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Yellowstone Awakening (Yellowstone Romance Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Peggy L Henderson

  He would take her to Virginia City, just as he’d told her, while he rode off on his assignment. Would she head out on the next stage straight for Boston? He knew he’d offer to pay her fare. Dare he ask her to wait for his return? Kyle sighed, patting his mare on the neck, and slipped the bridle over her head. The horse followed willingly as he led her out of the corral.

  Kyle looked up to see his cousin sauntering toward him, a wide smirk on his face. “A man only has that kind of look on his face when he’s got woman trouble.”

  Kyle cursed under his breath. Josh managed to show up at the most inopportune times lately.

  “Go make yourself useful and saddle Blackjack for me,” Kyle grumbled without looking at his cousin. He tossed Rosie’s bridle reins over the fence. Not that she needed to be tied. She was well trained and would stand with the reins dropped to the ground. Kyle was suddenly thankful that she’d acted uncharacteristically and tossed him in the mud the other day, which had led to his capture by the Crow. Otherwise he’d have never met Kate. He didn’t doubt for a second that Laughing Badger would have sold her off to the highest bidder.

  The thought of some vile man touching her, doing unspeakable things to her, made his blood boil. Kyle clenched and unclenched his jaw. There was no need for such thoughts. She was safe. No man would lay a hand on her if he had anything to say about it.

  “Why do you need two saddle horses?” Josh stood on Rosie’s other side, looking over the mare’s back. Kyle glared at him, and Josh raised his eyebrows, staring past him toward the cabin.

  “How’s Miss Kate this morning? Feeling better?”

  “She’s fine,” Kyle answered.

  “What was wrong with her last night?”

  “I didn’t ask,” he answered dismissively. “I’m taking her to see the falls along the Firehole. So if you wouldn’t mind getting Blackjack ready, she and I can be on our way.”

  “Does she need a chaperone?” Josh asked, still not making a move to bring the other horse out of the corral.

  Most likely.


  “You sure about that, Kyle?” Josh draped his arms over Rosie’s back, staring at him. “You can’t keep your eyes off her, cousin. You’d better be careful and watch your step, or you’re gonna end up in a heap of trouble.”

  “What the hell kind of trouble am I going to get in for showing her around the valley?” Kyle growled. He pushed Josh’s arms out of the way with a saddle blanket that he tossed over the horse’s back. The saddle followed, and Josh had to duck to avoid the stirrup swinging through the air.

  “The kind where you’re thinking long term, and wanting to get hitched.”

  Kyle smiled at his cousin. “You never think about stuff like that?” He bent down and grabbed for the leather cinch under the mare’s belly.

  Josh scoffed. “The only way you’ll ever see me tied to a woman is if someone points a gun at my head.” He flashed a wide grin after Kyle straightened his back, and stepped away from the horse. “I sure hope you know what you’re doing. She’s a city lady, Kyle. I’m sure she wants to get back home as quickly as possible. I doubt this is the kind of life she wants to lead, so don’t get all starry-eyed over this one. If you’re looking for a woman, you should look closer to home.”

  Yeah, closer to home. He’d tried that. The only reason Madeline had been interested in him was because of his father’s name and reputation.

  “Grandpa married Grandma, and she was from a big city.” Kyle fed the leather saddle strap through the girth ring, and pulled the cinch tight. Rosie pinned her ears and swished her tail in protest at the sudden rough tug around her belly. He gave her a pat on the neck as an apology. He didn’t know why he felt the need to justify anything to his cousin.

  Josh gave him a hard stare. “Grandpa would tell you to tread lightly, Kyle.” What seemed as almost an afterthought, he added, “but he’d also say to listen to what your heart tells you.” He turned and headed for the corral.

  My heart wants Kate. Kyle watched his cousin’s retreating form, wondering how he was going to make his feelings known to Katelyn, and what she would say if she knew what he was thinking. Even if she didn’t know about his famous father, would she look down her Boston nose at a woodsman from Montana?

  Josh returned with Blackjack, a big dark brown gelding, and tied him next to Rosie. The smaller bay mare pinned her ears at the other horse, and moved her hindquarters in his direction, ready to strike out if the gelding moved too close.

