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More Than This

Page 14

by Shannyn Schroeder

  Ryan answered, “She left. She asked me to bring you home.”

  “Figures.” She looked back at Kate. “She was really upset, wasn’t she?”

  Kate patted Quinn’s arm. “Indy will be fine. She’s a big girl.”

  “Why was she upset? She’s a really good singer.” Ryan wondered if he’d ever understand women’s emotions.

  Quinn turned back to him and closed her eyes for a moment. The back-and-forth motion probably made the room spin.

  She took a breath. “She doesn’t mix her personal life with business. Griffin is definitely business for her.”

  He knew Griffin didn’t see it exactly the same, but withheld his comment. “So? Does she think he’ll fire her for having a great voice?”

  “Given the song she chose, it probably has something to do with her boyfriend.” She finally picked up the glass of water and drained it.

  Griffin returned to the table carrying Quinn’s food. He placed the plate in front of her and sat next to Kate. Quinn giggled.

  “Something funny?” Griffin asked.

  Quinn chose a French fry and bit it. “You’re a computer geek by day, waiter by night?” She chuckled alone.

  Ryan watched her bite into the cheeseburger with her eyes closed. Had she thought to eat before going out tonight? As she swallowed the first bite, Rachel returned with another glass of water. She shot Ryan an apologetic look. He shook his head.

  “Why would he think less of Indy?”

  Quinn took another bite of her burger and rolled her eyes. Like he was stupid for not understanding. “It’s not that he heard her sing. She wouldn’t want him to read too much into the song.”

  Ryan absorbed the information and recalled the song. She’s involved with a married man. Quinn continued to attack her cheeseburger. Kate focused intently on the stage. Griffin stared at him, his look revealing he, too, understood.

  Griffin shrugged and asked Kate, “Would you like to dance?”

  She looked startled. “Seriously?”

  Griffin stood and extended his hand to help her up. She beamed at Quinn. “I’ll be back. Don’t disappear.”

  Ryan studied Quinn’s face. “Feeling better?”

  “Much. What the hell is in that drink? It was a total sneak attack.” She finished her water and checked the dance floor.

  Dan had chosen two singers with ballads to keep couples on the dance floor. Ryan’s eyes found Griffin. He appeared to be having a good time with Kate. They were in deep conversation.

  Ryan leaned closer to Quinn. “Sorry. I can’t tell you the recipe. It’s a highly guarded secret.”

  “I need to know so I can avoid whatever’s in it. I went from feeling pleasantly buzzed to having numb lips in a snap.”

  He watched her form the words. “Numb?”

  “That’s how I know I’m drunk. My lips go numb.”

  “So you can’t feel this.” He touched his lips to hers gently. He found her soft and unguarded.

  She pulled back. “I feel that just fine. The food adequately absorbed alcohol and feeling has been restored.” She touched his cheek. “Thanks for testing, though.”

  Griffin and Kate came back.

  “Have a nice dance?”

  Kate laughed. “It was interesting.”

  “I’m ready to go whenever you are,” Quinn told Kate.

  Kate looked startled again. “Oh, okay. Let’s go.”

  Ryan touched her arm. “I’ll take you home, Quinn. It doesn’t make sense for Kate to drive all the way into the city and back again when I live so close to you.”

  Griffin stood with his hands in his pockets, grinning. “Kate, can I get you another drink?”

  She smiled. “A Diet Coke. I have to drive home, and I don’t want to end up like Quinn.”

  Griff went back to the bar after nodding good-bye to Ryan.

  Quinn inched out of the booth. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Kate laughed. “I’m a married woman. I’m having a pop and great adult conversation.”

  Quinn winked. “But this conversation comes in a pretty hot package. And with a motorcycle. Control yourself.” She stood next to the table.

  Ryan had stepped back to make room for Quinn. He’d intended to make a comment, but he suddenly got an eyeful of leg and a curvy body in a tight dress. He was beginning to regret not having a chance to take Quinn to the dance floor.

  He looked up to find Kate watching him checking out Quinn.

