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Simmering Heat

Page 10

by Leora Gonzales

  “So, we’re good?” Leo asked, his eyes locked on her own.

  “Yeah, I think we are.” Jasmine felt her body warm at the heated look he gave her. “Now, are you gonna take me inside and see what underwear I’m wearing today or do you plan on saying something else that will piss me off?”

  Jasmine laughed when Leo hopped out of the truck without a word and quickly made his way over to her door to help her down. When he reached in for her she grabbed his hands to steady herself but was surprised when he moved his large palms to her waist.

  “Jazz…this is just the beginning,” Leo said seriously before lifting her so she leaned against his body as she slid down.

  “I’m ready when you are,” Jazz whispered before raising her face for the first of many kisses she expected tonight.

  Chapter 13

  “Would you look at that? You kept your shoes on this time,” Leo teased between kisses as they bumped into walls making their way toward his bedroom.

  “I wore sneakers this time,” Jasmine joked, lifting a foot to model her poorly abused chucks before toeing them off and kicking them out of their path. “Remind me to pick those up later.”

  “I may hide them so you can’t leave.” Leo growled against her neck, his teeth raking the sensitive skin.

  Jasmine let her eyes roll back in her head at the sensation. “Dear lord, your mouth is magic.”

  Leo pulled her T-shirt up and over her head. “Wait until you feel it on your pussy—”

  “Oh, God. You talk dirty too?” Jazz whispered, feeling as if she couldn’t get enough air in her body.

  “Sugar, with you around I think dirty, I feel dirty, and I’m going to tell you all the dirty things I want to do to you,” Leo rasped, his eyes eating up the view that he exposed.

  Jasmine thrust her chest out, happy that she had chosen one of her nicer bras to wear today. It had taken her some time to be confident with her figure and she was happy to say that not only was she appreciative of her curves, but the men in her life had never let her down either.

  “I cannot wait to see what replaced the flamingos.” Leo wrapped his arms around her and they shared a tender hugging moment before she felt his fingers flicking open the back clasp of her bra.

  Jasmine held her breath as he pulled the cups away from her chest. The first time being naked in front of a sexual partner always put her on pins and needles. Her mind had a habit of tossing up questions like ‘were his previous partners skinnier?’ and other garbage that she wished she never considered.

  “You have your nipples pierced,” Leo said in awe, tracing the gems that surrounded her hardened nipples with his fingers.

  “Yeah, it was something I always wanted to do and Winter dared me to follow through with it a year ago.” Jasmine reached up and fingered the jewels on each breast. “I’m glad she did though. It didn’t hurt as bad as I expected and I love the way they look.”

  “You’re full of surprises, Jazz.” Leaning down, Leo kept his eyes focused on hers as he licked at each of the rings, his tongue making the metal warmer where it touched her. “Any more surprises?”

  “No more piercings if that’s what you’re wondering.” Jasmine smiled and gripped the sides of his head, thrusting her breast farther into his mouth. “And you’re the first male to see them other than the guy who did them.”

  Leo sucked the hard nub into his mouth, his teeth playing gently with the jewelry. The sensation making her very happy to have gone through the initial pain and healing associated with them.

  Holding his head firmly in her hands, Jasmine moved him back and forth between her breasts before moving her hands down to tug at his shirt.

  With that little amount of prompting, Leo let her nipple go with a loud plop. His eyes were riveted on her jiggling skin. Reaching down, he pulled his shirt up and over his head, the action wafting a hint of cologne and pure male in her direction.

  Jasmine sucked in a breath of air at the view before her. Leo’s chest and arms were something that could make a woman weep tears of gratitude. On the side of his ribcage, a tattoo of an ax and helmet graced the tanned skin, an obvious homage to his calling. Running her fingers over the decoration, Jasmine let them drift lower, lightly touching the small amount of hair that seemed perfect for his chest. When she got to the happy trail that she was extremely anxious to follow, Leo sucked in a breath. The knowledge that he was ticklish was something that she needed to file away under ‘good to know info’.

