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Page 3

by Tynessa

  Gambino wasn’t ready to talk about his drama with Jazz just yet, and Teyana damn sure wasn’t ready to talk about why she was sporting a black eye, she was glad that he hadn’t made mention of it.

  Chapter 6

  Tyriq was at home pissed that Teyana would try him. He’d told her ass to come home more than three hours ago and she still had yet to walk through the door. He couldn’t track her car because this time she was smart enough to leave it at home. Tyriq also couldn’t track her phone on the AT&T family map because she had powered it off after she hung up on him.

  Maybe she really is through with a nigga this time, I gotta do right by her. She has always been there for me. I gotta get this money so that I don’t feel so inferior to her because she is the real bread winner in the house. I can’t let my niggas know that my bitch is the reason why we in all this fly shit. I smoke more weed than I sell and that’s where my problem is, Tyriq thought to himself.

  Picking his keys up off the coffee table, Tyriq headed to the front door. Just as he put his hand on the door knob he saw the reflection of a car head lights through the window. Having no doubt in his mind that it was Teyana, Tyriq walked back over to the couch he had been sitting on all evening waiting for her to arrive. He sat back down and waited for her to enter the house.

  Walking into the dark house, Teyana prayed and hoped Tyriq was already asleep. She knew he was there because his car was parked in its usual spot. Not bothering to turn on a light she headed straight to Camari’s room. Once he was in bed, Teyana headed out, closing the door behind her.

  “So, where the fuck have you been?” Tyriq asked when she stepped inside their bedroom, starling her.

  “Shit, you scared me, Tyriq,” she said walking over to her dresser, totally ignoring his question. All Teyana wanted to do was shower. Not really ready to wash the scent of Gambino’s cologne off her just yet, she knew she had to before Tyriq got too close to her.

  “I asked you a question.”

  Teyana knew he was about to start some shit. Though, she had a good time with Gambino she was kicking her own ass for not just going home like her fiancé insist.

  “I went out with Sevyn,” she quickly announced as she tried to hurry in the bathroom and shut the door but Tyriq was too quick. Pushing her into the wall, he stared into her eyes as if he was searching for something within her.

  “What nigga you been with?” he asked.

  “Tyriq, you’re hurting me. I told you I went out with Sevyn.” Teyana struggled to breath from the hold her fiancé had around her neck. Staring at her with one of his deadly mugs before he finally released her, Teyana fell to the ground gasping for air.

  There’s no way life supposed to be like this, Teyana thought to herself as she closed the bathroom door. Inside the shower, she silently cried and asked the same question that she’d been asking herself for years, What happened to the love between them? In the beginning of the beating, she kept telling herself that Tyriq would go back to the fun, loving and caring man that she fell in love with. Teyana just knew that all the beating and accusation would soon be over but things just seems to be getting worse.

  One good quality Tyriq did have about him was that he wasn’t a cheater, or at least Teyana didn’t suspect him to be. She never had to go through the disrespect of another bitch calling her house. Stepping to her whenever she went out or telling her shit about her fiancé, but that bullshit meant nothing to her! She’d rather his ass cheat on her than to walk around wearing black-eyes and shit.

  “Baby, I’m sorry,” Tyriq said once Teyana laid in bed. He pulled her in his arms and kissed the nape of her neck. Teyana rolled her eyes upwards and didn’t say anything back. She felt the hardness of Tyriq’s dick pressing against her ass. She had never been able to turn down his sex, even when she wasn’t in the mood, just like then.

  “You know I don’t be meaning the shit I do.”

  Turning her around to face him, Tyriq said, “I promise, I will never put my hands on you again. I mean it this time.” He began placing soft kiss on her lips, then all over her face.

  Teyana took a deep breath. Tyriq was forever making promises that he was bound to break sooner or later, and she was really becoming sick of them.

  Chapter 7

  Lying in bed, Jazz heard when Gambino eased in the hotel room. She watched as he headed straight to the shower. Looking at the clock it was damn near two in the morning. Instantly, her mind went into overdrive and slinging the covers back, she bust into the bathroom.

