Dex (Kinky Shine #1)

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Dex (Kinky Shine #1) Page 24

by Stephanie Witter

  I kissed him back and forgot everything else.



  What started as an angry kiss to prove to her how much I didn’t give a fuck about others quickly changed into a kiss that took a life of its own, filling me until I couldn’t think about anything other than feeling Harley against me and caressing her body.

  But of course, it had to end in the worst possible way.

  “It’s Dex Bowers! Oh my God, Chrissy! Look, who’s that girl?’’ a shrill voice said.

  Harley pulled away abruptly and when I slowly opened my eyes I saw hers wide open with panic making the green pop in an eerie way.

  “Dex?’’ Harley said quietly, so quietly I didn’t hear her voice. I read my name on her pink lips. And I was so far gone I almost went for another kiss until another voice and another started to whisper or squeak my name and questions about who I was with rang all around.

  Cold started to creep in my bloodstream, chasing away the warmth I had felt from kissing my girl.

  “Get up, Harley. We need to go before a photographer gets here,’’ I said and went to get to my feet when Harley’s small hand gripped my wrist in a death grip.

  “They took a picture,’’ she squeaked and her eyes went to two young women, probably college age, sitting two tables down from ours. They were watching us so intently it’s a wonder I didn’t feel their eyes on us when I was kissing Harley.

  When the two girls saw me watching them, they started blushing, but one of them, the one with the phone still trained on me and Harley started to smile at me, probably delighted at her little effect. Fucking bitch.

  I was seething and only Harley’s touch stopped me from going over there, grabbing that damn phone to throw it against a wall. The video or pictures of the kiss must be online already. Fuck.

  “Let’s go. There’s nothing we can do and I need some air before I blow up,’’ I tugged on Harley’s grip and when she released me I took her hand and led her out of the coffee bar now filled with people watching us, me, leaving. I saw more phones trained on us and I locked my jaw. I was sure that even with my sunglasses and stubble everybody would see how pissed I was.

  Outside, I didn’t see any photographers, but we needed to move. Fast. It was a question of minutes now before we would be surrounded. At a fast pace, we walked in silence back to my car parked a couple of blocks up the street. When my SUV with tinted windows came into view I sighed. At least, in there we would be relatively safe.

  I fished my keys out of my pocket and pushed the open button. I started to go for the passenger side to open Harley’s door, but she squeezed my hand before pulling away from me.

  “No, Dex. Go to the driver’s side. I think someone’s tailing us,’’ she said quickly and sidestepped me to climb in the passenger seat.

  I didn’t question her or waste precious seconds checking my surroundings to see if she’s right because she probably was. It’s nothing new to me and I’d be very surprised if we wouldn’t be followed until we reached the gates to the gated community where I lived.

  I ran to the driver’s side, threw open the door and jumped in. In no time we were back in traffic while I cursed every few seconds these people who couldn’t understand the concept of private life. It’s not because you’re a fucking rockstar that you don’t want to live like everybody from time to time. Damn it!

  “You shouldn’t have kissed me in that coffee bar! I told you,’’ Harley said when I finally stopped cursing.

  I didn’t like the anger in her voice or the way she kept her arms crossed firmly across her chest, not once looking my way even when we were at a red light and I was fucking staring at her. Her lips were pursed and her eyebrows lowered on her eyes. It’s dumb, but it hurt. It fucking hurt.

  Since we started our relationship I had been so fucking thrilled that it was difficult for me to keep it hidden. I wanted to fucking yell from the rooftops that she’s mine and I was hers. But that life, my life, wasn’t what she ever planned on. Harley wasn’t into the whole shit that came with being famous and now that I went overboard and kissed her in a public place when I said I wouldn’t… Fuck, I didn’t want to lose her over that.

  A damn lump grew in my throat and I couldn’t mutter a damn word if my life depended on it. Instead, I gripped the steering wheel tighter and tighter until my fingers ached.

  “Damn it, Dex! What were you thinking!’’

