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Dirty Lover (The Dirty Suburbs Book 5)

Page 9

by Cassie-Ann L. Miller

  Grinning, I turn back to the paper with a ready pen in hand. “So, you say you want me to teach you – what exactly are you trying to learn?”

  She twists her puckered lips to the side, contemplating the question. “Uh, I’m trying to learn everything, I guess. I don’t know much about sex at all. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to start, I don’t know what it feels like. So, I’m pretty much open to all of it.” I jot messy notes down as she speaks.

  “You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, Princess. I like to know exactly what I’m getting into so that I can be prepared.”

  She looks so uncomfortable that I swear she’s about to pass out. I sigh.

  “Fine,” I say, turning over the page and shoving the notebook her way. “Write down your wish list.”

  “My wish list?”

  I nod, projecting all the faux-confidence I can muster. “Give me your top three. What are the three things that you most want to learn?”

  I watch her delicate throat move as she swallows nervously. Her skin is still bruised by the hickeys I put on her the other day. With a shaky hand, she begins to write in an elegant, feminine script.

  #1. Oral sex – giving and receiving

  #2. Doggy style

  #3. Cowgirl position

  My cock lies heavily in my lap as I imagine doing all those things with this sweet girl. I hope she can’t tell how tense my body is getting just reading her list. I reach to take the notepad back from her but she isn’t ready to give it up just yet.

  “Can I add one more thing?” she asks shyly.

  My tongue rolls over my lips. “Sure.”

  I almost come out of my own skin when this innocent little girl writes:

  Bonus: #4. Anal

  Good god – is this what a heart attack feels like?

  I had been worried that Blakely wouldn’t been able to handle what she’s asking me for, but now that I’ve seen her sex wish list I’m realizing that maybe I’m the one who might be in over my head.

  Chapter 18


  I didn't go for the Brazilian wax.

  I guess I'm just not woman enough. But still, I needed to tame the ‘forsaken kingdom’ in my underwear. Basically, I needed a little grooming in the nether regions. So I (very discreetly) booked an appointment with Prasanna’s in-house esthetician to get the situation under control. Now that I’m all neat and trimmed, I feel mighty fine as I walk into the employee break room after my shift on Friday night.

  "Hey Blakes," Isla says with a smile. She’s sitting at the table enjoying a magazine and having a snack after instructing her 6:30 vinyasa flow class.


  "Interesting plans for the weekend?" She’s smirking for some reason but I don’t pay it much mind. I’m too lost in my nerves about what’s going to happen once I get home.

  Tonight is the night. Tonight is the night.

  I shrug, feeling my cheeks heat up before the lie even spills out of my mouth. "Nothing special." I turn my back to her and grab a granola bar from the cupboard.

  “Really?” She doesn’t look convinced as she takes a sip of her soy hazelnut latte. I’m sure she’ll be wired for hours to come, drinking coffee at this hour of the night.

  "Annaleigh is still on honeymoon and Evangeline is probably catwalking her way down some runway in Europe so I don’t have any plans."

  "Well, what about a girls’ night out?” she offers, “Just you and me and a few drinks at the Opal Lounge."

  Feeling cornered, I bite the inside of my cheek. "Uh, I think I’ll just go home. Put my feet up. Enjoy a movie."

  She furrows her brows mockingly. “And let your freshly-coiffed bikini line go to waste?”

  I sputter a cough when my snack goes down the wrong pipe.

  She knows. God, I’m embarrassed.

  "Well, well, well. Look who’s low-key boning her roommate after she said she wasn’t interested in him." She laughs jeeringly. “Did you really think you’d manage to give your va-jay-jay a makeover in my spa and I wouldn’t find out?”

  She’s right about one thing – it was silly of me to think that my sister doesn't have tabs on absolutely everything that goes on in this building. "I am not boning my the present tense,” I mutter.

  "And what does that mean?"

  I sigh, trying to act nonchalant as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge. "I sort of asked him to take my virginity."

  “What?!” Isla spits out. Her coffee goes flying across the table. I cringe all the way to my toes.

  Why the hell did I just admit that out loud? To Isla, no less? She’s going to judge me. She’s going to see me differently. I know that I’m an adult and I shouldn’t care about other people’s opinions of me but her opinion matters. I respect my older sister and I don’t want her to think that I’m a whore.

  But I’ve been dying to get this off of my chest.

  My roommate is about to pop my cherry. I need someone to tell me that this is crazy…Or that it isn’t. I don’t know. I need to talk it through with someone. Usually that someone would be Annaleigh or even Evangeline. But they’re not here right now. Isla is.

  “I asked him to take my virginity.”

  She grins deviously. “Go Blakely! Look at you taking charge of your sexuality!”

  “Oh my god,” I groan as I sit opposite her. “Am I a whore?”

