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Angel on my Shoulder

Page 36

by Carl Leckey

  The actual cash has been deposited in a German bank on your behalf.” “Gunter I am in your hands I don’t particularly want to hold on to anything in Germany, what do you advise?” He replies with conviction. “Personally, I would liquidate the assets and remove all revenue from Germany and deposit it in a Swiss bank. There are already the signs of inflation in Germany I believe it will escalate.” I explain “I have two accounts with a bank in Le Havre. A personal account and a company account. The bank is owned I believe by a Mr Gastoyne.” Gunter replies. “I am aware of your involvement with Monsieur Gastoyne bank, Oscar explained the situation. I still recommend the assets from Germany should be deposited into a Swiss account.” I reply. “I will leave it in your hands Gunter. Do what you believe is best. Now Oscar mentions in his letter you wish to invest in OSCADA on behalf of the peace movement. Do I understand this correctly?” He confirms this. “Yes that is correct I intend to visit Le Havre shortly. May we discuss that when I am in the area. Naturally I wish to examine the operation before I commit a great deal of the movement’s cash.” We shake hands the business over we enjoy the rest of the evening in the company of our wives.

  The embassy

  Frances our driver arrives as arranged at ten o’clock the first stop is the British Embassy. Instead of being interviewed at the reception desk where I assumed I would be. Denise and I are showed into a splendid office by a very courteous young man. Sitting behind the huge desk is a moustached military looking individual who introduces himself as Major Dunwoody. After formal introductions and an invitation to be seated he began questioning me. “You are Adam Bailey late of his Majesties armed forces?” Puzzled I reply. “Yes I told the clerk this yesterday.” He replies. “Bear with me young man. His Majesties government does not give out passports willy nilly. Is this Lady your lawfully wedded wife?” I respond in a frustrated manner. “Yes of course she is, why do you think I have applied for a passport for her?” He addresses Denise. “Have you any identity Madam? Your proof of marriage will be sufficient?” I apologise on her behalf. “I am sorry I didn’t bring that certificate with me, it is back at our house in Le Havre.” He ignores me and questions Denise who is looking extremely uncomfortable. “I believe you are a French citizen Madam? Have you an identity card? Denise hands her card over to him. He examines it and points out. “This is not in the name of Denise Bailey. I assume this is your maiden name? It is of no use to me whatsoever. Now my dear sir let us continue. You are the managing owner of a transport company by the name of?” He consults his notes. “OSCADA Transport”

  I reply. “Yes that is correct. “Where is all this leading?” He continues with what is now becoming an interrogation. “You had a partner, now deceased a German national by the name of” Again he consults his notes. “Oscar Willenburg?” I reply feeling slightly nervous. “Yes that is correct he recently died in Germany.” He replies accusingly. “Are you aware he was an escaped prisoner of war?” I respond with an angry answer. “What’s that to do with anything, he was a good and honest man, surely now the war is over what does it matter.” He responds sarcastically. “The matter my friend is the manner in which he escaped. He was a Prisoner Of War during the hostilities. Honest man or not, you are aware that he broke his parole? This was a very serious infringement of the rules of warfare.” I explode. “Rules of warfare be buggered. Where were the rules of war when the hospitals on both sides were bombed night after night? When ambulances carrying wounded men were targeted by artillery? When senior officers were living the life of luxury far away from the action and the men were up to their eyes in shit covered in lice. Don’t you preach the rules of war to me my friend from your big fancy office in Paris. That man you condemn out of hand did as much for the wounded on our side than many of our own officers did for their own men. One of our bloody idiotic officers advocated shooting prisoners.” After my outburst it suddenly dawns on me. Oh shit the sods are after my blood I better keep my mouth shut. He shuffles his papers mumbles an indiscernible reply and begins questioning me again. “Let us leave the escape of Oscar Willenburg for a moment and move on shall we? You are meeting an associate of his in your hotel this evening, a German national by the name of Gunter Cogan?” I feel anger welling up again. I had enough of these arrogant bloody officers in the war. I am not having it now I am free of the restraints of army discipline. I reply aggressively “He is not German for your information he is Swiss. How do you know all my business anyway? Are you spying on me? That’s it I have figured you out mister. You are a bloody spy. What has all this to do with a simple passport application? I am a British citizen and I am entitled to hold a British Passport. If my wife cannot have a British one, that is no problem. She may apply for a French passport.” Out of the blue he says with a cunning look on his face. “You Sir entered this country illegally. There is no official record of you being in France. To all intents and purposes you are not here. In fact officially you do not exist, I shall have to do my duty and notify the French judiciary. Yes I must do my duty. But these French jails” He throws his hands up in a gesture of despair. “Then there is Devils Island. The French do not deal lightly with transgressors of their immigration laws. I am loath to see one of my countrymen sent there but,” He leaves the threat hanging.

