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TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2)

Page 15

by Alexi Ferreira

  “One month?” she asks as she looks over her shoulder at me. I nod and kiss her shoulder again. She frowns, but then she nods and smiles. “In one month, I will be completely yours.”

  “Don’t be mistaken, Raven. You’re already completely mine. The wedding is just so that we can make it official.” She parts her lips to talk, but I place my finger over them. “Go to sleep, angel. Stop arguing with me.” She huffs but then quietens and relaxes once again in my arms. When I hear her shallow breaths, I slide out of the bed. Pulling up the sheet, I cover her beautiful naked body. Bending over, I pick up my boxers and put them on, making my way out of the room. Opening Luke’s door, I see him sitting in his cot, talking to himself.

  “Are you still awake?” When he hears my voice, a wide smile splits his face in joy. “Did your mama wake you up? I think I’m going to need some soundproofing done in our room,” I say as I bend down and tweak his nose.

  “Daddy, play,” he says, and then yawns.

  “I think that is the last thing you need right now. It’s time to sleep, not play.” I pick him up and draw him against my chest. “I will read you a story. Would you like that?”

  “Ead stowy,” he says happily, which makes me smile. Walking to his bookshelf, I pull out one of the books there and walk to the rocking chair with him. Sitting, I place him on my lap, and instantly, he lays his head against my chest. By the look of things, I won’t have to read for long, because it’s clear he’s tired but he’s fighting it.

  I start to read the story about a farmer and soon hear Luke breathing deeply. Even though I know he’s asleep, I continue reading, enjoying the feel of my son in my arms. Knowing that my son and my woman are safe gives me peace. I will kill a hundred times and die if need be to protect them. They are all that is good in me, and I will make sure to keep it that way.

  After putting Luke back in his cot, I silently make my way back to our room and find Raven spread across the bed, which makes me smile and shake my head. Taking off my boxers, I slide back into bed, pulling her into my arms.

  “Nik?” she murmurs.

  “Shh, go back to sleep.” She mumbles something but then quietens once again. I close my eyes and smile. Raven is argumentative and stubborn, but I wouldn’t have her any other way. I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face as I think of my woman.

  A couple hours later, I am awoken by the sound of my phone vibrating on the bedside table. Stretching out my arm, I pick it up before Raven wakes up with the sound. Looking down at her head on my chest, a feeling of contentment fills me as I see her sleep. I look over at my phone and see that it’s Vlad who called. I know Vlad wouldn’t call unless there was something urgent.

  Gently lifting Raven off me, I slip off the bed and make my way to the living room. Dialling Vlad’s number, I don’t have to wait, as he answers immediately. “Nik, I think I have found the person who let Bjorn into the building. I need you downstairs. Can you make it now?”


  He disconnects the call at my confirmation, and I grunt as I rub my face. We have been trying to figure out how Bjorn and his men got into the building and how they found out that we were going after Bjorn that night. I move silently through the apartment as I get ready. Before I leave, I approach the bed and squat down so that I’m eye level with Raven. Leaning forward, I kiss her gently on the forehead before I stand.

  “Nik?” she murmurs, her eyes opening in confusion.

  “It’s okay, Angel. Go back to sleep. I have to go out and meet Vlad,” I murmur as I lean down and stroke her hair.

  “Love you,” she mumbles as she closes her eyes. Her words wrap around my heart, filling me with a feeling of rightness.

  “Love you too, angel,” I murmur quietly so as not to disturb her again. I can hear by her shallow breaths that she has fallen asleep again. Before leaving the apartment, I check on Luke and then make my way downstairs to meet Vlad. I’m surprised to find Alexey also there, but knowing how upset he was about one of the Bratva Fury helping Bjorn infiltrate our head office, it’s no wonder Vlad called him too.

  “Before we go in, I want to update you on how we found this lead,” Vlad says. “One of Dimitri’s men found a recording of Trent talking to Bjorn’s man.” At the name, I tense. Trent is Sylvia’s son. Why would he be involved in something like this? Alexey has the same reaction, because he swears when he hears the name.

