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Dare to Surrender: The Dare Menage Series, Book 5

Page 19

by Jeanne St. James


  “Yes, that too.”


  “Possibly. If you two could open your hearts to me, I think I would like that.”

  Grant ran his fingers through her hair and swept it over her bare shoulder. “I think we can open our hearts, honey. I just don’t know what would come of it. I can’t make any promises. Eli and I have been together a long time... Just the two of us.”

  She nodded. “I understand that. I would understand if you don’t want to add me to your relationship. I’d be a third wheel.”

  Eli made a noise from the corner. “Mon amour, she’s making it very difficult for me not to approach the bed to assure her otherwise.”

  “Why can’t you approach the bed?” Liv’s eyebrows furrowed as she stared at Eli.

  “I’m going to sit here and watch Grant and you together... if that’s okay with you, of course.”

  She shook her head in confusion. “Why?”

  “To see if I’m okay with you making love with my husband without me being directly involved. And then, you and I will do the same, while he watches. Is that okay with you?”

  The thought of having each man by himself while the other watched made her quiver. Her nipples beaded and her breathing shallowed. “I don’t have a problem with it. But just so you two are aware, I do enjoy having both of you together. I never want you to think otherwise.”

  Eli chuckled. “Yes, we know you do. As we enjoy having you at the same time, also. But there may be times that we aren’t all together and we need to know what works and what doesn’t. What’s acceptable for Grant, for me, and for you, too, Olivia.”

  She nodded. Sliding a hand over Grant’s broad shoulders, she moved on her knees until her hard nipples pressed to his back and she wrapped her arms around his neck, running her hands down his chest, appreciating the short, wiry hairs that tickled her palms. Pressing her lips to his neck, she lightly scraped her teeth along his skin.

  Grant reached up and grabbed her wrists, dragging one of her hands down to his cock, which was rock solid beneath his jeans.

  “Do you want me?” Liv whispered in his ear.

  “Do I leave you any doubt?” he whispered back.

  “No, none.”

  With a nod of his head, he twisted his neck to look at her. “Then you’re okay with this?”

  “Yes, absolutely,” she answered, her voice breaking with excitement. “Whatever you want...” She hesitated for a moment. “I need my own pet name for you. You call me honey. Eli calls me ma chérie. You call Eli baby or big man. So I guess I need one for both of you.”

  “Hmm,” Grant answered, pushing from his seated position to a stand. “You can call me whatever comes natural. Now... take my jeans off, honey.”

  With a smile, she followed him off the bed and came around to his front, reaching for his zipper. She slowly slid it down, not breaking his eye contact. He wore no boxer briefs, so the lower the zipper went, the more his cock was exposed until it fell completely free of the pants. She stroked it twice before tucking her thumbs into the waistband and peeling his jeans down his legs. On her way down, she quickly licked the drop of precum that beaded on the crown. When she pushed the denim all the way to his ankles, he stepped back and before she could finish rising to her feet, he hooked her under her arms and tossed her back onto the bed.

  She squealed then laughed as she landed with a bounce. But his mouth captured the last of her laughter as he kissed her hard, his tongue swirling against hers. When she moaned, he captured that, too.

  He pulled away slightly. “Do you know what a St. Andrews Cross is, Liv?”

  She shook her head.

  “Do you want to find out?”


  “No. Not right now. Right now is just for us. Then for you and Eli. By the time we’re done with you, we expect you to be fully satisfied and ready to sleep. I’m sure we’ll be, too. Maybe tomorrow we’ll explore that option when we’re fresher.”

  “Whatever you want, baby,” she murmured and loved that his eyes lit up with that admission.

  But it was true, she had decided earlier she’d do whatever she’d need to do to make everything right with Grant. And it wasn’t a sacrifice at all. She would benefit by everything they did to her and everything they asked in return. She trusted them to never do anything she wouldn’t want to do or to do something that would hurt her.

