Mr. Snuff

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Mr. Snuff Page 12

by Jon Athan

  Taylor whispered, “Russell...”

  As Taylor stared in utter awe, a group of similarly-dressed agents swarmed the room with their firearms drawn. From the other side of the facility, a SWAT team breached the opposite door. In his fit of rage, Russell was oblivious of his surroundings. He was only focused on killing the group of impostors in hopes of killing Andy Wu.

  Special Agent Curtis Jones stepped to Taylor's side with his handgun aimed at the group towards the center. Jones sniffled as he ran his fingers across his buzz cut dome, mystified by the discovery. His brown eyes were brimming with curiosity, glowing like the moon at night – a pair of hopeful, compassionate eyes.

  As he watched Russell's ferocious attacks from afar, Jones leaned towards Taylor and softly asked, “Is that Mr. Russell Wheeler?”

  Taylor slowly nodded, never taking his eyes off the target. Jones lifted his hand, then he waved – a wordless 'move forward' gesture. With their weapons drawn, the FBI agents encircled Russell and the partially nude men. Russell grunted and groaned as he continued the beatings. A wet, mushy sound ensued as the man's rag was doused in blood. As his agents surrounded the suspect, Jones stepped forward.

  In a stentorian tone, Jones said, “Mr. Wheeler, this is Agent Curtis Jones with the FBI. Drop your weapon and slowly move towards my voice. Do not make any sudden movements.” Russell stopped with the pistol over his head – blood dripping from the grip. Jones held a walkie-talkie to his mouth and said, “The suspect is armed.”

  Like if he had snapped out of a trance, Taylor shook his head and said, “Wait, Jones, give me a minute. Tell... Tell your men to stand down. I'll talk to him. I can handle this.”

  As Taylor walked forward, Jones scowled and asked, “What the hell are you doing, detective? Get back here.”

  Taylor disregarded the command. He sauntered towards the carnage. As Russell staggered to his feet and turned towards him, Taylor holstered his handgun, then he held his hands up in a peaceful gesture – I mean no harm.

  Russell was drenched in blood. His white skin was painted red. The blood streamed down his neck and soaked his torso. Beads of blood dribbled down his black leather jacket. He looked like he had recently emerged from a pool of blood – a whirlpool of savage madness had consumed him, only to spit him out moments later.

  Taylor said, “Mr. Wheeler, you can stop now. It's over. You've killed enough of them to avenge your daughter. That's what this was about, right? Vengeance? Well, you did it. Mission accomplished. Now, put the gun down and let's talk. Come on, you don't want these government guys to get in your business. Not like this.”

  With a wry smile, Russell huffed, then he said, “You can quit the act. We're not friends. Our paths would not have crossed if my daughter wasn't murdered. This...” Russell extended his arms away from his body like if he were welcoming a hug. He said, “All of this would not have happened if you stayed on your toes and worked faster. Now, I'm going to continue killing these men. I'll slaughter all of them... just to be sure. If you want to stop me, you're going to have to shoot me in the back. I welcome death at your hands, detective, because they're as dirty as mine.”

  With glum eyes, Taylor slowly shook his head and asked, “What are you talking about? I'm on your side. I've always been on your side. What's wrong? Huh? What happened? Talk to me, Mr. Wheeler. Please.”

  “No. You and your pig partners are corrupt! These fucking FBI agents are probably as corrupt as you! You're sick fucks like the rest of the goddamn world! You think a badge makes you immune to the temptation? Fuck that, it only makes temptation stronger. And you and your corrupt buddies bit the apple.”

  “Mr. Wheeler, I don't understand. I...”

  Russell jabbed his index finger at Taylor and barked, “You! You! It was you and your crew! You helped Wu kill my daughter! You helped him lead me here! It was... It was you.” Zany-eyed, Russell wiped the slobber and blood from his lips. He said, “I should be killing you... You should pay for Carrie's death... You... You...”

  Taylor took one step in reverse as his hand hovered over his holster. He said, “Mr. Wheeler, don't do anything rash. Whatever happened here, I'll get to the bottom of it. I'll make sure we catch Wu and everyone involved. Even if they work in the department, I'll find out and I'll lock them up. Please, don't make me do this.”

