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Fury 2: A Second Chance Romance

Page 15

by Ward, Kira

  My heart was thumping out of my chest.

  Chapter 29


  I knocked on the door of room D, straightened my shoulders and put on my best smile. “It’s Amanda for the photoshoot,” I said through the door.

  The door jerked open quickly, and as soon as I saw who was standing behind it, I screamed.

  Rick grabbed me by the front of my shirt and pulled me in, then placed his hand over my mouth while he held me down. “Shhhhhh,” he whispered. “Just be quiet, baby. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  I was in shock, and I could barely breath, I was in such a panic. Why was Rick in Miami? Why was he at my photoshoot? What the hell was going on?

  He held me down for a good couple minutes, whispering and promising me that he had no plans of hurting me, until my hard breathing and struggle to pull away stopped.

  “I’m going to take my hand off your mouth but don’t scream, ok? I just want to talk.”

  I nodded.

  Rick released my mouth and led me to a couch on the far side of the room where he sat me down. “Okay, now we’re calm.” He wiped his brow with the back of his hand.

  “What are you doing here, Rick? What is going on?”

  “You haven’t been answering my calls or my text. I needed to see you, so I came here.”

  “So you’re Conrad Modelling?”

  “Something I made up.” He smirked. “I thought it’d be easier to bring you to me than pop up out of nowhere.”

  “This is really fucked up, Rick. What do you want from me?”

  Rick leaned over and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his face. “I’m sorry about the wedding babe. I want things to go back to the way they used to be.” Rick grabbed my chin and tried to force me into a kiss, but I put my hands up and pushed him away violently.

  “No Rick! Just leave me alone,” I whined. “I don’t want this anymore…”

  “What’s wrong baby? We can go back home and things will be how they used to be. Your Mercedes is still there, and I’ll buy you anything you want.”

  The sound of wood splintering echoed through the room, and the door to the apartment came crashing down. Rick jumped up, and I shrieked back in my chair, having no idea what was going on.

  Caleb appeared through the doorway and stepped on the fallen door, wincing and holding his shoulder. “What the fuck?!” he asked as soon as he saw Rick and I there. He started rushing forward, but Rick reached for his waistband, and from under his shirt he pulled a tiny, black handgun.

  “Don’t fucking move,” Rick ordered.

  Caleb stopped and put his hands up.

  “Oh Christ, Rick,” I cried. “You brought a fucking gun?”

  “I needed a backup plan in case something went wrong. And it looks like my plan B has already come in handy.”

  “Just relax man,” Caleb said. “Let’s figure this out.”

  “There’s nothing to figure out that involves you. Get the fuck out of here before you get hurt.”

  “I’m not leaving without Amanda,” Caleb said.

  “Rick…” I pleaded. “Stop.”

  “I can’t stop because I love you, Amanda. And I know you love me too.” Rick turned his head towards me and looked down. “Let’s forget about what happened and just go back to The OC together. I’ll give you everything you ever wanted.”

  “Rick… no…” I stressed. “We’re finished.”

  “You don’t mean that, Amanda. I know you loved me the way that I loved you.”

  “Loved you, yes. But not anymore. It’s time for us to move on.”

  “Listen to her, man,” Caleb said. “She—”

  “Shut up!” Rick interrupted and shook his gun at Caleb. He started shaking his head while he looked at me. “Is it because I didn’t want any more children? Is that what it is? Fine.” He slammed his foot down. “Let’s have a baby. We can have as many as you want as long as we’re together.”

  “No, Rick,” I moaned. “I can’t.”

  “What do you mean, you can’t? You think just because I’m older that I can’t have kids? I’m still young enough to have another baby. Let’s do it, sweetheart.”

  I shook my head and looked at the ground. “I can’t have a baby with you Rick… I can’t because…” I was struggling to find the words. “I can’t have a baby with you because I’m already pregnant.”

  “What?” Caleb gasped and his mouth dropped open.

  “Huh?” Rick huffed, equally confused.

  “I’m pregnant with Caleb’s baby.”

  Caleb’s face turned to stone, and Rick spun his arm around and pointed his gun at me. “You lying fucking cunt!” he yelled.

  I jerked back and could feel myself about to pee my pants right before I saw Caleb move in a blur of motion, knocking Rick’s hand up and toppling him over on the ground. The gun shot off somewhere and then fell near my feet. I kicked it, and it slid across the room.

  Caleb slammed a fist down into Rick’s face, and fought to hold him down while Rick did his best to push and pull under the weight of a much stronger man, desperate to get hold of the stitches on Caleb’s face.

  “Call the police, Amanda!”

  “Fuck you!” Rick spat.

  I reached for my purse, fumbled with my phone and dialed 911 as quickly as could. “Hello, we need help as soon as possible. Please send officers to….”

