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Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery

Page 21

by Morgan Hawke

  Sygni dropped down on Gruber's shoulders, forcing him into Galen's swing. If she didn't check her flight fast enough, it was possible that Galen would cut her, too, but she couldn't take the chance that Galen would miss.

  Gruber had to die...

  Gruber gasped and stopped in mid-air. He clutched his heart with his hands and curled up, moaning.

  Sygni dropped on him and grabbed his upper arms with her long raven claws.

  Gruber shrieked and floundered.

  Gravity reasserted itself over Gruber and Sygni was dragged down. Using every ounce of wing power she had, she barely kept them from plummeting to the distant ground, and landed on sharply tilted roof instead.

  "You want to play with gravity, you bastard?” She cawed loudly. “Let's play with gravity!” Wings mantled for balance, Sygni released her light-weight spell and her full body-weight slammed down onto Gruber's shoulders, pinning him facedown on the roof. He struggled to rise, but there was no moving her.

  Galen dropped onto the roof peak with a heavy thump and raised his sword for a blow that would take his head.

  A huge gray shape lunged onto the roof from the side of the building. It was Sam in his massive, two-legged beast shape. “Don't kill him, at least not yet!"

  Galen pulled back his sword. “Why the hell not?"

  Sam bared his teeth. “When I tried to drag the kid out of the chair, there was nothing in it but an old skull. Coventry says that the skull is Gruber.” He pointed a clawed finger at Gruber. “That's the kid."

  Beneath Sygni's feet, Gruber shuddered hard then laughed. “That's right. I'm in full possession of the body. Do what you like with the skull, I'll never go back."

  "You fucking piece of shit!” Sygni dug her claws into his shoulders. “That's not your body!"

  "Ah!” Gruber gasped and reached for her clawed feet. “So? The boy wants me here, and I want to be here! You'll never get me out!"

  "Fine, then we won't bother.” Sygni lifted her raven's head. “Galen, take his head, and make sure of the kill..."

  Gruber twisted hard and grabbed Sygni's scaled leg.

  Power seared up through Sygni's body from the sorcerer's handhold. Her raven form was ripped from her, scoured away by his virulent power. She screamed.

  Forced back into a human shape, she couldn't think, she couldn't see, and she couldn't stop herself from falling ... Stunned, she tumbled down the side of the roof toward the edge, and the ground four stories below.


  She slid on the slick roof-tiles and went over the edge.

  Galen dove, dropping flat on the roof to catch her by the forearm. “I got you. Hold on."

  Sygni groaned. Her arm felt like it was trying to rip free from her shoulder. She looked up to make a pithy comment and saw Gruber right behind Galen. “Watch out!” she shouted.

  "Shit!” Galen hauled Sygni up and rolled to the side with her cradled in her arms.

  Sygni whimpered in his embrace. “Ouch, ouch, ouch ... ! Mother Night, my shoulder!"

  Behind them, Gruber held the long sheath of the Murasama in his hands. He had pulled it from Galen's belt.

  Sygni clutched Galen's shoulder. “Gruber's got the Murasama!"

  Galen rolled up on his feet with Sygni in his arms. “Put the sword down, Gruber."

  Gruber grabbed the scarlet sheath and began to withdraw the ancient blade. “I think I'd rather kill you with it. You two have caused me far more trouble than you are worth.” He freed the blade—and froze. His mouth opened wide and a God-awful wail came out of it.

  "Get it out of his hands!” Sygni shouted over the wailing. “The sword kills evil! It'll kill them both!"

  Sam came galloping across the slanted roof, his claws digging deep into the tiles. He grabbed Gruber's wrist in a massive hand and yanked the blade free of the sorcerer's fingers. “Got it!"

  Gruber's eyes rolled up. He crumpled and rolled down the roof.

  Sam caught the back of his coat before he could go over the edge. He turned him face up. “You stupid ... huh?"

  Gruber was gone. The boy stared up at the werewolf, eyes wide but alive. He shrieked and bucked in the werewolf's grasp. “No! Father, come back! Come back!"

  "Come back?” Sam scowled in disgust. “Kid, you are too pathetic to kill."

  * * * *

  The sky boiled a livid and bruised gray as the small party walked through the grass to the front of the factory where Coventry waited by the stairs.

