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Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery

Page 17

by Morgan Hawke

  Morwyn narrowed her eyes at Sygni. “Don't go there, at least not yet.” She shook her head. “That's why I'm coming along on this adventure. Once we find Gruber's door, I'm going to keep it open so you don't get trapped in there.” She lifted her chin. “Speaking of there, I think we've arrived."

  Century High School was a sprawling complex of two-story gray buildings with tall narrow windows that couldn't be opened. Long roofed galleries linked the buildings to each other.

  Galen opened the window to gaze at the featureless buildings as they passed. “That's a school? It looks more like a prison."

  Sygni scowled. “Good comparison."

  "Now where is Covington's little party?” Morwyn turned the wheel and brought the Jeep around to the back parking lot by the school cafeteria. “Ah, there they are."

  Four pitch-black heavily armored trucks were parked next to each other, facing the long glass wall of the cafeteria with three unmarked armored vans and two flat black hummers. Four lines of riot-armored men were gathered in formation at the side of the last truck. There were rifles on their shoulders, clear riot shields at their sides and swords strapped to their hips.

  "What the hell kind of SWAT team is that?” Sam leaned out of his window.

  Sygni unfastened her seatbelt. “That's Covington's idea of a ghost-patrol."

  "An army?” Sam turned to face Sygni. “With swords?"

  Sygni nodded. “Some things don't die unless you behead them."

  Morwyn parked the Jeep under a lone light post. “I have our weapons in the back, under the floor-board.” She shut the engine off.

  Galen's brows shot up. “Weapons?"

  Sygni leaned toward Morwyn. “Did you pack Baby?"

  Morwyn nodded and opened her door. “I brought a few other things, too."

  Galen frowned as he stepped out of the Jeep. “Baby?"

  Sygni slid out of the passenger and shut her door. “Baby is my sword. I keep it at Morwyn's because Baby is very special.” She closed her door and smiled. Baby was special, all right. If Gruber decided to bring on a few dead, Halloween or not, she was ready for him.

  Sam opened the back and let Tyrone hop down. “So what kind of weapons did you bring?"

  "Simple ones.” Morwyn leaned into the cargo space and placed her hand on the Jeep's floorboard.

  Sygni leaned against the side of the Jeep to watch Morwyn. A small vibration ran up her spine.

  Galen stepped over to hover at Sygni's side. He rubbed his arms. “What the hell is that?"

  Sygni leaned over to loop her arm around his waist. “Morwyn's magic."

  Morwyn peeled up the floorboard. “Okay, what weapons are you most comfortable with?"

  Sam shrugged. “A baseball bat?"

  Galen smiled wryly at the werewolf. “I'm good with guns."

  "Good, I'm glad somebody is.” Morwyn handed Galen a pistol with the holster belt wrapped around it. “It's a semi-automatic nine-millimeter with hollow-point silver bullets. There are four spare twenty-round clips in the belt."

  Galen's brows rose. “Sweet.” He unrolled the belt, pulled out the gun, popped out the clip and checked the chamber with expert skill.

  Sam frowned. “You're good at that."

  Galen shrugged. “Ex-military."

  "Really? And you used handguns?” Sam crossed his arms and lifted his chin. “I thought they gave you guys semi-automatic rifles?"

  Galen buckled the gun belt around his hips. “In the war, you used whatever was available, and a handgun was a lot easier to hide.” He shrugged. “And a lot more reliable."

  "War?” Sygni frowned. What war were you in?"

  A flush reddened Galen's cheeks. He took a breath. “The second world war."

  "Galen, you were in World War Two?” Sam's mouth fell open. “Pardon my being nosy, but when did you die?"

  Galen smiled tightly. “Seventy-four was the last year I remember. Back then I was watching Happy Days and The Six-Million Dollar Man on TV. Elvis was still the king, though I liked The Eagles better. Watergate was still big news and the closest I got to weird shit was Kolchak the Night Stalker. I was fifty-two."

  "You were fifty-two? You're shitting me? You look like you're in your twenties."

  "Trust me, I'm just as surprised as you are.” He pulled out a clip on his belt and checked the bullets. “Not that I mind looking thirty years younger than I was when I died. Getting old is a bitch."

  Sygni frowned. “But you told me that you died while on the way to some chef's school in California?"