  “Now, see,” Josh said, stepping between the two animals. “A mare will always let you know when you’ve overstepped your bounds. If only women were as easy to understand. Has Kate pinned her ears at you yet, Kyle?”

  “Who says I’ve overstepped my bounds?” Kyle asked, and avoided looking at his cousin. He checked the girth to make sure it was snug, then adjusted the stirrups on the saddle to accommodate Kate’s shorter legs.

  “That cabin window is mighty big. A person can see in as well as out.”

  “Damn you, Josh. Are you checking up on me now?” Kyle advanced on his cousin. Josh grinned, and stood his ground.

  “You sure you want to take me on right now and make a fool of yourself?” Josh asked casually. “The object of your affection is headed this way.” He glanced over Kyle’s shoulder, and gestured with his chin toward the cabin.

  Kyle ran his hand through his hair, and turned. Kate was walking in their direction. He stepped away from his cousin, and moved out from between the horses.

  His gut tightened as he watched her approach. She held her head high, and her back straight, her posture and gait too stiff to be natural. She was nervous about facing him after what happened in the cabin. He noticed she’d also pinned her hair to the back of her head. Time to lasso the skittish filly, Kyle.

  “You ready?” he asked with a smile, meeting her half-way between the cabin and the corral. He reached his hand up to touch her arm, but thought better of it, and dropped it again.

  She only nodded her head to his question, and avoided looking directly at him, her eyes darting to the horses.

  “Do I get to ride Rosie?” she asked tentatively, and headed for the corral.

  “Yeah. She’s surefooted and won’t give you any trouble.” Kyle fell in step beside her. She was doing her damnedest to dodge eye contact with him.

  “Mornin’, Miss Kate,” Josh called, grinning broadly. “It’s a nice day for a ride.”

  “Good morning, Josh,” Kate said. “And please, it’s Kate, or… Katelyn. No need for formality. Are you going to join us?”

  Kyle shot his cousin a warning glare and moved past him to pull Rosie away from the fence. He cursed under his breath. She didn’t want to be alone with him now. It’s your own damn fault, Kyle.

  Josh cleared his throat. With a wide grin directed at Kyle, he said, “Afraid I can’t. I’ve got some things to do around here. Maybe some other time you’ll let me show you the sights.”

  Kyle led Rosie to stand between Kate and Josh. He heard his cousin cough loudly on the other side. Kyle ignored him.

  “Are you well enough to get on by yourself?” he asked. “Or are your bruises still too sore?” He placed his hand at the small of her back, ready to assist her into the saddle. As he expected, her spine stiffened and her muscles tensed.

  “I can try getting on myself,” she said, and reached for the saddle horn while placing her left foot into the stirrup. Kyle’s hands framed her waist to lift her up.

  “There, that was a lot better than a few days ago. Looks like you’re healing just fine.” He grinned up at her, and handed her the reins after she adjusted her dress around her legs. His hand lingered on hers. She inhaled a quick breath, and looked down at him.

  “Yes, thank you,” she said softly.

  Kyle held her eyes for another moment. Her reserved politeness graded on his nerves. He wished she’d at least give him a tongue lashing for his request of a kiss, and tell him he’d been out of line. But no, she just pretended
it hadn’t happened, and acted in her usual agreeable manner. He tore his eyes away from her and stepped to his own horse. Pulling the reins free of the fence, he swung into the saddle.

  “We’ll be home before dark,” he said to Josh, and guided Blackjack next to Rosie.

  “Don’t make me come looking for you,” Josh mocked.

  Wordlessly, Kyle nudged his horse, and the gelding trotted off. Rosie followed quickly behind.

  “Let me know if you’re uncomfortable,” he turned his body in the saddle, looking back at her. “We’re going to cross that river up ahead, and follow the Firehole. The terrain gets a bit steep further up ahead. But these horses are used to the footing.”

  Kate remained silent. Dammit! Was she going to act like this all day? It was only a kiss. Hell, Kyle. It wasn’t just a kiss. You’ve kissed other women, and it never felt like that before. Nothing had ever come close to what he’d felt this morning when Kate wrapped her arms around his neck. He slowed his horse to match Rosie’s pace when they splashed through the water.