  As he shambled forward, Russell gritted his teeth and said, “You... It was you and the rest of your crew... All of you made this possible... All of you!”

  Russell screamed as he held the pistol over his head and hurtled towards Taylor. Taylor was locked in place. His training told him to shoot to kill, his heart told him to accept the punishment for another man's crime. Before he could reach Taylor, a hail of blazing bullets ripped through Russell's body. The bullets tore through his torso, arms, and legs. A single gunshot penetrated his throat.

  As the gunfire continued, Jones shouted, “Crossfire! Crossfire!”

  After fifteen seconds, the deafening gunshots ceased. Russell fell to his knees, then he tipped over to his side. Aiming his gun at Russell's bullet-riddled corpse, Jones slowly approached the scene. Taylor watched in utter awe, his trembling hand hovering over his holster. He did not fire a single round.


  Taylor knelt down five meters away from the crime scene. The area was a hectic bloodbath. Forensic examiners and special agents scurried about, documenting and collecting evidence as swiftly and efficiently as possible. There were fourteen bodies scattered across the area. Thirteen of the men died from head injuries. Due to the vicious beatings, most of the men were not immediately identifiable. One man died from sixteen gunshots – Russell Wheeler.

  Taylor stared at Russell's sealed eyelids and whispered, “I'm sorry, Mr. Wheeler. I should have caught him before all of this. I failed to catch him and I failed to save you. But, I will find him. I promise you, Russell, I'll find Mr. Wu and his gang and I'll make them all pay for this...”

  Gazing at the dead bodies, Jones strolled towards Taylor. His stern demeanor was perpetual. He was not perturbed or haunted by the savagery. From his long career as a government officer, he had seen it all before. Yet, he was still intrigued by the unique circumstances.

  Jones stopped in front of Taylor and said, “We have some good news and some bad news, detective.”

  Taylor sighed as he stood up. He continued to stare at Russell as he asked, “What is it?”

  “Well, the good news is: we were able to catch a few of Andy Wu's men during our initial sweep and none of these men were injured during the shooting. We should be able to retrieve some information from them.”

  Taylor scoffed, “That's not good news, Jones. Didn't you see these guys? They didn't move an inch. They stood there with bullets coming at them from every corner. What good is an interrogation going to do? Huh? They don't care if they live or die. You need to give me something better. Did we catch him? Did we finally catch Andy Wu on time? Give me some good news, man. Give me something to work with...”

  “That's the bad news, detective: there's nothing else to give. We didn't catch Andy Wu. We've swept through the facility. It's been cleaned. That man is long gone. But, he can't be far, so we'll track him down. Rest assured, we will catch him. He's not slipping through the cracks.”

  As his radio buzzed, Jones patted Taylor's shoulder, then he turned and answered the call. Taylor shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. He was dismayed by the unfortunate news – a father and a daughter slaughtered by a freed man's dastardly scheme. Andy's business was damaged, but he was alive and well. He escaped the clutches of vengeance. Taylor's contemplation was shattered.

  Jones said, “Taylor, follow me. We need you to verify something for us. More bad news...”

  Jones and Taylor jostled through the crowded emergency personnel. They turned the corner in the hall, then they approached a sturdy iron door. A message was scrawled across the door in red. The message read: Mr. Homicide. Jones stood at the doorway and beckoned to Taylor.

nbsp; As he entered the room, Taylor held his jacket to his wrinkled nose and gagged. The stench of death stained the air. The skinned corpse on the table was beyond any nightmare he had ever imagined. He glanced down at the man on the floor and shuddered. As he noticed the similarities, the detective furrowed his brow and tilted his head.

  Jones walked to Taylor's side and said, “I think you can identify him.”

  Jones motioned towards the neighboring agents – flip him over. As the agents grunted and groaned from the weight they carried, Taylor staggered in reverse and erratically blinked. He was shocked by the discovery. He was staring into the hollow, lifeless eyes of his partner – bulging eyes with missing eyelids.

