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Angel on my Shoulder

Page 24

by Carl Leckey

  She seems to appreciate my statement whether she believes me or not is another matter. I can’t help thinking is Louise’s story similar to my Mothers? God! The more I hear of the carryings on of the so called privileged classes the angrier I get.

  Homewood bound married

  I don’t sleep much and am up and about at five o’clock in the morning packing my gear making sure I have the wedding ring from the music box in my pocket.

  Louise has delivered clean clothes I lay them along with my best suit on the bed and dress in my old gear. Aunt Edith is in the kitchen she has already milked the cows and goats by the time I get downstairs. I am sitting in the kitchen drinking my first cup of coffee of the day when Hazel and Daisy appear.

  Daisy is a lovely very affectionate child. She runs over gives me a kiss and sits on my knee while Hazel prepares them a drink. “This is the big day Adam.” Hazel remarks with a smile. Aunt Edith says. “His days of flirting are over he is a one woman man from now on.” I find my French is improving every day. I reply in the same language. “That is your loss Madam Edith I was planning to flirt with you today.” She grin’s a toothless smile.

  I finish my coffee, check and refuel the vehicles for the big day, remove the Luger from the charabanc and hide it in the truck. By the time I return to the house Louise and the kids are up. The place is in the usual happy chaos I grab a sandwich, have a wash and shave then don my best clothes. This is it no turning back now.

  The tiny church is already half full of Denise’s relatives when we arrive. Although I already know most of them there are some fresh faces amongst the congregation they all have to be introduced to me. The Priest is Father Gregory the man I met in the farm house on the night of the party. He greets me and advises me to sit in the front pew to await my bride. It seems ages before I detect a murmur of voices and a gasp of joy.

  I presume the bride has arrived.

  I dare not look around, my nerves are at screaming pitch, Father Gregory gestures me to stand in front of him, as we had not had a rehearsal all this is strange to me. There is no organ music as I presumed there would be welcoming the bride. I steal a peep to my left and see the vision of loveliness, my bride, my Denise standing next to me. She is wearing ordinary clothes except for a pretty hat and she carries a bouquet of flowers. I reach out and touch her hand she gives me one of her lovely smiles. All is well with the world there is someone missing I wish desperately was also there, Oscar. We had promised him he would be the one to give the bride away. I hope he will understand when I explain the circumstances.

  Anyway I have promised myself we will have a proper wedding in the future.

  At that wedding ceremony he will perform the function he desired. The ceremony is short complicated and entirely in French. With cues from the Priest I perform my part at the appropriate times. I place my Mothers ring on her finger, kiss the bride, sign a book we receive some papers and we are hurried out of the church. Louise kisses us and hugs Denise with tears in her eyes. Madame Edith hands me a basket of food for the journey the relatives wish us luck. We board the truck and within minutes of the completion of the ceremony we are on our way to Le Havre as a married couple.

  A mile or two away from the church I pull over into a field gateway and kiss my bride deeply and passionately. God I love this girl and look forward to our life together. Although I want to find a hotel on the way Denise urges me to drive right through to Oscar’s house and have our honeymoon there.

  It is late when we arrive I park outside the house and try to enter the front door. The key won’t fit someone has changed the lock As I fiddle with the door the small flap opens a strange male face appears he scans Denise and I. “Que voulez-vous?” He enquires. “What do you want?”

  I Reply. “Que etes –vous?” “Who are you?” He replies “Allez-vous en maintenant.” “Go away now.” Denise takes charge and fires a rapid series of questions in French at him. He replies and angrily slams the flap. Denise explains. “The house has been taken over by Monsieur Gastoyne we are to go around to the rear there are arrangements made for us.” It is getting dark by this time I drive around to the back gate and enter the courtyard. The coach house is ablaze with lights we climb down hand in hand we walk towards the doors. Alec and the lads from the depot spring out “Surprise!” they shout startling Denise and I. What a surprise indeed they have cleaned everywhere. The two coaches are sparkling in their highly ornate livery. Alec and his French widow Marguerite lead us proudly up the flight of steps.

