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Page 7

by Tynessa

  “What’s gotten into you lately?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  “Nothing. I just missed you and my son. I love you, Teyana.” He kissed her on the lips. A peck turned into something so passionate. Teyana was the first to pull back.

  “I have to put Camari to bed,” she said, then disappeared out the room.

  Teyana did her motherly duties before heading to bed. As she was getting her night wear out Tyriq walked up behind her. He began to kiss her neck as he ran his hands over her body.

  “Not right now, Tyriq, I’m tired. It was a long flight and all I want to do is shower and go to sleep,” she said looking at him through the mirror. Tyriq nodded his head up and down and walked back over to the bed. She felt bad but oh well.

  Once she was out the shower and had lotion up, Teyana got in bed. Tyriq’s ass wasted no time pulling her in his arms as Teyana sighed deeply as she rolled her eyes upwards. It was funny how she’d never been able to turn down his sex before. Even when he’d just given her one of his infamous ass whooping.

  “Tyriq. Can I just get some rest? I know you haven’t had no pussy in a few days but damn. I’m tired. I’ve been running behind your son and I need some rest. You know how active Camari could be,” Teyana said with an attitude. Tyriq just stared at her with fire in his eyes. She was surprised when he didn’t slap the shit out of her and take the pussy. Any other time he would’ve went in on her shit just for no being in her vocabulary.

  “Okay. I’ll just take him off your hands and let him hang with me for a few days. You know, to let you recuperate and shit like that,” Tyriq suggested. Teyana smiled. If she didn’t have a strange feeling as if she would be cheating on Gambino by fucking her fiancé she would have given him some pussy right then.

  “Aw, thanks so much Tyriq,” she gave him a peck on the lips before making herself comfy.

  “Aye, bae. I want to talk about our wedding. We’ve been engaged for over two years and I think it’s time we go ahead and set a date.” Tyriq said out of nowhere.

  The fuck is up with his ass. First, he’s being all nice and shit,now he’s trying to set a date for a wedding, Teyana said to herself. Tyriq just didn’t know how long Teyana had been waiting to hear him to say those words. In the past, whenever she talked about their wedding he would shut her down, but nowadays, Teyana was having second thoughts. She’d given it a lot of thought and she wasn’t so sure if she wanted to marry him or not. Maybe being with Gambino made her realize Tyriq isn’t the man she would like to spend the rest of her life with.

  “I don’t think it’s the right time, Riq,” she said, calling him by his nickname. “I mean, we’re not financially stable for a wedding,” she tried to be reasonable with him. “You don’t even have a job. I’m the only one that has an income coming in. I can’t pay for a wedding and pay these bills around here.”

  Tyriq didn’t respond right away because he knew she was speaking the truth. Sad thing about it was, he didn’t even feel bad for not having a job. He sold his little weed and that was good enough for him.

  “Well, we could just go to the courthouse. We don’t have to have all that fancy shit.”

  “Yes, we do! I want my fucking wedding to be laid. I’m not going to the courthouse, Riq and that’s all there is to it!” Tyriq knew she was upset because she was calling him Riq and not Tyriq.

  “You must’ve gotten you some dick while you was gone or something.” Tyriq said.

  “Tyriq, please don’t start that shit.” Teyana tried to avoid eye contact.

  “I’m saying, you went up there and came back bucking on a nigga. I’m trying to do right by you but I’m not about to have you talking to me like a fucking child either. You know better than that. Now, start planning our fucking wedding. I’ll give you six months or I’m dragging you to the fucking courthouse.” With that Tyriq turned his back on her and made himself comfortable on his side of the bed.

  Teyana couldn’t do or say shit. How was she going to tell Gambino she had to start planning her wedding? She didn’t know how but she knew she had to get out of marrying Tyriq’s deranged ass.

  Chapter 15

  Jazz had been calling Gambino for the last hour but he wouldn’t answer her calls. She felt like she was starting to lose him and hoped that her news would at least get them headed back in the direction of where they used to be.