  Sam, returned to his human form, shoved the sullen and slightly bruised kid before him.

  Sygni rolled her shoulder as she walked behind Sam with the Book of the Moon tucked under her good arm. The kid had been kind enough to tell her where it was. Of course Sam's big sharp teeth had a lot to do with persuading him.

  Galen hovered behind her with the Murasama tucked back into his belt.

  Using a few words as possible, Sygni explained to Coventry how Gruber had been removed from the boy's body. Naturally Coventry had to argue the point. Even though Coventry was a mage, he still had trouble believing in sentient swords.

  Coventry ran a hand over the boy's flinching head to see for himself. “Very well, Gruber is gone. Good.” He sat down on the front stairs of the factory with the skull in his hands. “Once again, power corrupts."

  Sygni stomped her foot. “Will you cut it with that crap? Not everybody is corrupted by power!"

  "Is that so?” Coventry scowled at her. “And what exactly is your excuse?"

  Galen lifted his chin. “She's here helping you, remember?"

  Coventry's scowl deepened. “It's in her own best interest to take out rival sorcerers."

  Sygni rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on, I'm not that petty!"

  Coventry gave her a tight smile. “Aren't you?"

  Galen sneered. “Then why are you still breathing, mage?"

  Coventry shook his head. “Fear of reprisal. The law would hunt her down and have her destroyed overnight."

  "Grow a brain, Inspector.” Sam snorted. “With as much power as she has, she can set up her own little world, just like this one did. She could easily take you out, and no one would ever find her."

  Coventry glared at Sam. “We found this one..."

  Galen shook his head. “No, you didn't find him, we did. You couldn't do it on your own, remember?” He smiled coldly. “How many jobs has she helped you with?"

  "About one every other week.” Sygni folded her arms. “And I don't get paid for my work, either."

  Sam looked at Galen. “Gee, that sounds pretty damned helpful to me, for a power-corrupted sorceress looking out for her own good."

  Sygni smiled wryly. “Guys, you're ruining my reputation as a bad-ass, here."

  Coventry's cheeks flushed a hot red and his lips thinned to a white line. Abruptly his face turned pale and he sagged on the stairs. “I do not have the energy to argue with you."

  Sygni bit her lip. The Inspector did not look good; in fact he looked pretty damned shitty, his skin had a gray cast to it and his eyes looked bruised. “Look, you can always call and shout at me later, when you feel up to it."

  Coventry shot her a suspicious look.

  Sygni gave him her best innocent expression. “What?"

  Galen and Sam snickered very softly.

  Coventry scowled and turned toward the kid. “Boy, where in hell did you find this skull?"

  The boy folded his arms and glared. “That's mine."

  "Not anymore, it's not.” Sam gave the kid's shoulder a shake. “Talk to the man."

  The kid looked up from under his forelock. “On the Internet."

  Coventry frowned. “A Nazi skull?"

  The kid shrugged. “It was on auction."

  Coventry sighed. “Son..."

  "Don't call me that!"

  Coventry's brows lowered. “I don't think you understand the gravity of your previous situation.” He pointed a long finger at the boy. “Your body was possessed. Eventually your personality would have been washed aw
ay, your soul eaten until nothing but Gruber was left."

  The kid looked away and shrugged. “So?"

  Sygni's mouth fell open. “You wanted to be wiped?"

  The boy looked down at his feet. “I liked being Gruber. He was smart, and brave and ... all the things I wasn't."

  "Hello? Earth to kid!” Sam gave the kid's shoulder a shake. “He was a freaking Nazi? He killed people!"

  The boy glanced over his shoulder a Sam. “So do you."

  "Yeah, I killed Tyrone...” Sam's brows lowered and a growl rumbled in his chest. “He made me kill him, because he couldn't deal with what you had done to him!"

  A loud crash came from within the factory. Something large had collapsed.

  Sygni looked around and spotted a nearby building crumbling in slow motion. All around, buildings began to crumble. She felt a shiver of chill that had nothing what so ever to do with the autumn weather. The world was literally coming apart. “People, we need to go. The time-still is breaking down."

  Coventry stood up to watch part of the factory's roof collapse. “The collapse is happening too fast. We'll never get out in time."

