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Fury 2: A Second Chance Romance

Page 9

by Ward, Kira

  “Are you okay Caleb?” Amanda touched my arm lightly and she looked genuinely concerned.

  I tried to force a bit of a smile. “Yeah, I’m alright.” Never had I ever felt protective like that, and I wasn’t about to admit it.

  Unlike the Bluffs, where a single girl stood at the front of the track and dropped a flag to signal the start of a race, at TITS, two girls stood on each side of the track and each dropped flags simultaneously. As soon they did that, all the racers took off.

  Travis was enamored by the cars, and it irritated me even more when he shouted. “Mommy! I want the blue car to win!”

  For Christ’s sake. Why does everyone like that asshole?

  What’s worse is that he won by a mile. Literally a good five or six seconds before another car crossed the finish line. He was a damn good racer. I’ll admit that.

  We brought Travis over to the drag races for a bit, which he enjoyed even more. He got a closer look at the cars, and the thunder that the engines made when they took off made him jump out of his seat every time.

  After that, we all packed up and headed out.

  * * *

  I invited Amanda to ride with me. Sonic was closed by that time, but I thought we might go out and share some tacos or another late-night snack before dropping her back off at the apartment.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” I asked.

  “Yeah, it was pretty fun.” She nodded slightly. “The best part was seeing how much Travis enjoyed it.”

  “Yeah, that little bugger is destined to be a racer.”

  “Do you ever want kids?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I think so. I don’t really think about it, but when I see how Mason is with Travis, I feel pretty confident that I want to at some point in my life. What about you?”

  “Yeah, of course! I just gotta find the right guy.”

  “I saw Hector slip you his number.” I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

  Amanda’s lips pressed together tightly and she looked at me via the corner of her eyes. “Is someone jealous?”

  “Nah,” I lied. “How can I be jealous? We’re just friends, right?”

  “Is that what we are?” she asked.

  “You’re the one who said it.”

  Amanda took a deep breath and sat straight in her seat looking forward out the front windshield. Suddenly, things felt very awkward.

  “I need to get some gas,” I said as I started to pull into a local gas station. I parked the car at the pump and shut off the engine.

  “I’m going to run inside and grab a couple things.” Amanda said.

  I nodded.

  I lifted the spout off the gas pump and rammed it in my tank, looking off at where the ocean ate the sand in the background. It should have been a great night, winning the race and all, but I could tell I was in the midst of majorly fucking up the mood. Amanda had given me no good reason to act jealous. Hector approached her first. And if I really wanted to be with her, I should’ve just told her.

  My mind was racing. Just tell her, right? Why not just give a relationship a try? I really, really like this girl.

  “Caleb? Is that you?” The voice had a thick, Spanish accent.

  On the other side of the gas pump was a white, soft-top jeep, and standing to its side was the Cuban girl I picked up at Club Croatia the night before my brother’s wedding. She looked like she was about to go partying, her long, dark hair combed perfectly straight, and her lips shining with glossy pink lipstick.

  “Oh… hey,” I said, trying my best not to act put-off.

  “It’s nice to see you again.” She shook her head from side to side and stepped over the concrete barrier that separated us. “What are you doing here? You told me that you’d only be in Miami for a couple days.”

  “Well, um… It’s a long story.” I grinned. “But I guess you could say I’m staying here. At least for now.”

  “Really? Oh my god. That’s great.”

  I kept my hand on the gas pump and stuck my free hand in my pocket.

  “Oh… um… I’m sorry about running out on you the other night. I hope you’re not offended.”

  I pulled my hand back out and waved it dismissively. “No, it’s perfectly fine.” I chuckled a bit and gritted my teeth together before leaning over to whisper. “But um… Did we?... Did we have sex that night? Sorry, it’s all a little foggy.”

  She laughed. “Oh gosh.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No, we didn’t have sex that night. Lord knows I tried, but you were just too wasted. You were stumbling all over the place when we were taking off our clothes, and just as soon as we got in bed and started snuggling, you just passed the fuck out.”