  Chapter 30


  The police were stuffing a handcuffed Rick inside of their squad car and Caleb was sitting on the front stairs of the building getting checked out by medics. Blood was dripping down his face where Rick had made contact with his stitches a couple times and reopened his wound.

  “Just a couple threads got yanked out,” the medic said. “If you keep it bandaged for a couple days, you probably won’t need to have the stitches redone.”

  I turned to Layla and Mason who was holding on to a confused Travis. They had rushed to the scene as soon as they heard what happened. “I feel so bad, like this is all my fault.”

  “Rick did this, not you,” Layla said.

  “Good thing Caleb brought you... Who knows what would have happened if you came alone,” Mason said.

  Caleb stood from the steps and thanked the medics before he joined back up with us. “Prodded twice in two days,” he said. “I’m getting a little tired of people poking around at my body.”

  “I’m so sorry, Caleb,” I said.

  “Don’t worry, babe. Now you won’t have to worry about that fucker for a long time.” He turned to Mason. “You guys should head back home. Everything’s cool now.”

  “You sure?” Mason asked.

  Caleb nodded.

  Mason raised his eyebrows to Layla and she gave me a quick hug before they both turned and started walking off. “Call me if you need anything, Amanda.”

  “You too!” I said. As if anyone ever needed help from my unlucky ass.

  When the three were out of earshot, Caleb turned and faced me. “How are you?” he asked.

  “I’m okay,” I said. “How are you?”

  “I’ve been better.”

  There was a brief moment of silence as we both looked each up and down.

  Caleb huffed. “So um… What you said in there… Was it true?”

  “It’s true.”

  “You’re pregnant with my baby? You’re sure?”

  I nodded and looked away, bracing myself for a negative response.

  Caleb smirked wide, and then he chuckled a little bit. “Wow…” He blinked and then opened his eyes wide. “I can’t believe it.”

  “I wasn’t sure if I would tell you. I didn’t think we’d ever be back together.”

  “Well, we are now,” he said. He reached out and took both of my hands in his and pulled me closer, looking down into my eyes. “And I’m just so damn happy.”

  “Happy about us or happy about…?”

  “Happy about us and happy about this.” He reached his hand out and li
ghtly scratched my tummy with a couple fingers.

  “So you want me to keep the baby?” I bit my bottom lip and threw him a sideways glance.

  Caleb laughed. “Of course I want you to keep the baby.” He looked at me like he didn’t understand any alternative. He looked up to the sky and thought for a moment. “I guess Travis will be closing in on 10 when our little one is 5. They can still play together.”

  I laughed. The vision of mine and my best friend’s children playing together touched me to the core.

  He gave my body a soft yank, bringing my attention back to him. “Let’s get a place together. You and me. Together here in Miami.”


  “Yeah… Some place near The Mod Shop. I think I’m going to start working with my brother.”

  Tingles ran up and down my spine as I stared into his beautiful, blue eyes. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have finally found love with such a handsome, caring man who complemented me like no other ever had. I didn’t even have to ask him how two inexperienced goofballs would manage to raise a baby on our own. I just knew that everything would work out okay so long as we were together.

  He leaned down, kissed me, and I exhaled hard as he squeezed me into his arms. It was a passionate, dizzying kiss that I could have sat in forever.

  He pulled away and grabbed my hand as he casually started strolling to the rental car. “So we need to start thinking of baby names, huh? What do you think about Conner?”

  “Mmm… Not bad. What about Chris?”

  “Too common.”


  Caleb pulled me towards him until my hip bumped into his. “Could be a girl, you know?”

  “Could be.” I smiled and bit my bottom lip. I loved the idea of having a little girl.

  Caleb opened the passenger side of the Prius, and I slid in. He leaned over the door and the frame of the car. “Hey, so I won the race, I got the girl, and now I’m going to have a baby. I guess there’s only one thing left for me to do, right?”

  “What’s that?”

  Caleb comically raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Get hitched.”

  My jaw fell wide.

  “What do you think?”

  I scanned him up and down and pursed my lips together. “You’re going to have to get me a nice ring and drop to your knees, big boy. But… I think you might be on to something.”

  Caleb chuckled and shut the door.

  He rounded the car, hopped in the driver’s side and started adjusting the back of his seat.

  “Hey does this thing have any Wham in it?” I asked.

  Caleb sighed and shook his head as he started up the car. “Fuck me. You’re never going to let me live it down, are you?”

  I shook my head. “Never.”

  Caleb leaned over the console and I met him halfway. “I love you way too much,” he said.

  “I love you too, baby.”

  And then, I kissed the most perfect lips in the world.

  Thank You For Reading

  Kira Ward and Aubrey Sage are steamy, contemporary romance authors. To receive our free unreleased books and new release updates, join our mailing lists here:

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