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Page 14

by L. M. Pruitt

  “In a minute.” He nodded at the server winding her way through the empty tables, fresh-faced and bright and shiny as a new penny. Shooting her a smile guaranteed to melt all but the coldest heart, he said, “Well, hey there, Joanne. You ready for school to start next week?”

  “Oh, uh. Um.” Joanne looked more than a little dazzled and I couldn’t blame her. I was certain I’d become all but immune to his charm but I was feeling a little light-headed myself at the moment. Fumbling with her pen and notepad, she said, “Uh, yes, Mr. Hansom, I, uh, yes.”

  “I’ve told you to call me ‘Abraham’, Joanne.” His smile widened and he glanced at me. “We’re cousins of some sort, second or third, I believe.”

  “Abraham.” I reached over and patted his cheek. “Dial back the charm, will you? You’re embarrassing the poor girl.” I shifted my attention to Joanne, her face flushed with bright red color. “Don’t worry, honey. I have the same reaction when he catches me off guard. I’ll take a sweet tea, please.”

  “I’ll do the same and we’ll both have the filet, medium rare, baked potato, and green beans.” Abraham continued to beam at her, which only served to make me more suspicious. “Thanks so much, Joanne.”

  As soon as she stumbled out of earshot, I said, “What was that?”

  “Me ordering for both of us? Probably a little presumptuous but I know you eat all those things.”

  “Yes, but I generally don’t eat steak at lunch, especially when I have work to do.” I groaned, already anticipating the food coma I’d find myself in after a few hours. “And I have so much work to do, both for the magazine and for the move.”

  “So you’ll take a nap and then straighten out whatever problem you’re having with the magazine and spend the evening cleaning out dresser drawers or whatever you do when you move.” He nudged my thighs open wider and I realized he still had the mysterious object in his hand. “And I’ll spend the afternoon and evening pouring drinks and doing paperwork and trying to book a band for next Friday night because parents always want to go out and get wasted after the first week of school.”

  “Abraham.” I sucked in a short, sharp breath when he brushed his fingertips over the folds of my cunt. It took only a few seconds of careful, deliberate manipulation before I was wet and aching. Exhaling in one long, slow breath, I said, “Do you really think this is the best place to do that?”

  “No.” He pressed his palm flat against me, using his fingers to push something small and oval shaped inside me. Sliding his hand out from under my dress and resting it on my knee, he said, “I do, however, think it’s the best place to do this.”

  Before I could ask what he meant, the object inside me started to pulse, soft and slow, almost like a heartbeat.

  Leaning in and propping my chin on his shoulder, I whispered, “A remote control vibrator? Really?”

  “What?” His smile was bright and innocent but the look in his eyes... well, it might not tempt an angel but I had a feeling a saint or two would fall if he turned it on them. “I told you there were things I wanted to show you. This is one of them.”

  “I hate to break it to you, this is far from the first vibrator I’ve had inside me.” True, I preferred actual dick, but I’d been in plenty of towns where it would have taken far more than a few shots to make me willing enough to fuck anybody there. I’d have had to subject myself to alcohol poisoning. I did my best to return his smile although I was sure mine was a .little tight around the edges. “Sorry, darling—not impressed.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ve had experience with toys before.” He cocked his head, the expression on his face turning more cherubic even as his eyes darkened with desire. “Still, I don’t think your experience is of the public kind. And I’m also certain you’re not familiar with edging.”

  “What’s—.” I broke off as Joanne approached the table, the two glasses of tea on her tray keeping company with two glasses of water. As soon as she set down the first glass, I picked it up and took a long sip, barely tasting the tea but sure it was sweet enough. Catching her concerned frown, I said, “Sorry. Really thirsty.”

  “No worries.” Setting the last glass down, she turned to Abraham. “The chef said to let you know since we just opened it’s going to be about thirty minutes or so before the baked potatoes are ready so your total wait time will be about forty minutes.”