  Taylor stuttered, “That–That's... That's Goodman. That's my partner.” He turned towards Jones and asked, “What is this? What the hell is going on here?”

  With his hands on his hips, Jones sighed, then he said, “Well, it seems like you had a mole in your department. A mole working with you and Andy Wu. Unfortunately, that means your entire department has been compromised.” Disappointed, Jones stared down at his boots and rubbed his forehead, lost in his thoughts. He murmured, “We'll have to contact the Attorney General about this... Shit...”

  Taylor nodded as the pieces fell into place. He finally understood Russell's final words – the statement of betrayal. Goodman abused his badge, he bit the apple and spiraled into his deviant desires. The department was compromised, tainted by a detective's actions. The people were compromised by their aberrant cravings.

  With a newfound sense of determination, Taylor said, “Whatever you need, I'll give it to you. I'll give you anything and everything, Jones, just say the word. Even if it goes up to the chief... I want to close the holes in the department. I want to find Andy Wu and bring justice to these people. All of them. And, I want to do it now. Say the word.”

  Jones was mystified by the sudden determination brimming in Taylor's glimmering eyes, but he gladly accepted it. Taylor was a source of sincerity and motivation – a source of honesty. He honored his position and took his role seriously. He was not like his corrupt peers. The detective was the perfect starting point to a wider investigation.

  Jones said, “Okay, okay. It's going to be a long operation. We should get started as soon as possible...”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Mr. Snuff Worldwide

  Lorraine Hughes sniffled and shivered as she vigorously rubbed her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes were veiled by a black blindfold. She couldn't see her environment, but she knew it was dark and ominous. The malevolent atmosphere smothered her, clogging her throat with anxiety and dread. She was filled with fear and uncertainty, but she did not dare remove the blindfold.

  Lorraine coughed, then she asked, “Is anyone there? Hello?”

  There was no response. Lorraine leaned back in her hardwood seat and patiently waited. She could feel eyes piercing into her soul and she could hear the indistinct murmuring judging her character. She was not alone in the void and she knew it very well. She could not put an exact number to the crowd, though.

  Lorraine's petite figure barely made the chair groan with her shuffling motions. She had feathery black hair with the left side shaved. Her resplendent hair dangled to the right. Her dark makeup could be seen around the blindfold. She wore a black leather jacket atop a plain gray top, tight black pants, and dilapidated black-and-white sneakers. She enjoyed the style, but she was not committed – she did not have excessive piercings or tattoos. (Her earlobes did not dangle down to her shoulders, at least.)

  Waiting with her thoughts, Lorraine hopped as light seeped through the blindfold. The illumination whisked away the surrounding shadows and penetrated the flimsy cloth. She could see the source directly ahead – a vibrant orb of light. Without tilting her head, Lorraine glanced downward, trying to catch a peek of her surroundings to no avail.

  Lorraine said, “I know you're there. What do you want from me?”

  A male responded, “Feel free to remove your blindfold.”

  Lorraine responded with a nod. She pulled the blindfold from her eyes, then she examined her surroundings. She could only see the desk in front of her and the man sitting behind the table – Andy Wu. Andy Wu smiled as he rolled his sleeves up, neatly folding his crisp white button-up shirt. He charmed his captive with a corporate smile – a sly PR grin. Two men in black cloaks and masks stood beside Andy – one to his left, one to his right. Lorraine couldn't see anything else in the room.

  The young woman crossed her arms and asked, “What do you want from me?”

  Andy responded, “Perhaps I should introduce myself before we begin. My name is Andy Wu. I am a businessman. An entrepreneur, if you will. I seize opportunities and swim in riches. It is my talent. Today, I come to you seeking to expand my riches and my talent by expanding my reach.”

  “You didn't 'come to me.' You brought me to you. I was... I was working and you called me under false pretenses. I don't appreciate all of this secrecy and these... these theatrics. So, mister, let's get to the point: what the hell do you want from me?”

  Andy smirked and said, “You're a plucky one, but you are correct. I called you to fix a computer, but I actually need you to create a network. I've heard about you. I've heard about the classes you completed, your programming and networking knowledge. I know you're skilled. Great skills are paid great money.”

