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Sunrise in Bali - Across the Pond Trilogy (Book 1)

Page 7

by L. A. Shorter

  Mark seemed to be leading the party, and so started plotting a course down along the beachfront to what was apparently the most active part of the island. He'd been the one taking instruction from Andy on where to go, so everyone left it to him to lead them to the source of the action. What Jenny didn't realize at this point, however, was that Gili Trawangan was also known for its drugs, and magic mushrooms were a common appetizer for those seeking an eventful night out.

  It didn't take them long to reach what appeared to be a very popular bar down on the edge of the beach. It was large and circular, surrounded on all sides by decking with chairs and tables. The crowds spilled out down onto the beach, some chatting away in large groups playing games, others dancing together or alone. There were people with fire sticks creating magnificent red and orange patterns against the black sky, while others could be seen covered in face paint and glitter. It was a wild scene, full of color, music, and movement, and something that Jenny had never experienced before. She turned to Sarah, “this is crazy!”

  “I know,” Sarah shouted back in her ear... “I love it!”

  By this stage Mark had made the decision to stick it out there for a while, at least to 'warm up', as he'd said. They found a table large enough to accommodate them all and Mark went to get drinks with Todd. Jenny could see them at the bar, thick as thieves, plotting something. She looked over at Andrew, who was entertaining Emily with this Irish wit, and Sarah, who was chatting away happily with Henry, perhaps trying to extract some information about Mark.

  Soon enough Mark and Todd were back, passing around a shot each and putting two large cocktail jugs onto the center of the table. “Right, here are your glasses,” Mark passed out a glass each, “it's time to play a little drinking game!”

  The next hour passed by in a flurry of downed drinks and unexpected confessions, both owing to the drinking game 'never have I ever'. Sarah was forced to tell the story of her run in with the athletic coach at high school, while Todd dished the dirt on some wild times he'd had on drugs back in London. The most revealing story, however, for Jenny at least, came from Henry, when Mark got him to talk about his experiences with his ex girlfriend, who'd he'd only recently broken up with. He didn't seem happy talking about it, but was bound by the rules of the game to 'spill', according to Mark, Todd, and Andrew. After his reveal he quickly absented himself to the bar to fetch another batch of cocktails.

  Jenny looked over at Henry at the bar, and saw him retreat somewhat into his shell. She began to realize that he was recovering from a broken heart as well; that he'd been suffering just as she had. She suddenly felt an ever closer connection to him, like they were following the same path. His journal, his pensive nature, this entire trip...maybe it was all a way for his to escape as well?

  Henry returned just in the nick of time with the refills, and the drinking game began to change track. Mark seemed to have noticed that Henry was less than pleased with talking about his ex, so quickly changed the game to something less personal. After a couple of options were passed round, the group decided on '21' to get things moving quickly. Thankfully, the whole group knew how to play it, so they didn't have to waste any time explaining the somewhat complicated rules.

  After another half an hour of the game, it was becoming clear that the alcohol was having its desired effect. Emily, seemingly a lightweight, had suddenly become the chattiest person on tour, beating out even Todd and Mark in the banter stakes. Todd himself was becoming a little restless, gesturing to Mark to head off to another venue, while the drink had clearly gone to Sarah's head as she pawed over Mark with little thought for the rest of the groups judging eyes. Only Andrew and Henry remained fairly level headed, both apparently unaffected by the copious cocktails that they'd all consumed. Jenny had tried to be slightly more reserved with her consumption, knowing her limits, but was starting to feel the familiar numbing of senses brought on by alcohol. It all made Henry seem even more appealing to her.

  Chapter 10

  As the last of the cocktails were seen off, Mark suggested that they find a new venue, largely on the back of Todd's insistence. The group agreed, and they wandered off further down the beach looking for somewhere suitable. It appeared that Mark and Todd were looking for somewhere in particular, probably on the advice of Andy, Jenny assumed. Within a few minutes they'd arrived at a relaxed bar set just off the beach away on the other side of the walkway. It became immediately clear to Jenny what Todd was after as she looked up at the sign for the bar – mushrooms. As he'd recently revealed, he'd dabbled in drugs in his past, and it appeared that mushrooms were next on his hit list. What surprised her the most, however, was Marks apparent eagerness to try them as well. It just didn't really sit with his character.

  “OK team, Todd, Henry and I are gonna stick it out here for a while....anyone is welcome to join if they want, or there's a cool bar just over the road there on the beach.” A quizzical look crossed Henry's face when Mark spoke his name.

  Jenny felt this was going too far. Sure, she'd enjoy drinking alcohol on nights out but drugs were never on her agenda. She looked at Sarah who also didn't seem overly keen on the idea, although her temptation to stick close to Mark seemed to be swaying her slightly. “Jen, what'd you might be wild!”

  “Sorry babe but no way....I don't ever wanna do drugs.” She wasn't giving an inch on this one.

  As Sarah was beginning to try to tempt Jenny further, Henry piped up: “hey Mark, you know me...and this isn't it mate. My brothers would kill me if they found out I'd done mushrooms so....count me out.”

