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Angel on my Shoulder

Page 40

by Carl Leckey

  I suspect a Sisterly row is brewing and attempt to pacify the situation.

  “Let’s all sit down and enjoy our meal. Maybe Yvette was saving the news until she was sure eh Yvette?” I offer this reasonable explanation to give her the opportunity to save face. She grasps it with both hands, at the same time turning it on her sister to make her feel guilty. “Yes that’s right Denise and you have blabbed it out, how could you?” “Denise responds mischievously. “Oh I am really sorry Yvette but never mind the news is out now. It’s a bit like when the genie escaped from the bottle it cannot be put back. Remember Yvette what the Tommy’s said when the surgeons extracted the Boche bullets? It’s better out than in. We only have to tell our sister when she arrives Friday and all the family are aware of the situation.” She turns her attention to red faced Jean.

  “So, Jean! my future brother in law, now you have recovered from the unexpected good news? Please do tell us what you think about the prospect of being a Daddy?” As he replies I notice he has an even redder face than before, my heart goes out to him. To give him credit he takes Denise’s broadside without a flinch. Jean responds in a very acceptable manner. “I couldn’t be more pleased with the news.” He grasps Yvette’s hand and smothers it in kisses. “I know it wasn’t planned it just happened. I wish it hadn’t until we are properly married but it has and so I say let’s get on with it and welcome the future addition to our family with joy.” He picks up his glass and bravely offers a toast to Yvette. “Here is to my darling Yvette I love her and will cherish her forever.

  I couldn’t be more pleased with the news I am to be the father of her child.” “Good for you Jean, congratulations to both of you.” I circle the table kiss Yvette and shake his hand vigorously. “Returning to my seat I have to squeeze past Denise hugging her sister they are both crying buckets of tears. I suggest. “Let’s finish supper we have something important we wish to discuss with you both later. “

  Jean looks nervous. I smile give him a secret wink to reassure him adding, “I think you will like what we have to propose.” My remark appears to have the desired effect.

  The rest of the meal passes quite amicably the minor tiff between sisters forgotten. When the table is cleared away and we sit comfortable with brandy Yvette with her glass of milk I reveal our plans to buy the small farm on the outskirts of town if it is available. Denise offers them this property as we agreed and heads for the kitchen to make coffee. Jean is enthusiastic and immediately begins planning alterations he would make if the offer for the farm is accepted. Yvette listens with a sullen face as Jean enthuses about the baby, his coach business, the truck driving.

  After a minute or so Yvette without a word follows Denise into the kitchen. Now is my chance to have a word with Jean, I know if I don’t say anything Denise will give me earache later. Assuming a Fatherly pose I open the conversation. “Well Jean that’s good news eh? So what are you intentions now you are to become a Father? Are you going to make it legal?” I weaken and add. “Not that is any of my business you understand? But er it would make her sisters er happier if you were er wed.” He replies immediately with more confidence than I feel. “Oh yes! We would have been married already but we both decided we want Father Peter to conduct the wedding. I have already written to him. It is just a matter of where we get married. I would prefer he came here to Le Havre. I fear the Marquise will interfere if we go to the village. But it would be nice just the same to have all our families at the ceremony. We are awaiting his reply. Look Adam I am sorry we put you in this position I don’t know? It just started with Yvette thanking me for fighting to save her and Denise. To be honest it got a bit out of hand. I hope you understand please believe me. I didn’t plan it.” I lower my voice and say in a confidential man to man manner. “Eh Jean I know exactly what you mean, there but for the grace of God go I?”

  Although I am listening to Jean I am at the same time trying to eavesdrop on the women’s muffled voices. I detect my name being mentioned by Yvette. Another minute or so goes by and still the muffled voices are heard from the kitchen. When she returns to the room, Yvette is followed by my wife carrying a loaded tray. Red faces appear to be standard this evening Yvette is definitely flushed and pointedly avoids my eyes. After coffee Yvette makes an excuse that she is tired and they leave soon after. When we are alone I enquire casually. “Alright Denise that went fairly well don’t you think?” Denise replies. “I suppose so considering. Yvette was on form as usual, did you notice the way she tried to steer the blame on me for not letting Jean know about the baby? Adam. I hate to say this but I am still not sure if she is pregnant. She has only missed one period and won’t go to a Doctor for an examination?