  “How much do you want me?” Grant growled into her ear, his cock pressing against her thigh, his silky precum leaking onto her skin.

  She snagged his hand cupping her breast and tweaking her nipple, and shoved it down between them. She pushed it between her thighs and with her fingers on top of his, she slipped both of their middle fingers inside of her. “Feel that?”

  “I might have to investigate further,” he murmured as he took small bites along her shoulder and down her chest, nipping one breast then the other. He nibbled down her belly and finally he sucked at her clit and their middle fingers worked in and out of her simultaneously.

  He ate her like a starved man, his lips and tongue making her hips jump. She cried out his name, her back arching as he continued to fuck her with not only his finger but hers since he wouldn’t let it go. When he sank his teeth into the tender flesh of her inner thigh, she jerked and then came with a rush of wetness.

  “That’s it, honey, give me everything you have. Show me how wet you can get,” he murmured against her skin. Then he was up and over her, his large body covering her completely, taking her hard and fast, ramming himself deep.

  A fleeting thought of him not using a condom swept through her but it was quickly forgotten as he circled her neck with his fingers and kissed her completely, thoroughly. The harder he squeezed, the wetter she got. Once again, he didn’t take it far enough to hurt her, but just enough to make it exciting, to send that now familiar thrill shuddering through her.

  He knew how to take it to the very edge, but not push past it. When he changed the angle of his thrusts, it only took moments for the buildup once more, the rush to the end, and when he pounded her as hard as he could, she fell... Her body rippling intensely around his, squeezing his cock. She gasped as his fingers flexed tighter and he broke the kiss, pressing his forehead to hers, their eyes locked.

  “I’m going to come now, Liv... Tell me to come inside you.”

  “Come inside me, baby.”

  “Tell me again. Use my name.”

  “Come inside me, Grant. Please.”

  With a grunt, his body arched over hers and he thrusted one more time before becoming still, his cock throbbing as he spilled deep inside her.

  It was a few long moments before he broke eye contact and smiled down at her. “I made you mine. Eli will make you his next. Then, tomorrow we’ll make you both of ours once again.” He pressed his lips to hers lightly.

  She wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck and whispered, “You didn’t use a condom.”

  “No. You said you haven’t had sex with anyone in twelve years and we get tested regularly. “

  That was all well and good, but... “Grant, I’m not on any kind of birth control.”

  His eyes widened and he pulled back a bit. “Fuck. I shouldn’t have assumed.”

  Eli’s deep voice came from nearby. “But you did, mon amour. So now it’s my turn. Tomorrow we’ll go back to taking care until she’s protected.”

  She and Grant both turned their heads to look at Eli, who now stood next to the bed, his hard length jutting straight out from his body.

  “And if...” Liv started but then let it hang out there because she didn’t hate the idea of having their child. Not at all. Maybe it wouldn’t be optimal timing, maybe it wouldn’t be planned. But being around Preston and Cayden this last week had brought out some mothering instincts she didn’t realize she even had.

  After having a mother who never acted like one, she never considered being one herself. She had no idea what being a loving mother was l
ike. But watching Quinn in this short week showed her how naturally it should come.

  But that was neither here nor there right now...

  “Then we’ll just deal with the consequences if something comes out of this.” Eli offered his hand to Grant. “Now, mon amour, it’s time for you to go sit in the hot seat and watch us.”

  “Do you want me to go clean up?” Liv asked, starting to rise as Grant slipped from her and climbed off the bed.

  “Absolument pas. Absolutely not, ma chérie.”

  Liv hesitated and considered what that meant. Eli wanted to spill his seed inside her along with Grant’s. The thought was...


  Her heart started to race with the anticipation of Eli making love to her next.

  She settled back onto the bed, watching as Grant took Eli’s place in the chair, his cock still semi-erect. Then her eyes slid to Eli as the mattress sank beneath his weight.

  “How do you want me, mon coeur?”