  “Are you fucking sure, Vlad?” Alexey snaps. “I don’t want to blame him if we’re not one hundred percent sure.” Sylvia is like a mother to all of us. The last thing any of us would want is to hurt her.

  “I insisted on listening to the recording, brat. It was him,” Vlad states. “I don’t want it to be true either. That’s why I asked Nik here. We need to get to the bottom of this.” I nod, knowing what Vlad is asking. He wants information but not necessarily Trent hurt.

  “If he did this, I will kill him myself,” Alexey grunts angrily as we make our way inside. At our entrance, I see Trent tense. I notice that he hasn’t been cuffed but is nervously standing against the wall.

  “Boss, what is happening?” he asks as he approaches Alexey, his eyes doting from Alexey to Vlad to me.

  “Sit down, Trent,” Vlad growls, which has Trent immediately complying with the command. What I’m noticing is his twitchiness. He’s either nervous and hiding something, or he’s on drugs. I hope to fuck he isn’t on drugs, because the boss has no mercy for his men if they’re on drugs. Alexey looks over at me and nods, giving me the go-ahead.

  “Trent, how do you know the Blood Bratva?” At my question, I see him pale.

  “Bloo . . . Blood Bratva?” he stutters, looking nervously at all three of us. “They’re another Bratva family in Russia.”

  I walk towards him and see him swallow. “Not who they are but how do you know them?” I ask. “And before you think of lying, remember it will be worse if you lie.” At my question, I see the perspiration start to appear on his forehead and upper lip, a sure sign that he’s guilty. By Vlad’s and Alexey’s tense bodies, I can tell that they also know.

  “I, um . . . I don’t really know the Blood Bratva. Just one of them,” he reveals.

  “And how do you know him?” I ask with a raised brow as I walk behind him. His head snaps around, following my footsteps.

  “Um, I met him at a nightclub.”

  “What kind of a relationship do you have?” I ask as I approach some plyers on the wall. I see his eyes widen, and then his foot starts to tap nervously on the ground.

  “Relationship?” he asks. “No relationship.”

  “Are you sure you want to say that?” I ask with a raised brow as I look back over my shoulder at him. “Because I think you have some kind of friendship with him.”

  “I didn’t know it was forbidden to talk to other Bratvas,” he says with a frown.

  “It’s not forbidden, but it depends on what exactly you spoke about with him,” I state as I turn back to him with the plyers in my hand. “Did he ever ask you about any information in regard to what we were doing?” The perspiration is now running down his neck in nervousness.

  “Um, I don’t remember. I don’t think so,” he says, but his eyes are downcast.

  Walking up to him, I slap the back of his head, getting his attention back to me. “Are you going to start lying now?” I ask as I lift the plyers and bring it closer to his face.

  “No, no . . . please,” he pleads as he stretches away from me in his chair. “I had to.” His eyes move towards Alexey. “I’m sorry, boss, but I had to. They threatened my family if I didn’t help them.”

  “Why didn’t you come to us if they threatened your family?” Alexey asks.

  “I couldn’t.” I can see his hands shaking as they fist on his legs.

  I place my hand on top of his, pressing down so that he can’t move it, and then with the other hand, I pull up the sleeve of his jacket. “Vlad, untie the sleeve button.”

  “Wait, what are you doing?” He starts to struggle,
but Vlad places his hand on his shoulder and holds him down while he tears at the buttons on the sleeve. When we finally pull up the sleeve, the track marks are evident.

  “This is why you betray us?” Alexey asks as he points at his arms. “You nearly got Dimitri and Nik killed because of your addiction.”

  “Please, please . . .” he sobs. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have a choice.”

  “You’re wrong. You did have a choice. I’m the one who is sorry because I don’t have a choice,” Alexey states. He then looks at me and nods before he turns and leaves. Trent starts to sob, pleading for Alexey to spare him, but Alexey leaves without looking back again. I let go of his arm and move behind him.

  Vlad steps before him and bends down so that he’s at eye level with him. “The thing that makes me angrier is that this is going to make Silvia suffer, and she doesn’t deserve that.” He straightens again and then looks at me.

