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Page 13

by Tynessa

  Once Zywon made sure that all the safes were locked and secured, he locked his office door and headed to the front. When he got to the front of the shop he could’ve kicked himself for leaving his gun in the car. He knew better but he was hoping that since Camari was with them today he wouldn’t have to use it. He and Gambino both were regretting leaving their guns in the car.

  There were two medium tall masked men standing in by the door and one short fat guy with a gun pointed at Gambino. Camari had woke up and was crying.That broke Gambino’s heart to see him like that. Zywon and both Gambino was sizing the guys up to see which one would be easier to take down first.

  “Camari, you gotta be a big boy for me okay?” Gambino didn’t give a fuck about the niggas that had guns pointed at him, he was worried about Camari seeing this shit or worse getting hurt.

  “Yo, let me get him out of here, whatever y’all niggas want with me and cuz,it ain’t got shit to do with him.” Zywon spoke up. He hoped that they would at least let him put Camari in the back room. Camari knew what to do from there.

  “Naw. This has everything to do with him and that bitch, Teyana. Y’all niggas running around here breaking up happy homes and shit.” Gambino couldn’t believe that this bitch ass nigga Tyriq was about to kidnap his own fucking son because he took his bitch from him.

  Before Gambino could speak up on the fuckery in front of him the gunshots rang out and all he could think about was getting to Camari. He felt a stinging sensation in his shoulder and one by his right ear before everything went black.

  When the shots rang out, Zywon ducked down behind his reception desk and crawled his way to Markie station. He knew Markie kept a 9mm under his clipper holder. He grabbed it and began to shoot back making sure to fire at the two guys that was furthest away from Camari. Camari had dropped down to the floor and was being quiet. Zywon could see that he had his eyes opened and was staring at Gambino who was bleeding badly.

  Zywon managed to take one guy down and the other one scooped Camari up and slid out the door. The other guy let off another shot and caught Zywon in the stomach, but he kept shooting as he went down. The third guy, finally seeing an escape after all the shooting,ceased and got up to run. On his way out another shot rang out and caught him in the leg but didn’t do enough damage to stop him. Before he was out the door, his mask came off and Zywon thought he was seeing shit, but naw his eyes couldn’t have be playing tricks on him.

  “Jazz… this bitch…” was all he could get out before everything went black.


  Still Disrespectful



  Tynessa and Cassie





  Enjoy this Sneak Peek Preview!

  Chapter 1

  Awakened to the sound of one of the twins’ cries, La-La sighed deeply as she flung the covers back. She was just about to get up to go check on them when Ali stopped her. He kissed her lips then told her to go back to sleep before getting out of bed to go attend to them. La-La smiled before laying back down. Being married to Ali for nearly three years, La-La was still very much in love with him. Sometimes, she found herself wondering how she was even lucky enough to be blessed with such a wonderful husband.

  As she laid in bed she could hear Ali talking and playing with their two year old twin girls, A’Lissa and A’Liyah, followed by their giggles. They were such daddy’s girls. Knowing she wasn’t going to get anymore sleep anytime soon, La-La pulled herself out of bed. Going into the bathroom, she took care of her personal hygiene before going into the twins’ room. Ali was reading them a story.

  A’Lissa had her thumb in her mouth as she played with one of her pigtails. La-La really hated that bad habit her daughter had picked up. A’Liyah was already asleep.

  “Here baby, let me lay her down,” said La-La as she took A’Liyah out Ali’s arms and placed her in her crib.

  “I’m going to start on breakfast,” La-La announced as she kissed him on the lips then kissed A’Lissa on hers. She was truly blessed to have Ali. Not only was he a great husband but he was a wonderful father as well.

  Once La-La had finished cooking breakfast, she fixed Ali’s plate, which consist of grits, eggs, turkey bacon and homemade biscuits. When it came to cooking, La-La could throw down.

  “Yo, Zy coming into town today,” Ali informed her. He saw the excitement in La-La’s eyes.