  "I did, I was. I saved up for a long time to get in there, too.” Galen shoved the clip back into the pouch on his belt. “I was riding the Indian that I brought back with me from the war when something hit my chest and knocked me off of it. The Indian was old, but it still ran beautifully. I miss that old bike."

  Sam's brows rose, then he grinned. “So you're really an old fart?"

  Galen shot a glare at him. “This old fart can still kick your ass, fur-ball."

  Sam raised his chin. “Sure about that, are you?"

  "I hate to interrupt, but we have work to do?” Morwyn looked over at Sam. “Ever use a crossbow?"

  Sam's head came up. “A crossbow? Yeah, when I did some hunting in Wisconsin with my Dad."

  "Good, you get this.” Morwyn handed Sam a large, ornately scrolled compound crossbow and a long pouch of bladed bolts. “This has a ninety-pound pull, but you shouldn't have a problem with it. The bladed heads are silver. Don't shoot yourself."

  Sam took the crossbow and bolts. “The bow on this looks like it's made out of steel."

  Morwyn nodded. “It is; that's why it has a ninety-pound pull. I've seen the spinning bolts drill through a cement wall.” She turned back to the Jeep and pulled out a long sheathed sword with the belt wrapped around it. The cutlass-style hand-guard was a swirl of thorny vines with rose buds on the ends of the crosspiece. “And here's your Baby, Sygni."

  "I missed you, sweetheart,” Sygni murmured as she took the sword. She unwrapped the belt and buckled it at her hip.

  Morwyn looked at each of the guys. “What ever you do, stay out of Sygni's swing. That blade will kill you faster than anything Coventry's army has."

  Galen frowned. “It's just a sword, isn't it?"

  "Not exactly.” Sygni backed up a few steps and unsheathed her sword. The blade was a black hole in space. “This sword has an honest-to-God vorpal blade. It's designed to cut the soul, not the body, so it kills without leaving a mark."

  Galen tilted his head and frowned. “I thought vorpal blades didn't exist?"

  "Technically, they don't exist.” Sygni shifted into a fighters crouch. “A vorpal blade is a ghost sword that exists between the worlds.” She executed a swift handful of small moves that ended in a deep reverse lunge with the blade over her head and her other arm fully extended before her. “It's literally neither here nor there."

  "You can keep it.” Sam shuddered. “I can feel it all the way over here and it's giving me the creeps."

  Morwyn leaned back into the Jeep. “Sygni, you shouldn't use that sword without your gloves, did you bring them?” She pulled out a wooden staff and two massive bowie knives sheathed in tooled black leather.

  "The gauntlets are in my pocket.” Sygni sheathed the blade. “The real advantage to the sword is that magical beings can see it, but ordinary people can't.” She dug into her pockets and pulled out a pair of supple leather gauntlets. “Morwyn made the sheath to co-exist in the same place, so it's just as invisible to mundane viewers while keeping accidents from happening to the wearer: me. And I don't get people calling the cops on me when I wear it.” She tugged the gauntlets on and walked back over to Galen's side. “She made the gloves for the same reason, to keep me from accidental exposure."

  "Guys, take these.” Morwyn handed the wolf-head bowie knife to Sam, and a hawk-head bowie knife to Galen. “There are some things that only an ordinary knife will dispel."

  Galen nodded and undid his belt to loop th
e knife-sheath on.

  Sygni reached into her boot and pulled out a long, slender dagger. She spun the pommel on her palm and grinned. “Fastest way to a man's heart, six inches of cold hard steel."

  "Six inches?” Sam pulled out his knife. “This damn thing is as long as my forearm."

  "There are more things out there than men.” Morwyn turned to look at Sam. “Such as werewolves. Don't forget, Gruber still has the Book of the Moon."

  Sam slid his dagger onto his belt. “I'm guessing that that's what the crossbow is for? Other werewolves?"

  Morwyn nodded. “Good guess."

  Galen raised his chin. “I know how to use a sword, if you have another one in there."

  Morwyn gave Galen a long look. “As a matter of fact, I do.” She turned back to the trunk. “I had a feeling I was going to need this.” She pulled out the beribboned red lacquer sheath of an old samurai sword.

  Sygni choked. “Is that the Murasama?"