  My sister furrows her brows. “Not at all. It’s the twenty-first century. A woman has every right to ask for what she wants. Especially in the bedroom…But it’s such a bold move. It’s just so…not like you, honey. I’m surprised, I have to say.” She chuckles, flipping a few pages of her magazine. “Looks like your roommate is bringing out the freak in my little Blakely, huh?”

  He’s definitely bringing something out in me. There’s a part of me that roars to life every time I’m alone with him. I want to explore that side with him and learn everything there is to know about myself.

  I’m silent for a while and Isla glances up at me. “Are you having second thoughts?”

  “No, not second thoughts, per se…I am a little nervous,” I admit.

  “He isn’t pressuring you into anything you don’t want to do, is he?” The protective momma bear in her is sharpening her claws. I can tell. That makes me laugh.

  “God no! He’s been a perfect gentleman about this. He even asked me to write him a list of the top three things I want to try. Sort of like a sex wish list.” I can’t believe I’m telling her all these things but I can’t shut myself up.

  Isla’s eyes light up with excited curiosity. “You’ve got to tell me. What’s on your sex wish list? Spill!”

  I toss my head back and laugh. “No way! That’s private!” I still have my boundaries!

  She scrunches up her nose at me. “Too filthy for words, huh? You little freak!”

  All I can do is laugh. I’m so not about to detail my fantasies to my big sister. I’ve already dished enough secrets for one night.

  She reaches over and puts her hand on mine. “As long as you’re sure you’re ready and he’s the person you want to do this with…”

  I’m surprised that she’s being supportive. I’d expected her to be scolding and judgmental. But then again, Isla has always been supportive of me even though I haven’t always been eager to open up to her. Maybe it’s safe to be transparent with her, after all.

  “I’m ready,” I say, happy and anxious and confident. It’s a mix I can’t remember ever feeling before, “and he’s the person”.

  “Good,” she smiles, “then it’ll be beautiful, Blakes. Sex can be a beautiful opportunity to connect with someone on the deepest level.”

  For some reason, that statement scares me just a little. I’m not looking for a ‘connection’. I just want to do the deed and learn a few things that I can put in my books. That’s all I’m after. It’s all I want…right?

  “Good luck, baby girl.” She pushes away from the table, smoothing out the wrinkles in her shi
rt. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’ve got to go count some money and pay some bills.”

  “Don’t work too late. It’s Friday night, after all,” I call after her.

  She waggles a finger in my direction. “You don’t worry about me. Now, go get that cherry popped!”

  Chapter 19


  When I hear Blakely’s key in the doorknob, I set a slice of pizza on each plate. She steps out of her sneakers and hangs her coat in the front closet. It takes her longer than usual. It’s almost like she’s steeling herself, preparing herself to face me. I'm pouring wine into two goblets as she steps into the kitchen.

  "Hey," she says in that quiet, reserved way that brings out the dominant, protective side of me.

  "Hey." I grab her by the hips and pin her body to the wall. She gasps when I lean in and steal a long, deep kiss. I've wanted to do that all day.

  I pull back and she smiles at me, eyes twinkling in the candlelight. She's so beautiful.

  Yep, I’ve set up candles. And wine. And soft music playing on low. Some romantic shit if I do say so myself.

  I know that she said she just wants to lose her virginity, to get it over with. But I want it to be special for her. I want tonight to be a night she never forgets. So, I did my research and the look in her eye tells me that I may have hit the mark.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” I say as I bury my face in her neck and taste her sweet skin, “I got us some dinner.”

  "Dinner?" she asks, looking at the table with a subtle smile on her face.

  I nod. "Yup. But after my frozen pizza disaster the other day, I realized it's a better idea if I got takeout."

  She giggles, touching a tiny hand to my cheek. Blood rushes straight to my cock at the contact. And when she rises onto her toes and brushes her lips to mine, my head goes light. This girl has no idea the effect she has on me.

  "I'm gonna go freshen up," she says, "be right back." I watch as she disappears down the hall. She’s only gone a few minutes but it feels like an eternity. I literally have a catalogue of things I want to do to her body tonight. And I can hardly wait another minute. Every second that I’m not inside of her is painful.

  When she comes back, I pull her chair out and watch her sink gracefully into the seat.

  "You look amazing, Blakely." She always does but tonight she looks absolutely angelic in her white blouse with lacy accents. I can't wait to get her out of it, though, to expose all of her milky flesh to me. I can’t wait to pull off the elastic in her hair and watch it tumble around her shoulders in a sea of fiery waves. I can't wait to see those soft lips locked around my shaft.

  Her gaze flitters down to the plate in front of her. "Thank you," she says modestly. The girl just doesn't know how gorgeous she is.

  "Is pizza okay? You aren't some health nut who has something against pizza, are you?"

  She laughs. I love making her laugh, seeing her peek that pretty head out of her shell. "Not a chance. When it comes to pizza, the diet book goes out the window."