  Since Zylen and Heaven had moved to Atlanta, La-La was lonely and missed her bestie like something serious. After dealing with Kim and Gina betraying her and Heaven in the worst way, La-La didn’t trust too many people. Her world consist of her girls and husband,everything and everyone else was irrelevant.

  “Is Heaven coming with him? I just talked to her a couple of days ago and she didn’t mention anything about them coming,” asked La-La.

  “He didn’t say,but I’m pretty sure she is. You know she’s not having that nigga coming here and leaving her at the crib,” Ali answered.

  “Well, I hope! If he did leave my girl, then me and him going to fight. I let his ass slide last time he left her at home. If he pulls that shit this time around then we’re gonna have a fucking problem,” La-La said seriously. Ali couldn’t do shit but laugh because he knew his wife was dead ass serious.

  La-La was already plotting in her head of ways to get Zylen to agree to stay. She was tired of being apart from Heaven. Since Kim and Gina, Heaven was all she had left and with her being in Atlanta, La-La felt so alone.

  Once La-La cleaned the kitchen, she rushed and got the twins dressed and off to daycare. Like usual she was late opening her bridal shop,La-La was terrible when it came to being on time. She pulled up to the shop and Kendra, one of her employees was already standing outside waiting for her.

  “Hey, boo. Sorry I’m late. How long has you been out here waiting?” La-La asked. Kendra was a younger chick,she reminded La-La so much of Gina. Hell, they even favored a little to her.

  “Not long. The kids were giving you a hard time again Boss-Lady?” Kendra asked as they entered the store.

  “Nah, not really. I had to make sure hubby was straight before I left,” La-La answered while laughing. Kendra laughed as well, knowing exacting what her boss was implying. She really admired La-La and Ali’s relationship and only hoped one day she would have the kind of love as her boss and significant other.

  “Aw. You guys are so cute together, Boss-Lady. Are you sure he doesn’t have any brothers. Shit, what about a friend. My lonely ass need some damn body,” Kendra said. She was laughing but dead serious. The single shit was for the birds!

  “Nope. I already told you he doesn’t have any brothers.” When La-La said that, Fred came to mind. Though they weren’t brothers,he was a friend. A damn good friend at that! Working with Kendra for damn near a year, La-La thought she was cool. Though they’d never hung out before, and the only time La-La would call Kendra was if it contained business,but Kendra seemed cool. La-La was definitely considering introducing Fred to her.

  “Well, I might have someone for you, Kendra,” La-La said with a smile. She always have loved to play cupid. Kendra rolled her eyes upwards.

  “What’s wrong with him, Boss-Lady?” Kendra asked. As many times as she asked La-La to hook her up she wondered why La-La was just stating she had someone.

  “Nothing is wrong with him girl. Actually, Ali and I have been knowing him since forever. We all grew up together. He’s cool as shit,” said La-La. She left the part of Fred eating her pussy on a need to know basis. That shit wasn’t any of Kendra’s business and it was in the past. It was during a time that La-La and her girls were running around living a wild lifestyle.

  “Is he cute?” Kendra asked.

  “He ain’t no Ali, but he isn’t ugly either,” La-La laughed. La-La knew her husband was sexy as fuck. Kendra knew it as well. She was checking for him one day he’d come into the store until sh
e found out he was her boss’s husband. She quickly fell all the way back.

  “When can I meet him? Call him up now. I’m so ready,” Kendra laughed excitedly. So did La-La.

  “Hold on, lil’ mama. You acting real thirsty right now. I’ll let you know. I have to see what’s up with him first. You know, make sure he doesn’t have a girl or no shit like that. Which I’m pretty sure he doesn’t.”

  “Okay, cool. ‘Cause Lord knows I need a damn man.”

  “I know and I got you. I’ll have Ali to call him up tonight,” La-La said before going to assist the customer that had just entered.