  “You didn’t push me away,’’ I managed to mutter through gritted teeth.

  “But I told you we shouldn’t engage in any freaking PDA!’’ she yelled, but in the corner of my eyes, I knew she wasn’t looking at me. She kept her eyes straight ahead.

  “And I’m not going to fucking apologize for kissing my girl!’’ I yelled back, out of breath as my heart hammered in my chest as if the damn thing was trying to carve itself a path to my stomach.

  She didn’t say anything after that and somehow dread took over my anger. I messed up. For a brief moment, I forgot that not everybody was made for this life. I pushed too much.


  “I know, Dad!’’ I repeated and balled my hand in my lap as I watched Dex pacing the living room while I was on the phone with my father.

  “If you knew you wouldn’t have made such a show, Harley. And what was Dex thinking!’’ he said, his voice sounding more gruff than angry now that some of his volatile energy went after his second lecture in the last five minutes or so.

  I couldn’t blame my father. As the band manager, he kept a close eye on everything going on where the band was concerned and seeing his phone blow up with notifications regarding the kiss that should have never happened in public, it’s no wonder he was on edge.

  “Dad, I’m sorry. I know it’s bad timing, but—‘’

  “It’s not only about bad timing, Harley. The summer tour has been canceled because Maxen is in rehab and my only daughter is kissing a rockstar in a public place when she knows it can only lead to one thing. There are dozens of photographers and journalists from some gossips rags or another outside of the gated community. They won’t stop and considering you have a music blog and worked with Kinky Shine for a few weeks…’’

  “You think they’re going to attack my blog and question my credibility?’’ I ask weakly, blinking back the tears that started to gather in my eyes.

  My blog was my livelihood. I prided myself on my work, my ability to be professional and now renown in the music scene as a good blogger who would write articles as much for bands as worldwide known as Kinky Shine as an unknown indie band trying to gather a fan base and make music.

  I could see how they would twist my story with Dex into hinting at me trying to get my five minutes of fame by shadowing the band and now dating the frontman, but while the personal attack would be hurting, attacking my job and blog would be something else entirely. I didn’t know if I could stand it.

  “I know they will.’’ My father sighed in the phone and a weight fell on my shoulders. I slouched on the couch and glanced at Dex who had stopped pacing to stare at me. His whole body was coiled so tightly it’s a wonder he was still standing. “Listen, for now, you and Dex stay at his place. I’ll see what I can do to salvage this mess, but don’t write any statement on your blog or any new articles for now. Radio silence for a few hours until I get a better idea of their angle.’’


  “And stay away from the net. You know how fans can be. They’re probably going to attack you.’’

  “I know that.’’ I rubbed at my still aching temple. I felt a lot older than my twenty-three years. And a whole lot more tired than I should feel at barely seven in the evening. “Call me when you think I should post a statement on the blog. I’ll be working on a first draft and email it to you as soon as it’s ready.’’

  “Good. Keep it short and simple. And please, keep Dex away from his phone or a computer. I don’t want him to make things worse before we have a chance to retaliate to some of these nutcase allegati

  “I’ll do my best.’’

  “No, you do better than that, Harley. We don’t have a choice. Usually, it wouldn’t be an issue, but between the tour canceled and Maxen and the album that is composed in less than stellar conditions… Kinky Shine isn’t as strong as it used to be. The boys don’t fully understand that it could all be ruined in an instant.’’

  Who knew a relationship could have so many consequences if people started to dig deeper into the band and their lives?

  I hung up and put my phone on the coffee table made of metal and glass, probably an expensive piece by some famous designer.

  “Harley, I won’t let anybody attack you or your blog,’’ Dex growled out, his voice so cold and hard it gave me chills. His dark eyes were so intense it was hard for me to look at them.

  I shook my head and turned away from him when he came to sit right next to me on the big leather couch. I let him take one of my hands in his, but I kept mine limp.

  “You can’t do anything. You’ve done enough as it is.’’ The bitterness in my voice is ill-placed because while he shouldn’t have kissed me earlier, I hadn’t pushed him away. I was just as guilty as he was. I had wanted that kiss, if only the circumstances had been different.

