips.” I leaned in and kissed him softly. “For the record, no. I had someone else in mind altogether. Tall, blond, sexy. Muscles out to here.”

  Johnny nibbled at my mouth. “Crevan isn’t blond.”

  “Eww. He’s also not sexy. At least not to me. Did you forget for a second that you’re talking about my brother?”

  His hand cupped the back of my head and anchored it. “Shut up and kiss me, Helen.”

  “Would you object if we moved someplace more comfortable?”

  “Where?” he nibbled.

  “Our bedroom.”

  “Are you sure about that? There’s no reason to rush, Helen. If you’re not ready, it’s all right.”

  “Will you let me wear the wedding ring again?”

  “Yes. Of course, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to, Helen. I know how you felt about it.”

  I cocked my head to one side. “I give my vows back, Johnny. Do you do the same thing? Because if we still love each other, and I think we do, then why is it hasty to behave like we’re married in every way?”

  One arm slid under my knees. Johnny rose and carried me out of the office.

  “Are we back to this again? I am capable of walking,” I chuckled.

  “And I intend to carry you as often as possible for as long as I can. Don’t think I’ll be able to do this when you’re nine months pregnant.”

  I moaned and buried my face against his shoulder. “Will you still love me when I’m fat and waddling around?”

  “It’s simply more to love.”

  He eased me
down onto the bed. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long, Helen.” Johnny’s shirt hit the floor. He popped the button on his jeans.

  I licked my lips.

  The phone rang.

  “Ignore it,” Johnny said.

  “We can’t. It could be David,” I said. “It’ll only take a minute. Answer the phone.”

  He grabbed it and snarled, “What do you want?”

  His face flushed. “Oh, sorry. I thought it was someone else calling. She’s right here.” Johnny pressed the phone to his chest and mouthed two words. Celeste Datello.




  “Is everything all right? Your husband sounded…”

  “It’s been a stressful couple of days.”

  “Please tell him how sorry everyone is about what Governor Collangelo did on Wednesday.”

  “Is that why you called?” Johnny shimmied out of his jeans while I talked. Heat began pumping through my veins.

  “No, actually. I wanted to invite you to a luncheon tomorrow. I know it’s short notice, but considering the cause –”

  “A cause. As in a charitable cause?”

  “Yes, we’re raising money for the Darkwater Bay Children’s Fund, and I just thought that since you were so dedicated to protecting little Sofia Helene, you might be interested in helping to protect other children in Darkwater Bay.”

  Eloquently stated. “I’m honored that you thought of me, Celeste. Tell me when and where and I’ll show up with my checkbook.”

  Johnny smiled when I hung up the phone. A couple of hours later, I finally got around to explaining the phone call.

  Chapter 30

  I stomped one foot, unaware of the eyes watching from the dressing room door. “This doesn’t fit me right!” I tugged at the hem of the jacket and stamped both feet.

  “Unbutton it. Show that belly proudly, I say.”

  My hand flew over my chest. “Am I going to have to put cat bells on you so you stop sneaking up and scaring me half to death?”

  Johnny strode into the large room and placed his hands on my shoulders. Our eyes met in the mirror. “Why are you so nervous about this thing? It’s just a bunch of rich women getting together to… I don’t know, eat cucumber sandwiches or something and try to out do each other with their check books.”


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