  Denise rises to her feet saying angrily. “What kind of nonsense is this? How dare you threaten my husband? He served his country gallantly during the war. He is now a respectable business man employing many people and helping France to recover from the war. What kind of a man are you?” Her outburst throws him for a moment he looks alarmed and requests Denise. “Calm yourself Madam, please be seated. It is not my intention to cause you anguish. For your information Madam I am the kind of man that protects the interest of his country, and I am aware of you husbands excellent war record and I know of his post war activities. You must not make the mistake of assuming because I sit here in this splendid office that I spent the entire war here. For example did you know Paris also suffered from bombardment during the war? It is a natural mistake that many people make. It is assumed the city was far away from the action. Paris was indeed bombarded by the biggest cannon ever produced. As you tour the city in your chauffeur driven automobile you will see evidence of this. But enough of this history lesson we have more important matters to discuss.” I feel proud of my little minx and grip her hand but her outburst did nothing to help the situation. I notice her identity card on the desk and remember mine. I produce my French identity card triumphantly. “What about this then?” He examines the card and laughs scornfully as he tosses it back to me. “This was produced by a scoundrel in Le Havre. We have known about him for years. It suits us to let him continue with his little enterprise. Let us cease playing games shall we? I have made a decision. You may have a passport. I will even arrange for your lovely wife to also have one, if you do something in exchange for me?” Oh! Oh! Now we come down to the nitty gritty. “What is the real reason for this charade?” I enquire warily. “It is no big deal.” He responds reassuringly with a crooked smile. “All I want off you my friend is all the information you have on Gunter Cogan and his wife Estelle.” I respond immediately. “Come Denise, let’s get out of here.” Addressing Major Dunwoody I snap. “You mister, may stick your passport where it hurts. As for informing the French authorities about my illegal entry do you worst. I spent two years in manmade hell. A French prison holds no terrors for me my friend.” I storm out of the embassy virtually dragging Denise along with me. Although we visit the Eiffel tower and other wonderful places of interest the interview with Major Dunwoody spoils our day sightseeing in beautiful Paris. At dinner that night Gunter remarks. “You two appear unusually subdued this evening haven’t you had a good day, didn’t you enjoy the sites Paris?” I reply hesitantly. “It is not Paris that is the problem Gunter we started the day badly at the British embassy.” He questions. “Oh! What were you doing there?” I confess. “I went to apply for a passport. You will not believe it? But I didn’t obtain one in Eng

  I should have when I was demobbed after my term in the army. To be honest it never occurred to me. I entered France by the back door on a fishing boat. I did it not to enter the France illegally do you understand?” The ferries were laden and I couldn’t get a passage for God knows how long.” Gunter nods and replies sympathetically. “I understand.” Denise and Estelle are deep in conversation about fashion. Gunter draws his wife’s attention to my words. “Did you hear that Estelle? They have been to the British embassy? Adam let me guess? You met a strange fellow with a huge moustache? He asked you to spy on me. You don’t have to answer I understand your position?” “I will tell you Gunter because I am disgusted. He did ask me to spy on you and Estelle. We had already made up our minds to tell you but we didn’t know how to broach the subject.” Gunter replies gratefully. “Thank you for your confidence in myself and my wife. I feel the need to explain if you care to listen?” I protest. “You don’t have to Gunter. Oscar vouched for you and I trust his judgement implicitly.” He responds. “Nevertheless I feel I owe it to you. It began in Palestine while the Turks ruled the Middle East it was part of the Ottoman Empire before the war. You are aware the Turks and the Germans were allies at that time?” I reply. “Of course some of my mates were posted there from the training camp.” I find his revelations are intriguing. “Are you also aware of one of your famous heroes Lawrence of Arabia?” I reply. “I have read about him, the British establishment deceived him when they refused to give the Arabs home rule after the Turks withdrew after six hundred years. Lawrence in good faith gave them the promises of self rule to enlist their assistance in fighting the Turks. He was deceived by British politicians the British companies that had eyes on the oil wealth of the region not forgetting the army generals” “That is so Adam you surprise me, you are well read. The Arabs were not the only ones deceived by your government. Here are some facts you may not know. The Jews also had an agreement they would be allowed to create a homeland of their own if they cooperated in expelling the Turks. Now we have the Balfour agreement and the League of Nations is being created. That will be just another talking shop dominated by the rich and powerful nations. I don’t hold out any hope from that organisation to resolve the potential conflicts between nations. Many of my fellow Jews believe we will never get our homeland and the British now have a mandate to rule Palestine. The citizens of the Middle East have exchanged one set of masters for another. Adam the British Empire has grown since the armistice. I personally believe they intend to stay in the Middle East permanently. The British army will be stationed there looking after their interests in oil and the Suez Canal of course.” I reply. “Most of what you say is news to me.


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