  Jazz had been feeling sick since they returned from ATL a few months ago. She kept brushing it under the table because she didn’t think she could get pregnant since the miscarriage, but when she was in Jersey visiting her family, they all kept talking about the weight it looked like she was gaining. She thought about the possibility of being pregnant but then she remembered that she had gotten her period, briefly, when they returned from the trip.

  Today, she attempted to put on a pair of her Seven jeans and she couldn’t get them over her thighs. She decided to throw on some sweats and run to the Wal-Mart up the street. She purchased a pregnancy test, went home and took it. That three minutes seemed like a lifetime, but it was only three minutes. She waited patiently for the results, and they in fact stated that she was indeed pregnant.

  She couldn’t wait to tell him because she knew how much he wanted a baby and after the loss of their first child, Gambino took it hard. He kept trying for another one but Jazz wasn’t having it. She had her own selfish reasons for not wanting a baby, but she was starting to realize that a baby was the only way she was going to be able to keep Gambino.

  Hell, it may have been reason enough for him not to move to ATL. She tried calling Gambino one more time and this time he answered after the fourth ring.

  “What’s up, ma?” Gambino spoke when he answered.

  “Baby, what time you coming home?”

  “I don’t know. I’m doing last minute shit before I hit the road in the morning.” Gambino going out of town was new news to Jazz and she was pissed.

  “What do you mean before you hit the road? You’re going out of town and didn’t feel the need to tell me?”

  “Jazz, don’t start that shit. Zywon just called me a couple hours ago. Some shit popped off and he need my help. I’m in and out.” Gambino was making a surprise trip to see Teyana. Only person that knew he was coming was Zywon. They knew that if they told Sevyn ass,she would spill the beans and blow his cover. He wanted to personally let Teyana know that he was moving to ATL and if all went like it was supposed to, he was leaving Jazz in Buffalo.

  “But if you have been knowing for a few hours that you were leaving tomorrow, why didn’t you call me so I could pack?” Jazz said whining.

  “I didn’t call because you’re not going, Jazz. I will talk to you when I get home. I got a few more errands to run and I will be in.” Gambino hung up without waiting for her response.

  That whining shit that Jazz was on, was the exact reason that Gambino didn’t wanna be with her anymore. He had made her totally dependent on him and he regretted that till this day.

  Jazz held the phone amazed that he had hung up on her. She was losing her man and she had to expedite her plan to keep him. She just hoped it didn’t come back to bite her in the ass.


  Gambino was making his rounds with his nigga, Biggs. Biggs was gonna take over the area when he relocated. He and Biggs went to grammar school together and they excelled through the drug game with Zywon together. He felt that leaving the crown of Buffalo to Biggs was the right move.

  “What’s up with Jazz needy ass now?” Biggs asked. No one liked Jazz but he was the only one who knew that Jazz had stepped out on Gambino. He told Gambino that he caught Jazz but back then, Gambino was a young nigga in love and didn’t think she could do no wrong. In his heart, Gambino knew that his nigga was telling the truth, but his ego wouldn’t allow him to bow out because he couldn’t satisfy his bitch.

  He thanked Biggs for telling him and pushed it to the back of his mind and he never brought it up, or thought about it, again.

  “Man, same ol’ same ol�
��. I’m ready to leave her sitting right here in this city with you niggas, go to ATL, take Teyana from her faggot ass baby daddy and start over.”

  Biggs was impressed. Whoever this Teyana chick was, had his nigga on cloud nine and he was happy for him. Everyone knew he hadn’t been happy with Jazz since the loss of their unborn.

  Biggs asked Gambino to stop at the store so he could grab some swishers to roll up with. Gambino decided to call Teyana, he needed to hear her voice. She answered on the third ring sounding funny, Gambino figured she was with ol’ boy.

  “I’m sorry, ma, I needed to hear your voice, is this a bad time?” Gambino asked

  “No,I’m free. Just shocked to hear from you.” That was a dumb statement. Gambino looked at the phone to make sure he called the right person. He and Teyana talked every day, sometimes all day, so why would she be shocked that he was calling.

  “You sure you alright? I call you at least once a day, Ma.” Gambino was confused as hell.