  “Babe, fuck, I know I messed up, but look at me.’’

  I bit on my lip and turned toward him, unable to resist the plea in his low voice. “We both messed up. Just… this time, promise me you’ll listen to my father and me no matter what you hear from the media or your fans.’’ He scowled at me and I knew very well what that meant. Stubborn man. “Damn it, Dex. Promise me.’’

  “I can’t.’’

  I tugged on my hand trapped in his, but he didn’t let go. If anything, he tried to lace his fingers with mine, but I kept mine limp to make it difficult for him. I could be stubborn too.


  “No, listen. I will never make a fucking promise to do something if it means I can’t take care of you or try and protect you. You can be mad at me, curse me or whatever.’’ He put the hand not holding mine behind my head. “I will never let my fucking life ruin yours.’’

  It’s difficult to stay still when he said something like that. I gulped and finally wrapped my fingers around his. “You make it impossible to stay mad at you. Why aren’t you the same asshole as you were when we first met, huh?’’

  He chuckled and leaned into me to kiss my forehead and I couldn’t stop the tiny disappointment that hit me when he didn’t go for my lips. “You’re too hot, Harley. I can’t be an asshole when I constantly want you and when I know I can fucking have you now.’’

  “You’re so romantic,’’ I laughed and got closer to him but contrary to him, I didn’t go for his forehead. I went for his lips and like always he made me forget everything else.

  “I could be,’’ he said against my lips before he deepened the kiss in such a way that my skin tingled all over my body and I couldn’t wait to get closer to him.

  But I didn’t have to make the first move. His hands clasped my hips and he pulled me in his lap as if I weighed nothing more than a feather. I let myself press against him without breaking the kiss and moaned into his mouth when his cock already hard pushed into me. I ran a hand through his hair and curling it between my fingers. My other one went down his chest. His abs tensed when he pushed his hips upward to tease me in such a way we’re both moaning in each other’s mouths before we had to break the kiss. I was out of breath, my eyes only slits as my eyelids seemed to battle my will to close and enjoy more of what he was doing with just a few moves of his hips and his hands, one on my ass squeezing and the other on my breast, toying with my nipple.

  And now that he started it, I couldn’t stop the movement of my own hips seeking his until I started to feel more and more restless with the desire that had been pooling in my belly from the moment he kissed me at the coffee bar. It had been dampened for a bit, but it was coming back in full force with a desperation I didn’t understand where it came from.

  “Babe, I want you. Tell me you want me too,’’ he asked between pants and after a strangled moan when we started moving faster, chasing the pleasure just out of reach.

  He didn’t have the same hangup as he used to when it came to sex and since we started sleeping together he had been very eager, but once in a while, he needed reassurance, knowing for sure that I wanted it, that I craved him. And strangely it always made me want him more.

  I stopped moving and quickly grabbed the hem of my top and tore it off my body, not caring if it messed with my hair. Sex wasn’t supposed to be clinical and orderly. It’s supposed to be made of passion, of raw need, and without restraint. With Dex, it was always that and more.

  I dropped my top on the couch next to us and put my hands on his face, caging him there as his eyes devoured my curves. He didn’t have to touch me for me to feel his eyes caressing my heaving breasts so sensitive in my light cotton bra. Looking at Dex, though, made me feel as if I was wearing the sexiest, skimpiest underwear.

  “I want you, Dex. Touch me,’’ I said in a whisper before I leaned in and kissed him.

  But soon he broke the kiss to explore my chest. I sighed when his lips met the swell of my breasts and his left hand cupped my breast in such a way I had to arch up and close my eyes. I was boiling already.

  I balled his t-shirt and started tugging on it, trying like hell to get it up and off of him, but it didn’t budge. With the way he was sitting on the couch and with me on top of him, I knew I couldn’t do much.

