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Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery

Page 15

by Morgan Hawke

  "What?” Sam set his cup and saucer on the coffee table. “Do you want proof?"

  Morwyn grabbed Sam's arm and shook her head. She turned to Coventry. “It's no joke, believe me."

  Sygni lifted her chin. “Galen was raised from a corpse about two weeks ago, and Sam was turned into a werewolf about three nights ago, by Gruber."

  Grimley frowned at his scanner then looked over at Coventry. “The scan says he a vampire all right. And an alpha-grade mage."

  Coventry stiffened. “I find that hard to believe. Do it again."

  "Okay...” Grimley shrugged and fiddled with the dials of his device.

  Sygni snorted. Of course he wouldn't believe it. The Inspector was only a beta grade.

  Grimley peered down at his unit. He shook his head. “No change. It still says that Galen is a vampire and a mage."

  Galen looked down at Grimley. “Is there some kind of problem?"

  "The problem is...” Grimley tilted his head. “You don't look like a vampire."

  Galen's brows shot up. “I don't?"

  Grimley shook his head. “No. For someone that was raised from a corpse you look far too ... Well, alive."

  Galen grinned, showing his long fangs. “Sweet!"

  Coventry crossed his arms over his chest. “Finish and do the other one."

  Sam frowned. “Hey, the other one has a name."

  Coventry raised his brow. “Is that so?"

  Morwyn dug her fingers into Sam's arm. “Drink your tea."

  Sam stared at her in surprise. “But he's...?"

  "Not now.” Morwyn narrowed her eyes. “Tea."

  Sam scowled and picked up his teacup. “Fine, whatever..."

  Grimley looked up at Galen. “Full name and social security number."

  "Galen Raveneye.” He rattled off a handful of numbers.

  Grimley looked up at Galen. “Raveneye? That's an odd name."

  Galen snorted. “Not if you're Cherokee."

  Sam leaned forward. “You're native American?"

  Galen grinned. “Yep, I'm a real live red-skin.” His smile soured. “Well, I was."

  Sygni lifted her teacup toward Galen. “You still are, or Raven wouldn't have bothered to show up."

  Galen looked over at Sygni. “I'll buy that.” He smiled and shook his head.

  Coventry frowned at Sygni. “Raven who?"

  "No one you know.” Sygni sipped her tea to cover her smile.

  "Okay, Galen Raveneye...” Grimley sketched on the screen of the device with a small stylus. “Date you were raised?"

  Galen sighed. “The thirteenth of October."

  Grimley tilted his head slightly. “That was a Friday, wasn't it?"

  Galen nodded firmly. “Yep.” He turned to look at Sygni. “It was also the day I died."

  Grimley smiled up at Galen. “All done, you're officially registered with the feds."

  Galen rolled his eyes. “Thanks, just what I always wanted."

  "Okay, Sam...” Grimley walked around the coffee table. “You're next."

  Sam stood up and stared eye to eye with Grimley.

  Grimley held out the scanner “Oh yeah, you're a werewolf, all right.” He bit his lip and shook his head.

  Sam frowned. “What?"

  "I just thought you'd be...” Grimley shrugged and blushed. “Taller."

  Sam snorted and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “I am taller. When I'm not human."

  Coventry raised a black brow. “What makes you think that you are entitled to call yourself human now?"

  Sam shot Coventry a baleful glance.

  Grimley cleared his throat and raised his stylus. “Full name, social security, and date you were changed?"

  Sam took a deep breath. “Samuel Edward Kensington.” He spat out some numbers. “I went furry on the twenty-eighth of October."

  Grimley nodded. “Okay, I have you, too."

  "Wait a minute...” Sygni abruptly sat up and hissed. “Shit!” She turned to Coventry. “Were you planning on doing the raid on Gruber's pocket universe tomorrow or tonight?"

  "Tomorrow, of course. I need time to gather the correct specialists.” Coventry's eyes narrowed. “Why?"

  "Because tomorrow is Halloween.” Sygni turned to Morwyn. “If Gruber is tied to the dead in any way, shape or form, he's going to have a serious advantage."

  "How about somebody explaining that to the clueless?” Sam dropped back onto the couch by Morwyn.