  “I’m good, boo. I just meant, shocked to hear from you so soon. We just finished texting a few hours ago.”

  “Oh, my bad, I didn’t know I had a timeframe on how often I could think about you and decide to call.” Teyana knew that she had made Gambino mad because he was being way too sarcastic. Truth was, Teyana was in the bridal shop looking over bridesmaid’s dresses and deciding on what colors to go with for her wedding.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just stressed to the max planning this wedding that I don’t want.” Before Teyana knew it, she had let it slip that she was planning her wedding to Tyriq and Gambino was seeing red at this point.

  “You’re planning what? You still gone fucking marry this nigga, Tee?” Gambino was yelling so loud that Biggs could hear him from the outside as he was walking to the car.

  “Baby, please calm down, I’m only planning until I can figure what I can do to get out of this situation. I do have to worry about my son, it’s not like it’s just me. Making him believe that I am planning this weeding is keeping the tension down in the house and that’s all I need while I get my shit together.”

  “Tee, that’s bullshit and you know it. I have more than enough money for you to leave that nigga,and if he gave a fuck about Camari, you wouldn’t be a human punching bag in front of him.” Gambino was livid and for Teyana to be using her son as an excuse was pissing him the fuck off.

  “Terrean, it’s not fair that because I don’t wanna be with Tyriq, that I deprive him from his son. He’s a good father.” Teyana tried to reason, but she knew deep down, that wasn’t an excuse to stay. She wasn’t going to be able to use that excuse too much longer.

  “Tee, do you still love this nigga?” Gambino needed to know if he was making the right decision. He held his breath as he waited for Teyana to answer his question…

  Chapter 16

  Gambino’s question caught Teyana totally by surprise. She wasn’t expecting him to ask if she still loved her fiancé. She just held the phone as she thought long and hard about the question that she didn’t know have an answer to. Truth be told, Teyana really didn’t know how she felt about Tyriq nowadays. One minute she hated the ground he walked on but lately Tyriq had her floating on cloud nine. He’d become the old Tyriq again, the one that she’d fell head over heels in love with, the same one that she prayed would return. Now that he had, Teyana didn’t know how to feel about it.

  “Of course I love him, Terrean,” she finally answered him truthfully. Teyana really did love Tyriq. How could she not? He’d given her the one thing that no one would ever be able to give her and she would forever be grateful.

  “Well, let me ask you this. Are you still in love with him?” Gambino asked the million dollar question. She loved Tyriq but her still being in love with him was a different story. Gambino notice the long pause Teyana was taking and that pissed him off. Here he was planning on making a trip to see her, and she was planning her wedding to that bitch ass nigga she called her fiancé.

  “You know what? Don’t even worry about answering that fucking question. Good luck on the wedding, ma,” with that Gambino ended the call. He was willing to kick his girl to the curb for Teyana and she was on some bullshit.

  Biggs had finally gotten in the car and noticed the pissed off look on his homeboy’s face. He asked Gambino what was up but Gambino had never been one to put everyone in his business so he assured Biggs that everything was fine. What he and Teyana went through didn’t concern him. Last thing he needed was to tell him his problem and he go run his mouth. Dropping Biggs off, Gambino headed straight home to pack. Though he was pissed at Teyana, he was still making the trip to Atlanta.

  Jazz had been sitting on the couch waiting for Gambino to get home for over an hour. She was on ten and had a few words for his ass. When she hung up from him a few hours prior she received a call from his cousin, Carla. To say she was shocked by the news she had delivered would’ve been an understatement. Last she checked. Carla didn’t like her and the feeling was mutual because Jazz hated her with everything that was in her. Carla was messy as fuck and was always sleeping with someone damn man. So why she felt the need to deliver the info to Jazz was beyond her.

  Gambino walked into his semi dark home and Jazz wasted no time going into his shit. Jumping up from the couch, she met him in the foyer.

  “So, that’s how you do it, Gambino? I go out of town for a week and you’re up here parading another bitch around town,”Jazz yelled angrily as she stood directly in Gambino’s face.