  I watch her take a bite. Her eyes shut as she savors it and she makes a tiny little sound that stirs something in the core of my stomach. I almost jump across the table and pull her into my arms when her tongue darts out to lap up the sauce smeared on the corner of her mouth. She glances up and sees me watching her. Her eyes immediately go shy.

  "How was your day?" I ask before her self-consciousness has a chance to take over and drag her back into her shell.

  She looks at me like she has a million things she wants to tell me. Instead she just says, "Good." She offers a small grin. "How was yours?"

  "Good." My eyes flicker down to her shirt. The way her breasts peek out the top of the lace is almost too much. "I thought about you today…" I confess softly.

  Even in the candlelight, I can see her cheeks deepen in color. "I thought about you, too. A lot." My heart picks up speed when she says, "I'm excited for tonight."

  This girl is going to kill me. "Tell me, what are you so excited for?"

  Her lips twitch. "Don't make me say it..." she begs.

  I hold her gaze. She looks hypnotized. "Say it. Tell me you're excited to feel my cock inside of you. Tell me."


  "Say it."

  She pulls in a hard breath. "I'm excited to feel your cock inside of me."

  I grin wide as the bastard twitches victoriously in my pants.

  But Blakely isn't finished. "My pussy is wet from thinking about it all day," she whispers.

  Taken aback by her admission, I sit in stunned silence for a moment. "Shit..." I mutter under my breath.

  She seems to enjoy my reaction. "I've been squeezing my legs shut this whole time trying to get my cunt to stop spasming. But it's not working." She leans across the table causing her breasts to spill forward. "I really need you to touch me there," she breathes.

  I shift in my seat, not sure how much more I can restrain myself. "Careful now, Blakely. "

  She seems emboldened by my reaction. "You're the one who always tells me to be direct," she says with a shaky voice and mischief in her eyes. "I need your cock, Nicholas. I need you to pop my cherry."

  Fuck the pizza.

  I can't wait any longer. I leap out of my chair and go around to her. She yelps when I scoop her out of the chair and into my arms. "Are you done tormenting me, you little tease? Because things are about to get very serious in this house."

  A carefree laugh shoots past her lips as she tosses her head back. "I'm ready, " she says and swipes her wine goblet off the table.

  Like a caveman on a mission to claim what’s mine, I stomp down the hall to my bedroom.

  Chapter 20


  I take one last gulp of wine before Nicholas removes the goblet from my hand and playfully pushes me back onto the mattress. He sets the empty glass on the bedside table and turns back to me, his eyes glowing with lust in the twinkling candlelight.

  Oh god. This is really happening. I'm really lying in Nicholas’ bed and he's about to take my virginity.

  His eyes stay on me as he stands at the foot of the bed. Reaching behind him, he yanks his shirt over his head in the sexiest way imaginable, mussing up his hair, and flings it to the corner. My breathing thickens as I scan his perfectly sculpted torso and powerful arms. Everything is tight and muscular. My fingers twitch to run over his bronzed skin. He undoes his belt and pushes his jeans down to his ankles. I feel wetness pooling in my panties when my eyes travel down to his boxer-briefs and see his package, full and hard, stretching the fabric. I tremble at the thought of him stretching me, filling me all the way.

  He slides the underwear down his toned legs, revealing his large, steely shaft to me. I whimper audibly. It's so thick and at least nine inches long. How is he supposed to fit all that rod into my virgin pussy?

  He holds my gaze as his fingers curl around his cock. "I'm so fucking hard for you, Blakely. Look what you do to me."

  "Nicholas..." I whisper his name. Just a few minutes ago, I'd been brave, filled with lust, I'd provoked him, nearly begging him to fuck me. But now that he's about to rip me open, I'm trembling, my nerves getting the best of me. But I won't let fear hold me back. Nicholas is the man I want to give my virginity to and he's standing right in front of me. I want him. Now.

  My shaky fingers rise to the buttons at the front of my shirt. Just as I'm about to open the first one, he stops me with a hand covering mine.

  "No, Princess," he growls. "I'm gonna undress you." He climbs over me, his legs straddling my hips. His cock settles in my valley as he works at removing my blouse. "It's like unwrapping my present on Christmas morning."

  Once he rids me of my top and bra, her pulls my skirt and panties from my body. I squirm uncomfortably, completely naked for him. He sits back on his haunches and looks down at me.

  His fingers trail over my collarbone, down to my breast. "I can't believe I get to have all his," he whispers as he squeezes the fleshy globe
. "All this is mine. At least for tonight."

  It’s all too real now that he’s touching me.

  "Nicholas – I'm scared," I blurt out and immediately feel stupid and weak for uttering those words, ruining the moment.

  Maybe his should be annoyed or pissed at me for still having doubts, but he’s not. He looks at me with tender, patient eyes. "Talk to me. What are you scared of?"

  “What if I just freeze up?” I whisper, “What if I don't know what to do?”


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