  “That’s perfectly fine.” Abraham squeezed my knee. “I haven’t seen my girlfriend in a few days so I don’t mind spending some extra time with her.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll keep an eye on your glasses, stop by in a bit to see if you need any refills.” Joanne gave me one last look before turning and wandering away, no doubt to tell her coworkers about how weird I was acting.

  “Okay, I’ll bite.”

  “Not in public, darling.” Abraham leaned over and pressed his lips to my temple. “People might talk.”

  “Funny guy.” I, on the other hand, wasn’t feeling very humorous at the moment, not with the little egg vibrating away merrily inside me, my cunt getting wetter with each passing second. I dug my nails in to the top of his hand, sucking in a hissing breath when he squeezed my knee in return. “What’s edging?”

  “It’s pretty much what it sounds like—I take you all the way to an edge of an orgasm.” He turned up the speed on the vibrator, a small smile playing around the edges of his lips when I made a low sound in the back of my throat. The instant before I would have come, he shut the vibrator off, chuckling when I gasped. “And then it stops.”

  “Oh, that’s just evil.” I flicked my tongue over my lips, not surprised at the faint tremor in my hand when I reached for the glass of water in front of me. “And how long do you plan on doing this thing? The edging?”

  “All through lunch.” His smile grew wider. “And then all the way to the bar.” The smile turned in to a full out grin. “And then maybe a little longer.”

  “So you’re planning on torturing me for a couple of hours.” I leaned my head back against the booth, drawing in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. “Sounds like a super fun afternoon.”

  He laughed. “Eventually.”


  I survived lunch.


  There were a few moments where I thought my heart might give out and I was certain when I looked at my palms I’d find deep marks where I’d dug in my nails, hoping the pain would clear my head and keeping me from making a fool of myself.

  It didn’t work.

  If anything, the minute pain put me that much closer to the proverbial edge.

  By the time Abraham paid the bill and led me outside, I was a shaking, sweaty, quivering mess and I was certain our server thought I was either coming down with the flu or something equally as bad. The second we were both in the car, I reached over, grabbed the front of his shirt, and yanked him toward me until we were nose to nose. “I swear to Jesus, if you don’t let me come the minute we’re in your apartment, I’m going to kill you.”

  “It’s a good thing I’m not really in to the lifestyle because that sort of talk would ensure you didn’t get what you wanted.” He kissed the tip of my nose before lifting one hand and peeling away my fingers, kissing each one individually. Settling back in his seat, he said, “Seatbelt, please. It would be downright awful if we got pulled over on our way to the bar and had to waste fifteen, twenty minutes trying to talk our way out of a ticket.”

  “It would serve you right if I spent the entire drive sucking your cock only to stop as soon as we got there.” I got a small, petty thrill when some of the amusement drained from his face and he swallowed. “Not a big fan of having the shoe on the other foot, are you?”

  “Having experienced the wonderment of your mouth, I’d say that would be a pretty suitable punishment for doing nothing but teasing you for the last two hours.”

  “You’re the one who decided to order dessert.”

  “I did, however, get it to-go.” He nodded at the small box on the seat between us.
“I have plans for those strawberries, by the way.”

  “And here I thought you were too much of a rebel for something as clichés as strawberries and chocolate.” When he snorted, I laughed. “Okay, so not chocolate. Champagne?”

  “Better than champagne.”

  “I don’t think tequila really goes with strawberries, unless you’re talking about a flavored margarita.”

  “You’re going to break my heart if you tell me you actually drink things like that.”

  “Tequila is tequila.” I sucked in a shaky breath when he turned on the vibrator yet again. Slanting him a look out of the corner of my eye, I said, “When you’re begging here in a minute, no crying. Or crashing the car.”

  “Not to take anything away from you—because you have an amazing mouth—but it’s going to take more than a blowjob for me to beg. Or wreck the car.” Still, he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, flicking his tongue over his lips as I adjusted my seatbelt until I was able to lean over and rest my chin on his thigh. “Are you sure you want to start something like this when we’re in town?”