  Morwyn set her teacup on the coffee table. “Halloween is also known as Samhain. It's one of the two days in the year where the dead are allowed to visit this world. This means that anything tied to the dead will be at the peak of their power."

  Sygni looked over at Sam. “You never want to fight a necromancer on Halloween."

  "A necromancer?” Sam frowned. “What the hell is that?"

  Coventry snorted. “A wizard that uses the dead to power his spells."

  "Now that all the formalities are done with, inspectors...” Morwyn sat back on the couch. “Why don't you tell us how you want to handle the doctor?"

  Coventry raised his chin. “First we find the door into the time-still."

  Sygni set her teacup on the coffee table. “We got that covered."

  "Really?” Coventry sneered. “Do tell?"

  Sam snorted. “We have Tyrone—"

  Morwyn choked. “His dog. We have the doctor's dog, Tyrone."

  Sam gave Morwyn a puzzled look.

  Coventry frowned and folded his arms. “A dog?"

  Sygni nodded. “Yep, he'll lead me straight to the door."

  Galen spat tea. “You? You're not going in there without me."

  Sygni winced. She was not used to looking out for anyone but herself, but there wasn't a damned thing she could do about it. Galen held half her power. “I suppose I do have to bring you."

  Galen frowned. “You suppose?"

  "Hey.” Sam leaned forward. “I'm coming, too."

  Sygni narrowed her eyes at Sam. “Sam, you could get hurt..."

  Sam snorted. “Oh, please, I'm practically indestructible.” He raised a brow.” And Tyrone will be a lot more...” He cleared his throat. “Cooperative if the object of his personal quest is holding the leash."

  Sygni rolled her eyes. He had a valid point. Tyrone was here for Sam. It would be a major battle to get Tyrone to lead them to the door without him. “Okay, you can come too."

  Morwyn smiled. “And I'll hold the door."

  Sygni's mouth popped open. “Morwyn, are you out of your mind?"

  Morwyn lifted her teacup. “What? You can't hold the door and go hunting at the same time. Admit it, you need me.” She nodded at the guys. “You need all of us."

  Sygni crossed her arms. “I'm perfectly capable on my own."

  "Why do this alone if you don't have to?” Morwyn smiled brightly. “Consider this a lesson in teamwork."

  Sygni scowled. Teamwork, my ass! This was not how this was supposed to turn out. She went in, did her thing and got out. Now she had to worry about Sam and Morwyn, as well as Galen.

  Galen patter her shoulder. “Don't worry, Sam and I can look out for ourselves."

  Sam grinned. “It's not as if you can stop us."

  "Okay, okay, we'll all go.” Sygni groaned. “I need my head examined."

  "Not to interrupt your little planning session.” Coventry scowled at Sygni. “But I want you...” He looked around and included the vampire, the werewolf, and the librarian in his scathing glance. “All of you, to stay the hell out of the way. I'll let you know if I want something out of any of you."

  Sygni rolled her eyes. Pain in the ass...

  Galen coughed out a laugh. “I just thought of something."

  Sygni looked up at him. “What?"

  Galen grinned. “Since I'm risen from the dead, shouldn't I be at the peak of my power tomorrow night?"

  Sygni's brows shot up. “That's right!"

  Morwyn nodded. “Absolutely."

  "Huh?” Galen did a
double take. “I was only kidding! You mean I really will?"

  Sygni grinned. “Oh, yeah."

  "And I'm sure you will find a way to take advantage of his connection,” Coventry drawled.

  Sygni smiled, and she knew it wasn't pretty. “You have no idea how right you are."

  "Very well, then.” Morwyn set her cup loudly on its saucer. “Where do we meet your team and when?"

  Grimley set his teacup down on the table. “We're assembling the entire assault team in the high school parking lot. It's the only place big enough to park the armored vans."

  "We're commencing at sunset.” Coventry smiled at Galen. “Don't be late."

  Galen smiled right back. “No problem."

  Sygni narrowed her eyes at Coventry. “It won't matter if we're late or not, you're not going anywhere without Tyrone to lead you in."

  "Don't worry.” Morwyn shot a swift glare at Sygni. “We'll be there."

  Coventry gazed down his nose at Morwyn. “Are these two all you have to show me?"

  Sam lowered his brows and a low rumble started in his chest.