  Lorraine furrowed her brow and asked, “What exactly are you asking me to do here, mister?”

  “You can call me 'Andy.' I won't beat around the bush any further, Ms. Hughes. I am the producer of the highest quality snuff films. Yes, I create 'murder porn.' Real murder porn. I'm ready to expand. I sold on tapes and discs, selling through rental shops and couriers, but I'm ready to reach a new audience. I want you to create a network for my industry. An impenetrable online fortress for my business. That's what I want.”


  “Why? Questions like that are the reason there aren't many successful entrepreneurs around. You should be asking: Why not? I mean, there are many reasons for this course of action, sweetie. Money, of course, leads the pack. The United States is a rich consumer of the deviant arts, but there's much more out there. Japan, Korea, Russia, Mexico... Hell, I even want to take it back to the homeland. In order to do this safely, however, I need an internet expert like yourself. Someone without ties to the government or any law enforcement. A person without a mark.”

  Lorraine grimaced from the disgust as she gazed at the filthy floor beneath her grungy shoes. She could only ponder her misstep – how did I end up here? She could not answer the question herself and Andy's explanation was not satisfactory. She had the urge to blurt a stern 'no,' but the word lost its meaning away from civilization – 'no' meant 'yes.'

  Lorraine asked, “What if I don't do it? What if I... What if I just go home and forget about all of this?”

  As his associates chuckled beneath their masks, Andy said, “Well, if you don't do it, you certainly won't be returning home. No, you'll be the star of one of my special films. Then, I'll move on to the next candidate. Don't worry, either, I have many lead roles waiting to be filled. I'm sure we'll find something good for you. You say 'no' to this offer, I take it as a 'yes' to my movie proposition. You say 'yes' to this offer, then we both become rich and live happily ever after. It's that simple. What do you say?”

  “Can't you find someone else? Why do you need to drag me into this? I'm not looking for trouble, I don't want to get involved in this snuff crap. It's not my... my style. I just... Shit, why me? Why'd you pick me?”

  Andy shrugged, then he explained, “You were at the top of the list. I found you... I chose you because I know you can do this. I can find people like you because I can buy information from anyone. There's always a corrupt man in a position of power. You only have to throw the bait and see which man bites first. You don't pick the person you have to reel in, you pick the person eagerly following the line. At the same time, considering the 'seve
rity' of my business, I can't have them look the other way at all times. I can't hire a government specialist, no matter how willing, as it would create more trails. I don't want that.”

  Andy paused and shook his head. He reminisced about the past, pondering the flaws in his business. Russell Wheeler crippled his industry, but he couldn't help but blame himself for the faults in his business. He regretted allowing Russell to live for so long.

  Andy said, “Even in a small area, a small region, the trails were found by a former gangster. A thug had the connections to penetrate my armor. He was unusually persistent, but it could certainly happen again. I want to close the gaps in my defense. I want to become self-reliant. I don't want to rely on delivery boys when I can rely on delivery servers, if you will. A man's lips will flap at the first sign of danger, a network is only as loose as the person who creates it. This is your final opportunity. Join me or join the cast.”

  Awed by the speech, Lorraine gazed into Andy's glowing eyes. She could see a pinch of deceit in his eyes. The two brawny men beside the businessman also frightened her. The pair didn't help her make an easy decision. As far as she could see, there were only two options on the table: a lavish life or a dreadful death.

  Lorraine swallowed the lump in her throat, like swallowing a can of tuna, then she said, “Fine. I'll... I'll help you create the network. I'll need some resources and some assistance, but I think I can get the job done. Sure, it shouldn't be a problem. I'll work with you as long as you work with me. Wealth over death, it seems fair...”

  Andy leaned back in his seat, crossing his legs and nodding. With a sly smirk plastered on his face, he said, “Good. Great. Fantastic. I was hoping we could take this route. The easy way is usually the best way. I know that from experience and I think you know it, too. Together, we will build an empire. We will reach unimaginable riches. Together, we will take the industry to new heights. It's time to go online, it's time to go worldwide...”


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