  “Please,” Trent pleads just before I snap his neck.

  “Fucker,” Vlad snaps. “He’s lucky his mother is loved, or I would make him suffer.” Usually if we find a traitor, we make him suffer before we kill him. He was lucky to get away with a quick death. “Now I have to lie to his mother and say the motherfucker was killed by one of our rivals.” Vlad shakes his head in annoyance.

  We prepare him to be taken by one of our cleaners, covering him up so that no one sees who it is. A couple hours later, I am finally sliding into bed again after showering and cleaning the stench of death from my body. Pulling Raven into my arms, I wait for that feeling of peace to fill my soul as I hold the light to my darkness in my arms. When I finally fall asleep, my thoughts are filled with my woman and not the horror of the evening.

  RAVEN 20

  I’m so nervous. It has been exactly a month since Nik told me that we were getting married in a month’s time and not a day longer. Jade and her mother have helped me with all the preparations. Sylvia has participated, but she’s still mourning her son who was killed by a rival. The sorrow and pain that she must be feeling brings tears to my eyes when I think of the possibility of losing Luke someday.

  Nik left all the decisions to me. He said that as long as he was with me, he didn’t care what kind of ceremony I wanted. He did argue about not sleeping with me last night, though he gave in when I didn’t budge. He told me that this was the last night he wasn’t sleeping with me, so I mustn’t get any ideas. I smile when I think of the kiss he gave me before he left, taking Luke with him.

  Luke has become more attached to his father than I thought possible. He follows Nik everywhere when they’re together. It’s touching the patience Nik has with him, teaching him everything. I did have to put my foot down when I walked in on Nik training and caught Luke trying to imitate his dad. Every time Nik punched the boxing bag, Luke would punch. Every time Nik would kick the bag, Luke would raise his leg and kick the air too.

  From that day, we agreed that Luke wouldn’t accompany him to training. I want Luke to live as long as possible without violence, and I know that in this life, he will learn sooner or later, but I would rather it was later, much later. I know that it’s a good idea for him to learn how to defend himself, but he’s just a baby. There is still lots of time.

  “How are you feeling?” Jade asks as she walks into the room. I smile when I see her wobbling towards me. It’s surprising that she doesn’t have one of her guards with her. If it’s not Alexey, it’s Nik or Vlad or Dimitri or Andre. Since her time has started to approach, Alexey has insisted that she be accompanied at all times.

  “Why don’t you take a seat? I think I’m doing better than you,” I state, and she grimaces.

  “You might be right. I’m as big as a house. My feet are swollen, and the men in my life are driving me crazy,” she grumbles.

  “Well, look at the bright side. They let you come here alone,” I tease, and her eyebrow rises.

  “Andre is in the sitting room,” she quips, which makes me laugh. “I’m telling you, if I don’t have this baby soon, Alexey is going to have a coronary the way he stresses.” She shakes her head and then shrugs. “Enough about me. You haven’t answered my question. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m a little nervous,” I confess, “but excited too. I’m finally going to marry Nik.”

  “Yes, and from what I hear, he’s just as nervous,” she says with a smile.

  “Really?” I ask, surprised. I have never seen Nik nervous about anything in all the time I have known him.

  “Okay, I don’t know,” she confesses with a shrug, “but it would be nice to see him nervous. I would like to see something break that composure of his.” She playfully pouts, making me laugh at her playfulness.

  “Well, I better start getting ready, or I’m going to be late, and that might just make him a little nervous.”

  At my words, Jade smiles devilishly. “Well, then, why hurry? Take a seat next to me. Let’s chat about the weather,” she teases, which makes me shake my finger at her.

  “Stop trying to get under my future husband’s skin,” I tease as I open the door to my walk-in closet and bring out my wedding dress. I insisted on a dress that was simple but sexy, something I could use again, and to my pleasure, we found the right dress. It’s a little pearl number that hugs my figure in all the right places. It comes down to just above my knees, with a plunging neckline that I know will keep Nik’s eyes on my breasts for the whole evening.