  His dark eyes shot to hers and a broad smile spread across his face. “I didn’t teach you that.”

  She returned the smile. “No. I’ve been taking a free online course while I’ve been here. But I plan on taking French 101 next semester, too. Would you like that?”

  “I would love that, ma chérie. Now... à genoux face à Grant, afin qu'il puisse te regarder quand je te ferai jouir.”

  She laughed because she had no idea what he just said. “Eli...”

  He laughed, too, as he pulled her to her knees and with hands on her hips, turned her to face where Grant sat. “Hand and knees, ma chérie. Let mon cher mari watch me make you come.”

  Liv smiled at Grant as he settled more deeply into the chair, giving her a wink.

  Then Eli easily made her come.


  Chapter 17

  Eli groaned as he peeled himself away from Olivia’s back. It had to be the middle of the night and he’d ended up spooning her while she curled against Grant’s side.

  He blinked as his phone vibrated again on the nightstand. The room was dark and for a moment he forgot they were still at the Reed-White’s farm, sleeping in their big bed.

  He rolled and sat up, snagging the phone, and looked at the time. Midnight. He guessed it wasn’t that late after all, but even so, why was Gryff calling now?

  With another groan, he got to his feet and hurried out of the bedroom, hitting the Answer button after shutting the door quietly behind him.

  “Boss,” he greeted.

  “Sorry, Eli, if I’m interrupting anything. But I figured you’d want to know right away.”

  “You’re not interrupting. We were sleeping.”

  “Then I apologize for waking you, but there’s breaking news that can’t wait.”

  Eli moved farther away from the bedroom so he didn’t have to whisper. But his heart began to beat like a drum from the tone of Gryff’s voice. “What is it?”

  “Dean was just arrested about two hours ago. He’s already been arraigned and is being held without bail.”

  Eli sucked in a breath and then let it out slowly, letting that news sink into his fuzzy brain. “Okay.”

  “Since it’s for murder, he’s being held without bail until his preliminary hearing.”


  “Eli, that’s good news.”

  “Of course it is.”

  “Why don’t you sound more enthused? This is what we were waiting for. Now Liv can come back to the city and, hopefully, will be safe.”

  “He’ll plead not guilty,” Eli murmured.

  “To be expected. But he’s a flight risk no matter what, so they won’t let him go.”

  “He’s got power behind him.”

  “It’s first degree murder, Eli,” Gryff reminded him.


  “She’ll be safe, and we’ll follow it closely. If, for some reason, they release him until his trial, which I can’t imagine even he’d have that much pull for, we’ll deal with it then. You can bring her home. In fact, Trey wants her here at the house until he finds her a better apartment.”

  Eli fought to keep his voice steady and neutral. “I see.”

  His boss’s voice got low and grumbly. “You don’t sound relieved, Elliott. What’s going on?”


  “No, it’s more than nothing...”

  Silence hung between him.

  “Fuck,” Gryff murmured. “It’s only been two weeks, my man. Not enough time for anyone to fall hard enough.”

  “Not true.”

  “Fuck,” his boss repeated, louder this time. “So, you want her to go back to your place? Is that what she wants? You might get some flack about that from Trey. He really wants to spend time with his sister and not with you two sitting around holding her hands as he does so... Just a warning.”


  Gryff let out a long, loud sigh. “For fuck’s sake, why do I have the feeling I’m going to have to run interference on this one?”

  Eli decided it was best to not answer that.

  Gryff continued, sounding like he was talking to himself more than Eli, “Fuck. Maybe Rayne can do it. He’s more agreeable to getting bad news from her.”

  As Eli opened his mouth to respond, Gryff cut him off. “Okay, well, I’ll let Trey talk to his sister and she can tell him what she wants to do. Then we’ll deal with the fallout. If I hear anything else on Dean, I’ll call. Otherwise, see you on Monday.”

  The phone went dead.

  Eli pulled it away from his ear and stared at the dark screen, then he glanced toward the closed bedroom door.