  “You too,” Kate replied. The self-control comment seemed aimed at both of them.

  Quinn picked up her purse, opened it, and fumbled with its contents. “I think I owe Griffin money. I know he bought me a drink and I’m sure I didn’t pay for my food.”

  Ryan put his hand on Quinn’s. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want him to think I’m some sponge who can’t pay.” She closed her purse.

  An image of Colin flashed in his head. “It’s fine.” He nodded good-bye to Kate and put his hand on Quinn’s back to guide her through the crowd. It took great restraint to keep his hand from drifting downward.

  Quinn lifted her head and her eyes swept the crowd.

  “Looking for someone?” Ryan said near her ear. Her perfume wafted up and he leaned in closer.

  “I wanted to thank Griffin for the drink, and food, and letting me lay on him.”

  Ryan straightened at the reminder of seeing Quinn snuggled into Griffin. “Trust me, it was no hardship for him.”

  They pushed their way out into the quiet suburban street. Quinn looked up at the sky briefly and closed her eyes. Ryan stepped closer, waiting for her to fall over.

  Her eyes flicked open and she nudged him with her purse. Pointing up, she said, “Make a wish.”

  Ryan couldn’t stop the smile. Steadfast, practical Quinn wished on stars? Instead of looking up, he took her hand. “I don’t need to wish for anything.” Being alone with her was enough for his night.

  He led her to his car. The night was warm and still. No wind, only the low hum of cars sporadically interrupted the music of the night.

  Ryan opened the door and turned back in time to catch her tugging at the hem of her dress. She eyed the SUV, obviously distraught with having to climb up in her short dress.

  “Here.” He maneuvered Quinn so her back was to the front seat. “Duck your head a little.” He boosted her up so her butt slid into the passenger seat.

  She swiveled and brought her legs in front of her. “Thank you.” Her relief was as plain as the distress had been moments earlier.

  Ryan started the car and the radio turned on. He lowered the volume of the country station before leaving the parking lot. He enjoyed all types of music, but on the way to the bar, he’d listened to country, which fed his melancholy mood. Seeing Indy belt out the song onstage with tears sliding down her cheeks amplified his feeling. He’d missed seeing Quinn.

  He hadn’t realized how much until they were together. He’d been so busy dealing with Colin and his family, he hadn’t had time to focus on Quinn.

  He’d hoped lowering the volume would encourage conversation. Quinn rested an elbow on the door frame and stared at the buildings flying by. They hadn’t spoken in days. Had her interest faded already?

  “You can change the station if you want.”

  Quinn turned to him, looking blank. “This is fine.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just tired and still buzzing.”

  He didn’t believe her, but she obviously didn’t want to talk. They sat in brooding silence as they hit the express lanes on the Kennedy expressway leading them back into the city.

  It took less than thirty minutes. Ryan pulled down Quinn’s street and into her lot.

  She had the door open before he came around. She slid off the seat with her left hand stretching her dress down.

  “I’m okay. You can go home. I’m sorry I pulled you away from bar business to drive my drunk ass home. Again.”
  “I’d be happy to drive your ass wherever, whenever. I came to see you tonight, not to work.”

  Quinn’s mouth dropped open.

  He grabbed her hand, pulled her away from the car, and shut the door. “I’ll walk you up.”

  She linked her fingers through his, but said nothing. Inside, Ryan immediately walked toward the stairwell.

  Quinn tugged him back to the elevator. “I’m still buzzed. Unless you have a cape and plan to fly me up those stairs, it’s the elevator.”

  He leaned forward and pressed the button. “What have you been up to? We haven’t talked in days.”

  She shrugged. “Failing at completing my list. I gave up on posing nude for an art class and settled on hiring a photographer.”

  “And?” he prompted. The elevator doors swooshed open and they stepped in.

  “I found one. I met him and he has an amazing portfolio of portraits.”

  “I hope he’s gay,” Ryan mumbled.

  “What?” The elevator lurched to a stop at the third floor.


  “Uh-oh.” Quinn pressed the button for her floor again. She pressed the Door Open button.