  I hope it is not, but it could be one of her little games. My sister hasn’t quite grown up you know? Do you know what she came into the kitchen to talk to me about? “No.” I reply. “I hope for Jeans sake she is pregnant he will be so disappointed. The poor bugger wants to be a Dad badly now he’s got over the initial shock.” Denise reveals her conversation with her sister. “Yvette as I predicted wanted to know how she will manage on her own if we leave here. She doesn’t see why they have to buy the property when I have been left it by Oscar and it cost me nothing. I tried explaining the cash from the sale of this property is to purchase the farm. But all she repeatedly said was, why doesn’t Adam buy the farm? After all he is your husband and he has plenty of money. But you will like this one. She told me she saw you coming out of that brothel place. It’s a good job you informed me earlier or I would have been worried. By the way I now know what is the real function of a er? brothel, Comfort indeed?” “Oh Denise I didn’t want to soil your innocent ears with such information. Come on forget Yvette lets go to bed. I need a bit of comfort now.” She giggles as we head into the bedroom. I am evidently forgiven for the little white lie. I can’t help wondering how Yvette knows what the real function of a brothel is.

  After making love Denise falls asleep but for some reason sleep doesn’t come easily this evening to me. My mind turns over the problems I am facing. Most of the problems are created by myself, priority one is sorting out the situation between my Mother and I, I realise I have to visit England shortly. The rest of the problems concerns business. I have no financial concerns in fact everything I touch seems to turn to gold. Do I need the worry of a business? Maybe I should just sit back and enjoy myself without the stress of running a business? Am I moving too fast? OSCADA is like a snowball on a downhill roll gathering speed and collecting more snow and growing as it travels. Am I happy doing what I am doing? Yes I believe so I love my wife dearly and despite the tribulations we are encountering with Yvette I love my extended family also. I counter my concerns with plus factors. I have acquired two great managers Harry and Marcel who I consider my friends not forgetting Alec my good and loyal friend. The formulation of the board and the meeting will at least allow them to share the burden and success of the company. I have lost my bosom pal Oscar without whom I would most probably be just another truck driver working for someone else.

  I have located my mate Sandy he appears content in England. I will certainly visit him when I have the opportunity. The Colonel has hit bad times I need to contact him and try and help him back onto his feet.

  Daylight is beginning to creep through a chink in the curtains when I make a decision.

  At the board meeting Saturday I will be handing over the reins to my managers. I am definitely travelling to England to sort out my personal affairs taking Denise with me if she agrees. I am dead tired when Denise rouses me from a deep sleep. She is ready for her trip to the farm. After a hurried breakfast and wash we set off in the Rolls via the depot. I have decided not to tell Denise of my decision until we have settled the business over the farm. I don’t want to risk spoiling her dream day. All the trucks are out and Harry is already at his desk deep in paperwork when I pop my head in to tell him where I am going. Marcel appears when we arrive. Denise is soon into deep conversation with him about extensio
ns, modernisation etc. She doesn’t even notice me slipping away. I brief Harry on my conversation with Jean and ask him if he will arrange finance if Yvette and Jean agree to buy the property. There is no problem as far as he is concerned. He proudly indicates his new telephone. I remark. “Bloody Hell Harry when did that arrive?” “We got it pretty quick after you agreed to have it installed. It sure makes my life easier for me I can tell you. The driver Paul, You know Marcel’s Brother? One of his relatives manages telephones system in this area, he arranged it for me. You know Paul has his finger in all kinds of pies. If you need something done he’s your man. He has also fixed Alec up with a telephone at his hotel. I can get hold of him anytime now he can be here in a couple of hours if I need him urgently.” I am impressed and remark. “I thought you would be weeks waiting for the telephone to be installed, knowing how fast the French system works?” Harry explains. “The lines were already in situ. They were left here by the army that made all the difference.” Business complete I wish him goodbye, I am about to leave when he hands me two letters. One from England addressed to Billy which I return to him to post on, the other has a Swiss stamp. “This will be from Gunter. I’ll read this later Harry. If I don’t get going Denise will burst, she is so excited. She’s like a bloomin kid on her first Sunday school outing.” He laughs and wishes me good luck and informs me Suzanne is due for the meeting shortly. He still has no word regarding the ship deal. At the mention of his forthcoming meeting I laugh. “It’s not me that needs luck Harry my old mate, wait until you meet Suzanne? Bit of advice Harry make sure you have Marcel with you. She likes to tackle men two at a time does the bold Suzanne?” I leave his office with him giving me a puzzled look and me laughing at my own joke.