  Mark didn't seem overly surprised at this statement and gave Henry a look of 'fair enough'. In fact, Henry seemed a little disapproving himself of what Mark and Todd were about to do. Apparently, this would be a first for Mark as well and drugs weren't a part of their friendship.

  After a minute the two groups split. Jenny had won her battle with Sarah, while Andrew chose to stick close to the girls to make sure they were OK. Emily, meanwhile, opted to join Mark and Todd after hitting it off with them over the drinking games. Andrew, a fair few years older than the rest, asked her whether she was sure, to which he got the annoyed 'leave me alone' younger sister type treatment. “I tried,” he said, turning to the girls, although Jenny wasn't overly disappointed that she'd be off with the others.

  The larger group then ventured back over to the beach and fetched another round of drinks from the bar. Henry and Andrew walked at the front, jointly leading the party, both of them seemingly against the idea of drugs. Sarah looked over her shoulder as they went - the drink was really affecting her now and her mind seemed locked on Mark. They sauntered down to the beach, the guys chatting away about the impending Rugby World Cup and the respective chances of England and Ireland. Soon enough, they'd found a patch of sand with cushioned beach chairs around a table and sat down to enjoy the ambiance.

  It was quieter at this end of the beach and they were able to talk without shouting. Jenny sat back in her chair, the alcohol swimming in her system, betraying her senses. She looked at Henry who continued his rugby debate with Andrew, and smiled. She felt relaxed and comfortable, slightly removed from the loud dance beats and hedonistic atmosphere at the busier end of the shoreline. This was her sort of night out: tipsy but not drunk, nice cocktails not shots, sensible conversations about interesting topics not mindless ramblings and banter.

  Sarah, however, was diverting her attention somewhat. She was clearly drunk and her thoughts seemed entirely dominated by Mark, constantly talking about him and wondering whether she should go and join him. After about 45 minutes the alcohol got the better of her and she darted off, against Jenny's advice, to go and see how they were doing. Jenny was afraid that she'd end up taking mushrooms as well, especially if it meant spending more time with Mark, but there was little she could do. Thankfully, she stumbled back down the beach about 10 minutes later, a grumpy look on her face: “they weren't there,” she said, slurring her words, “I couldn't find them.”

  Jenny couldn't help but be relieved. A combination of alcohol, drugs, and a boy who didn't seem interested in her seemed like a recipe for disaster. “That's alright babe, they'll turn up soon enough, they know we're here. Let's just relax and enjoy ourselves, OK?” At that Henry got up and fetched some more drinks, returning with another batch of cocktails and a large jug of water. He passed a knowing look at Jenny as he placed the water in front of Sarah, and served up the cocktails to the others.

  The night carried on in this vein for a little longer, with Henry and Andrew mainly talking to each other and Jenny trying to coax Sarah out of her slump. To perk her up, Jenny suggested they go for a dance up on the decking area near the bar, leaving the boys to finish the cocktails: by this point, Sarah had well and truly had enough and Jenny wanted to keep her head fresh to make sure she was safe. After a quick dance they were back at the bar getting some water when a few Australian lads approached them. They were a little bit rowdy and drunk, Jenny thought, but appeared friendly.

  “G'day girls, how are you doing tonight? You fancy having a drink with us?”

  Jenny glanced down towards Henry and Andrew on the beach, who continued to chat away oblivious. “Erm, we're actually with those two guys down there.” She pointed down the beach.

  “No we're not,” Sarah suddenly came alive, “they're just friends of ours. We'd love a drink with you.” She turned to Jenny: “what's the problem, they're hot...”

  Jenny got the feeling that Sarah was trying to make Mark jealous somehow, as if he'd return just to see her surrounded by a bunch of guys. “We'll, I'd love a drink anyway even if she doesn't,” Sarah gestured to Jenny.

  “Great....shots and cocktails coming up!” said the guy, turning to the barman.

  Jenny felt compelled to stay with Sarah even though all she wanted was to go back down and join the guys. Sure, these boys were good looking, but she had no interest in them at all. Her eyes turned back to Henry down the beach, who had glanced up to see where they were. Jenny saw him look at her and Sarah at the bar, surrounded by a bunch of guys, a look of jealously written on his face. He turned back to Andrew, but Jenny could clearly see him looking up at them regularly.

  After a couple of shots, Sarah was getting overtly flirty with the guys. There were three of them, all whispering in each others ears and laughing suggestively. All but one had lost any interest in talking to Jenny, disinterested as she seemed, and were dancing and getting overly tactile with Sarah as she continued to guzzle on the cocktails they passed her. Jenny leaned in to Sarah and spoke in her ear: “babe, you alright with all these guys?”

