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Angel on my Shoulder

Page 17

by Carl Leckey

  Oscar apologises for leaving me in the lurch especially not bringing Denise back to Le Havre as he had promised. All the finance for setting up the company was arranged. If there are any problems I am to call on his bank manager friend Monsieur Gastoyne. For my personal finance he has arranged an account I can draw on. After reading all the letters I need time to think. How shall I get Denise back from the chateau? After spending a night in the big house I am loath to spend another. I make a decision.

  I shall move into the coach house and fix it up for Denise and me for when we are married. Married! That is the big question. When should we get married?

  Oscar is away but for how long? He doesn’t give me a clue in his letter.

  Right now I feel hungry. In about an hour if he is running to time Alec should be at the café. Time for a wash and shave. I dress in some decent clothes then a quick check to see if Pompey Lill has survived without me. Then away I go to get the transport business up and running. Alec is already in the café the French lads have warned him I would be in today. He stands up and warmly greets me when I enter. Breakfast is ordered and we sit down for a meeting. “How are things Alec? How long have you been back? Did you get into France without any problems?” I ask worriedly. “Wow! Hold on Adam.” He laughs and restrains me. “Please one question at a time please. Now it seems I was luckier than you with me being a regular soldier that is why I reckon the army treated me differently. Another thing that helped me and the other lads to stay here that officer of mine opted to stay over here as well. Another reason I didn’t have to go back to the UK for demob simply because I married my widow Lady. “Bloody! Hell Alec! That was sudden wasn’t it?” “Ha, ha. It had to be. That move gave me immediate citizenship. I told you I had no reason to go home to blighty didn’t I? So my friend I am officially a Froggie. By the way have you got an identity card? They are pretty keen on that kind of thing now. The Gendarmes have sweeps to round up the villains and deserters. There are plenty of them lurking on the coast. The deserters can’t get back over the channel without the proper papers you see?” He brings my attention to something I will have to rectify as soon as possible. “Shit I haven’t got a card but I think I know someone who can get me one.”

  This is another reason to meet Monsieur Gastoyne urgently. Alec settles down and says. “Now let’s get down to the real business, you asked me how things are going, before Oscar left we had already got things under way. He had arranged all the finance bank accounts the registering of the business. Of course he had to let Mr Gastoyne in as a partner. His bank is putting up a great deal of the finance. Oscar and you still hold the majority shares though, he made sure of that.” This surprises me a little. I didn’t think we were bringing in another partner.

  But as I have contributed nothing in the way of finance I can’t grumble. Anyway I know Oscar is a very adept business man and I have to trust his judgement. Alec gives me more details of the progress so far. “I have. Correction! I should have said we have five drivers. That is two British and three French lads all ex army.” “Blooming Heck Alec doesn’t anyone want to go home? I am surprised so many English are opting to stay in France.” “Ha! Don’t forget these lads have been here nearly four years. They have put down roots here; the lads are all involved with local girls. You must know there is a shortage of men in France.

  They lost so many in the bloody war and not forgetting the flu as well. Reading between the lines, I think the French are glad so many are staying.” “It’s the same in the UK.” I inform him remembering what Peggy and I had discussed. Alec quickly moves on. “We have a contract with the Ministry of Reconstruction and we are doing well out of it. I have another five drivers lined up but we need to interview them. I am not sure of their background although our friendly banker recommends them. There are a lot of villains about, we shall have to be careful who we employ, and who we deal with. I like to take on ex army men they are used to routine and discipline and have been well trained. We can use as many trucks as we can lay our hands on. That is as long as we can get more drivers they are as rare as hens teeth I’m afraid.” “Well you have another driver here now Alec. I can’t wait to get behind the wheel again.” He looks a little embarrassed and says hesitantly. “I don’t think that is the role Oscar envisaged for you Adam. As I understand it he sees you as the top cat here, definitely management not a truck driver. Anyway here is something you can get your teeth into for a start. I have been looking into the possibility of developing some long distance transport. You know Oscar had to go back to Germany? Well while he is there, he is putting out feelers about setting up a depot out there.” I reply thoughtfully. “Now that sounds interesting. We would be competing with the railways, could be hard but there could be a future in it I suppose. I’ll do some work on it. Anything else we should discuss?” “Yes glad you reminded me, that Colonel friend of yours has been in touch. He has evidently been trying to contact you at the address you gave him in England. A letter came to Oscars house addressed to you he passed it on to me I had to open it sorry Adam, but could have been business.” “No trouble Alec what does he want anyway?” I enquire. “He wants us to link up with his UK operation, he’s sees a great future for cross channel traffic. Anyway I will leave that up to you. I’ll show you his letter at the depot when you come around. By the way, he mentions someone you have been trying to contact.” “Great! I think that will be my mate Sandy; he said he would look into it for me. Is there any news?”

  Alec’ informs me. “Look for yourself in his letter.