  “Oh, now you’re concerned with the possibility of being caught in a deviant act in public.” I turned my head, blowing a steady stream of air over the tempting bulge a few inches away. “Don’t worry, Mr. Upstanding Citizen. I’m not even remotely that brazen. I’m just biding my time.”

  “Right.” He spread his legs a little wider and I chuckled. “Uh, so, what was the issue with the magazine?”

  “Which one?” I stretched over a little further, pressing a light kiss to the front of his pants. “There’ve been a few.”

  “The one you were annoyed about when I got to the restaurant.”

  “How do you know I was annoyed? And even if I was, why would you think it had anything to do with the magazine?” Judging by the slight increase in speed and the lack of stopping, I was willing to bet we were either out of the town proper or close enough for government work. Wetting my lips, I shifted until I was able to grasp his zipper with my teeth, dragging it down slowly. As I’d expected, my party trick—and by party, I meant party of two—had him sucking in his breath and exhaling out a curse. “You good up there?”

  “Yeah. Wonderful.” He rested one hand on the top of my head, twirling a lock of hair around his finger. “And I know you were annoyed because you get this little crease between your brows. And you purse your lips in a half pout.”

  “Hmm.” Later, I’d have to wonder how he was already so familiar with my facial expressions. Right now, I was a little busy exacting payback for the last couple of hours. Even though my mouth was watering, I didn’t immediately pull out his cock. Instead, I continued to breathe slow, steady breaths through the gap in his pants, chuckling again as his cock hardened even further. “Just a little hiccup with one of the new hires. I’ll give her another chance to turn in an article worth running. If she can’t come up with something by Monday, I’ll have to do a quick write up to make sure we have enough copy.”

  “Is there any, uh, reason, why her work isn’t worth printing?” His voice might have been a half octave or so higher, breathy and a little shaky, but his hand on my head was still steady. “I’m assuming it’s more than some editing problems.”

  “We can talk about it later.” I’d wanted to tease him, the way he’d teased me. It seemed only fair. But this close to his cock, I couldn’t hold myself back. I scooted over a little further, shifting until I was able to ease his cock free of his pants, sucking my lower lip between my teeth as I studied the long, thick shaft. “You’re going to want to concentrate on the road now, darling.”

  I flicked my tongue around the head, the precum salty and sweet. Taking a deep breath through my nose, I slid more of his cock in my mouth, stroking the underside of his shaft with my tongue. In this position, I couldn’t take more than a third but if the flexing of his fingers in my hair was any clue, it was more than enough. I wanted to see his face, to watch what I did to him, but I’d have to settle for listening to his labored breathing, for feeling the muscles in his thigh jumping under my cheek.

  I crossed my legs, clenching my own thighs as the dull throb of the vibrator turned in to a series of quick pulses. In response, I increased the suction on his cock, tapping my tongue on the small hole steadily leaking precum. When he tightened his grip in my hair, all but yanking me up to a sitting position, I winced, his cock slipping free on a pained gasp. “Abraham.”

  “I lied.” His eyes were wide and more than a little wild, a thin line of sweat sliding down the side of his face, a single drop hanging from his jaw before dripping on his shirt. “Before. About a blowjob not being enough to make me beg. I lied.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t have to look in a mirror to know my smile was more than a little wicked. Unbuckling my seat belt, I slid over, propping my chin on his shoulder and taking his ear between my teeth for a quick bite. Slicking my tongue over the red skin to soothe the ache, I said, “Well, as long as you don’t wreck the car. I’ll admit, I’m growing a little fond of this front seat.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He flexed his fingers on the steering wheel yet again, his knuckles ghost white. “I’m thinking about taking it out and having it cast in bronze. Put up a plaque commemorating the out of this world sex we’ve had on it.”

  “Now, there’s no need to go overboard.” I dropped one hand to his lap, clasping his cock and stroking slowly—just enough to keep him on edge. It seemed only fair, considering he was still playing with the controls on the vibrator. “Fucking on a bronze seat would be more than a little uncomfortable.”