  Morwyn pinched Sam's arm. “Yes, of course."

  Sam flinched and the growl disappeared.

  "Then it is past time we were leaving.” Coventry stepped away from the couch. “Coming, Grimley?"

  Grimley stuck out his bottom lip. “Can't I have a second cup of tea?"

  Coventry speared him with a glare. “We have a team to gather, Inspector, but if you would rather I took care of the entire mission by myself...?"

  "Coming, Inspector.” Grimley sighed and stood. “Thanks for the tea, Mistress Morwyn."

  "Anytime, Inspector.” Morwyn stood up and nodded. “I bid you both a good evening. Bernard will show you to the door."

  Grimley had to trot to catch up to Coventry's long strides.

  Sam walked beside Morwyn as they left the little parlor and started down the hallway. “You pinched me!"

  Morwyn turned and raised her brow. “You were growling."

  "Of course, I was growling! That inspector...” Sam spat the word. “Was being a shit-heel!"

  Sygni shook her head as she strode along behind Morwyn and Sam. “He's always been a shit-heel."

  Morwyn scowled at the werewolf. “He's also a shit heel that can get you killed if he thinks you're too dangerous."

  Galen curled his lip flashing a long tooth. “Killing us might prove harder to do than he thinks."

  Morwyn abruptly stopped and turned to face Galen. “The inspectors represent a very elite police force that has branches throughout the whole country. Make no mistake, they do know how to kill vampires.” She looked over at Sam. “And werewolves."

  Sam flinched. “Okay, okay ... I won't rip his throat out."

  "Good.” Morwyn wrapped her arm around his waist. “Because it's kinda hard to go out on a decent date with a guy that's on ‘wanted’ posters."

  Sam folded her into his arms. “We can't be having that, I still haven't taken you to my favorite Italian restaurant."

  Sygni folded her arms and snorted. “Do we need to give you guys privacy?"

  Galen wrapped his arms around Sygni's waist. His lips brushed her ear. “You know, I'm kinda hungry myself.” His head lowered and his teeth skimmed her throat. “In fact, I'm starved."

  Sygni shivered under his mouth and felt the ache of her nipples tightening.

  Sam grinned. “I guess we're not the only ones needing privacy."

  Morwyn grinned over at Sygni and Galen. “Um, why don't you show Galen the hot tub?"

  "Good idea.” Sygni shook her head and grinned as she walked past Sam and Morwyn. “You kids play nice."

  Sam frowned. “I always play nice! She's the kinky one.” He suddenly yelped and grabbed Morwyn's head, pulling her away from his chest. “Hey, watch it with the teeth! My nipples are sensitive."

  Galen smiled and shook his head. “You know, I have been hearing about this hot tub..."

  "Morwyn calls it a hot tub. What she has is a whole damned Roman bath.” Sygni took a sudden right and opened a small door, revealing a narrow stair that curved downward.

  Galen followed her through the small door. “She has a what?"

  ~ Eighteen ~

  The downward spiral ended in a small alcove and a frosted glass door. Their bare feet made little sound on the stone steps. Galen's broad shoulders practically filled the narrow staircase. “A roman bath? Are you serious?"

  Sygni pulled the door open and waved him to walk in first. “See for yourself.” Warm mist curled from the doorway and snaked across the ceiling.

  Galen took two steps in and stopped. “Holy shit..."

  The room was completely circular and cavernous. A domed ceiling rose above them painted to resemble a blue sky, with fat cupids fluttering between fluffy clouds. The walls were gold-veined marble, as were the carved Corinthian columns that encircled the steaming in-ground pool. Low marble benches sat between the towering columns. The floor was ornately tiled with roman gods and chariots.

  Sygni walked past him toward one of the curved benches. “Like it, do you?"

  "It's friggin huge!” Galen turned all the way around to see the whole thing. “Where did she get all this?"

  Sygni grabbed for the hem of her T-shirt and yanked it over her head. “They found the whole thing under an old manor house that was being torn down in Ireland. I helped her import it piece by piece.” She dropped her shirt on one of the stone benches and started unfastening her jeans.

  "How can Morwyn call this swimming pool a hot tub?” He turned back around and his eyes focused on her gently swaying breasts.