  I wouldn’t put too much hope in finding him right away Adam. The war department must be busy trying to trace the thousands of fella’s that went missing in action. You would know better than me what it was like at the front line Scouse.”

  This news depresses me but I am hopeful the Colonel will find Sandy for me. Alec carries on with his report. “Now here is more good news. Two of the Army fitters have stayed on with us.”

  “How did they remain in France for demob? They wouldn’t let me stay when I tried. That’s the reason my girl friend left me.”

  I mutter dejectedly. “Monsieur Gastoyne has evidently got influence, that bugger can arrange anything.” “I should have seen him myself. I didn’t know he was such a wheeler dealer. He must be a very powerful man with influential friends. Hey Alec I reckon there are not many foreigners could make deals with the British Army. Good job he is on our side I say. I reckon it because we are starting a new business over here and basically they need our trucking service.” Alec expresses his opinion. “Don’t worry about him it is not favours he’s doing. He’s making plenty of money out of us and as we expand he’s bound to make more. Shrewd monkey is our French pal I can tell you. Right enough of him, I was going to tell you. We are using our facilities for repairing and servicing other people’s vehicles. So we have another business we never even expected. That was one of the fitters idea’s he’s a good lad plenty of initiative. I have put the two of them on a kind of bonus scheme. It applies to outside work only, they deserve it. In fact I have considered putting all the lads on an incentive scheme to bring in extra work. I reckon we should give them a percentage of the take. What do you think?” “Go for it Alec. I want the fella’s to share in profits. Eventually I would like to give the employees a chance to buy shares in the company but that will come later.” He gives me the details of the scheme. “The fitters only carry out that kind of outside work if none of our trucks needs attention.

  I think we can develop that part of the business. On the whole it’s going very well and I am enjoying every minute. The French bureaucracy is a nightmare but there is a way around or through it if you have a friend like Monsieur Gastoyne.” “Right I’ll have to arrange a meeting with him I’ll do that today. You seem to be up to your eyes, are you managing alright Alec? I’m sorry I never came back earlier but I had some problems in the UK. I found my parents were dead when I reached home. That will be reason the Colonel couldn’t contact me. There are other peopl
e living in the house now. The bloody flu is still raging around Europe.” “I’m sorry to hear about your parents lad didn’t you tell me you were adopted?”

  “Yes I was Alec she was a good Mum to me considering I wasn’t her own.” “Sounds like you have had a rough time over there, you don’t worry about me, it’s great not having officers breathing down my neck I can tell you. What’s better than working for ourselves Oh! And one more thing I nearly forgot. I have had a letter off that movement control lad, you remember the fellow with one leg, Harry Evans?” “Yes I remember him, good man that.” “He’s after a job, now in my opinion he would be an asset to us. He has lots of contacts and he certainly knows his transport, what do you say?” “Is he in France?” “No, but he reckons he can get over here no trouble despite the problems getting passage on the ferries, that’s according to him anyway.” He’ll be lucky. I couldn’t get on a ferry for love or money.

  I’ll deal with that one Alec when I have seen his letter. I’m sure we can use him. Maybe he could be our UK agent. I bet he’s having trouble getting a job him being crippled and all?” He sits back with a huge satisfied smile on his face. Just for one fleeting moment I feel a little jealous that so much progress has been made without my input. But just as quickly I realise I am so fortunate to have such fantastic friends and colleagues. I reach over the table shake his hand and congratulate him on his achievements. We eat our magnificent breakfast then walk together to our depot. I stand back in surprise when we reach the gates. In big letters blazoned across the top of the gates is the name of the company. TRANSPORTE OSCADA. “Like it?” Alec asks a huge smile on his face. “Oscar dreamed it up before he left.” I am unable to answer being too filled up with emotion. After introducing me to the two fitters we retire to the small hut Alec uses as an office. I look around at the mass of paperwork etc stacked on the floor and the desk. “How the hell are you managing in here Alec? We will have to sort this lot out. Originally you were just supposed to be looking after the work shop and you have taken all this lot on. I mean how are we paying the lads? Who is doing the accounting and keeping the books?” Alec is undaunted. “I know it’s only temporary but I had to get it going when the ministry representative came to see me with an offer of work. As for the books, well I do them. I used to look after the paper work for the army anyway. The Officer only rubber stamped everything. The lads get paid every Thursday. Mr Gastoyne arranges that as well.” “But how much are we paying them how much are we paying you, which is more important?” He laughs. “You don’t understand Adam I have been a regular in the army for most of my teen age and adult life. I have lived on army pay got married on army pay I am just taking the same as they paid me and a little more for my keep.” He gives me a wry smile. “Eh! Adam if you are worried you can take over the book keeping if you like?” “Bloody Hell Alec no fear I haven’t got a clue about anything like that. I’m willing to learn but it will take time. What about the fitters and the drivers?” “Right! The fitters are on the same rate as the army paid which I have found out is more than the locals are getting. Plus they have free food and accommodation.

