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Page 10

by Tynessa

  As if on que, Darius got down on one knee and asked Tamika to marry him for the 3rd time since they have been together and this time she accepted.

  “Well,Mister-Fix-It, you managed to mind my business but you can’t get your own shit together. What are you going to do about Teyana when you get down there?” Tamika asked him.

  “Man, I don’t know. I do know that it’s becoming clear that I need to leave Jazz ass here. I don’t know if I wanna be with her. I wanna stay for the baby, but I know that’s the wrong thing to do. I’ma take care of mines regardless.

  Gambino was really gonna base his decision off how far along Jazz was. Something deep down was telling him that it wasn’t his baby. He hadn’t slept with her since before they left ATL. Plus, Jazz actions is showing she was way too excited about this baby. She wasn’t this happy the first time and at that point they were in love with each other.

  “Damn,” both Tamika and Darius said. What was worse was that Gambino didn’t even give a fuck. It just made him wanna fight for Teyana much more. He refused to let her marry this nigga. She could do all the planning she wanted to, but she wasn’t saying ‘I Do’ with his ass. He began thinking of a plan in his head while he rolled up a blunt. He was about to check on his stores and then head to the barbershop before he went in the house.

  Chapter 21

  Teyana was sitting at the table going over her guest list. She didn’t know why she was still going through with this damn wedding. She couldn’t get Gambino off her mind. She stared at the text message he had sent her a few days prior and she was still laughing at him. No matter how much she tried to forget him she couldn’t. She regretted she told him they had to end things, but that late night message from Gambino let her know that he wasn’t giving up without a fight.

  Tyriq came in the house with a sleeping Camari. He took him upstairs and came back down. Teyana turned around to greet him, but was met with his fist. Tyriq grabbed Teyana by her hair and pulled her in the living room.

  “I thought you was in Buffalo with Sevyn and her family?” he gritted through his teeth.

  “I was with Sevyn. Who the fuck else would I be with, I don’t know anyone there but her family.” Teyana said through her sobs. For some reason Teyana felt that he knew the real truth and her lying was only going to make matters worse.

  “Then why the fuck is there pictures of you on instagram with my son and another nigga walking around the mall?” She didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about. Teyana knew they hadn’t taken any pictures while we were down there, especially not while we were in the mall. She damn sure wasn’t going to provide no information, he was gone have to show her proof and then she was going to go from there.

  “Oh, don’t look dumb now. Yo’ ass wasn’t looking to stupid walking thru the mall with my son around another nigga.”Tyriq took his phone out and pushed in her face. Damn, she was stuck. She had to come up with a lie and quick.

  “Tyriq, let me fucking go. That’s Sevyn cousin-in-law. I introduced you to him back when we were out to eat. Him and his girlfriend. We were all in the mall together. I don’t know how, but whoever took this picture managed to not get Zywon and Sevyn in it but you can clearly see another person behind me with bags.” Teyana lied hoping he bought the story.

  “Teyana, wasn’t nobody else in that mall with y’all. This is just the first picture I seen. You and this nigga was parading around like a happy fucking family.” With that Tyriq began delivering blow after blow to her head, face, stomach, ribs and anywhere else he could land a punch. Teyana curled up in a ball screaming her lungs out hoping that for once the neighbors would help her and call the police. Tyriq began stomping her when he got tired of swinging his hands.

  Camari heard the cries and went to his parents’ room to call his auntie Sevyn.

  “Auntie Sevyn, daddy is hurting mommy!” Camari cried into the phone as soon as she answered.

  “Camari baby, me and uncle Zy on the way. Go in the closet and call the police. Tell them your address and stay there until I get there.”

  “Okay auntie, hurry!” Camari hung up the phone and immediately dialed 911 like he was told too.

  Camari didn’t hear his mother crying anymore. He opened the closet door, thinking that his dad had left because he didn’t hear him either. He was going to help his mommy until the police showed up butbefore he could fully open the door, Tyriq swung it open forcefully and snatched him up.

  Tyriq headed downstairs and Teyana was laid on the living floor motionless. He stepped over her body and out the front door. He strapped Camari in his seat and was pulling out the driveway in a matter of seconds. He was pulling off the street as the police was pulling onto the block.