  Because of Nik’s position in the Bratva Fury, we had to invite quite a few of his acquaintances and their families, which in the end, added up to quite a lot of people, more than I ever wanted, but what’s important to me is that it be a day we both remember for the rest of our lives.

  “Have you seen Luke today?” I ask as I look over my shoulder at Jade and see her shake her head in denial.

  “No, but my mom told me that Sylvia went over to arrange them breakfast, so don’t worry, everything is fine.” At her words, I smile, wondering if Nik had a good breakfast, because I couldn’t eat a single thing with nerves.

  “Do you know if the flowers arrived on time to the church?” I see her frown and then shake her head.

  “Why are you worrying about that now? Get ready and don’t worry.” Lowering her voice, she whispers loudly, “Do you really think that anyone would willingly mess up anything to do with Nik’s wedding? They would be too scared about our men’s wrath.” I know she’s teasing, but what she says is true. Since coming to live with Nik, I have noticed how people go out of their way to please us.

  I know it’s not only because Nik is part of the mafia, but because of what Nik does for the mafia. I also know that I’m not supposed to know anything that is happening, because it is safer for me, but since we started learning Russian, I have started to pick up on little things. I know that the men don’t think we know enough to catch on to certain things, but there’s a few conversations that I have been able to make out what they’re saying.

  I haven’t heard anything incriminating, and to be truthful, I hope I never do, but it’s so good to be able to know what they are talking about.

  There’s a knock on the door, and then it opens and Jade’s mother walks in. “Good morning, sweetheart,” she says as she kisses Jade on the forehead, and then turning to me, she smiles. “Are you ready for your big day?”

  “Yes,” I say with a splitting smile.

  “Well, then, let’s get you ready.” After that, there wasn’t a minute to stop and think. I was dressed, my makeup and hair was done, and I was ready to leave the apartment before I knew it. We make our way to the basement of the building with Andre and Ivan accompanying us. We are escorted to one of the Mustangs. Sliding into the back, I sit with Jade on my right and Sofia, Jade’s mom, on my left. Each woman takes one of my hands as we drive.

  “You look beautiful,” Andrei says as he looks in the rear-view mirror and winks at me.

  “Should I tell Nik that you are flirting with his bride?” Jade teases Andrei, which makes him chuckle.

  “Not if you want me to carry on breathing,” he quips.

  “He wouldn’t hurt you,” I defend, and Andrei’s eyebrows rise.

  “Trust me, when it comes to you, he will kill. Every man knows that you are off limits, but that is the way it should be. You are his woman; no other man should be looking at you.”

  I hear Jade huff. Looking at her, I see her roll her eyes. “Forgive them. They still live in the stone ages,” she mumbles, which has me laughing. A few minutes later, we arrive at the church. I see the Bratva men standing around the grounds, and even though I can’t see any weapons, I know that they are there to guard everyone inside and that they are fully armed.

  Andrei opens one back door, and Ivan opens the other. Jade and Sofia slide out, and then it’s my turn. Sliding out of the car, I see Alexey approaching, his eyes roving over Jade. When he draws close, he says something to her and then kisses her forehead before approaching me and giving me his arm. He must have seen the look of surprise on my face, because he smiles. “You can’t walk down the aisle by yourself. Would you do me the honour?”

  I can feel tears fill my eyes. “Thank you,” I say, emotion filling my voice.

  “No thanks needed. You are going to be part of our family now.” With those words, he starts to guide me up the path. Jade and her mother walk before us as we enter the church. My eyes focus on Nik, who is standing next to the priest, Luke standing next to him, his hand in his father’s. I can feel myself smile when I see him in his little suit, looking just like his father.

  My eyes move back to Nik, and I find myself blushing when I see his eyes focused on my exposed chest, and he frowns. I know he loves my breasts, but he doesn’t like other men seeing them no matter how covered they are. When we approach Nik, he steps forward as Sofia takes Luke’s hand. Alexey says something to him that I don’t catch before he places my hand on his. The ceremony passes in mere minutes, and then it’s time for the vows.


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