  Sarah shooed her away and turned straight back to the guys. They were now starting to get even more physical, pulling her around and grappling over her like a prize. The guy with Jenny seemed nice enough though, telling corny jokes and seemingly trying a less direct pulling tactic than his mates. Jenny's attention, however, was barely on him, as she continued to look over at Sarah, slightly concerned. She now appeared completely off her head, stumbling about and being propped up by the three guys around her, laughing as they copped a feel. Then, one of them stepped in to give her a kiss, to which she accepted at first. When the next pulled her off him, however, and went in to kiss her himself, she started to get a bit more defensive, trying to push the guy away with her hands. The guy continued to try to kiss her, pulling her hands away and laughing as he did.

  Jenny had seen enough, but as she started off towards them Henry came rushing past her and pushed the guy to the ground. He grabbed Sarah by the arm and gently pulled her back behind him towards where Jenny stood: “keep your hands off her,” he warned the group menacingly.

  The guy hit the floor hard but launched himself up, coming straight at Henry and trying to punch him in the face. Henry swerved to the side, clearly more sober, and pushed the guy in the back. He went straight into the bar, smashing his head on the counter, and crashing back down to the floor. His two mates come rushing in, ready to attack, as Andrew appeared at Henry's side. They stopped suddenly to grab their felled companion who groggily got to his feet.

  Henry and Andrew stood steadfast: “you treat a girl like that and you're gonna get hit mate,” said Henry coolly, unwavering. He turned his head to the guy stood next to Jenny, “I think your mate might have a concussion. I suggest you get him to bed asap.” The guy sheepishly nodded and went over to the others before they all dragged their heels back up the road, supporting their downed mate and springing insults as they went.

  Henry turned straight back to Sarah, who was sat, face in hands, sobbing, on a chair near the bar. He kneeled down in front of her and gently pulled her hands away from her face. “You OK?” he asked softly, looking straight into her tear soaked eyes. “Do you want to go home?”

  She nodded, gingerly getting to her feet. “OK, let's head off,” he said, giving her a quick hug before turning around to the others and passing Sarah over to Jenny. “I think we should all get going now, although I'm a little concerned about the rest of the group. I don't really want to leave without them.”

  “That's alright mate,” it was Andrew, “ I'll go look for them and make sure they all get back alright. You get the girls home safely.” Andrew himself had had some history of drugs as a youngster so was in a better position to handle the situation.

  Henry nodded his approval before they all set off back to where they had arrived on the island. According to Andy, getting a taxi late at night was possible, but they might have to barter for it and be willing to spend a lot more money. Jenny walked behind with her arm around Sarah, watching Henry confer with Andrew ahead about the best places to look for the others. She had just seen another side of Henry that made her weak at the knees – protective, loyal, and heroic. The way he stepped in and dealt with the situation was hugely attractive to her.

  By the time they had reached the docking area Andrew had made his way off in search of the others. “Sit here girls while I find us a taxi. It won't take a minute,” he smiled at Sarah reassuringly, who continued to sob quietly onto Jenny's shoulder. Jenny watched Henry as he approached what appeared to be a group of boat owners, all lingering down on the shore next to a series of small wooden crafts. He talked for a minute or two with each before returning: “right girls, I've found us a guy who'll take us back over to Gili Meno. Don't worry about the cost, I've covered it.”

  Jenny waked Sarah from her stupor and followed Henry down to the beach. They stepped aboard and sat on short benches facing each other, Jenny propping Sarah up on one side, and Henry facing them on the other. Seconds later the small motor at the back whirled to life and the boat started cruising off towards the dark shadow of Gili Meno in the distance, it's silhouette cast against the black skies by the glowing light of the moon.

  As they began to speed away from island, the noise began to dissipate until only the light chugging of the motor and the gentle splashing of the boat against the waves could be heard. Sarah had passed out once more, leaving Jenny and Henry alone for the first time in days. They sat opposite each other, the boat so small that their knees were nearly touching, and gazed longingly into each others eyes. Henry leaned in and took Jenny's hands, dragging her closer towards him. They sat there for a moment, hand in hand, looking at each other in the lingering light, but said nothing. Soon they were midway between the islands, and Gili Trawangan was just a series of lights in the distance. Jenny glanced over the back of the boat to see the water lit up all around them by green patches and spots of phosphorescent algae, glowing under the light of the bright moon and stars above. She looked up to see the night sky peppered busily with beautiful white lights, denser and thicker than she had ever witnessed. Not a spot of sky was left untouched by a shining star, casting their glow down onto the shimmering green water.

  She looked back at Henry, who looked in wonder at the beautiful setting around them. He released his left hand from Jenny's grasp and reached up to her neck, gently pulling her head towards him as he leaned in. Their lips met u
nder the watchful stars, a gentle kiss that rose in passion as the boat cut closer towards their destination. A minute passed, then two, as they embraced, Jenny lost in a dizzy world of shining lights and wet lips. The alcohol continued to course through her veins, heightening the moment and emptying her of her inhibitions. It was their second kiss, and even more magical than the first: a moment of pure exhilaration.

  As their embrace ended they were quickly rounding the side of Gili Meno towards the shore. Jenny reluctantly pulled herself away from Henry and tugged at Sarah's shoulder: “We're back babe.”


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