  What a welcome we receive from the old man when we arrive.

  The car has hardly stopped rolling when Denise is out and hugging him. I shake his hand and he invites us into the cottage for a cool drink. When we are seated on the hard wooden chairs, he doesn’t appear to possess anything more comfortable. Denise breaks the news that if he is still determined to sell we are interested in purchasing.

  His weather beaten face splits into a grin. I am sure a tear appears. He takes Denise’s hands looking her straight in the eye and says, “There’s no one I would sooner have to take over my farm than you and your husband. You remind me so much of my dear Wife when we first married. The little girl Daisy that you brought to see me is a twin of the daughter I lost. He points to a sepia photograph of a woman and child that look nothing like Denise and Daisy to me.

  A couple of hours go by as we discuss arrangements. We both help him with chores until at midday we eat the picnic Denise has packed. All too quickly it is time to leave. He hugs us both again I admit I feel guilty leaving the old man on his own, he insists we also call him Grande Pere Jacque. Denise is also worried when we leave. I reassure her. “He will be better off with his sister Denise. It is very remote out here. I have to ask you will you be alright here. It can be a bit lonely out in the country.” “I’m sure I will be alright, it’s what I have dreamed of all my life a place of my own. If by any chance I find it too lonely I shall get Louise to send some of the kids from the orphanage to keep me company, especially my little sweetheart Daisy.” I reply “If you are sure? Then let’s go ahead and buy the place, but I must find you a small car and get you driving before we move in here.”

  “Before we go to live at the farm Adam I want a lot of changes. That is what I was discussing with Marcel at the depot. He has agreed to come out here with us and draw up some plans for me. God! Those chairs are hard? Just think that old man has spent his entire life at the farm without a comfortable seat to relax in?” “Maybe that’s why he is always working, he hates to sit in those bloody hard seats?” We both laugh at my silly joke. “How do you fancy a run down the beach to visit Alec and Marguerite Denise? We may as well make a day of it. If I go back to the depot Harry will find something to discuss. You know I think our honeymoon has made me restless. I feel the need to get away from the business even if it is just for one day.” “I love you Adam you know?” Denise says as she leans over and kisses me on the cheek. I stop the car and try to take her in my arms but the gears and steering wheel are in the way. Untangling myself I reply. “Come on let’s get into the rear seats and kiss and cuddle properly, you temptress.” Without hesitation she joins me. I don’t know whether it is being out in the country or because we are having a lovely relaxing day. Maybe it is the risk of being discovered in a compromising position but our kissing becomes more passionate. As Jean said as an excuse last night one thing leads to another.

  As we are getting to the point of no return Denise gasps. “Adam this is very naughty, what if someone comes?” I reply in a breathless voice. “There is no possible answer to that at this moment in time.”

  Making love to darling Denise on the back seat of the car,

  what an experience, what a splendid love session it is. This is the first time I have made love to any woman outside the privacy of a four walls I find I like it. What is more it appears so does my dear wife by her responses despite her reservations about being caught flagrante delicto.

  After we have replaced clothing discarded in a frenzy of outdoor love making I continue the drive to the coast. I have only seen the hotel once before when it was half boarded up. Now as we approach what a difference there is. The walls are freshly painted they gleam in the afternoon sun, Surrounding the building where there was once an area overgrown with a tangle of bushes there are now immaculate gardens. But the item which catches our eye is the name painted on a fancy placard. It hangs in the garden from a wrought iron post.


  No vacancies.