  The accommodation above the coach house is immaculate. The bedding has been replaced and looks very inviting after a long journey and to share with my new bride. Alec has even hung my good luck charm the china doll Lulu on the head of the bed. I recall the day the eccentric doctor presented me with Lulu after I brought a record number of casualties into the dressing station. She isn’t valuable in the monetary sense but to me she was worth more than her weight in gold. The presentation of the dolls was the doctor’s way of rewarding what he considered outstanding acts. I carried her with me everywhere from then on. I believe I am not superstitious but I like to believe along with my St Christopher and my guardian Angel, Lulu protected me during the war.

  In all the rooms I notice the tattered curtains have also been replaced presumably made by Alec’s wife. Everything is magnificent.

  The flat has been cleaned from top to bottom and a welcome fire burns in the grate. Denise and I are overwhelmed Alec and his Lady stand watching our reactions with happy smiles on their faces. “Alec” I begin to ask, “what the” he replies. “This is your wedding present from all of us at the depot. Tomorrow or in a couple of days when you come around Adam I will explain everything. There is food in the kitchen, champagne in the cold room.

  There is a boiler of hot water in the washroom we have replaced the bath with a more modern version I think you will like it. We have no intention of cramping your style tonight. We are leaving you on your own now enjoy.” Despite my efforts to question him further neither Alec nor any of the lads will disclose anything further.

  That is not the only surprise in store that evening. I am seeing the last of the visitors Alec and his Lady off the premises before closing the gates when we hear a noise in the rear of the truck Throwing back the canvass flap we discover a couple of what appears to be youths trying to conceal themselves under blankets. “Come out now.” I order in a stern voice. Reluctantly they climb down out of the vehicle. I try to identify them but they keep their heads covered. “Who are you?” I ask in English. No response is forthcoming. Alec tries again in French

  “Que–etes–vous?” I hear the patter of feet behind me. Denise rushes over and hugs the girl then the boy. “Adam. Don’t you recognise them? It is my sister Yvette, and my Cousin, Jean.” They uncover their heads and laugh. She leads them into the coach house followed by Marguerite.

  I complain to Alec in a whisper. “Bloody Hell, what am I going to do with them, we only have the one bed and I have plans for that this evening.”

  Alec my good pal sees my dilemma and replies with a knowing smile. “Don’t worry Adam, we have a big house they can come home with us until you sort something out. I am sure Marguerite will be glad of the company she has no children of her own. By the way I noticed there is another flat over the stables. The doors and windows are boarded up and I couldn’t see inside. Maybe you can check that out tomorrow, that’s if you are not too busy.” “Hmm that will solve a problem if it’s as good as this one?” Alec despite saying he wouldn’t discuss anything until later tells me. “I got your letter about the charabanc it makes sense what you did. It will be great to have contacts elsewhere.

  Do you reckon we should go and see what they are up to eh?” When we enter the coach house we find the young man Jean examining the coaches. He tells us they are two of the best he has seen much grander than even the Marquise has. I Inform Alec.

  “Jean was employed at the chateau as a Coachman, Smith and Farrier. What I have heard he is
quite an adaptable fellow.” Alec thoughtfully offers an idea.

  “Maybe I can use him at the depot? On the other hand maybe his talents would be lost there. We can possibly use these coaches as another branch to the business. Think on this Adam. The coaches and harnesses are here, we have an experienced man already all we need is horses. The stables are out there.” He indicates the court yard. “Sort them out and we are up and running so to speak.” Here we go again we are being steered to start yet another business. Where will it all end I ask myself.

  As we climb the stairs I hear the excited chatter emanating from the living room.