  “Do you ride much in Boston?” The awkward silence was killing him.

  “No,” she replied. “There’s no time to ride.” Her voice took on a wistful tone.

  “So, what do you do there?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. He waited for her to say something, but she didn’t.

  “Doesn’t sound very exciting.”

  “It’s not.”

  Okay. If she didn’t want to talk, he’d play along for now. At some point she would have to speak to him again. Kyle guided Blackjack toward the mountains until they reached the banks of the Firehole, then veered south to head upstream along the river. The rocky terrain began a gradual uphill climb, leaving the river to carve a course below them. The tall lodgepole pines became sparser the further they went. They left the river below while traveling along a narrow trail higher up the mountain. Soon, the loud rushing sounds of a waterfall could be heard above the noise from the many cascades as the river churned and tumbled its way through the canyon.

  Kyle turned in the saddle. They’d ridden single file for close to an hour now in silence. The falls would be just ahead around the bend, and he wanted to witness Kate’s reaction when she saw them. Her hands gripped the saddle horn, and she allowed Rosie to pick her own way, the reins hanging loosely along the mare’s neck. Kyle’s heart swelled at the expression on her face. Her head turned in all directions as she absorbed the beauty of the mountains and the river just below them.

  “Look up ahead, Kate. You should be able to see the waterfall now.” Rounding a bend, the falls of the Firehole River tumbled some forty feet down a wall of rocks as the river swerved sharply to the right into the canyon. It wasn’t the most spectacular water feature in the area, but it was the closest.

  Her eyes widened in awe, and a brilliant smile formed on her lips that caused his gut to tighten painfully. If only she’d favor him with such admiration.

  “The trail widens around the bend, and we can stop for a while if you’d like.” He had to raise his voice considerably over the roaring rush of the water. Kate eagerly nodded her head.

  Kyle pulled Blackjack to a stop along a flat outcropping, and jumped from the saddle. Kate was already trying to dismount Rosie on her own. She leaned forwards awkwardly, trying to swing her right foot over the saddle. Her dress somehow caught on the cantle. Rosie, unaccustomed to a woman’s skirts waving at her sides, took a few nervous sideways steps, her ears twitching back and forth.

  “Here, I’ve got you,” Kyle said, coming up beside the mare, and reached for Kate’s waist. It wasn’t a moment too soon. Rosie decided at that moment to jump sideways in an effort to rid herself of the flapping skirts. Kate’s left foot slipped out of its stirrup, the horse’s movements sending her off-balance, and she fell backwards into his arms. Kyle twisted her body around to face him, and with a surprised shriek at her near fall, she grabbed hold of his shoulders.

  The waterfall seemed forgotten. The sounds around him suddenly went still, his heart pulsing in his ears. His body came alive with her so close, and his arms tightened around her. Kate’s loud gasp, and the panic in her wide blue eyes startled him back to his senses. He softened his hold on her, and swallowed hard.

  “I promised I’d never let you fall,” he managed to say in an even tone before stepping back and away from her. Dammit, Kyle. You’re acting worse than a moose in rut. Each time he touched her, his feelings became more intense, and he knew he’d lose his mind soon if he didn’t get his emotions under control. He swept his hair out of his eyes and inhaled deeply. His grandfather would say he was being tested for something. Tested for what? How much torture a man could withstand?

  Kate hadn’t moved, and her hands were clasped together in a tight knot in front of her. What? She was afraid of him now? Anger took hold in him.

  “I’m not going to ravish you, Kate,” he said between clenched teeth. “I brought you here to see the waterfall, not to have my way with you.”

  Kate’s eyes widened, and she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but then closed it again and took a step back. What the hell had that bastard Ezra, or whatever his name was, done to her? He moved past her to the edge of the canyon, staring at the churning waters below.

  Kyle felt, rather than saw, her move up beside him.

  ”It’s magnificent here, Kyle,” she said. “Thank you for showing me this. I never imagined the world held such beauty.”