  “Don’t tell me we’re stuck.”

  She laughed. “Okay, I won’t say it.”

  Ryan moved to the panel of buttons. “I knew this thing was a death trap.”

  He pressed every button. The emergency bell rang, but after thirty seconds, Quinn turned it off.

  “Relax. I told you this happens sometimes. It’ll fix itself in a few minutes.” She moved away from the doors and leaned against the back wall.

  He turned and joined her. “Finish telling me about the photographer.”

  “Xander? He’s hot. Like Abercrombie-and-Fitch-model hot.”


  “Okay. I know that’s not what you were asking. But it’s what I noticed first. I assumed he was a model and the woman I’d spoken to on the phone was the photographer. It turns out she’s the young, enthusiastic assistant and he’s the photographer.” She took a moment to kick off her sandals. Purple toenails today.

  “Did you check his references?”

  “Not yet. He gave me the name of another photographer, a woman, since I was uncomfortable with getting naked in front of him. But he’s good.”

  Ryan clenched his jaw and forced it to relax. “What’s the problem?”

  “I’m a chicken.”

  Ryan moved over to stand next to her. “I have a camera. In fact, my phone can take pictures.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks. You should’ve asked while I was really drunk.”

  “I had to offer. So what are you going to do?”

  She shrugged. The movement of her slouched shoulders widened the deep V-neck of her dress. The tops of her breasts were visible from his position.

  He took a deep breath and stepped back.

  She didn’t notice.

  “This isn’t right. The elevator’s never been stuck for this long.” She went back to pressing buttons. No response.

  Ryan pulled out his phone to check for a signal. None.

  “Shit. I can’t believe how wrong this night went.” She ran her fingers through her hair.

  “That was your own fault.”

  “What?” She spun to face him but held the side rail for balance.

  “You let Indy take the spotlight. You had to know she’s a great singer, but you let her steal your night of adventure.”

  “It wasn’t like that.”

  Ryan crossed his arms on his chest. “Really?”

  “Yes. There was some woman who sang Stevie Nicks. She was good. I’m an okay singer, but I didn’t want to follow her. Indy was in a mood. So she sang.”

  “You chickened out.”

  “I planned to sing.”

  “Then you should’ve been on the stage instead of Indy.”

  “You can’t stop Indy. When she’s down, she doesn’t stay that way for long. She does something to feel better. Tonight, singing was it.” As she spoke, she moved closer to Ryan. Her perfume, the sultry one, grabbed him again.

  “She didn’t look too happy at the end of the song.”

  “But she was the star. The center of attention. Everyone in the room, even you, looked at her and said, ‘Wow.’ ” Her eyes flashed in anger.

  She’s upset Indy got my attention again. Ryan wrapped an arm around Quinn’s waist and pulled her body to his. “I said ‘Wow’ when I saw you in this dress.”

  He lowered his mouth and covered hers. The kiss was slow and deep. She needed no coaxing to participate. As soon as his tongue sought entrance, her lips parted.

  She took a half step closer and slid her leg in between his. Ryan’s hand cradled her ass and pressed her into him. He wanted her to know how much he wanted this.

  The leg that slid in between his inched up and down, her bare foot caressing his calf. Ryan felt the hem of the short dress hike up. His mouth left hers. He trailed kisses down to the pulse at her neck while her perfume enveloped his senses.

  His hand moved from her ass to her thigh and under her dress. He was dying to touch her. His mouth returned to hers as his hand brushed the small triangle of panties. Moist heat radiated through the scrap of lace.

  Her low, deep moan vibrated against his lips. He swallowed it. The throbbing in his pants drove him crazy. He pressed his pelvis against her, his erection bumping her. The barrier of clothing was too much.

  He reached and tugged at the panties.

  “Wait,” she said, breathless. “What’s the date?”

  “Huh?” He tugged some more and nibbled her ear.

  “The date.”

  From his foggy brain, he offered, “The twentieth.”

  “God. I’m ovulating. Please tell me you have a condom.”