  “Yeah…” She clicked her lips together. “I lay around for you about an hour or so, thinking that maybe you’d snap out of it, but when you started snoring, I just got up and left.”

  “You didn’t even wait ‘til morning?”

  She shook her head again.

  “Well, fuck. I’m really sorry about that. I—”

  “Don’t worry about it,” she interrupted. “I had a lot of fun with you even if we didn’t fuck. Now that you’re in Miami, we should hang out again sometime.”

  I gulped, and Amanda immediately crossed my mind, but I didn’t really want to come off as rude to a girl who had never done anything wrong to me. “Yeah… sure thing.”

  She held her hand out and rolled her eyes around. “Well, take my number.”

  I pulled out my phone and flipped to the contacts before handing it to her. She quickly keyed in her name and telephone number and handed the phone back.

  “Sunny?” I asked as my eyes saw the name on my screen.

  “Don’t tell me you forgot my name.”

  “No, no… Of course not,” I lied. “Just making sure I had it right.”

  “Okay, well, call my number so I have yours too.”

  Fuck. I wasn’t planning on actually calling her to hang out, and I really didn’t look forward to ignoring her calls if she started hitting up my phone. She seemed like a sweet girl and all, but I had someone else on the radar.

  I clicked her number, her phone buzzed in her purse, and she pulled out a white iPhone. “Got it!” She sat her phone back in her purse and almost knocked me over when she jumped and wrapped her arms around my neck. “So good to see you again, Caleb.” She kissed me on the cheek. “I missed you. Call me, okay?” she said close to my ear.

  “Yeah, of course.”

  She unwrapped herself from me and backed up, turned, and waved right before she got into her Jeep. I looked down at the gas pump and realized that I had already filled the car all the way up. Who knows how long I was standing there, squeezing the nozzle for nothing.

  “Who was that?” Amanda asked as I pulled the hose out of the car.

  “Uhh… Oh… Um…” I stuttered and shook my head. “It was no one. Just some… fan.”

  “A fan?” Amanda questioned. “You’ve only raced in Miami one time. You already have fans?”

  “Just one.” My mouth was pulled flat and my eyes were wide. “You know how crazy race fans are.”

  Amanda shrugged and looked like she was about to question me further but didn’t. “Yeah, sure. I guess.”

  Maybe I should’ve told her the truth right then—that Sunny wanted to get in my pants as much as Hector wanted to get into hers. Then maybe she would’ve had something to be jealous about.

  Chapter 19


  “These tacos are terrible,” I said as I crunched down on the hard shell filled with beef.

  “I miss Del Taco,” Caleb said. He was holding a soft-shell taco filled with fish and lettuce. It looked like it was equally as bad. “That’s one thing California has that Miami doesn’t—great taco joints.”

  “Del Taco? Babe, you haven’t had tacos until you’ve tried King Taco.”

  “Babe?” Caleb raised an eyebrow. “You upgraded me from friend to babe in a day?”

  I swallowed hard on the food in my mouth. “Sorry, it just slipped out.” There was little bit of awkward silence before I continued. “Anyway, King Taco has these—”

  “You should be my girl,” Caleb interrupted.

  I coughed and cleared my throat at his statement. “What?”

  “Let’s be together… you and me.” He shrugged slightly. “I know it’s not easy, since you just broke up with Rick and after Prom and all, but—”

  “Shhhh,” I said and placed a finger to my mouth. He shut up and just stared at me as I leaned over the center console and planted a kiss right on his lips. “I’ve been waiting for you to say something.”

  Caleb gripped my hand and squeezed. After a brief moment he said, “I’ve been to King Taco countless times. It’s amazing... babe.”