  “So, you leave me in this fucking room all damn day then come in and head straight to the fucking shower. Really, Gambino?” Jazz said with her hands on her hips. It was taking all she had to not stare at his dick that was semi hard.

  Gambino didn’t say anything at first, he just stared at her as if she was a stranger. “You find anything to bitch about, don’t you?” he finally said. Jazz was feeling like she should’ve just left like she started to, but while she was at the airport, she got to thinking. She didn’t feel comfortable just leaving him in another city for some random bitch to dig her claws in him. She hailed another cab and headed back to the hotel but she couldn’t believe that Gambino was being so cold to her.

  Gambino didn’t think he was being cold, he was just tired of her bitching and complaining about dumb shit. He had money that needed to be made and she damn sure wasn’t about to get in the way of that.

  “I’m saying, though. That shit ain’t cool at all and you know it.” Jazz was on ten, and just like all the other times she wasn’t trying to hide it.

  Wrapping a towel around his wet glisten body, Gambino paid Jazz no mind as she fussed and cursed him out with no care in the world. It wasn’t until she pushed him that he grabbed her and threw her on the bed roughly. Gambino knew exactly why Jazz was acting out the way she was and he definitely had the cure for that attitude of her!

  Jazz knew Gambino was about to dick her down good though she was angry that he left her in the hotel room all day. He had the audacity to come in late and head straight to the shower without saying shit to her but she was never too mad to turn down his dope dick.

  Gambino entered her already wet pussy with one thrust, hitting the bottom of her stomach. Jazz gasped and clenched his shoulders as she screamed in ecstasy while Gambino pound her pussy repeatedly.

  “This what you wanted? Huh, Jazz?” he asked her as he flipped her onto her stomach then pulled her up on her knees. Jazz knew her mouth was vicious and always got her into trouble.

  See, Gambino wasn’t the type of nigga to hit females. He would just let his dick punish them instead. Whenever Jazz starts acting out he had just what she needed to shut her the fuck up. Gambino watched Jazz ass bounce back as he smacked it repeatedly while having no mercy on her pussy. It wasn’t long before the both of them exploded and just like he knew it would, the dick put Jazz to sleep instantly.

  Gambino went and hopped back in the shower. While he was in, he got an eerie feeling that he wasn’t used to. Thoughts of Teyana was flooding his mind and he didn’t know why. What was it about her that had him thinking about her so soon?

  Once he got out the shower, he decided to text Teyana and tell her good night but when he picked up his phone he seen he had a text from her already.

  Teyana: Really enjoyed tonight. Hope you didn’t get into too much trouble with wifey. Good Night Terrean.

  Gambino: I enjoyed you tonight as well but I see you got jokes. I won’t get in trouble as long as I keep you happy. Good Night Teyana.

  Gambino looked at the time stamp for when she sent her original text to him and that was at 3:30 am, here it was almost 4 am and he didn’t feel bad at all for texting her back. She was on his mind heavy.

  When Gambino finally woke up it was after 2:00 pm. Jazz was no longer in the bed but he knew her ass was in the suite somewhere. Getting up, he headed to the bathroom to take care of his hygiene. When he got back to the bedroom, Jazz was sitting on the bed fully dressed with her arms folded
over her chest, legs crossed and pouting her lips.

  Gambino looked at her and shook his head with a slight smile. He knew she was about to start whining about him taking her out for the day. He had already planned to do so, but she was bitching when he came in and he didn’t have time to tell her that they would be spending the day together.

  Gambino pulled out a pair of black True Religion jeans and a black and white Tee, on his feet he had on a pair of black Gamma 11s. Jazz was dressed in a pair of black Seven jeans with a white baby tee and a pair of black Giuseppe booties, she wore her hair short and curly. Once Gambino was finished dressing they headed out of the hotel.

  Gambino knew he wouldn’t run into Teyana because she had told him she was gonna go back home because she didn’t wanna keep Camari from his father. He was against it because if Teyana ended up with another bruise, he was gonna lose it, but he didn’t protest. It wasn’t his place since he had a girl at home, right?