  “Your chest is a thing of wet dreams,” Jasmine hissed as she raked her nails over the skin exposed.

  “I could say the same.” Leo cupped her breasts in his palms, each hand hefting and squeezing flesh while she explored his body as well.

  “How about we lose the jeans?” Leo suggested, grinding his pelvis against her, his erection a hard bar underneath the denim.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Jasmine reached for the button and zipper on his jeans as he mimicked her actions on her own. The sound of zippers sliding down were accompanied by their heavy breathing, both of them obviously excited for what was to come.

  Jasmine was pleased to see that Leo was a boxer brief type of guy. She didn’t normally judge what people wore for their own comfort but tighty-whities were a big turn off for her, and boxers were so shapeless that they didn’t do much for her either.

  Running her palm up and down the large cock straining against the soft cotton placket, Jasmine was distracted for a moment. The contact was minimal but effective, especially since Leo gave up on trying to undo her own shorts and instead pushed his own down the rest of the way.

  Once the well-worn denim cleared his ass, Jasmine reached around and squeezed the firm cheeks, her breath catching in her throat. As far as she remembered Leo had never played baseball in high school but what she was holding was grade A baseball butt. The type that women drooled over in the MLB when their favorite players strutted up to the plate in their tight game uniforms.

  Jasmine had always had a weakness for a good ass. In her mind, it was a sad day when she saw a fine-looking man who turned around and had nothing but a flat ass. Not to mention that Leo also had dimples which made her breath catch as well. And she couldn’t forget the strong arms and hands that stroked and squeezed all her good parts with a firm yet gentle touch.

  Hell. Leo had the whole package. Front and back he was a temptation to any female, or male for that matter, with a pulse.

  Jasmine pouted when Leo nudged her arms away from holding onto him and pushed her against the wall. Realizing while she had been giving her roving hands reign, Leo hadn’t had a chance to lower her jean shorts and was frustrated with the lack of nakedness on her part.

  “Keep them up,” Leo commanded as he pushed her arms over her head and trapped them against the drywall behind her.

  “Yes, sir.”

  At her words, Leo stiffened even farther if that was possible. Holding her by the wrists he leaned forward and took her mouth with a savagery that she hadn’t ever experienced before.

  It was a kiss that was straight out of an R-rated movie. One of those kisses that was so rough and consuming that it was on the edge of being painful on her sensitive lips. As his mouth devoured hers, Jasmine wiggled her hands in his grip, shivering at the thrill that shot through her core when he tightened his hold.

  “Is this something you’re into?” Leo whispered, nipping at her bottom lip and then letting it go abruptly.

  “I don’t know…for some reason I have a feeling that whatever we do will be something I’m into—”

  “Have you ever been tied up?” Leo shot a glance to her still captured wrists and raised his eyebrows in question.

  “No, all of my previous experiences were just fun. There wasn’t that type of trust.” Jasmine tried to keep her eyes on his own, but found it easier to look away from the blazing heat he had focused on her.

�Jazz, I’m not gonna lie.” Leo closed his eyes for a moment and then blew out a deep breath, the air gently ruffling her hair. “I want to own you.” Leo stroked his thumb over the pulse point on the wrist he was holding when she began to move as if to pull away. “Let me explain.”

  When she fell still again, Leo gentled his touch before continuing.

  “I want every single thing that we do to overshadow any experience that came before me. I want you to think of me and how I make you feel when you cover that pretty pussy with panties every morning. When you wash your body in the shower, I want you to remember the path that my hands and mouth have taken. When you feel sweat drip down your neck, I want the memory of me licking that sweet skin after we fuck. I want it all…no, I take that back. I need it all.”

  Jasmine could barely breathe once he had finished talking. Her heart felt as if it was going to pound right out of her chest with the heavy beat that was echoing through her sternum.