  Teyana could go be with that nigga if she wanted to, but the only way she was going to see Camari again was when they got to the altar of their wedding.

  “Daddy, I wanna stay with mommy.” Camari cried from the backseat. Tyriq turned and looked at his son. He hated that Camari had to see Teyana like that but he she had pissed him off. Who the fuck did she think she was parading around town with another nigga and taking his son with her like it was a normal thing to do.

  “We gonna give mommy a few days to feel better son. You will see her soon, I promise.”


  Teyana was just coming out of her unconsciousness when she heard the front door being slammed shut. It took a minute for her to register what had just happened. Where the fuck did Tyriq get the pictures from of her and Gambino, was all she could asked herself. It took all the little strength she had left in her body to pull herself from the floor. Just as she slowly stood she had to hold onto the wall to answer the front door.

  “APD, opened up!” the policeman pound on her from door. Teyana had never been so happy to see a policeman in her life. The sight in front of them caused their blood to boil as she fell into the male officer arms.

  “Ma’am, do you know who did this to you?” the male policeman asked while the female called for paramedics. Afraid to tell them that her fiancé was the cause of her to stand there with her face barely noticeable. Teyana dropped her head in shame.

  “Ma’am, is anyone else here with you?” the female officer asked with her hand on her gun. The male entered the house first and checked all the rooms before revealing that Teyana was there alone.

  “My-my son. He’s here,” she stuttered. Giving the house another walk through the male office revealed once again that Teyana was alone and that when she lost it. She wanted badly to tell them that it was Tyriq but Teyana knew him too well. If she had told them, there was no doubt in her mind that he wouldn’t let her see her son again. Even if he was locked up, Tyriq’s mother wouldn’t hesitate to try to keep Camari away from Teyana.

  “Oh my fucking gosh. Teyana that nigga did this to you?” Sevyn asked as she ran to Teyana’s side as they were loading her into the ambulance. Teyana didn’t say anything, she just closed her eyes as the tears rolled her down her face.

  Zywon knew what was up when Sevyn got into the ambulance. He walked to his car and proceed to follow behind them to the hospital. He debated if he should call Gambino or not being that they didn’t end things on a good note last time they were together. Fuck it! It wasn’t a secret that Gambino was in love with Teyana and Zywon knew his cousin would want to know something like this had went down with her.


  “Yo, what’s up cuzzo?” Gambino answered as he walked around the furniture store doing a little house shopping with Jazz. He decided to move down a day early and as bad as he didn’t want to, he brought Jazz along. It was going to be temporary and he only did it because she started crying and throwing a damn tantrum when he told her that she was staying in Buffalo. For the sake of his unborn child he let her move down with him. Once she had the baby, he was ending things with her whether the baby was his or not.

  “Man, bruh, I know you trying to get settled and shit but you need to get to the hospital man.” Zywon kept it short in case
Jazz was eavesdropping.

  “They hospital? Why, who the fuck in there?” Gambino held his breath waiting for Zywon to answer. Teyana was the first person that came to mind and he only prayed that it wasn’t her.

  “Man…. I don’t know what the fuck went down but Camari called and said—”Zywon’s words was cut short when Gambino ended the call.

  Jazz didn’t know what was going on. All Gambino said was “Let’s go!’ to her and rushed out the store. She knew someone was in the hospital but she didn’t care one way or the other of who it could have been. Right then she wished she would’ve drove her own damn car so he could go ahead about his business. Sitting in the hospital all day pretending to be concerned about someone she didn’t give a damn about was not how Jazz planned on spending her day.

  “Damn, did you have to leave me like that? Whoever in the hospital isn’t going no damn where. Trust and believe they’ll still be there when you get there,” Jazz fussed as she eased into the passenger seat. Gambino shook his head at her ignorant ass. Shit like that made him wish he had it in him to punch her dead in her fucking mouth. Tuning her out as she continued to fuss, he turned the volume up to the max on the radio and speeded off.