  I blushed at how funny it was. The chemistry that Caleb and I had wasn’t the standard fare. I wasn’t falling for him because he was hot as hell and packing a monster between his thighs. I mean, that was great and all. But I was falling for him because how well we meshed. The way we complemented each other, bounced our thoughts and jokes off each other so naturally—it felt like we fit together like two puzzle pieces. Layla would always be my #1 best friend, but now she had a rival.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I let out a hard sigh when I saw who it was.

  “What’s wrong?” Caleb asked.

  “You mentioned Rick earlier?” I held the screen of my phone out for him to see. 12 missed calls, 30 text messages.

  How are you?

  When are you coming home?

  Baby, I miss you.

  I’m sorry about the wedding.

  Come back and let’s fix things.

  How can I make things right?

  Please reply to me.

  I made a mistake. I’m sorry.

  Someone said you were in Miami. Is that for real?

  Where are you?

  Please reply, baby.

  And so on and so on….

  “Apparently, he didn’t take me seriously when I said I we were done. He’s been blowing up my phone the last few days.”

  “Well, you’re here with me now. He had his chance.”

  Caleb tugged me forward and smashed his lips hard onto to mine. His hand cupped the side of my face, and then he moved it behind my head, combing his fingers through my hair. I felt the half-eaten taco slide off my lap, but when I squealed and tried to pull away to catch it, he just tugged me forward again.

  “I don’t care.” He muttered. “I’ll clean the car up later.”

  My head was spinning. He started kissing me frantically, roughly—not nearly as gentle as the Caleb from the TITS parking lot. His other hand reached over to grab the other side of my face, and I could hear the food on his lap spilling on to the floor of the car as well.

  His tongue launched into my mouth, and I accepted it, twirling my own tongue around it and then sucking it the same way that I wanted to suck something else.

  That gave me an idea.

  I reached for his pants and started to unbutton him, but he quickly grabbed my hand to stop me. “Not here,” he said. “Not in the car again.”

  He started up Drifter, and as soon as he was out of the crummy taco joint’s parking lot, he was driving like a bat out of hell.

  “Caleb, slow down,” I squealed when he swerved in front of a trucker who honked his horn as we passed. We had to have been going at least 30 miles per hour over the speed limit.

  “Don’t worry,” he said and reached out and squeezed my hand. “I can drive.”

  I trusted him, but I still prayed that we didn’t get pulled over.

  Thankfully, we made it to his hotel in just a few minutes without incident, and when he parked, he literally jumped out and jogged over to the passenger side to help me out.

  “What’s gotten into you?” I asked as he held on to his hand, trying to keep up with his brisk walk through the hotel lobby doors.

  “You don’t understand.” He pressed the button to the elevator.

  “Understand what?”

  “What you do to me.”

  “What do I do to you?”

  We reached his hotel room’s floor and he pulled me down the hall, not answering my question. He already had his hotel room key ready, and he buzzed it as soon as we were there.

  He pushed the door closed once we stepped in, and he turned, pressing against me, cornering me against the hotel door. He towered above me, and I could feel the heat of his breath against my forehead as he spoke. “You make me laugh. You make me forget about other girls. For the first time in my life, I can actually see myself wanting to be with just one woman.”

  “I’m really the only one?” I asked, suddenly feeling insecure. “If this is just about sex, you can tell me.”

  “There’s no one else. I promise.” He bent down and kissed me, this time a little more gently than in the car. His palms slid up and down the side of my body, and I just held him by the waist. Eventually, his hands found my ass, and he squeezed me hard, then lifted me into the air, never removing his lips from mine. I had no idea where he was carrying me, but I could only assume it was his bed.

  He gradually sat me down on a thick, padded mattress, pushing me over and crawling on top of me. He sucked on my lips and rubbed his tongue over them as I reached for the button on his pants, trying to get them undone.

  When the button on his jeans popped, he sat back, and pulled his fitted T-shirt over his head, revealing a sight that would have ladies fainting if he dared to go shirtless outside. Caleb was lean, but every inch of his torso was riddled with hard muscles. His shoulders were broad, his pecs were firm, and he had the most perfect washboard abs that I’d ever seen.