  Sygni grinned coldly. “Oh, yes, we will.” She turned to the werewolf. “Sam, how fast does that wolf run?"

  Sam smiled and fangs lengthened in his mouth. “Right fucking fast."

  Sygni nodded, then turned back to Galen. “Okay, I want you to copy what I do with the magic.” She reached for his hand. “When we're done, you get the kid, I'll get Coventry, ready?"

  Galen grinned. “Yes, master.” His eyes ignited to sun-bright flame.

  "Master, my ass!” Sygni called on the full extent of her power...

  * * * *

  A monstrous raven carrying Inspector Coventry on its back dove out of the living gateway framing the school cafeteria doors. A gigantic gray wolf leapt through the gate and then another monstrous raven emerged, gripping a handcuffed teen-aged boy by the shoulders.

  A circle of upraised rifles pointed at them.

  "No, don't shoot!” Grimley grabbed the Captain's arm, forcing his rifle down. “They're ours!"

  Sygni backpedaled her wings and banked sharply.

  Coventry slipped off her feathered back and dropped heavily to his feet. “Close the gate!"

  Morwyn, completely enshrined in blowing leaves, called out a waterfall of phrases. The branches that held her faded from existence.

  The second raven released the boy, who fell to his knees on the pavement. “No! Father!” He climbed to his feet and ran for the disappearing mist.

  Sam the wolf lunged for him and grabbed the kid's ill-fitting lab coat with his long teeth.

  "Father!” The boy screamed and fell to the ground. He curled up on the tarmac gasping and sobbing his heart out. “No! God, no! Father!"

  The gate faded from existence and became nothing more than the double-doors leading to the school cafeteria.

  Coventry sagged against the side of an armored truck. “Grimley, see to that kid. I want documentation on who he is, and what he is.” He turned to the strike commander. “Captain Gordon, let's pack up and go home, I need a beer."

  "We all do, sir.” Gordon saluted and shouted. “Play-time's over! Let's move out!” Armored men scrambled for vehicles.

  Grimley trotted over to Sam. “You can release him now, I've got him."

  Sam dropped the kid's coat and released his wolf-form. “Fine, he's all yours.” He rose wearily to his feet and walked toward the two ravens. “That was one hell of a joy-ride."

  Sygni and Galen stepped from their raven forms in a boil of red power.

  Sygni groaned. “You can say that again.” She rolled her shoulder to relieve the ache. Her transformation had dimmed a lot of the pain from the roof incident, but the speed of their escaping flight hadn't helped any.

  Galen clapped Sam on the shoulder. “You're a good man to have in a fight. I was glad to have you there."

  Sam shook his head. “Heh, you're not so bad yourself."

  Morwyn's shimmering faery form faded into her normal human self. She leaned heavily against the archway of the school's cafeteria. “You got everyone out, I assume?"

  Galen jerked to a halt and gasped. “Oh, God—Henri!"

  A laugh pealed out. “Fear not! I am here!"

  They turned.

  Henri stepped from behind a line of cops with a cigarette burning in his fingers and Morwyn's crossbow over his shoulder. “I saw the little world crumbling and felt that it was time to leave.” He pointed at Sygni. “I knew your little sorceress would have you out in time, so I did not worry."

  Morwyn walked over to the small party and Sam folded her into his arms. He kissed her brow. “Hey, sweetheart.” Morwyn snuggled deeper into his embrace.

  Grimley strode past Sygni, and he did not look happy.

  Sygni grabbed his elbow. “What's up?"

  Grimley stared at her with stricken eyes. “The kid is barren."

  "He's what?” Galen moved closer and Sam jogged his elbow.

  Grimley sighed deeply. “Once upon a time that kid was an omega-class sorcerer, but something burned it out of him. There's no trace of his talent left. It's gone.” He turned and marched for Coventry.

  Sygni looked at Galen. “The Murasama must have killed his talent."

  Henri stepped closer. “The what killed the boy's power?"

  "The Murasama.” Galen pulled the red scabbard from his belt. “It destroys evil."

  Sygni leaned back against Galen. “Gruber grabbed Galen's sword. When he pulled it from the sheath, it destroyed Gruber and burned out the kid's talent."

  Henri frowned. “I do not understand."