  It took Gambino all of ten minutes to get there, andnot wanting to seem too anxious he actually wait on Jazz. He know he had no business taking her with him in the first place but just knowing something had happened to Teyana it was as if something had come over him, so taking Jazz back home before going wasn’t an option.

  Walking into the emergency room Jazz noticed Zywon sitting there. She rolled her eyes upwards. She didn’t really have a problem with him but it was Sevyn she couldn’t stand.

  I know damn well he didn’t drag me up here because of this bitch, Jazz thought to herself. Gambino dapped Zywon up and just as he opened his mouth to speak, Sevyn was gesturing for them to follow her. Not even thinking about Jazz being there, Gambino was the first to head that way with Zywon and Jazz walking slowly behind. Zywon and Sevyn knew it was about to be some shit. Gambino was being careless and letting his emotions get the best of him. Regardless of how he felt about Jazz, they were still in a relationship and he needed to realize that.

  Gambino rubbed his hand down his face as they were approaching the door. He didn’t know what to expect and Jazz was beyond confused. If it wasn’t Sevyn or Zywon then who was it? The anticipation was getting the best of her. Gambino had a look of concern on his face and that wasn’t sitting well with Jazz. Sevyn opened the door and walked in, followed by Zywon, then Gambino. Jazz was the last to enter to room and at that moment she then realized why Teyana’s named sounded so familiar the morning Gambino moaned it out instead of hers.

  Chapter 22

  Gambino took one look at Teyana and saw red. Taking everything in him to keep his composure he cut his eyes at Jazz that was holding her spot by the door. She stood there cutting her eyes from Gambino to Teyana and if looks could kill they both would be dead. Then, on top of that, Teyana was looking at him out her one good eye with a look of disgust. Gambino just dropped his head. Maybe bringing Jazz wasn’t the best thing after all.

  “Gambino, I know damn well—,” Jazz started but was cut short by the doctor walking in with a chart in her hand. She looked around and smile.

  “Well, I see you have company,” she said before speaking to everyone. She asked Teyana did she want for them to go out so she could speak to her in private but Sevyn spoke up.

  “We’re all family,” she said. The doctor looked at Teyana for confirmation and Teyana nodded her head.

  “First, I want you to know that you’re a very lucky woman. God must’ve been on your side because it’s a miracle you didn’t miscarriage during your beating…” Everything else she said was irrelevant to Gambino. All he got out the conversation was that Teyana was two months pregnant.


  “So, this the bitch you been fucking? You calling me this ho’ name and shit. Really, Gambino? That’s how the fuck you doing it now?” Jazz continued to swing at Gambino as the tears fell from her eyes, rapidly. The doctor was standing there looking in disbelief.

  Gambino scooped Jazz up and carried her out the room before the doctor had a chance to call security. Jazz was trying to break free of his hold but he hand his arms locked around her tightly but not too tight to harm his baby. Once they were outside and at the car he let her go.

  “I can’t believe I didn’t put two and two together. How could you do some shit like this to me, Gambino? Then you got that bitch pregnant!?” Jazz begin to breathe heavily as if she was having an anxiety attack. She was crying hysterically and she began to throw up.

  “Man, Jazz, stop doing all that shit and calm yo’ ass down. Nobody said she was pregnant with my damn baby. You need to chill out and get yo’self together before you hurt my fucking baby. That damn girl is about to get married.” All Gambino wanted was for her to calm down so she wouldn’t harm their unborn child. He really didn’t know if the baby Jazz was pregnant with was his or not, but Gambino wouldn’t be scared to bet his last dollar that Teyana’s baby was his.

  “Fuck you, Gambino! God, how could you do this shit? Move me to the same state with the bitch that you cheating on me with. That was low enough, but getting the bitch pregnant was by far the lowest shit you could’ve ever done to me.” Jazz said through tears as she began to swing on him again. Gambino grabbed her hand and threw her against his car.

  “Jazmine chill the fuck out before I beat yo ass out here. If you hurt that baby then I’m letting you know now I’m fucking yo’ ass up. Now get in the damn car and stop acting a fucking fool out here in front of these fucking folks.” Gambino said through clenched teeth. He let Jazz go and walked around to the driver side.