  “You may have a point there.” He nudged the car up to about ten miles over the speed limit and I sent up a quick prayer that Sheriff Underwood wasn’t working out this way. “I’m still considering the plaque, though. Under the seat, where nobody can see it except for you or me.”

  “Nice to know you expect to be on your knees at some point.” I sigh in relief when he finally killed the vibrator, closing my eyes and pressing a kiss to his throat. “Oh, thank God.”

  “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that isn’t my name.” He wrapped one hand around my wrist, squeezing gently. “I stopped. That means you do, too.”

  “Oh, fine.” I stopped stroking but I didn’t let go, his cock hot and heavy in my hand. “How much farther?”

  “A half mile or so. No more than two minutes.” Releasing my wrist, he reached under my dress, easing two fingers inside my cunt and gripping the small vibrator, pulling it out slowly. “Jesus, Jeannie. I’m surprised you didn’t leave a wet spot on the booth.”

  “You and me both.” As much as I’d hated having the little egg shaped device inside me, now that it was gone I felt empty. “We’re not going to make it to your apartment.”

  “Oh, yes, we are.” He turned the car in to the short drive leading from the road to the bar. Parking next to the back door, he unfastened his seat belt, glancing at the box of strawberries I’d pushed to the floor while sucking his cock. “Grab those. We’re going to need them later.”

  “Oh, yes, Mr. Hansom.” The over the top, put upon breathiness in my voice shifted in to a genuine squeal when he dragged me face down over his lap, yanked my dress up to my waist, and delivered five sharp smacks to my ass. “Damn it, Abraham, that hurt.”

  “Good.” He hauled me upright, devouring my mouth with his for long seconds before pulling back. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you what hearing you call me ‘Mr. Hansom’ does to me.” He rubbed one ass cheek and then the other with his palm, gliding one finger down the crease between them. “Gets me all worked up. Makes me want to do things to you which might be considered a little... unorthodox.”

  “Mr. Hansom.” I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from gasping when he dug his fingers in to one ass cheek. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, I lifted one brow and said, “If you think you’re going to shock me by implying you want to fuck my ass, you’re very, very wrong.”

  “Oh, Jeannie
Jackson.” I wouldn’t say he melted against me. If anything, his cock, pressed between our stomachs, grew even harder. But he sighed, long and deep, pulling me in for a kiss that had everything inside me going soft and liquid. He drew back, not really breaking the kiss, and murmured, “I swear to Jesus, if you get any more perfect, I’m gonna have to go back to Savannah and get the biggest diamond ring I can find.”

  “I’m not sure if you’re trying to praise me or scare the devil out of me.” Although the idea of wearing his ring didn’t make me quite as panicky and nauseous as it should have. Blaming that little oddity on the hormones currently swamping every inch of me, I cleared my throat and said, “So are we going inside or are we going to christen the car again?”

  “You can’t really christen something twice.” He opened the door, sliding out and pulling me with him, leaning back in long enough to grab my purse and the box of strawberries he was apparently obsessed with. Glancing at me, he said, “As much as I love the view, you should probably pull your dress down in case one of the regulars is lurking around, trying to convince me to open early.”

  “Says the man with his cock hanging out for all the world to see.” Still, I wiggled my dress down over my hips, casting furtive looks around the parking lot. There weren’t any other cars but that didn’t mean somebody desperate for a drink hadn’t decided to hoof it out here. “What time do you open?”

  “In theory, at five, but it’s not really set in stone.” Shutting the door with his hip, he took my hand, leading me toward the back door. “If I had another bartender, we could stay in bed until tomorrow morning.”

  “Either you think a lot of your stamina or you think a lot of mine.” I leaned against the building as he fished in his pocket for his keys, swinging one leg absently as I studied the fields spreading out in to the distance. “Who takes care of the farm, with your father being paralyzed and you with your own business?”

  “There’s a crew year round who take care of the basics and I hire on extra hands during the planting and harvesting season.” He glanced over his shoulder, his brow creasing in a tiny frown. “Reminds me, I need to call Josiah tomorrow, tell him to start looking for people for the fall. Harvest was good last year—should be better this year.”


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