  In fact they are still using the same army huts for billets over there in the corner of the yard. I have an agreement with the café regarding their food. They couldn’t be better fed if they were in an officer’s mess” “Are there any spare beds in there Alec? I wouldn’t mind kipping down here. It will save me trying to warm that bloody big house and the lads will be a bit of company for me?” I didn’t tell him the real reason I wanted to sleep here in the depot. He would have thought me a right wimp if I reveal I am scared of ghosts. He laughs. “Course there is plenty of room for you. The place has enough space for twenty beds. The drivers used it when they were waiting for their trucks to get repaired. You can eat at the café as well. It will save you cooking. It pays to be a partner in a café you know? The French drivers are paid the same rates as all the other carters pay over here. The British drivers are on the same deal as the fitters. If and when they get married and move out of the billets we will have to see. We can sort things out as we go along everyone is happy up to now.” “Alright but I tell you this, we need a decent office and a book keeper as soon as possible if only to take some of this burden off you? Another thing, Oscar and I discussed was the building of a warehouse on site to house goods for onward shipping. There is plenty of room now we only have the ten trucks and we still have plenty of room for expansion. I would value your opinion on this idea Alec; maybe we will discuss it tomorrow. I have a personal problem I have to sort out urgently.” “Can I help in any way?” He asks. I reveal my problem. “You know Oscar took Denise to visit her family while I was away?” He nods. “Well you know Oscar is out of the game for I don’t know how long?” Alec nods. “He didn’t give you any idea when he would be back did he?” “Nope, sorry Adam you know as much as me.” “Well Denise wants to come back to Le Havre, and I want her back. I’m going to have to go and get her shortly.” Alec replies instantly. “I can’t see any problem with that. If we had a load to deliver up that way you could take one of the trucks. I tell you what; why not give that old charabanc a run? You can see if there are any business opportunities on your way? Don’t you want to get that side of the operation going anyway?” “Hmm! Good thinking I may do just that.” I reply. Alec enquires. “Do I detect the ringing of wedding bells in the near future? You know it will give you the right of abode if you marry a French girl as I have done?” “I want to marry her Alec I admit as soon as I can but not for that reason. I love the girl but I don’t fancy all that religious crap that goes with it. She’s a practicing Catholic you see?” “Well what are you?” He asks. “I was brought up in a Catholic orphanage and I hated it. I have just found out my real Mother is a Catholic but my Father was an Anglican. What an absolute mess up eh?” “I can’t help you with that one lad sorry. I think you will find it will be up to the little Lady and what she wants at the end of the day.

  I just went along with my two wives and agreed to anything they wanted. It makes life easier.” One of the drivers knocks at the door interrupting any further discussion. “Look Alec I’ll leave you to get on with it. Have you got those letters from the Colonel, and Oscar? Oh yes and the movement control Corporal, Harry Evans is his name I think? I’ll have a look at the letters and let you know what I decide. I’ll sort the replies out after I’ve seen the banker.” He introduces me to the driver unfortunately for me he only speaks French I shake his hand on the way out. Alec has the depot running like clockwork.

  I locate the two fitters in the work bay working on a strange truck. We have a chat and smoke I have a nose at the five unused ex army trucks now painted in our company livery. Proud of our achievement I make my way back to the house for a sandwich lunch. The letter from the Colonel is long and detailed regarding his linked transport proposal. He wants to expand into the continent but is willing to give the joint idea a try. I see no problem but I must discuss it with our backer. The part of his letter regarding Sandy excites me. Sandy has been located living with a family in a village named Acton Bridge in Cheshire. The Colonel has had one of his colleagues visit him. According to his report Sandy is well on the mend mentally. He will be writing directly to me shortly. I immediately check my maps and find the Acton Bridge mentioned is not too far from Birkenhead, unfortunately there is no address included. Damn! There is even a railway station located in the village. I must have passed through there on the train to London. If I had only known while I was up north I could have visited him. I must find a way of repaying him. The man I consider is directly responsible for my good fortune by teaching me so much. I write to Harry Evans acknowledging his letter out lining a role I envisage he could perform for us in the UK if he is interested please let me know. This is subject to our negotiations with the Colonels transport company. Before I finish the letter I add. I know you are interested in coming back to France from your letter. If you are still available there is a position in the company you might be intere
sted in. Yet another idea comes to me as I write the letter. I must acquire headed note paper containing our logo. This will make us appear more businesslike. Checking the agreement regarding the house I find Monsieur Gastoyne address and set off to arrange a meeting. His business address is in a very nondescript building with no indication it is a bank. The front door is closed and securely locked when I try the handle. Surely this can’t be a bank it’s not at all what I expected. I pull on an iron bell tug, somewhere in the depths of the building I hear it echoing. There is no response I take a pace back from the step and survey the front of the building. As I am about to turn away when I decide this is the wrong address I notice a curtain twitch on the second floor.


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