  Kendra was beyond ecstatic about the hook up. Being in a relationship with her ex for nearly three years, devastation wasn’t the word when Kendra and he decided to go their separate ways. Well it was more as Kendra deciding to depart,she just couldn’t handle the constant beating her ex was giving her on a daily basis. Walking around with black eyes and STD’s one after the other wasn’t how she’d imagined living life. Saving up her cash for a good year, Kendra was able to catch the first flight out of New York and never look back. Though her ex, Jay, had tried to reach out to her on numerous occasions, Kendra made up in her mind that she wasn’t going back to him that time around and she was sticking to it. She still had mad love for him, there was no denying that, but taking him back wasn’t an opinion. She loved herself more and knew if she continued to be with him it would’ve been a matter of time before he killed her.

  “Are you alright, girl?” La-La asked, startling her.

  “Girl, you scared me,” said Kendra with her hand up to her chest.

  “I’m sorry. You must’ve been thinking about Jay’s ass. I swear that damn man is going to be the death of you.” La-La shook her head. Kendra had told her all about her past. The shit Kendra went through touched La-La’s heart. She thought no one should have endured what Kendra went through. La-La thought she deserved a good man and Fred was a perfect match.

  “How is he going to be the death of me? Maybe if I was still with him, then yeah,” Kendra responded with a chuckle.

  “True,but your ass is going to have a damn heart attack thinking everybody is his ass.” Kendra could do nothing but laugh because she knew La-La was speaking the truth.

  “I know. I’m going to have to stop doing that,” Kendra said as La-La phone went off, indicating she had a call. Kendra knew it was Ali because of the ring tone and then La-La went into her office to take the call.

  La-La returned shortly wearing a big smile. Kendra noticed it but because she was tending to a customer she couldn’t question her boss.

  “Hubby must’ve told you something good.” The lady went into the dressing room and Kendra took that as her opportunity to be nosey.

  “Actually, Fred agreed to meet up with you tonight at my house. If you’re free.” La-La knew Kendra would be free. She never did shit but work then go back home to an empty apartment. She was from up North, New York to be exact and didn’t have any family in Ohio where she was now residing.

  “Damn, okay. You know I’m free. When am I ever busy?” Kendra laughed. So did La-La because she was just thinking the same thing.

  “Okay cool. You can come to my crib to meet him tonight.” La-La let her know. On the phone with Ali, La-La informed him that she wanted Fred to meet one of her employees. Ali was kind of hesitant at first,not really wanting to play the match making role,but like always, La-La talked him right into it. It was funny how she could talk him into just about anything.

  “Okay Boss-Lady. I’m so excited. I gets to hang with the Boss tonight,” Kendra said with much excitement. She really looked up to La-La and tried to hug her but La-La pushed her off while giggling herself.

  “Just don’t become too clingy and think you about to hang out at my crib every damn day.” La-La laughed but was dead ass serious. Though Heaven lived in Atlanta, she was her only friend and La-La planned on keeping it that way; though,Kendra was just so innocent and sweet that you couldn’t help like her.

  Chapter 2

  “Um, this better be a damn joke! Where the fuck is Heaven at Zy?” La-La asked as she stood in the middle of the living room floor with her hand on her hips. She’d gotten off early, thinking she was coming home to her best friend and god-babies to find out only Zylen had come. Pissed would’ve been an understatement for La-La at the moment.

  “Damn, hey to you too, La,” said Zylen as he stood to hug her but she quickly pushed him away. He already knew she was going to be angry once she saw that Heaven wasn’t with him.

  “Nah man! Why you didn’t bring my sister?” she asked before turning to Ali. “And yo ass knew he wasn’t bringing her and didn’t tell me. Both of y’all full of shit!” La-La said. Ali just laughed as he passed her the blunt he’d been puffing on. La-La took it and inhaled deeply, she needed something to calm her nerves.

  “Don’t be like that, La. She’ll be here tomorrow. The kids had a doctor’s appointment so she’s hopping on a flight after that.” Zylen informed her. He was going to wait for Heaven but he had business to handle. Pleased with his answer, La-La smiled and playfully rolled her eyes.

  “She better come tomorrow, too. If she doesn’t, you and I are going to have problems, my friend.” La-La hit Zylen in the chest with every word that was spoken. He just laughed and pulled her in for a hug. After hugging him, La-La took a seat next to Ali and gave him a peck on the lips. She couldn’t wait for Heaven to get there so it could be like old times, with just the four of them, and the kids of course.