  Morwyn turned in Sam's embrace to look at the golden vampire. “The Murasama is a very old and haunted sword. It was born to kill demons, evil, if you will, but the Murasama makes its own decisions as to what is evil and what is not.” She looked over at Galen and smiled. “I guess you're not evil."

  Galen shrugged and gave her a tired smile. “I guess not."

  * * * *

  In a matter of minutes, the cops had the sobbing boy bundled into a van and every bit of equipment packed away. The troops piled into their vans and engines roared to life.

  Sygni watched the line of trucks leave the parking lot. “Good-bye and good riddance.” She turned back to face Morwyn, who was kissing Sam like a starving woman. She rolled her eyes. “Okay, so Gruber is gone, the kid is barren, we're all still in one piece, we have our happily ever after.” Sygni sighed. “Can we go home now?"

  Morwyn released Sam's mouth. “Yeah, sure, but don't forget we have a debriefing at the precinct downtown, bright and early tomorrow.” Morwyn turned and led the way back to her Jeep. “Come on."

  Sygni dragged her feet as she followed. “Why can't we just save the world and let the inspectors do the paperwork?"

  "Because they never, ever get the story right.” Morwyn pointed her key lock at the Jeep. The lights flashed and all the door locks disengaged.

  Sygni sighed dramatically. “Oh, yeah, that's right."

  "You have to go in the morning?” Galen shook his head and smiled. “Oh, what a shame, I'll be sound asleep."

  Sygni bumped her hip against Galen's. “Oh, no, you won't! I'll wake your ass up. I am not doing all that shit by myself."

  Galen snorted. “You mean you'll try to wake my ass up..."

  Morwyn opened the back and lifted the compartment under the floor. “Okay, weapons please?” She shoved her staff into the Jeep.

  Sam handed his long dagger back to Morwyn.

  Sygni unbuckled Baby, kissed the hand guard and gave it to Morwyn. “She was a very good girl today. We took out lots of ghosts."

  Henri lifted his chin. “So, Galen, you are a vampire?"

  Galen handed the Murasama to Morwyn and unbuckled his gun belt. “Yep. I'm still getting used to having only half a day to do anything.” He rolled the belt around the pistol, handed it to Morwyn and turned to face Henri.

  Henri nodded at Syg
ni. “And you are bonded to Sygni Darkheart."

  Sygni frowned. “Yeah, so? What's it to you?"

  Henri let the crossbow fall from his shoulder. “As Galen's sire, it is everything."

  "What?” Sygni frowned at the vampire. “You're not Galen's sire..."

  "Oh, but I am.” Henri's eyes blazed crimson. “I can smell my blood in his veins now."

  Sygni shook her head. “But how? You weren't there when Gruber..."

  "No, I was not.” Henri pursed his lips. “But, I was there all through out travels across the European theatre."

  Sygni bit her lips. “You were lovers."

  "Oh, yes, for nearly a year I filled him with my blood nightly.” Henri focused on Galen, who was blushing scarlet. “When we arrived at the American encampment, he was so close to death he should have turned."

  Galen folded his arms across his chest. “But I didn't, I survived."

  "More than once.” Henri nodded, then shook his head. “And I could not fathom why in all that time, you would not turn."

  Galen dropped his arms. “You were trying to turn me?"

  "Of course. I wanted you.” Henri's mouth tightened. “I wanted you enough to follow you to America where I tracked you to a lonely highway in the shadow of the Colorado Mountains. It was there that my bullet found your heart."

  Galen choked. “You killed me?"

  "Yes. You took your last breath in my arms.” Henri's eyes narrowed. “And still you would not turn."

  Sygni felt her heart slam in her chest. Mother Night, he's insane...

  Galen shook his head, clearly confused. “But ... why?"

  Henri's blue gaze burned. “I need you."

  "You killed him because you needed him?” Sam glared at the golden vampire. “That's sick!"

  "No, it is survival. A vampire as old as I cannot feed from a mortal without killing them; I need another vampire.” He looked at Galen. “And there is no other I would have.” He lifted the crossbow. “Galen, step away from the others or I will shoot Sam straight through the heart."

  "What!” Sam shoved Morwyn none too gently behind him. “Galen, don't!” Sam bared lengthening teeth. “Go ahead, let him shoot!"


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