  He wasn’t going to wake them up to tell them the news. It could wait until morning and if it was up to him, he’d wait until at least Sunday night. He wanted nothing more than for them to finish spending their time together at the farm. He wanted to make sure everything was settled between the three of them before they headed back.

  The last thing he wanted was Olivia to go back to her shitty apartment and job. And she may do that if she thought she was safe and those options were still available.

  He needed to convince her before Sunday to move in with them.

  So maybe he’d let Grant in on the news and just hold off on telling her.

  Grant raked his hand through his hair as he jogged slowly next to Eli along one of the dirt roads bordering a sod field. Eli had just dropped the news of Dean’s arrest and also his future plans. “You want her to move in right away?”

  “Do you think we should wait?” Eli asked, skirting a loose rock in their path.

  He cursed silently, then blew out a breath. “I don’t know. We need to tell her.”

  “Not yet, mon amour.”


  “I’d like to finish our weekend here. I’d prefer for us to spend time together without anyone else butting in.”

  “Anyone... Like Trey.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Grant saw Eli nod. “That whole triad, yes. I want just the three of us for right now. Last night was a start. I had no problem watching the two of you together. You seemed to be fine with watching us.”

  Grant admitted it really turned him on once he faced his own fears. “Yes, there’s still a little worry niggling at me. But, honestly, I think with time that will lessen.”

  “That’s good news, mon amour, and if you’re as sure about moving this relationship forward as I am, then we shouldn’t wait. What do you think?”

  Grant came to a stop in the middle of the dirt road. “Why are you in such a rush?”

  Eli stopped a little ahead, turned and shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t think we should give this more time? If Trey wants her to stay with them, why not have her do that? Simply a week, maybe more. However long they need to reconnect. Baby, they just found each other again. We don’t want to deny them that time, right?”

  “They don’t need to be living in the same house for that,” Eli insisted.

  “No, but—

  “She could come work for the firm. She could work with Trey... As well as Rayne and Gryff. Get to know them all. We won’t interfere with them spending time together.”

  “I know that. But do you want to piss off Trey?”

  “No. But if we suggest they give her a job...”

  “Doing what?”

  Eli planted his hands on his hips and turned away, walking in a slow circle. “I don’t know. It’s a thought.”

  “But you didn’t run this past Gryff.”

  “No. But I could suggest it.”

  “She wants to be a social worker. She wants to help people.”

  “I understand that, mon amour. She can finish her degree while working with us.”

  Grant sucked in a sharp breath. “Holy shit, Elliott, do you hear yourself? You can’t control every aspect of her life. She’s been independent for almost her whole life. At least until this Dean mess. Now you want to do everything for her. She’s not going to accept that.”

  Eli walked away from him and Grant slowly followed, shaking his head.

  “Maybe not.”

  “No maybes about it, Eli.”

  “Can we agree to not tell her until tomorrow evening before we leave? Can we at least have this weekend?”

  Grant wasn’t sure that was a good idea, but he understood what Eli wanted or even needed. After last night, he actually looked forward to the rest of the weekend, as well, to cultivate their relationship and enjoy each other without worrying about anyone else intruding on just the three of them.

  Plus, he couldn’t wait to try that St. Andrews Cross later. He eyeballed Eli walking ahead of him, wearing long, loose nylon shorts and a snug T-shirt that clung to his muscles. The man’s ass still did it for him. He jogged to catch up. When he did, he reached out, grabbing Eli’s arm to halt his forward progress. “Hold up, big man.”

  Eli stopped, his eyebrows raised. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing,” Grant answered, turning his husband toward him. “I have to say, after all these years, I still appreciate that fucking ass of yours.”

  A slow smile crept over Eli’s face, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Yes?”

  Grant answered with a wicked smile of his own. His voice sounded husky even to his own ears. “Oh, yes. Would it be wrong of us to share a private moment out here among these romantic fields of green grass?”


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