  Ryan pulled his body inches from her and braced an elbow near her head. “No, I don’t. I’m clean, Quinn. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  He leaned in and kissed her neck.

  “I know you wouldn’t, but I’m ovulating. Chances are good I’d get pregnant. We have to stop.”

  He licked her pulse. “I’m willing to take my chances.” He nipped her earlobe.

  Her hands pressed against his chest. “I’m not.”

  Ryan stepped away from her. They were both panting. She tugged the hem of her dress back in place, but not before he caught a glimpse of the black lace. He shifted and adjusted in hope of finding comfort for his hard dick. The only relief he wanted was inside Quinn.

  Before they could say anything else, the elevator dinged.


  The following morning, Quinn awoke with a pounding headache. Her eyes were barely slits as she sat up. Cottony didn’t begin to describe the horrendous condition of her mouth—a sweaty gym sock would smell better than her breath. She staggered to the bathroom, splashed water on her face, and brushed her teeth twice.

  She felt chilled and realized she was naked. She wrapped a robe around herself and closed her eyes, but she couldn’t remember how she got to bed. So much of the evening blurred incoherently.

  How did anyone find this enjoyable? Her father had spent years waking up like this. How could he function? She couldn’t imagine waking up in this condition next to a man. A hangover looked good on no one.

  She stumbled downstairs and made a pot of coffee. While it brewed, she checked her messages.

  “Hey, babe. I wanted to see if you were free tonight. Give me a call if you want to get together.” Nick must be broke and looking to drink for free.

  “Hey, it’s me.” Indy. “Sorry about last night. I had a fight with Richard, but I didn’t want to ruin your night.” Yeah, that worked real well. “Call me later.”

  “Hi, Quinn. It’s Kate. Just checking on you. Give me a call.” Kate certainly sounded perky.

  Quinn decided she’d have to call Kate if she wanted to find out what happened last night. She poured a cup of coffee and inhaled the scent before drinking. She swallowed two ibuprofen with the ne
xt drink. Sitting at her counter, she tried to piece together her evening.

  The damn blue drink. Indy singing onstage was clear in her mind. Griffin sitting next to her. She had the sudden recollection she’d wanted to kiss him. She’d been mad at Ryan and Griffin was there.


  Hearing his name ring clearly in her mind caused a flood of images. They’d kissed and then some. In the elevator? Yeah, they got stuck and he kissed her. She’d wanted so much more, but they stopped.

  She couldn’t remember going to bed. Her face flushed at the thought of Ryan’s lips on her. The warmth spread through her body.

  Had they continued in the loft? Was that why she was naked?

  Oh, God.

  She picked up the phone to call Ryan and ask, but she didn’t know how. What an idiot. Hi, Ryan, I know I should remember, but did we have sex?

  No, this was not a conversation to have over the phone. She’d have to go see him. The embarrassment of the situation made her shiver.

  The clock on her stove said eleven o’clock. O’Leary’s would be open for lunch. Hopefully she’d catch Ryan there, since she realized she didn’t know where he lived.

  She poured more coffee into her mug and carried it back upstairs to the bathroom. The hot shower relaxed her muscles and eased the headache. She felt a little more human, at least until she looked in the mirror. Her eyes were still bleary and shadows ringed them.

  Oh well. No beauty contests today. Adding makeup helped, as did putting on fresh clothes. The denim shorts and black tank top wouldn’t win any fashion contests either, but at least she was comfortable.

  The sunglasses perched on her nose didn’t cut down the glare from the sun nearly enough, and the pulse behind her eyes let her know her hangover was far from over. She drove to the bar, practicing what to say. She’d never had this kind of conversation. Everything she thought of sounded lame. Ryan would probably find this humorous. He enjoyed seeing her ruffled.

  She parked in the bar’s lot and noted there were only a handful of cars. She spotted Ryan’s SUV in the back. Running her fingers through her still-damp hair, she inhaled deeply. This is no big deal. Ryan’s a friend. You can handle this. What a load of shit for a pep talk. She should’ve called Indy for advice.


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