  Morwyn gave Sygni a curt nod, then turned to Galen. “Be very, very careful. The Murasama is known for killing its wielders. Only use it if you know for a fact that the enemy is trying to kill you."

  Galen reached out with both hands and took the blade with reverence. “I think I read something about it measuring the heart of its bearer.” He shoved the sheath through his belt.

  Morwyn closed the back of the Jeep. “It supposed to slay evil. Unfortunately, the Murasama makes its own decision as to whether or not something is evil."

  Sygni gave Morwyn a sour smile. “Better not let Coventry touch it, he definitely won't survive."

  "You noticed that I never let you touch it?” Morwyn raised her brow at Sygni.

  Sygni frowned. “Hey, what exactly are you trying to say?"

  Morwyn picked up her plain wooden staff. “Shall we go?"

  Side by side, the four of them and Tyrone walked across the parking lot toward the armored men gathered at the trucks. Behind them, the sun dipped below the horizon with unseemly haste.

  ~ Twenty ~

  A cop in black armor walked out to meet the four of them. He raised his hand. “I'm sorry, but you will have to leave."

  "We're supposed to be here.” Sam smiled with far too many teeth.

  "I'm sorry, but this area is off limits for the time being.” The cop lifted his chin and his eyes focused on Sam's crossbow. They narrowed sharply. “Who the hell are you?"

  Sygni gave him a curt bow. “We're here to help to deal with the Gruber situation."

  The cop frowned. “I was not informed of any ‘help."

  Morwyn rolled her eyes. “Just get Coventry, will you?"

  Coventry stepped out of the black armored truck's side door. The rising wind caught the long black velvet robe he wore. Beneath it was his typical uniform of high-collared tightly buttoned knee-length magus coat and dress slacks. A deep hood lay across his shoulders and down his back. He raised his chin and looked down his long nose. “Nice of you to join us."

  Grimley came out of the truck at Coventry's heels. “Hi!” He was also wearing a velvet robe, tailored magus coat and dress slacks.

  Sygni raised her brow. “Going formal on us, Grimley?"

  "I wanted to make a good impression.” Grimley flushed slightly, but he smiled.

  Morwyn smiled. “It looks very nice on you."

  "You think so?” Grimley tugged at his robe.

  "If you are all quite ready?” Coventry crossed his arms.

  Morwyn nodded. “We will lead you to the gate and I will hold the door open for your return."

  Coventry turned to Grimley. “Get the kit."

  Grimley nodded and took off at a trot.

  "This way.” Coventry brushed past them.

  Sygni shrugged and they followed in Coventry's wake.

  Coventry stopped by the one of the cops. “This is the Squad-leader, Captain Gordon. He and his men will follow you to the gate."

  "We're following this bunch to the gate?” Gordon frowned at Coventry. “You're kidding, right?"

  Sygni crossed her arms and rocked back on her heels. “You're following us through the gate. We're coming, too."

  Gordon shook his head. “You're civilians."

  "Not exactly.” Sygni raised her chin. “I'm Sygni, a sorceress, this is Galen, he's a vampire and Sam over here is a werewolf."

  The Captain froze where he stood. “You're a sorceress, the big guy is a vampire, and the short guy is a werewolf?"

  Sam curled his upper lip, flashing his fangs. “Who are you calling ‘short'?"

  Morwyn grabbed Sam's arm. “Later, Sam."

  Gordon shot a narrow glance at Morwyn. “What are you? A fairy?"

  Morwyn smiled. “Good guess, Captain."

  Gordon's brows shot up. “Are they for real?"

  "They are all quite real.” Coventry gave Captain Gordon a blood-curdling smile. “And under your jurisdiction. If they give you any trouble whatsoever, you have my permission to arrest them.” He turned sharply on his heel and walked toward one of the black Hummers.

  Sam looked over at Morwyn. “Are you sure I can't kill Coventry?"

  Morwyn grinned. “Just think how bad he probably tastes."

  Sam shuddered. “Good point."

  The captain strode off, shouting orders to his men. In a matter of minutes, two long lines formed and it was time to go.

  Sam looked down at the Rottweiler. “You ready to take me to the Doc, Tyrone?"

  The Rottie lunged away, only to be brought up short by the leash. He yelped then turned to look back at Sam, obviously offended.

  Sam shook his head. “Easy, Tyrone, we'll get there, but let's keep it to a walk so we can all go, okay?"