  Every nerve-ending in him was aware of her standing next to him, and he fought the urge to touch her. Slowly, he turned to face her. She looked up at him, the panic in her eyes replaced by sadness and longing.

  “I’m sorry for my behavior this morning, Katelyn. I was out of line.”

  She shrugged. “You named your terms for bringing me here. I accepted them. There’s nothing more to it,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Nothing more to it? Kyle restrained himself from grabbing her and shaking some sense into her. He had felt her response to that kiss. She couldn’t simply brush it off and pretend nothing had happened. His hands balled into fists at his side.

  She stared up at him. “I am not worried that you will take advantage of me, Kyle. You are the kindest and most decent man I’ve ever met, and I owe you a great debt and my sincerest gratitude for everything you’ve done for me.”

  Debt and gratitude? That’s what she felt? To prevent himself from taking hold of her and demand she be truthful with him, Kyle bent to the ground and picked up a rock, hurling it across the chasm of the canyon in frustration.

  “Let me know when you’ve seen enough, and we’ll head back,” he said, and turned toward the horses. This day was heading nowhere fast. He couldn’t have read her reaction to his kiss wrong. Why was she acting so damned formal and dismissive now? Kyle cursed under his breath, his eyes on her back as she stared into the canyon below.

  Chapter 13

  It has to be this way. Kate stared at the rushing waters below. Her insides churned and raged much like the wild river that carved its way through the rocks, trying to find the quickest route on its journey through the jumbled maze of the canyon to an unknown destination. She couldn’t allow Kyle to see how he affected her. Her feelings frightened her, and she needed to put some distance between them.

  Why did fate have to be so cruel? She longed to give herself over to the overwhelming feelings Kyle aroused in her. Her body tingled each time he touched her, even slightly, and her hands itched to reach out to him. She sensed similar feelings in him, although she couldn’t understand why.

  Her husband had told her she was undesirable, and lacked passion on numerous occasions. He blamed her for his inabilities in the marriage bed during his times of drunkenness. The beatings that followed were almost preferable to his otherwise ruthless and cruel domination of her body. It was true that she felt no desires for her husband, but she had no choice but to submit to him, no matter how repulsive she found him.

  Kyle had stirred hot waves of n
eed in her with that kiss, and left her wondering if he might find her lacking as Hiram did. She would never find out. She wouldn’t be so foolish and kiss Kyle again. After he’d left the cabin this morning, she’d stood there, trembling as she tried to bring her emotions back under control. She’d wanted to call him back, beg him to hold her again, and stir all these wonderful sensations that no other man had ever awakened in her. There would never be another man like Kyle.

  She’d left the cabin, determined to enjoy her outing to see the beauty of the land around her, and put all silly thoughts of love and desire out of her mind. She was not free to give, or receive, such attention. Kate was well aware that Hiram kept at least one mistress, and probably more. Truthfully, she was grateful for these women. Better he bestow his attentions on them than her. It was acceptable for a man to go against his vows, but not so for a woman.

  Throughout the day, she had relied heavily on her formal teachings by her mother that a lady hid her feelings and emotions at all times, and needed to act aloof in the presence of men. It was her only defense against her body’s yearning for Kyle’s touch.

  As she gazed at the tumultuous waters crashing down the steep chasm, dread enveloped her. Her life was in the same kind of turmoil. For the first time, she thought about her future. A week ago, her only goal had been to flee her abusive husband. She hadn’t looked beyond anything after escaping Hiram’s clutches.

  But what now? After Kyle delivered her to Virginia City, what would she do? She had no money, and no means of supporting herself. The only skills she’d ever learned were how to act as a lady in polite society, and manage a maid staff to keep a household running smoothly. Hardly the kinds of skills that would gain her employment anywhere. Going back to Boston would be foolish. Hiram would find her in an instant.

  Kate turned away from the spectacular beauty of the falls. Kyle stood near the horses, leaning against a large boulder, his arms crossed over his chest. He watched her intently, the features of his face hard and unreadable. Her heart rate increased at his perusal, and she averted her eyes. Lifting her skirts slightly to step over some rocks, she headed in his direction.


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