  As we enter Marguerite addresses Alec much too fast for me to follow. Alec translates. “She has already invited the young ones to stay with us until they can find somewhere permanent. What a woman I’ve got myself eh? She tells me Yvette is a seamstress she can work with her. They both seem enthusiastic at the prospect I know Marguerite is struggling to meet her orders on time so the girl will be a godsend to her. Tell you what Adam and Denise they must be starving, I’ll take them off now and we’ll have a meal at our favourite café. I’ll send the lad over tomorrow, not too early though.” He sees my startled face laughs and adds. “He is only coming to give you a hand with the stables ok?”


  When they finally leave Denise and I are alone at last. Strange I feel slightly awkward in her presence, in a way it’s very much like a first date. I really haven’t a clue what to do next. Denise prepares a meal and we sit in front of the fire close together consuming the excellent food.

  Two bottles of champagne leave us slightly tipsy. When she clears the dishes away she returns to sit by me I put my arm around Denise and begin to kiss her. My manhood is rising to the occasion and I begin to be more intense in the petting. She whispers. “Not like this Adam I feel dirty after the journey let me have a bath and we shall go to bed.” I reluctantly release her she moves into the bedroom leaving me frustrated but happy. I need a bath myself anyway. Should I join her? What’s more will she permit me to join her? She certainly didn’t invite me. I haven’t enjoyed the favours of a woman since Peggy it appears so long ago yet I know it is only weeks since my encounter with her. I hope I don’t spoil our first complete sexual experience together because of my eagerness? Denise will be a virgin. How should I deal with that aspect? The only women I have had relations were already active in that department. I have heard my army mates talking about breaking in virgins, but was it just boasting? The questions flood my feverish mind. I take a chance and climb down stairs. The door to the washroom has been repaired since I burst it open.

  I try the handle the door is locked from the inside. With my ear pressed to the door I detect the sound of splashing water and Denise softly singing to herself, after awhile I hear the rattle of the lock.

  I dive behind one of the coaches as she emerges. Illuminated by the lamp over the stairs I am able to watch her ascending she is dressed in a flowing negligee. Unable to find me upstairs she calls my name. I reply. “I won’t be long just having a wash.” I nip into the room. Alec and the lads have done us proud yet again, all the facilities have been modernised. The bath is still full with scented water. I strip off and climb in, what a relief I didn’t know how absolutely exhausted I was. I relax and think about my life so far since I was demobbed. On the whole it’s not going too bad. I couldn’t have picked a better partner than Alec. To be honest he doesn’t really need me. Maybe I should concentrate on other aspects of the business? I shall have to give that some consideration in the meanwhile I will drive the trucks and learn the business from the bottom up. I am concerned regarding the Marquise. Will he try tracing Yvette and Denise? I am not too happy about our relationship with Monsieur Gastoyne either. I have a feeling he was responsible for some of the strange happenings we suffered. The sooner we break the connection with him the better I will feel. There is the question of Oscar where is he? Then the big one, what should I do about my Mother? With the combination of champagne, warm relaxing water, exhaustion I must have drifted off to sleep. The next thing I know is I hear Denise’s voice calling. “Adam Cheri where are you, Denise is waiting.”

  I leap out of the bath wrap myself in huge fluffy towels and head upstairs at a rush. I am just in time to witness Denise disappearing into the bedroom completely naked giggling excitedly.

  When I enter the room she is already under the sheets with her eyes pressed shut pretending to be asleep. I cast the towels aside and climb in alongside her. “Ah well!” I whisper with a sigh. “It’s a shame to disturb poor Denise she must be so tired after the journey. Good night sweetheart.” I force myself to roll over and turn my back to her. Within seconds I feel her cuddling up to me “Adam.” She whispers. “Love me.” I turn over and take her into my arms. God the feel of her bare body next to me, her small breasts pushing against my chest my manhood probing her between her thighs as we frantically kiss and explore each others bodies is mind blowing. I love her so much. With my limited experience I feel she is ready for the final act, she rolls onto her back I take up a position on top between her legs guide my manhood into her vagina and gently push, she gasps in pain and shies away from me. “Oh. Adam!” She sobs. “It hurts so much. I didn’t know it would be so painful?” I slump alongside her frustrated and disappointed my manhood depleting. I hug her close to me and sooth her vowing my love. She whispers

  “Oh! Adam don’t despair, please have another attempt.” However I am loath to hurt this beautiful girl. She confesses. “One of the married women at the chateau told me it hurts the first time but after the pain there will be pleasure.”