  The Board Meeting

  I park the Rolls alongside a splendid black Mercedes and remark to Denise. “What a lovely thing to do, naming the hotel OSCADA it will be a fitting memory to poor Oscar. Hey! Look at this splendid vehicle. I wonder who owns this one? Don’t say Alec has splashed out on one of these beauties?” Denise replies as we walk towards the entrance. “Maybe Alec has some posh visitors?” I reply thoughtfully “I didn’t know he was open for business until next week. Harry told me we have hired the complete hotel for the weekend. I understood we are to be his first guests. Alec wants us to be the guinea pigs to see if the system is working properly. I can’t wait to see what the chef serves up in the restaurant. This is what the café lads have dreamed of, cooking gourmet dishes for a posh clientele. It will be a bit different to the oeuf avec pomme frits the English lads order eh?” We are laughing when we enter the foyer. Marguerite is behind the reception desk her head bent over the register making notes. She looks up and recognises us, her face lights up she rushes around the desk and greets us with hugs. “Alec come and see whose here? Oh I am so pleased to see you two.” She gives Denise another delighted hug. Alec emerges from an office situated behind the desk. “Oh you bugger Adam, what are you doing here?” Marguerite tuts at his use of the oath, “You weren’t due until Friday.” “What a greeting?” I laugh. “Come on Denise he doesn’t want us here, we are going home. “Don’t you dare leave?” Marguerite grabs our hands and leads us into a splendid lounge area. Denise and Marguerite immediately go into a huddle. Alec follows apologising. “I didn’t mean you are not welcome you silly sod?” He thumps me playfully on the back and puts his arm around my shoulder. “It’s just you are an unexpected visitor but I have to say a welcome sight. What do you think?” He enquires with pride. I reply by praising him. .”Bloody Hell you old bugger its marvellous! I can’t believe how it is improved since I saw it last. And the name you have given it? What a lovely gesture Alec? Oscar would approve. Thanks for that mate.” “Ah! It’s the least I could do I wanted it to be a surprise. Without Oscar’s input where would we all be now? I have an idea where I would be myself, in some dead end garage in Chester no doubt. And you, you would be, well? I don’t know where you would have been you young scallywag. I think
you would come up smelling of roses if you fell in a shi. Oops! Midden. I tell you what? We’ll have a brew and I will show you around the place. Have you eaten?”

  “We had a picnic at lunch time.” I reply. “Then you will have tea with us, the chef can try out his high tea, English style. He plans to introduce it on a regular basis when we open for business. I’ll go and tell him in a minute? When are you planning to go back?

  Are you stopping over tonight?” “Whoa! Alec.” I laugh. “We only dropped in on our way home we didn’t plan coming here when we left home this morning. We’ve been out looking at a farm Denise is buying.” “What you looking at a farm for?” Alec enquires. I answer. “Oh! We plan to live there after it has had some alterations.” “You! A bloody farmer, I don’t believe it you daft bugger. You’ll never make a farmer while you have a hole in. Oops! The ladies are listening.” He drops his voice. “Marguerite has warned me I will have to watch my language since I have become a bloody hotelier. I’ll get a bollocking after you have gone. I used to get away with swearing when she couldn’t understand English but she’s wise to me now.” He pulls a face at his wife, she responds with a threatening gesture. “Serves you right you uncouth bugger.” I whisper. “It’s not me that’s going to be a farmer anyway, its Denise’s dream, and it’s only a small holding really, not a bloody great big farm it’s mostly apple orchards. By the way, whose is the Mercedes parked out front? It’s not yours is it, have you been lashing out since you hit the big time?” I enquire. “Don’t be daft Scouse. It’s that mate of yours Gunter Cogan. I thought you knew he was here? He told me he’d written to let you know. He’s here for the meeting Saturday. He thought he would arrive early and have a look around the area. His wife told Marguerite they are looking at property around here, maybe he fancies living here eh? They have been out since after breakfast this morning. They left the car and donned hiking gear, it seems hiking and mountain climbing is their hobby, they’ll be back for supper though.” “How long have they been here then?” I ask. “They arrived last night, drove through from somewhere in Germany. Quite a drive that eh?” “Gunter didn’t let? Oh shit! I forgot his bloody letter?” I feel into my inside pocket and locate the envelope


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