  “Do you understand?” Leo ran his nose along her jawline when she stayed silent and still.

  “Yes,” Jasmine whispered, tipping her head back as much as she was able with the wall behind her. “I want the same.”

  As if her words were the green light that he was waiting for, Leo pulled her away from the wall. Keeping her hands in his own he shuffled them quickly to his bedroom. Stopping only momentarily to kick off his boots and jeans, he also shimmied his boxer briefs down and off his body all without letting go of Jasmine.

  While she tried to take in as much of the view, Leo stepped close to her once more and transferred his grip to the sides of her face. Cupping her face, he looked at her softly for a split second before letting a wicked grin come over his face. “This first time is going to be fast and hard. You ready?”

  “I’m so ready I’m about to explode,” she admitted, glancing down at one of the most beautiful cocks she had ever seen. The gorgeous beast was stroking the bare skin of her belly as he talked, leaving a wet sticky trail wherever it managed to bump into her skin.

  “Sugar, this is about to explode if we don’t get these clothes off of you.” Leo gripped his hard flesh in one strong hand, squeezed and stroked it twice before letting it bounce back between them.

  Without any more words, he skimmed her shorts down her legs. When he stepped back, Jasmine kicked the material away as if it offended her.

  “Commando today?” he muttered before groaning at the sight. “I always use protection but are you on anything?” Leo ran his fingers through the fluff of hair that graced her pussy.

  Jasmine nodded. “Yeah, I’m on the pill to regulate my periods.”

  “Good, we can never be too safe and I want to wait a while before we add any kids to the mix,” Leo mumbled, completely ignoring the fact that her mouth dropped open at his words.

  Nudging her back, Jasmine let herself fall onto the mattress behind her. A giggle escaping her mouth when Leo’s eyes followed the bounce of her breasts as if they were the most fascinating thing he had ever witnessed. Scooting back, Jasmine used her hands and feet to wiggle so there was room for him to climb onto the bed.

  Using one of his hands to test her readiness, Leo stroked his shaft again this time rubbing a drop of moisture away with his thumb before smoothing it over the head. He stepped away from her momentarily to open the bedside drawer and take out a strip of rubbers which he tossed onto the comforter next to her.

  “You want to put it on me?” Leo asked, crawling slowly up her body until he was between her legs.

  “I have a feeling I will rip it. I want you so bad my hands are shaking.”

  “Maybe next time then…or the fifth depending on how many times it takes to take the edge off,” Leo teased while he tore a condom off the strip and then stroked the liberated condom down his cock.

  Jasmine licked her lips at the sight of him donning the protective sheath. His strong hand rolling the thin rubber down his thickness, encasing the veins that stood starkly out from his cock was a sight to behold. Too bad she hated the taste of rubber or else she would have popped him into her mouth for a bit to show him just how much she adored that part of him.

  “Later,” Leo rumbled, catching the look in her eyes.

  Jasmine didn’t care what she looked like as she opened her legs wider and spread them. Her feet pointed up to the ceiling. Feeling a draft tickle the wet flesh between her thighs simply made her hotter as she waited for Leo to take advantage of the opening she presented to him. When he groaned and dropped down to hover over her body, Jasmine gripped his back tightly. Nails digging into his flesh to keep him anchored close, she wiggled until she felt the tip of his dick nudge her clit.

  “Jesus, don’t make me wait!” Jasmine had reached the point of needing something, anything to fill the void that was aching to be possessed by the man towering over her.

  Leo kept his body propped up with one elbow bent beside her head and moved the other hand down to guide himself to the opening of her pussy. “Brace yourself.”

  Jasmine should have expected his next actions if she had been in her right mind, but she was partly delirious at this point in the game. Barely even hearing his words, Jasmine felt her breath whoosh out of her body when he plunged what felt like ten inches straight into her pussy.

  The fit was tight.