  I consider my next move as my penis hardens at her suggestion to try again. Dare I use a technique Peggy taught me during those magic nights together? Will Denise permit me? Will she be horrified? I whisper. “Denise my love I wish to make love to you again but I am loath to hurt you. Will you put yourself in my hands and trust me?” “But of course Adam Cheri. I want you so badly,” she replies in a slightly nervous voice I feel rather masterful as I use the experience I have gained with other woman. “Then relax darling close your eyes and enjoy the moment.” I instruct Denise to roll over on her back and throw the sheets back revealing her beautiful petite body. How my manhood throbs at the sight of her delights edged by a fuzz of fair hair. It is with great fortitude and will power I hold myself back from taking her there and then. I move to the end of the bed gradually easing up until my head is over her small but perfectly formed breasts. After titillating her hardened nipples with little kisses, I trace my tongue on her soft stomach flesh, to gauge her response. I gradually work my way down her body kissing as I progress.

  Finally I am between her legs after a few tentative kisses around her navel and on her milky soft thighs I probe her womanhood with my tongue. Thankfully Denise does not object, in fact she gasps and writhes in ecstasy. I was not sure how she would accept this unusual form of lovemaking. I know she does as she grips my head and pushes me hard against her while urging me to even greater efforts in a choking voice.

  I believe she is now ready for the final act. Quickly I change position enter my manhood between those moist inviting lips and thrust. This time I don’t hold back. She gasps as my full length slips into her body. I feel a tight restriction a short way in but I push on. I feel her hands begin to push me away then she pulls me towards her. Oh, the supreme joy of feeling that wonderful part of a woman gripping my manhood.

  I am not sure if the cries she emits indicate pain or passion but there is no retreat on my behalf. An army truck attached to my backside could not have pulled me back at that moment. I have entered her without mercy or guilt. For a second or two I believe I detect her sobbing I hesitate but then she begins to respond to my thrusts. We reach a climax together when I spend my seed deep into her. For a while we lie exhausted but satisfied in each other’s arms. I feel quite proud of myself. The other women that I have made love to have been the dominant ones, instructing and teaching me in the ways of l
ove making. But on this occasion I was the teacher and I believe I have performed well. My army mates were right to be a woman’s first lover is something special.

  I have had what will be my one and only cherry. I have plucked it I hope without causing too much distress and pain to my lover and wife. Denise whispers. “Thank you Adam my love, now I am fully a woman the Marquise shall not have my prize after all.” That explains Louise’s experience with him. I see why the Marquise surrounds himself at the chateau with all the young village girls.

  I shall have to find a way of denying him that pleasure. I decide not to pursue the matter with Denise at this time.

  Changing the subject I lazily ask Denise.

  “What is the story regarding Yvette and Jean?” “Oh Adam, my Sister is very headstrong. She saw the opportunity to escape from the grip of the Marquis and took it. There is no way she would remain when she discovered I was leaving.” “Then there is Jean, what about him then?” I enquire. Denise smiles as she replies. “That my dear Adam is a tale of true love. He would follow Yvette to the end of the earth. The poor boy is besotted with her. Always has been since they were children. When Yvette refused to return after the wedding he persuaded someone to take the Marquis carriage back to the chateau then he helped smuggle Yvette into the truck. Honestly Adam none of us knew about them until they appeared earlier this evening. You do believe me don’t you?” “Of course I do my love.” Puzzled I ask her. “But surely there is no future for them together with them being cousins and all?” She replies. “Well they are not that closely related. They are third cousins I believe it is possible for them to marry, whether Yvette will want to is another matter.”

  “Why doesn’t she love him? I am surprised he would give up everything and follow a woman that doesn’t love him. Father Peter told me he had a good position at the chateau.” Denise replies.


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