  Jazz was happy that she was getting to go out with Gambino and show those ATL hoes that he was in fact taken. They headed to Applebees for a late lunch. The waiter came over and took their drink order and let them know she would be right back.

  “So, what you wanna do today?” Gambino asked.

  “How much time do I get out your busy day?” Jazz asked sarcastically. That was the very thing that he was starting to hate about Jazz. She didn’t know how to just go with the flow. She always flapped her lips about the wrong shit and it was beginning to aggravate Gambino in the worst way.

  “C’mon Jazz, don’t start this bullshit. I pushed shit back because I felt bad about yesterday and you can’t just enjoy the moment. That fucking trap of yours is gone get you left looking stupid,” Gambino said. He was pissed and not in the mood to eat anymore.

  “I’m sorry. As long as I get to spend some time with you, I don’t care what we do, baby,” Jazz said just as the waitress was coming back with their drinks.

  “Are you ready to order?” the waitress asked while looking at Gambino with lustful eyes. Jazz was either oblivious to the stare down or so was used to it that she just ignored it.

  “I will have the chicken Penne pasta bowl and a house salad,” Jazz said with a hint of attitude. She had definitely seen the way the waitress was drooling over Gambino.

  “Just give me the Honey Pepper chicken and shrimp dish,” Gambino said and handed her back the menu while laughing a little. The waitress snatched the menu from Jazz and lightly grabbed on to the one Gambino was holding and walked off.

  “Gambino, this shit ain’t funny. I’m so tired bitches blatantly disrespecting me because of the lust they have for your ass and you not speaking up on it.” Gambino had stopped listening to Jazz because Teyana and Camari had just been seated at the table not too far from them.Then, some nigga walked in and sat with them.

  Gambino didn’t know why, but he had a tinge of jealousy in him when he saw them enter and eat as if they were a happy family. All except for the fact that it was a cloudy day in Atlanta and Teyana was wearing a pair of oversized shades and light scarf around her neck.

  Without even thinking, Gambino got up and walked over to the table where Teyana and Tyriq was sitting, leaving Jazz sitting there wondering what the hell had just happened.

  Chapter 8

  Teyana almost shitted a brick when she saw Gambino appoarching her table. She couldn’t believe of all the places to run into him, it happened while she was with Tyriq and he was coming to their table.

  “Teyana, is that you?” Gambino asked as he got closer.

  “Hi, Gambino. Tyriq this is Gambino, Sevyn cousin-in-law, Gambino this is my fiancé, Tyriq,” Teyana said quickly introducing the two. She damn sure didn’t have time to be trying to explain to Tyriq how she knew him.

  Teyana was nervous on the inside but on the outside she was cool as a fan. She didn’t know what the feeling was but she was more ecstatic that Gambino came to the table than she was mad. She’d been thinking about him since their date the night before, and when she woke up to his returned text, she was on cloud nine. Getting text messages from another nigga at four in the morning was the ultimate disrespect but because it was Terrean, she didn’t care.

  Tyriq stared Gambino down for what seem like eternity. The whole time Teyana had her ass cheeks squeezed together hoping nothing would jump off because Gambino was giving him the same stare down, if not harder.

  Tyriq finally hit him with a head nod and said, “Sup, man?”

  Gambino just hit him with a head nod and turned his attention to Camari.

  “What’s up, lil’ man,” he said. Camari had the biggest smile ever on his face and waved. Teyana breathe a sigh of relief and thanked God that her son didn’t rat her out about leaving him at Sevyn and Zywon’s house while she left with Gambino.

  “Our food is ready, baby,” said Jazz. She wasn’t feeling how Gambino left her at their table to run to another. She had to keep telling herself that the guy was one of his and Zywon’s workers but the way he was staring him up and down, as if he was a stranger, had her thinking differently. Gambino knew her ass just came over to be nosey.

  “Jazz, this is Sevyn’s best friend, Teyana, and her lil’ man, Camari. This is my girl, Jazz,” Gambino said, intentionally not introducing Tyriq.

  Teyana couldn’t help but notice Tyriq clenching him jaw. Why the fuck is Gambino playing games and shit?,Teyana thought to herself. Last thing she needed was for Tyriq to think anything was going on between her and Gambino. She looked at Jazz and she had a confused look upon her face. Maybe she was wondering why her man only introduced Teyana as well.