  Really. Really. Tight.

  When he had gone as far as her body would let him and his balls rested against her exposed ass, he stayed still for a moment. The only movement his body made was the slightest twitch of his dick where it was buried within her.

  “Fuck,” Leo dragged the word out as if he were in pain, his jaw clenched so tight that the words sounded angry. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” Jasmine breathed, unable to give him a more detailed answer regarding what she was feeling.

  She felt everything. Every inch of the heat he had plunged into her body had been welcomed with wetness and a friendly squeeze from her pussy. The sensation had the ability to completely take her into the stratosphere.

  “Stay with me,” Leo ordered as he started to retreat only to come back even harder than before. Sitting back on his heels, he started a rhythm that she had no choice but to meet.

  Jasmine quickly got into the hard pounding beat that he seemed to be moving to, an echo of the thumping being played out on the wall behind the headboard. With Leo holding her legs high and wide, she was unable to do anything except take the pummeling that deliciously battered her core. Looking down her body to where they were connected she was distracted by the view of her breasts bouncing with each thrust.

  When he let go of one of her ankles and started rubbing her clit in circles, Jasmine quickly sent her own hand between their bodies to show him the rhythm she preferred. Soon their slick fingers became entangled as they rubbed the swollen nub harder and faster than before.

  As if she was unable to stop herself, Jasmine felt the clenching in her stomach start to ripple. A sure sign that she was getting ready to come. Moving her hand back and forth faster on her pussy, she was grateful when Leo moved his hand away to grip her leg again. Squeezing her legs in his grip, Leo kept his gaze fastened to where her fingers fluttered over and over as they flicked her clit. His own thrusts getting jerky as he neared orgasm.

  “I’m coming,” Jasmine cried out, her opening tensing as it milked the cock tunneling in and out of her body at a ridiculous speed.

  At her words, Leo dropped down on his hands. Using his feet and arms to keep most his weight off her form, he rocked into her as roughly as he could. The sensation of being completely covered by his body, his pelvis giving her the pressure that she needed on her clit to keep the orgasm rolling through her entire body.

  When Leo moved his arms up to cage her head, he used the leverage on her shoulders to push her body down onto his cock until not one inch of him was left neglected. Stiffening, Leo groaned loud and low signaling that he was indee
d coming just as hard as she had. The sensation of throbbing spurts inside of her accompanied the sound of his moans as he found completion.

  As Jasmine hugged the sweaty body above her own, she only had one thought left in her head.

  Leo didn’t have to worry about her thinking of anyone else. She was his and his alone.

  Chapter 14

  One week later, on Sunday morning…

  8:00 a.m.

  Jasmine, call your father or me immediately.

  8:05 a.m.

  Jasmine, I have accepted a dinner invitation for you. Call me so I can give you the details.

  8:10 a.m.

  Jasmine Jane, I have not heard from you yet and I am getting ready to go over some files. I will send you an email regarding the details of tomorrow’s dinner plans.

  9:00 a.m.

  Let me know your current size. You looked like you may have gained weight when I saw you last. I will be sending a dress to your apartment for your dinner. You might want to wear a shrug to cover your arms. I do not want them flapping about at dinner.

  10:00 a.m.

  It is rude to ignore your mother. I do not appreciate your lack of response. I went ahead and ordered you a dress in a size 12. Wear your SPANX if it’s too tight, and make sure to get your nails done. I would prefer if you wore the low-heeled taupe pumps that I bought you for graduation instead of those inappropriate sandals you always wear.

  10:30 a.m.

  Jasmine, your father will be speaking to you regarding your inability to answer the phone or my text messages. In case you have not checked your email, you are expected to be at dinner at 7 p.m. at Giordano’s on the plaza. Use the valet at the restaurant. I do not want you sweating if you have to park and walk from the garage down the block. First impressions are extremely important. DO NOT BE LATE. Dr. Jansen has already made the reservations.


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