  “Dex…’’ I said breathlessly, my head was thrown back when his lips closed around my erect nipple still covered by my bra. The damp fabric clung to it and when his teeth nibbled on my sensitive skin I moaned his name again.

  “Tell me what you want,’’ he growled after a few more minutes of this delicious torture. “Tell me, babe. I’ll do whatever the fuck you want me to if it means you moan my name again.’’

  “Oh God,’’ I muttered and locked eyes with his, finding them filled with a lust so potent I was ready to melt completely in his arms. “Take off your shirt. I want to feel you.’’

  I didn’t have long to mourn the loss of his hands on me as he got his t-shirt off in one quick move before they were back on me, this time searing my skin more vividly.

  And then, the doorbell rang.

  We both froze mid-kiss. I tried pulling back, but his big arms wrapped around me wouldn’t let me. I frowned at him and opened my eyes to meet his dark ones. I tried again pulling back with my hands on his bare pecs that bunched tantalizingly. This time, he let me go, but the purse of his lips and the way his eyes narrowed told me he wasn’t a happy camper. I couldn’t blame him considering how much I wanted to take off all our clothes and to feel all of him against me, in me. We both wanted to ignore the world for a little while.

  “Are you expecting someone?’’ I asked out of breath, my hands now trailing over his chest. I was mesmerized by the play of his muscles there, flexing under my palms whenever I traced his abs, his pecs and his obliques. That’s when he grabbed my hands in his big ones and shook his head, jaw ticking.

  “You pulled away from me so don’t make it more difficult to stop from jumping on you.’’ His voice is grave, growling. It was nothing like his usual smoky voice and it sent more tingles through my body, lighting me whole as if I was a damn bulb. “And no, I’m not waiting for anybody. Fuck, for all we know it might be some damn paparazzo who found a way to get through the gates.’’

  He released my hands and rubbed at his face before sighing deeply when the doorbell rang again followed by a few loud knocks on the door that echoed from the hall leading to the doorway.

  “Either way, they really want to see you,’’ I muttered and climbed off of Dex to sit back on the couch. I grabbed my top and started to shrug it on when Dex’s tattooed hand shot to me and stopped me.

  “What the fuck are you doing?’’

  I gaped at him and my eyebrows shot up on my f
orehead. “Uh… Getting dressed? You have someone at your door, Dex. I can’t stay in my damn bra.’’

  “There could be the fucking Queen of England or Elvis’ reincarnation at my door I wouldn’t give a damn.’’

  “Are you for real?’’ I asked, unsure if he was pulling my leg or not at this point. But when his eyes narrowed further on my face and his fists clenched in his lap, I realized he wasn’t kidding.

  The man has spent years without sex, but now that he’s back on the saddle he couldn’t answer a damn door if it meant postponing sex for a bit.

  The doorbell rang again and this time he stood up, cursing. “Okay, I’ll see who it is. Fucking cockblocker.’’

  I chuckled as I watched him walking stiffly and adjusting his pants as he strode to the front door. I quickly put on my top and stretched my legs still feeling like jelly after the way Dex toyed with me on the couch.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?’’ Dex’s voice rang loudly from the entryway and I tensed, wondering if it was really possible that a paparazzo found a loophole in the security of the gated community.

  “Nice. I see you’re in a good mood, fucker,’’ Otis said with a chuckle.

  I immediately relaxed.

  “Let us in, Dex. We don’t know what the neighbors are going to say if they spot us here. It was already difficult to pass the dam of paparazzi parked out there,’’ Beckett said with a no-nonsense voice he always used.

  “You didn’t tell me what you’re doing here,’’ Dex repeated with resignation as I heard steps getting closer after the door closed.

  “Are we interrupting something?’’ Otis asked and laughed when he spotted me on the couch. “Oh fuck, Harley. Sex hair suits you.’’

  I brought a hand to my hair and cringed while Dex’s ears turned red.


  “We saw the video and pictures of the kiss and got a call from Floyd saying we needed to lay low right now,’’ Otis said and went to sit next to my girl still trying to tame her hair.


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