  “Fuck you and these fucking folks! I ain’t getting in this piece of shit car. Why don’t you just go back up there with that bitch you got pregnant!?” Jazz kicked the side of Gambino’s car twice, putting a big dent into the passenger door. Gambino took a deep breath, God was really on Jazz’s side that day.

  “Look, you either get yo’ ass in the fucking car or stay here. If you dont have yo’ ass in by the time I start this muthafucka up then yo’ ass is left.” With that he opened the door and got in.

  “Fuck y’all looking at?” Jazz asked as she flicked the bystanders the middle finger and got inside the car.

  The whole ride to their house she continued to curse Gambino out while slapping him a couple of time and mushing the side of his head. Gambino continued to smoke his blunt in silence. He knew Jazz was hurt,but her putting her hands on him was unacceptable and he’d made up in his mind that he was getting into her ass once they made it home. Yeah, his mother raised him to never put his hands on a female but she also let him know that whoever hit him to knock their asses out.

  Pulling in the driveway, Jazz jumped out the car before it came to a complete stop. Gambino wasn’t in a rush to get inside but when he got in there he found Jazz fixing herself something to eat. Walking up to her he, grabbed the plate and threw it against the wall. Yoking Jazz up by the neck he threw her against the wall. Gambino wasn’t a dumb ass nigga, so he knew not to apply too much pressure to her neck or handle her too roughly.

  “Why the fuck you gotta show your ass every fucking where we go?”

  “So, you fuck around, get the bitch pregnant and then have a fucking nerve to be mad at me? You know what, Gambino? Fuck you and that bitch. How about I leave and you don’t have to worry about me or my child?”

  “Bitch yo’ ass sound fucking retarded. I’ll put a bullet in yo’ shit right now, I never said she was pregnant by me,” Gambino said. Jazz knew that baby was the only thing that would keep her and Gambino together. There was no doubt in her mind that Gambino wouldn’t leave her if she threatened to keep the baby from him.

  “Nor did you say you didn’t fuck her.” Jazz shot back. Gambino knew that this was his chance to tell Jazz how he really felt. He knew no matter what, her ass wasn’t going anyw
here so he said fuck it. Jazz could toss those threats about taking the baby from him all she wanted, but she knew what type of nigga he was. He pushed her little threat to the back of his mind and gave it to her straight.

  “Yea, I hit, but our relationship was over way before I even met her.”

  “What the fuck do you mean our relationship was over? We have been doing damn fine. Yo’ bitch ass ain’t start acting funny until the trip we took here a few months back.” Jazz argued. She didn’t know what the fuck Gambino was talking about. Her relationship was perfect in her eyes. He hustled and she spent money. They had great sex and she loved Gambino with all her heart. “I knew something was off that day at the restaurant.” Jazz kept ranting.

  “Jazz, I fell out of love with you a long time ago. Don’t get that confused with me not loving you because I do, but this is not the relationship we had in the beginning. Losing my seed should’ve brought us closer but all it did was turn you back into the party animal you were. You didn’t even mourn my child. It was if you didn’t have any emotional attachments to that baby. I know I should’ve left when my feelings towards you began to change but every time I made a move, you was throwing it in my face that I wasn’t there for you.” Gambino knew that his time with Jazz was coming to an end. He couldn’t even express his true feelings to her the way he opened up to Teyana a while ago.

  “Gambino, that’s bullshit and you know it! Don’t try to blame me for losing my daughter on the fact that you decided to cheat. If yo’ ass wanted to leave, you had plenty of chances. I’m not in the business of keeping a nigga that don’t want to be kept.” Jazz seethed. She knew damn well she was lying because every time she felt that Gambino was slipping away from her, she made him feel like shit about the loss of their baby.

  “Could I? Because I wanted to leave yo’ ass in Buffalo a few days ago and you damn near died. I just wanted to come here get my business settled and then send for you so you couldn’t complain that I wasn’t spending time with you, but you had to come when I came. I can’t even take no business trips without you tagging along.” Gambino shook his head. He called Jazz another bitch name and she had swept the shit under the rug. No woman would just let a nigga get by with that shit and because of it, he was starting to believe that she had other motives.


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