  “So, what time is Fred coming over?” She asked Ali.

  “Shit, he said he’ll be here around 8,” Ali answered as he took a long swallow of his Heineken Beer.

  “Okay, well let me go to the store and pick up the girls before Kendra gets here. I told her to come about 7:30,” La-La said, getting up from the couch. She wanted to whip up dinner but just as the thought occurred she quickly changed her mind. She wasn’t about to cook shit until Heaven arrived the next day.

  “Yeah, where they at anyways?” Zylen asked finally realizing the twins wasn’t running around.

  “Their bad asses at daycare,” Ali replied as La-La was shutting the front door.

  “Who the fuck is Kendra?” asked Zylen. He’s never heard of her before and he knew Heaven and La-La had that ‘No new friends’ shit going on. They weren’t letting anyone in their circle and who could really blame them after all they’d been through. Shit you didn’t know who to trust in the world nowadays.

  “Man, some lil’ bitch that works with her. She trying to hook her up with Fred or some shit. You know La-La ass is always trying to hook someone up. Hell, I didn’t even know they were cool like that,” Ali responded. Zylen couldn’t help but to laugh at Ali’s selection of words. His ass would call a female a bitch in a heartbeat and not think twice about it.

  “Damn bruh, did you have to call the girl a bitch?”

  “Man yo,u know I didn’t mean shit by it. She’s mad cool. I’ve met her before, you know, by going into the store or whatnot. She’s fine as fuck, too,” Ali laughed. He was married, but he was also a man that had eyes. He didn’t see any harm in looking. Ali would check out females on the low all day but he wouldn’t dare cross the line of cheating on his wife. Looking was enough for him. Shit, what nigga didn’t look?

  “A’ight, don’t get fucked up. You know La will kick yo’ ass if she knew you was checking out ol’ girl.”

  “That’s why her ass not going to find out!” They laughed. “But forreal. I don’t be drooling over the girl or no shit like that. Besides, I know she be checking out niggas, too. Then again her ass got this sexy ass husband over here so I seriously doubt she’s checking for anyone,” Ali said as he picked his chin hairs and smiled boastfully. He was definitely feeling himself, Zylen couldn’t do shit but laugh at his nigga and shake his head.

  Chilling with Ali made him realize just how much he misses his hometown. Being in Atlanta wasn’t what he expected it to be. He’d been real
ly contemplating on moving back to Ohio for six months. Finally saying fuck it, he went behind Heaven’s back and found them a nice house. The business he had to attend to, that made him leave his family back at home, was to close out the deal on the mini mansion. His only hope was that Heaven agreed to make the move with him.

  By Heaven’s new job at the Division of Family and Children Service, Zylen didn’t know how she would feel about the move. They talked about it but that was before she got her new management position. She went to college to become a Lawyer only to come to realization that it wasn’t what she wanted to do. Being a Lawyer was her passion. Zylen didn’t know why the sudden change but he was behind his wife and backing her up by any means necessary in whatever occupation she desired.


  Ali walked over to La-La as she was changing A’Lissa’s diaper. He kissed her on the back of her neck. Licking his tongue out, Ali brushed it over her neck. Sending chills down her spine, causing her to shiver.

  “Ali stop. You know that’s my spot, baby,” she said as she tried to move past him. Ali pulled her closer. La-La giggled as she helped A’Lissa off the bed andshe ran right out the room.

  “I know it’s your spot,” he responded as he turned her around to face him. Ali was horny and he needed--and wanted--to feel his wife in the worst way.

  “Bae, you can’t get none. You know Zy is in there. Plus Kendra will be here soon and I’m not about to leave her alone with my best friend’s husband,” said La-La. She wasn’t taking any chances of shit going down between the two. She didn’t know Kendra enough to be around Zylen, yet. La-La didn’t have to worry about Kendra being around Ali because both of them knew better;with the way Zylen had bitches trying to kill over his ass, La-La wanted to make sure she was present with Kendra around him. She didn’t need a repeat of their past.


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