  I scolded myself for not having a look the day we had sex in his car.

  Caleb tugged at the hem of my shirt and I pushed myself up with me elbows to allow him the freedom to pull it over my head. When the shirt came off, I reached behind my back and undid my bra, letting my breasts fall free.

  At that moment, Caleb looked a bit like Travis did when he was watching the drag races. His eyes were wide and his mouth gaped open. “Wow…” is all he said. He placed a hand on my belly and rubbed it slowly up towards my chest. When he reached my collarbone, he circled around caressing the edge of my breasts.

  I moaned at his touch, loving the fact that he was loving me, loving that he seemed so pleased.

  Caleb reached for my jeans, undid my buttons and tugged on them. The jeans were a tight fit, so when they slid off, my cotton underwear clinged on and came off as well.

  Before I had the chance to process my nudity, Caleb had pushed me back on the bed and dropped down, planting kiss after kiss on my belly, creeping ever so close to the sensitive area between my thighs. I wasn’t a shy girl, but something about Caleb made me a little tense, and each kiss tickled a bit and made me jump with a feeling I hadn’t experienced before.

  Or had I? I couldn’t remember. It had been so long since anyone had their head down there. Rick certainly didn’t try.

  Caleb kissed my inner thigh—still tickling me—and I gripped on to the comforter of the bed, trying to prevent myself from squealing. But then his tongue found my pussy, and all the ticklish feelings melted away.

  Lightning bolts shot up my body, and I could feel the tiny hairs on my arms stand up on end. He had barely licked me there, but it was already so intense. He slowly rolled his tongue between my folds, and those tense surges of sensation calmed, and my body relaxed, enjoying the steady flow of pleasure. His tongue was warm, soft and slightly tugged when he ran it up the length of me.

  “Please…” I begged him.

  He rolled his tongue up my folds again, but this time he stopped at my clit, twirling his tongue around it, then sucking it as far in his mouth as he could.

  “Yes!” I moaned.

  “Oh god, you taste so good,” he said as he continued to alternate his attack. His movements became erratic, and I could hear him rustling his pant
s off, but he didn’t take his lips off me until he had completely disrobed and stood.

  At first I was a little shocked at the size of his cock. I knew it was huge, but I hadn’t got a good look at it when we were in his car. Standing there over me on the bed, it looked like it was too big for the size of my body. He licked his lips and climbed over me. I closed my eyes, ready to take him inside.

  He lifted one of my legs and stroked the smooth head of his cock up against my pussy. I tensed and prepared for him to push inside of me, but he just rubbed himself between my lips, the heat of his skin virtually unbearable. I moaned, which he must have taken as a signal as he shifted his weight forward, and suddenly he was completely submerged.

  I gasped. He felt deeper than he had the first time, and the end of his cock felt like it was touching places that had never been touched before. He pivoted his hips as I opened my eyes, and I could feel the walls of my pussy being stretched to their limit when he plunged his way back inside.

  He pumped me slowly, holding on to the side of my body just under my tits, which were swaying softly over his hands each time he came forward. I reached up and touched his chest, feeling his hard muscles shifting with each strike.

  He fell forward on to his hands, and his face was right up to mine when he started picking up the pace, arching his hips up and down so fast that the bed began to shake. Our eyes were locked, and if I hadn’t known any better, his expression was something that could only be described as love.

  “You’re mine,” he claimed, his voice deep and heavier than normal.

  I nodded.

  I was his in that moment. He could have tied me up and done anything he wanted with me in that hotel, and I would’ve let him. It was as if every other guy I had met up until him had only been there to confirm that Caleb was really the only man I needed.

  How could I have ever loved Rick? We never had the kind of connection that Caleb and I had. Looking back, I just couldn’t understand the choices I had made before the day of Layla’s wedding.

  Caleb grabbed my arms, held them down above my head and started pounding into me as hard as he could. His movements were so rapid, that I thought for sure he was coming, but he didn’t stop.


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