  Instantly, he saw red. He knew then that Carla had ran her damn mouth. But why, though? Last he checked Jazz wasn’t one of her favorite people so why did it matter to her. He’d cheated on Jazz in the past so why did Carla care this one particular time. He just didn’t understand, but he was going to surly find out.

  “Man, if you don’t get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit. What the fuck are you talking about anyways, Jazz?” Gambino gave her a light push, not too hard but it was hard enough to get her out his face. Jazz ran back on him.

  “I’m talking about you at the mall with another bitch and her child like y’all one big ass happy family and shit. Really? How in the fuck you going to do some shit like that?” Jazz said as the tears fell rapidly.

  “Man, how you know it wasn’t one of my cousins or something? Maybe it was Carla.” Gambino mentioned Carla to see if it was her that ratted him out. Jazz gave him a deadly glare and if looks could kill Gambino would’ve been a dead ass at that moment.

  “Gambino, I’ll slap the shit out of yo’ ass.” Jazz actually jumped at him as if he should’ve been scared. “You know damn well it wasn’t Carla.” She wanted to tell him that it was indeed Carla that gave her the heads up of what was going on while she was away, but who told her was irrelevant. She knew, and that was all that mattered.

  Though it wasn’t a laughing matter, Gambino couldn’t help but to laugh at Jazz attempt to scare him.

  “Well, what was the bitch name I was with? Because if I’m cheating I want to at least know her name.” Gambino was trying to see if Jazz knew it was Teyana that he was indeed cheating on her with.

  “Hell, I don’t know the ho’ name! How about you tell me what it is?! I don’t know why your dog ass is sitting up here acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I swear to god if I wasn’t pregnant with your fucking child I would leave your ass and wouldn’t look back.” Jazz had actually slapped Gambino before storming off. He was too stuck on the fact that she’d just reviled that she was pregnant to even react to the slap.

  “Fuck!” he said much to himself. Jazz being a pregnant was a blessing but not at the right time. Someone else now had his heart but his longtime girlfriend was pregnant with his baby. Shit was all bad for Gambino. There was no way he could find it in his heart to leave Jazz now, or could he? Only time will tell.

  After making a phone call to Carla and listening to her trying to convince him that it wasn’t her that told, Gambino had finally heard enough. He didn’t really care on
e way or the other who had gave her the information. He knew Jazz was just talking shit and wasn’t going anywhere.

  Going upstairs to his bedroom, Gambino headed straight to the bathroom to take a piss. On the counter was the pregnancy test Jazz had taken earlier. After empting his bladder he picked it up and a smile crept upon his lips. Maybe a baby was what he needed since Teyana would soon be married.

  “Get up and pack your bags so we can head out,” Gambino leaned over and kissed Jazz on the lips. He was planning on taking her to Atlanta with him. Last thing he needed was for her to be stressing and wondering what he was doing while away.

  “I don’t wanna go,” Jazz lied. Wanting to jump right up at his demand, Jazz refused to. She was actually hurt that Gambino would do some disrespectful shit like that while she was away.

  Jazz knew he’d cheated in the past but never once did he parade the bitch around like she didn’t exist. She had no idea who it was, but the bitch had to be special. Thinking that the woman Gambino was cheating on her with was one of New York’s finest, Jazz was ready to make the move to Atlanta, for good. She refused to let any bitch steal her soon to be baby father away from her. If only she knew the woman resided in Atlanta.

  Chapter 17

  Teyana had been feeling some type of way since Gambino hung up in her face the day before. She tried calling him back but he didn’t answer, andshe really didn’t understand why he was so angry when he knew she was engaged when he first met her. Better yet he had a bitch at home so whether she loved her fiancé or not should’ve been irrelevant. She was in deep thought when the sound of her phone startled her. It was Sevyn.

  “Hey, sis. What’s up?” Teyana answer right away.

  “Hey, boo. What you over there doing?” asked Sevyn. She was calling to see if Teyana wanted to go out with them. Only thing wrong was Jazz was coming along and she didn’t know how Teyana would feel about that.


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