  “Hey, Jazz. This is my fiancé, Tyriq,” Teyana said.

  “Oh, you can call me Jazmine!” Jazz said rudely.

  Teyana frowned but tried to play it off by smiling. “How about I call you, Bitch!” she wanted to say, but instead she politely said, “Well, nice to meet you Jazmine!”

  “Likewise! Come on baby, before the food gets cold,” said Jazz as she pulled Gambino towards their table.

  Gambino looked over his shoulder one last time as he walked to his table behind Jazz. He began to kick himself in the ass for even going over to Teyana’s table in the first damn place, but just seeing her sitting with that nigga, something came over him.

  Then Jazz ass going over there acting all rude and shit. He wanted to curse her the fuck out but he didn’t wanna seem suspect. Mainly, he didn’t need her ass causing a damn scene and shit. Looking over at Teyana’s table he could tell that her and her bitch ass fiancé was arguing and it was taking everything in him to mind his own business.

  “That’s the nigga you fucking, huh?!” It was like Tyriq was telling her rather than asking. Teyana rolled her eyes upwards, she was so not in the mood for any of the bullshit.

  “Tyriq, what are you talking about? I ain’t fucking nobody but you.” She reached across the table to caress the side of his face.

  “I better damn be!” he kissed her hand. Tyriq was something else. One minute he was the damn devil in the flesh and the next minute he was sweet as he could be, but that was rare.

  Teyana was happy that he fell for that bullshit she had just spit to him. She wished like hell she was fucking Gambino’s ass.That man was all types of fine! She knew the date they had the previous night was all his ass was getting out of her, though. Tyriq would kill her if he knew she was even thinking about letting another nigga get a sniff of his pussy.

  Out the corner of her eye, Teyana saw Gambino and his girl leaving the restaurant. She kind of envied Jazz at that moment, wishing it was her with him instead of Jazz ass. Picking over her food, she couldn’t get Gambino off her mind. Feeling her phone vibrate in her purse, a gut feeling was telling her that it was Gambino, so she snuck a peek at it and it was indeed him. Hiding her excitement Teyana excused herself to the restroom.

  Gambino: I hope I didn’t stir any trouble between you and ol’ dude. I just had to come over and say something to you. You was looking to beautiful to a nigga

  Teyana: That was some bold shit for you to come to my table like that. Not only was it disrespectful to my fiancé but to your girl as well.

  Gambino: I don’t mind being disrespectful!! Meet me at Zy’s crib at 8pm.

  Teyana couldn’t help but to smile at his last text as she shook her head. Just him saying he didn’t mind being disrespectful let her know that he didn’t give a damn about her fiancé or his girl and that shit turned her on in the worst way. She text him back and exited the restroom thinking of a master plan to get out the house later.

  Gambino placed his phone back inside his pocket after reading the text from Teyana agreeing to meet him. Now, all he had to do was shake Jazz ass off later. He knew it was going to be hard but he had the perfect plan. He was gonna just call up Zywon and have him to call him around that time to get him out the hotel room, just say it’s business or some shit. Jazz wouldn’t have no other choice but to accept that shit.

  Chapter 9

  When Teyana pulled up to Sevyn’s house it was going on 9 o’clock. Better late than never! She was kind of hesitative at first about having Sevyn call her phone to get her out, being that she had just introduced Gambino as Zywon’s cousin. Teyana was pretty sure that Tyriq would catch on but sometimes his ass could act dumb as hell and she was glad that this was one of them times.

  When she pulled up Gambino’s car was already there and she smiled as a nervous feeling came over her. She had never did no shit like meet up with another nigga behind Tyriq’s back. It was just something about Gambino that made her wanna step out of character and do the ultimate no-no. Just as she was about to knock, the door swung open and Sevyn pulled her inside.

  “Damn bitch, you late! I was like man I hope she ain’t doing cuzzo like that. I thought fa’ sho’ you was about to stand his ass up,” Sevyn’s crazy ass said.


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