  Sygni smiled as she watched his gaze heat. “Well, the water comes from an underground hot spring, so it's hot.” She peeled down her snug jeans. “It also has bubbles, but more like a soda rather than from jets like a regular hot tub."

  "You don't say?” Galen grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it off.

  Sygni watched all his lean muscle flex and stretch as his shirt lifted. His nipples were hard. Her breath caught and her eyes dropped lower. The strong line of his cock was pressed tight against his fly. She licked her lips.

  "I hope you're ready for me.” Galen opened his jeans releasing his thick cock and groaned. “Because I'm starved.” He was so rigid he curved up toward his belly.

  Sygni swallowed hard. That was some appetite ... Her belly gave a hungry wet clench and her nipples tightened to hard points.

  Galen lifted his nose. “Mmm, I smell wet pussy.” He tilted his head. “Was that the dinner bell?” He nodded and focused on Sygni. “Yes, I believe it was.” He peeled his jeans down and off in a blur of motion.

  Sygni flinched back. “Yikes!” She turned and bolted for the pool. She dove for the water only to feel Galen's arms close around her waist just before they hit the surface. After a brief struggle underwater, they came up for air in a spray of water and flung hair.

  Galen grinned down at Sygni, locked chest to breast in his arms. “Going somewhere?"

  Sygni shook her head to clear the water from her eyes. “What, are we in a rush?"

  Galen nuzzled her throat. “Maybe...” His teeth raked ever so gently along her pulse.

  "Maybe you are.” Sygni moaned. God, his mouth ... She shivered under his tender assault and called her power. So the vampire wants to play? She shoved her power outward in a bubble. Let's play.

  Galen's arms jerked apart. “What the fuck?"

  Sygni shifted the pull of gravity around her and leaped straight out of the water to land lightly on the marble edge of the pool. She turned and smiled. “You may be in a rush, but I'm not that easy a catch."

  "You're just full of surprises.” Galen frowned, concentrating. “But so am I."

  Sygni felt a shift in her power and backed away. Uh oh...

  He lunged upward and out of the water.

  Sygni stared, impressed. Well, damn ... He'd copied her spell-craft. She watched him turn gracefully in mid-air. She eyed the columns to either sid
e of her and inspiration struck.

  Galen landed in a feral crouch. He grinned, baring his long teeth. “Do you really think you can escape me?” He lunged for her.

  Sygni waved her hand. “Hold!"

  Galen was jerked to a sudden halt by the wrists. “Huh?” He turned and watched chains form around his wrists and then around the columns he stood between. “Sygni, what do you think you're doing?"

  "Who me?” Sygni smiled as she stalked over to the dripping vampire. “Now what was that about escape?"

  "Sygni...” Galen tugged but the magical binding held fast. “This is playing dirty.” His voice rumbled in warning. “You know what'll happen to you if you tease the vampire."

  "But I like playing dirty games.” She reached out and swept her hand down the muscular plain of his belly. “And who said anything about teasing?” She leaned close and lapped at the water droplets around his nipple with her tongue. “Mmm, yummy..."

  Galen sucked in a breath and groaned. “Now where have I seen this little scenario before?"

  Rather than answer him, she leaned over to lap at his other nipple and grasped his thick cock. He was smooth and deliciously hard in her palm. She tugged strongly.

  He moaned and pumped his hips, stroking himself in her hand. “God, Sygni."

  Sygni lifted her head. “I seem to remember that you had a certain fascination...” She knelt down on the tile and smiled up at him. “With my mouth.” She licked her lips and focused on the cock swaying before her.

  Galen swallowed hard. “I would kill for your mouth."

  "That was the correct answer.” She leaned forward and licked around the flared edge of his cock head. He tasted of clean soap, male musk and just slightly of copper. Her mouth watered. She opened wide and took him in, lashing the bottom of his cock with her tongue.

  Galen gasped and came up on his toes. “Oh, fuck...” He closed his eyes and threw his head back, tossing his long black mane. The muscles on his neck stood out strongly. A growl rumbled in his chest.

  Oh, yeah ... Sygni sucked him in as deep as she could. He was big, too big to get all the way into her mouth without choking. She licked her palms and used her hands to stroke the rest. The sounds of wet suction echoed in the domed bath. She reached down and cradled his balls in her palm, then gently squeezed.


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