  Morwyn looped her arm through Sam's, and Sygni followed with Galen at her side. The double line of fully armored cops followed in formation only four steps back with Gordon marching alongside the line.

  Sygni shook her head. “I hope we don't have to lead this bunch through too many neighborhoods."

  Galen chuckled. “At least it's Halloween, so it won't look too strange."

  * * * *

  Tyrone strained at the leash, pulling to get to the closed double doors to the high school's gymnasium. Sam had to use both hands to hold him.

  Morwyn peered at the doors. “Well, that's convenient. No long trek through neighborhoods."

  "No, it's freaking scary.” Sam pointed over his shoulder. “The school dumpsters are right over there. This is where Tyrone and me must have gone through the first time, but I don't remember a thing about it."

  Sygni could see a glimmer at one small corner of the door. “It's small. Can we get everybody through it?"

  "Absolutely.” Morwyn smiled grimly. “Once I open it all the way."

  Captain Gordon strode up and pointed at the gym doors. “You mean this is it? We combed this whole damned area and found nothing."

  Morwyn nodded. “It's overlapping the doors."

  Gordon peered at the doors. “I just see gym doors."

  Morwyn smiled. “You're not supposed to go through it, so it doesn't exist for you."

  "But you can see it?” Gordon lifted his chin.

  Morwyn shrugged casually. “I'm used to such things, so I know what I'm looking at."

  Coventry stepped up to Gordon's side. “Are you sure it's here?"

  Morwyn raised her brow. “If anyone is going to know the opening to a time-still, there is no one more qualified than I."

  Galen leaned closer to Sygni. “I can see something glowing at the bottom of one of the doors, is that it?"

  "Yep.” Sygni leaned against him. “It's subtle magic. Coventry is only a beta-grade mage, so he can't see it."

  Morwyn turned to look at the group. “Alright everyone, give me some working room and I'll open the door all the way."

  Sam, Galen, Sygni, and Captain Gordon stepped back.

  Coventry scowled. “This had better work.” He turned and joined the party at the bottom of the steps.

  Morwyn walked up to the door an
d raised her wooden staff. A waterfall of sibilant phrases fell from her lips and a breeze swirled around her.

  Sygni leaned closer to Sam and Galen. “It's so cool when she does stuff like this."

  Morwyn slammed the heel of her staff on the cement step leading to the gym doors. Pale green light erupted around Morwyn and the staff. Her hair lifted in the wash of power. The light around Morwyn shaped a brilliant image of rainbow-tinted butterfly wings at her back.

  Sam swallowed. “Shit, she is a fairy."

  Sygni shrugged. “Half-faery, actually. Her mom was mortal."

  Sam turned to look at Sygni. “And I was worried about her having problems with my furry side?” He shook his head.

  The staff abruptly branched and formed leaves at incredible speed. It grew, leaping upward and over the top of the door like a vine. The end of the staff arched and fell, then lunged across the ground back toward Morwyn, forming a circular frame. The staff wound gently around Morwyn, then arched back up, and circled back around, and then again, and again ... The trunk thickened to the width of a sapling. Roots formed and burrowed into the cement. Leaves and branches formed and unfurled, braiding back into itself until a circular tree framed Morwyn and the gym doors. Fresh green leaves waved in the breeze.

  Mist formed in the center of the living hoop. Morwyn turned to the group with eyes full of pale green fire. “The door is opened."

  Sygni stepped forward. “Let's get this show on the road.” She climbed the shallow steps and looked over at Morwyn. “Be careful, girlfriend."

  "Who me?” Morwyn smiled. “I'm not going in there.” She turned to Galen. “Bring her back."

  Galen nodded. “I will."

  Sam shoved himself in front of Morwyn. His eyes were stark and his mouth was a thin line. “I just want you to know...” He looked around at the gathering and grimaced. “Fuck it.” He leaned forward and kissed Morwyn full on the mouth. He pulled back but his expression was just as grim. “I love you, and you were right; you're weirder than I am.” He grinned. “I'm cool with that."

  Morwyn gave him a blinding smile. “I love you, too. Don't get killed."

  Sam grinned. “Yes, ma'am!"

  Galen caught Sygni's hand and they stepped through the living gate with Sam and Tyrone at their heels.


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